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Object Oriented Programming and Data

Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Object Oriented Programming and Data

1. Overview of C++ - Answer (click here)
2. The structure of a C++ program - Answer (click here)
3. Variables - Answer (click here)
4. Initializion - Answer (click here)
5. Overloading - Answer (click here)
6. Container Class - Answer (click here)
7. Static members of a C++ class - Answer (click here)
8. Static Function Members - Answer (click here)
9. Dynamic memory allocation - Answer (click here)
10. Dynamic memory in C - Answer (click here)
11. The Class Constructor - Answer (click here)
12. The Class Destructor - Answer (click here)
13. Variables Initialization - Answer (click here)
14. Functions taking References Parameters - Answer (click here)
15. Scope and Accessing Class Members - Answer (click here)
16. Default Memberwise Assignment - Answer (click here)
17. Structures - Answer (click here)
18. Important Questions and Answers: Data Abstraction & Overloading -
Answer (click here)


1. Inheritance - Answer (click here)
2. Dynamic Binding - Answer (click here)
3. Public, Private, Protected inheritance - Answer (click here)
4. This Pointer - Answer (click here)
5. Abstract classes - Answer (click here)
6. Using Constructors and Destructors in Derived Classes - Answer (click
7. Composition vs. Inheritance - Answer (click here)
8. What is virtual function? Explain with an example. - Answer (click here)
9. What is a virtual destructor? Explain the use of it. - Answer (click here)
10. Multiple inheritances with suitable c++ coding - Answer (click here)
11. Polymorphism and Different Types of Polymorphism - Answer (click here)
12. Multiple catch statement with help of suitable C++ coding - Answer (click
13. Various file modes and its syntax - Answer (click here)
14. Need for exception with try, catch and throw keywords - Answer (click
15. Various forms of inheritance in C++ with necessary coding - Answer (click
16. Important Short Questions and Answers: Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Answer (click here)


1. Abstract Data Type (ADT) - Answer (click here)
2. The List ADT - Answer (click here)
3. Array Based Implementation - Answer (click here)
4. linked lists Implementation - Answer (click here)
5. A singly linked list class The class definition for a node - Answer (click
6. Polynomial Multiplication Using Linked List - Answer (click here)
7. Stack ADT and its applications, Applications, Implementations - Answer
(click here)
8. Queue ADT and its applications, Applications, Implementations - Answer
(click here)
9. Evaluating arithmetic expressions - Answer (click here)
10. How do you analyses an algorithm? - Answer (click here)
11. How pointer are used to implement linked list structure - Answer (click
12. Various operation performed on the doubly linked list. Doubly Linked
Lists - Answer (click here)
13. Give linked list implementation of stack operation - Answer (click here)
14. What is a stack? Two operations performed on a stack with required
algorithm - Answer (click here)
15. Priority Queue - Answer (click here)
16. Heap operations: algorithms, Heap Sort - Answer (click here)
17. Important Short Questions and Answers: Linear Data Structures - Answer
(click here)


1. Tree - abstract data type (ADT) - Answer (click here)
2. Binary tree and Types of binary trees - Answer (click here)
3. Properties of binary trees - Answer (click here)
4. Common operations of binary trees - Answer (click here)
5. Graph and its representations - Tree - Answer (click here)
6. Graph Representations and Traversals - Tree - Answer (click here)
7. Graph Traversals - Answer (click here)
8. Implementation of trees - Answer (click here)
9. Implementation of a Binary Tree with an expression tree - Answer (click
10. Breadth First Search - Answer (click here)
11. Application of Depth First Search - Answer (click here)
12. Important short questions and answers: Non-Linear Data Structures -
Answer (click here)


1. Sorting algorithms - Answer (click here)
2. The Insertion Sort - Answer (click here)
3. Quick Sort - Answer (click here)
4. Merge Sort - Answer (click here)
5. Binary Search - Answer (click here)
6. Searching - Linear search - Answer (click here)
7. Detail about Insertion Sort - Answer (click here)
8. Brief note on Merge Sort - Answer (click here)
9. Detail about Quick Sort - Answer (click here)
10. Important short questions and answers: Sorting and Searching - Answer
(click here)

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