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Application Guideline

Utsunomiya University Student Exchange Program Fall 2018

1. Qualifications

-Applicants must be nominated by their home university.

-Applicants to the following faculties must meet all the admission requirements. Please see the “Admission
requirements” file of each faculty. [Engineering / Regional Design]

2. Required Materials for Application

*We revised some forms! Please use newest forms.
□ Application for Admission(fixed form)
□ Photo Mount for Student Registration(fixed form)
□ Recommendation letter from the President of your home university
□ Official transcript
□ Certificate of enrollment
□ Certificate of Health(fixed form)
□ Application for Certificate of Eligibility(fixed form) *It consists of 3 sheets.
□ Affidavit of Sponsorship(fixed form)
□ Bank certificate of your sponsor *For 1 year, at least ¥1,000,000 is desirable.
□ Copy of your passport ID page
□ Application for Residence(fixed form)
□ Copy of Japanese Language Proficiency Test result
*For applicants to the School of Engineering or Graduate School of Engineering and to the School of
Regional Design, it is essential.
For other students, it is desirable to submit if you have.

*All the materials must be written in Japanese or English. If any document is written in any other language, you
should attach a Japanese or English translation.

3. Application Deadline
By June 1, 2018, all the required materials must reach the following address by post.

International Student and Exchange Division, Utsunomiya University

350 Mine-machi, Utsunomiya City, Tochigi, 321-8505 JAPAN

*Application materials must be submitted through your home university. We don’t accept any applications
submitted by students.
2018 年度後期 宇都宮大学交換留学プログラム

1. 申請資格

していなければならない(各学部の「Admission requirements 」を参照)。

2. 申請に必要な書類
□ 宇都宮大学特別聴講学生受入願(指定様式)
□ 写真貼付台紙(指定様式)
□ 在籍大学の長からの推薦書
□ 成績証明書
□ 在学証明書
□ 健康診断書(指定様式)
□ 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書(指定様式) ※全部で 3 ページあります
□ 経費支弁書(指定様式)
□ 経費支弁者の銀行残高証明書 ※1 年間の留学なら最低 100 万円ほどあることが望ましいです。
□ パスポートの顔写真のページのコピー
□ 入居願(指定様式)
□ 日本語能力試験の合格通知書のコピー


3. 申請書提出期限

申請書類の原本はすべて、2018 年 6 月 1 日(金)までに以下の住所に届いていなければなりません。

〒321-8505 日本国栃木県宇都宮市峰町 350

宇都宮大学 留学生・国際交流課


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