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Laryngopharyngeal reflux might play a role on

chronic nonspecific pharyngitis

Article in Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology · August 2009

DOI: 10.1007/s00405-009-1044-2 · Source: PubMed


16 56

4 authors:

Zahide Mine Yazici Almaz Ibrahim Sayin

Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hosp… Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hosp…


Fatma Tülin Kayhan Sultan bişkin

Dr. Sadi Konuk Education and Research Hosp… Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi


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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2010) 267:571–574
DOI 10.1007/s00405-009-1044-2

H E A D & N E CK

Laryngopharyngeal reXux might play a role on chronic

nonspeciWc pharyngitis
Zahide Mine Yazici · Ãbrahim Sayin ·
Fatma Tulin Kayhan · Sultan Biskin

Received: 5 March 2009 / Accepted: 30 June 2009 / Published online: 21 July 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract Chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis is one of the revealed a statistically signiWcant decrease when compared
most common reasons for visits to otorhinolaryngology with the pretreatment RSI (P < 0.01). Posttreatment RFS of
physicians. The underlying conditions are still unknown. nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients also revealed a signiWcant
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of laryngo- decrease when compared with the pretreatment RFS
pharyngeal reXux in chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis (P < 0.01). We suggest that LPR may be related to the path-
patients based on the patient’s history and clinical examina- ogenesis of chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis.
tion. Fifty consecutive patients with symptoms of chronic
nonspeciWc pharyngitis and control group of 30 healthy Keywords Pharyngitis · Laryngopharygeal reXux ·
persons were evaluated prospectively. 14C-urea breath test ReXux symptom index · ReXux Wnding score
was used to exclude Helicobacter pylori infection of gastric
mucosa. All the patients and the controls were assessed by
blinded same laryngologist with the use of the reXux Wnd- Introduction
ing score (RFS) and reXux symptoms index (RSI). Also
chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients with laryngopha- Pharyngitis is an inXammation of the mucosal and submu-
ryngeal reXux (LPR) were evaluated prospectively before cosal structures of the throat. Infection may or may not be a
and 6 months after b.i.d treatment with proton pump inhibi- component of the disease [1]. The clinician usually can
tors. The RSI of the nonspeciWc pharyngitis group was determine most causes of pharyngitis with proper histories
found signiWcantly higher than the control group and careful physical examination (cultures and biopsies
(P < 0.01). The RFS of nonspeciWc pharyngitis was found included). However, some people referred to us with pha-
signiWcantly higher than the control group (P < 0.01). The ryngeal pain without an obvious explanation which is
reXux Wnding score ¸7 has been accepted as LPR; the named as chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis.
reXux incidence was signiWcantly higher in the nonspeciWc Laryngopharyngeal reXux (LPR) is deWned as the retro-
pharyngitis group than the control group (P < 0.01). Post- grade movement of gastric contents into the larynx, phar-
treatment RSI of nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients group ynx, and upper aerodigestive tract [2]. LPR may play a role
in chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients’ etiologies. The
most accurate diagnostic test is 24-h esophageal pH moni-
toring with both proximal and distal sensors, but this test is
Z. M. Yazici · Ã. Sayin · F. T. Kayhan · S. Biskin expensive, invasive and also is not easy to use in clinics; so
BakÂrköy Education and Training Hospital,
there is a need for a simple method for scanning suspicious
Clinic of Otorhinolaryngology,
Head and Neck Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey patients. Recently, Belafsky et al. [2] reported that reXux
Wnding score (RFS) and reXux symptoms index (RSI) were
Z. M. Yazici (&) used to document the physical Wndings and the severity of
Bakirköy Efitim ve AraotÂrma Hastanesi,
LPR simply economically as well as noninvasively. For
Kulak Burun Bogaz ABD, TevWk Saflam cad.,
No 13, Zuhuratbaba, 34147 Istanbul, Turkey these reasons, we tried to investigate LPR in adult patients
e-mail: with chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis by using RFS and RSI.

572 Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2010) 267:571–574

The aim of the present study was to perform indirect lar- were excluded from our research. A detailed explanation of
yngoscopy by series of consecutive patients referred for the study and procedures was provided and written
suspected chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis by using RSI and informed consent was obtained. Also the protocol was
RFS. approved by BakÂrköy Sadi Konukoflu Education and
Research Hospital’s Human Subject Committee.
A self-administered included nine-items; RSI was com-
Materials and methods pleted by each subject at evaluation (Table 1). Each of the
items is related to LPR and is scored from 0 (no problem) to
Fifty patients (38 females and 12 males; age range 18–72 5 (severe problem). The reXux Wndings score is an 8-item
years; mean age 44.7 years) who visited our out-patient clinical severity based on Wndings during laryngoscopy
department for suspected chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis (Table 2). The scale ranges from 0 (no abnormal Wndings)
were involved. Thirty healthy adults (21 females and 9 to a maximum of 26 (worst score possible). A comprehen-
males; age range 28–56 years; mean age 37 years) were sive head and neck examination, including laryngoscopy
selected as control group. The chronic nonspeciWc pharyn- and determination of the RFS, was also performed by an
gitis symptoms included were sore throat, chronic throat otolaryngologist. The reXux Wnding score ¸7 has been
irritation, chronic cough, globus sensation, cervical dyspha- accepted as LPR. In control group, three healthy subjects
gia, and intermittent hoarseness. Symptoms should have had high RFS; so they were excluded from our study.
continued more than 3 months. All patients who were Chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients with LPR
included in the study had persistent symptoms of chronic (RFS ¸ 7) were treated with 30 mg lansoprazole twice
nonspeciWc pharyngitis for more than 3 months, without daily; patients were also evaluated before and 6 months
any evidence for an acute infection. Patients who had after b.i.d treatment.
organic causes such as acute infection, nasal obstruction, The Wndings of this study were statistically analyzed by
rhinitis, sinusitis or tumorous lesions on history taking and NCSS 2007 & PASS 2008 Statistical Software (Utah,
physical examination were excluded. Also throat culture USA) program. The analyses according to the groups were
was used to detect acute infection in both groups. A 14C- done by Student’s t test and Mann–Whitney U test. The
urea breath test (Helicap, Noster system AB, Stockholm, analyses in the groups were done by Paired samples t test.
Sweden) was used to detect Helicobacter pylori infection The analyses due to categorically given groups were done
of gastric mucosa. Subjects with positive results in urea test by Chi square test, and analyses in these groups were done

Table 1 ReXux symptom

During the last month, how did the following problems aVect you? Circle the appropriate response: 0 = no
index (RSI)
problem; 5 = severe problem

1. Hoarseness or a problem with your voice 1 2 3 4 5

2. Clearing your throat 1 2 3 4 5
3. Excess throat mucus or postnasal drip 1 2 3 4 5
4. DiYculty in swallowing food, liquids, or pills 1 2 3 4 5
5. Coughing after you ate or after lying down 1 2 3 4 5
6. Breathing diYculties or choking episodes 1 2 3 4 5
7. Troublesome or annoying cough 1 2 3 4 5
8. Sensations of something sticking or a lump in your throat 1 2 3 4 5
9. Heartburn, chest pain, indigestion, or stomach acid coming up 1 2 3 4 5

Table 2 ReXux Wnding score (RFS)

Subglottic edema 2 if present

Ventricular obliteration 2 if partial 4 if complete
Erythema/hyperemia 2 if arytenoids only 4 if complete
Vocal cord edema 1 mild 2 moderate 3 severe 4 polypoid
DiVuse laryngeal edema 1 mild 2 moderate 3 severe 4 obstructing
Posterior commissure hypertrophy 1 mild 2 moderate 3 severe 4 obstructing
Granuloma/granulation 2 if present
Thick endolaryngeal mucous 2 if present

Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2010) 267:571–574 573

Table 3 RSI and RFS assessment according to the groups

NonspeciWc pharyngitis NonspeciWc pharyngitis Control reXux (¡) P
reXux (+) (n = 35) reXux (¡) (n = 15) (n = 27)

ReXux symptom indexa, 18.51 § 6.29 14.40 § 5.03 8.33 § 5.14 <0.001
mean § SD
ReXux Wndings scoresb, 8.68 § 2.04 (8.0) 1.73 § 1.83 (2.0) 1.03 § 1.42 (0.0) <0.001
mean § SD (median)
One-way anova test
Kruskal–Wallis test

Table 4 The pretreatment and posttreatment sixth month RSI and mean+SD
RFS assessment of nonspeciWc pharyngitis 30
pretreatment posttreatment
Group P
Pretreatment Posttreatment
(n = 35) (n = 35) 15

ReXux symptom index, 18.51 § 6.29 12.60 § 7.68 0.001**
mean § SD 5
ReXux Wnding score, 8.68 § 2.04 6.28 § 1.74 0.001**
mean § SD Reflux symptom index Reflux finding score

Paired samples t test; **P < 0.01 Fig. 1 Distribution of RSI and RFS pre and posttreatment

by Mc Nemar test. The results were evaluated by 95% con-

Wdence interval, and statistically signiWcance was P < 0.05.

Results Pharyngitis is one of the most common conditions encoun-

tered by physicians [3]. In contrast, there are a limited num-
There were no signiWcant diVerences in the age or sex dis- ber of studies in the literature related to chronic pharyngitis.
tribution of two groups. ReXux symptom index was Yet, no published studies have assessed rehabilitation of
between 2 and 33; mean symptom index was 14.32 § 7.18; chronic pharyngeal complaints using antibiotic therapy [4].
the reXux Wnding score was between 0 and 15; the mean Treating all patients suspected to having infection results in
Wnding score was 4.75 § 4.07. The reXux symptom index unnecessary antibiotic therapy. When a patient presents
of the nonspeciWc pharyngitis group with reXux was found with pharyngitis symptoms, the ENT physician must con-
signiWcantly higher than the control group (P < 0.01). sider a wide range of illnesses. If patients do not have any
The reXux Wnding score of nonspeciWc pharyngitis with other signs of infection, physicians should investigate non-
reXux was found signiWcantly higher than the control group infectious causes such as rhinitis, allergies, laryngopharyn-
(P < 0.01). The reXux Wnding score was classiWed accord- geal reXux, and thyroiditis [3]. In the literature, there are a
ing to the 7; the reXux incidence was signiWcantly higher in lot of papers concerning extraesophageal reXux, but unfor-
the nonspeciWc pharyngitis group than the control group tunately limited of them is related to pharyngitis.
(P < 0.01) (Table 3). In the past, chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis was consid-
Posttreatment reXux symptom index of nonspeciWc phar- ered a kind of conversion or psychosomatic disorder [5];
yngitis patients group revealed a statistically signiWcant but in recent studies, various organic or functional causes
decrease when compared with the pretreatment RSI have been reported [4]. In this study, we analyzed the rela-
(P < 0.01) (Table 4) Posttreatment reXux Wnding score of tionship between chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis and
nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients has also revealed a signiW- reXux. As a result we utilized an endoscopic scoring and
cant decrease when compared with the pretreatment RSI Wndings to evaluate reXux among chronic nonspeciWc phar-
(P < 0.01) (Fig. 1). Posttreatment decrease of the reXux yngitis patients and control groups. We found a dramati-
rates of nonspeciWc pharyngitis was found statistically sig- cally higher prevalence (70%) of increased inXammatory
niWcant than the pretreatment rates (P < 0.01). While pre- change (RFS ¸ 7) when compared with the control group.
treatment reXux rate was 70% after the treatment, the rate The relationship between pharyngitis and reXux has
decreased to 38%. been previously evaluated by biopsy-based methods or

574 Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol (2010) 267:571–574

hematologic analysis [3, 6]. Aladaf et al. demonstrated that Conclusion

H. pylori seropositivity rates were found signiWcantly
higher in chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients than This study revealed a high rate of RSI and RFS in patients
controls. They used serum H. pylori immunoglobulin G with chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis. Pharmacotherapy with
antibody titers to assess reXux. proton pump inhibitors may be an acceptable treatment
Helicobacter pylori infections in the pharynx of the peo- modality for suitable chronic nonspeciWc pharyngitis patients.
ple in the control group and the patients suVering from
chronic pharyngitis were examined by biopsy. Template-
directed dye terminator incorporated with Xuorescence References
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