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In fig. 5 is presented the plane of vibration of a wave train incident on polaroid.

Intensity vector E can be

replaced by it’s two components Ex=iEsinϴ and Ey=jEcosϴ. Of course only the second component will be
transmitted, the second one will be absorbed.
In order to reveal the propriety of polarization of the light transmitted by a polarizer, we need to use another
polarizer, that usually is called analyzer, it stands in front of the first one as showed in fig. 6.
If the analyzer is rotating around direction of propagation, there will be variations in the intensity of the light
transmitted, from a high value to a lower one. Right quantitative measurements can be made if in the system
presented in fig.6 the observer’s eye will be replaced by a photocell connected to a ammeter. The photocell will
give a proportional electrical current with the light intensity incident on it’s surface. Here we have the degree of
polarization in percents, where Imax and Imin are maximum and minimum values for detected light intensity:

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