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Unidad de Aprendizaje: Cultura Inglesa

Actividad Fundamental No.: 1

Nombre: Edwin Antonio Martinez Gomez

Matrícula: 1725231

Carrera: IAS

Semestre (que cursa): 4°

Semestre (red de materias): 4°

Plan: 401


Salón: 9201

Grupo: 010

Hora: M4-M6 Jueves

Frecuencia: 3 horas

Docente: Dra. Alma Berenice Mendez Saenz

Semestre Enero – Junio 2018

San Nicolás de Los Garza, Nuevo León

What is “the Brexit”?
Brexit is an abbreviation for "British exit," referring to the UK's decision in a June 23, 2016 referendum
to leave the European Union (EU). The vote's result defied expectations and roiled global markets,
causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level against the dollar in 30 years. Prime Minister David
Cameron, who called the referendum and campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU, resigned the
following month. Home Secretary Theresa May replaced him as leader of the Conservative party and as
Prime Minister. Following a snap election (skip to section) on June 8, 2017, she remains Prime Minister.
The Conservatives have lost their outright majority in Parliament, though, and with it – May's critics
argue – a mandate for a "hard Brexit," in which Britain leaves the EU's single market and customs union.
(Alternatives are known as "soft Brexit.")
Report of the Brexit
The labor market in the United Kingdom sank in July and the number of indefinite contracts fell to
levels never seen since the recession of 2009, "writes Kevin Green, director of the Federation of
Professional Recruitment (REC) in an elaborate study. next to the IHS Markit cabinet.

In its latest forecasts, the Bank of England predicts an increase in unemployment in 2018 to 5.5% -
compared to 4.9% last May - and warns that up to 250,000 jobs could disappear.

Although the demand for employees remains strong and the number of vacancies increases, the drop
in hiring indicates that companies are very reluctant to hire, "the report states.

On the other hand, the number of temporary contracts increases because the economic uncertainty
leads some companies to prefer this type of contract. However, the increase is "the weakest of the
last ten months," according to the study.
The decision to leave the European Union by one of its "big" Member States has no precedent.
Therefore, the negotiations of disconnection, to some extent of divorce, must be carried out with all
the necessary guarantees so as not to add more uncertainty to the already uncertain current panorama
of the integration of Europe. The European Union, precisely, must contribute to generating stability
and confidence inside and outside its borders and, in this sense, both the result of the referendum
and what is happening up to now, does not induce it.

Another conclusion is of an economic nature, since we must bear in mind that the European Union
is the most important trading partner in the United Kingdom. 44% of British exports are destined
for the Union, representing the European Single Market a prime economic and commercial space
for the activity of British companies. Consequently, an abandonment of the Union will significantly
affect the companies implanted in British territory, in general of all sectors of activity and, in
particular, those of the financial sector due to the relevance of the "City" in London. No agreement
is conceivable between the United Kingdom and the EU, benefiting from access to the European
internal market and excluding the obligation to respect the freedom of movement of persons.

Leaving the EU will have a clear impact on the United Kingdom with regard to the security strategy
and, particularly, action against terrorism and organized crime, as it will lose all measures taken in
the area of Justice and Human Rights Affairs. Interior, you must even leave Europol.
Personal Opinion
Humanity came out losing. Although it may sound somewhat exaggerated, I think we all lose out
with the Brexit. The intolerance to other cultures overcame the economic rationality and even worse,
the practice of universal values. There were no economic arguments that clearly showed a positive
cost-benefit relationship for the United Kingdom, neither short nor long term. The arguments were
'emotional' simply, of misunderstood nationalism and that dug up that intolerant and ignorant British
that a good part of the citizenship had inside. The scenario I was most likely to assign was a situation
similar to the referendum in Scotland in September 2014, where many citizens were emboldened to
leave the UK, but at the time of voting, the economic consequences weighed more and decided to
stay .

In my opinion, the Brexit is another proof of the current anti-establishment or against the status quo,
particularly anti-government, which provides support to populist movements, such as the Brexit or
a few months ago Grexit (exit of Greece from the European Monetary Union ), the Podemos
movements and Catalan separatism in Spain, or more recently Donald Trump in the United States.
In this sense, I believe that this is a consequence of the growth of socioeconomic inequality, which
intensified after the global economic-financial crisis of 2008-2009.
Bibliographic References
Brexit Definition| Investopedia

El Brexit hunde el mercado laboral del Reino Unido

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