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Names in your group _____________________________________________ A B C D E

_______________________________________________________________ VILLAGERS


Task: After watching and discussing the controversy about the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China,
you are going to take on the “role” of a stake-holder (a person involved or effected by the project). There will be
other stake-holders in the class, who will have different points of view. Be sure to use your notes to help support
your position in this matter. You are working as a GROUP in this one matter. You may use the space below to
document your ideas.

You are a villager in a low-lying area right along the banks of the Yangtze River. For 12 generations,
your family has lived in your 10-room house. You live there with your brothers, sisters, parents, and
both sets of grandparents. Your father and brothers catch some fish for your family, and your
mother, sister and grandparents work the fertile fields in your village. A local community leader
has come to your house to tell you that your family will have to move to a new government-made
village high in the mountains because your house will be under water.

How do you feel about this situation? Do you have any requests for the new village?
Names in your group _____________________________________________ A B C D E

_______________________________________________________________ City-Residents


Task: After watching and discussing the controversy about the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China,
you are going to take on the “role” of a stake-holder (a person involved or effected by the project). There will be
other stake-holders in the class, who will have different points of view. Be sure to use your notes to help support
your position in this matter. You are working as a GROUP in this one matter. You may use the space below to
document your ideas.

You live in Chongqing, a large city along the banks of the Yangtze River. You go to a school with
3,000 students. Your mother is a teacher in the school, your father is a businessman (owning a
corner grocery store), and your uncle works for the city as a police officer. Your grandparents live
with you, as they are elderly and take care of the home you share. Your best friend lives two-
apartment-doors down from you, and you’ve known each other since you were three-years-old. A
local community leader has come to your house (and your friend’s house) to tell you that your family
will have to move to a new government-made city higher than the water-line because your house will
be under water.

How do you feel about this situation? Do you have any requests for the new city?
Names in your group _____________________________________________ A B C D E

_______________________________________________________________ Government Official


Task: After watching and discussing the controversy about the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China,
you are going to take on the “role” of a stake-holder (a person involved or effected by the project). There will be
other stake-holders in the class, who will have different points of view. Be sure to use your notes to help support
your position in this matter. You are working as a GROUP in this one matter. You may use the space below to
document your ideas.

You are a government official with the job of deciding where to move communities. Knowing that the
Three Gorges Dam Project will displace (forcibly move) millions of people, how do you decide where
people will go? You must decide two locations – moving a small fishing village currently located on
the banks of the Yangtze (in the flood zone), and shoreline residents in the city of Chongqing. You
must make adequate housing plans for all people, trying to take into account their personal requests.
However, you must have all of the people moved out of the flood zone within 2 months.

How do you feel about this situation? What challenges do you predict?
Names in your group _____________________________________________ A B C D E

_______________________________________________________________ Dam Construction


Task: After watching and discussing the controversy about the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China,
you are going to take on the “role” of a stake-holder (a person involved or effected by the project). There will be
other stake-holders in the class, who will have different points of view. Be sure to use your notes to help support
your position in this matter. You are working as a GROUP in this one matter. You may use the space below to
document your ideas.

You are a construction worker on the Three Gorges Dam. Your house is in a city about 50 miles
west of the dam, in an area that manufactures parts for cars, air conditioners, and other machines.
The city depends on coal to run the manufacturing plants, even though the burning of coal is
polluting the air and the river. The dam will provide cleaner electric power to the plants, eliminating
the need to use coal. You don’t work in the plants, but your family members do. During construction,
you are living in a high-rise apartment building closer to the dam site. Your family home, where your
parents and grandparents still live, will be demolished after the dam is complete. Your family, along
with other workers in the factories, will be relocated to new high-rise buildings north of the city.

How do you feel about this situation? Will it be a challenge to be working so far away while your
family has to move? Do you have any requests for the new housing?
Names in your group _____________________________________________ A B C D E

_______________________________________________________________ RICE FARMERS


Task: After watching and discussing the controversy about the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in China,
you are going to take on the “role” of a stake-holder (a person involved or effected by the project). There will be
other stake-holders in the class, who will have different points of view. Be sure to use your notes to help support
your position in this matter. You are working as a GROUP in this one matter. You may use the space below to
document your ideas.

You are a farming family in a low-lying area right along the banks of the Yangtze River. For 400
years, your family has lived in your small house. You live there with your parents and grandparents.
Your whole family works in the fertile rice fields, as does other families in your small village. You’ve
just been told that your family will have to move to a new government-made village high in the
mountains because your house will be under water, but the land is rocky and not good for growing
rice. You will have to clear the land and grow something other than rice.

How do you feel about this situation? Do you have any power?
Name ______________________________________________________ A B C D E Date ___________________

2 points 1 point 0 points

I was prepared to participate and respectfully listened to
directions from the teacher and my teammates.

I contributed equally to the project and no one person did more

work on the project than I did.

I came to class prepared with my TEXTBOOK, AGENDA, and

TOTAL POINTS _____________________

Name ______________________________________________________ A B C D E Date ___________________

2 points 1 point 0 points

I was prepared to participate and respectfully listened to
directions from the teacher and my teammates.

I contributed equally to the project and no one person did more

work on the project than I did.

I came to class prepared with my TEXTBOOK, AGENDA, and


TOTAL POINTS _____________________

Name ______________________________________________________ A B C D E Date ___________________

2 points 1 point 0 points

I was prepared to participate and respectfully listened to
directions from the teacher and my teammates.

I contributed equally to the project and no one person did more

work on the project than I did.

I came to class prepared with my TEXTBOOK, AGENDA, and


TOTAL POINTS _____________________

Name ______________________________________________________ A B C D E Date ___________________

2 points 1 point 0 points

I was prepared to participate and respectfully listened
to directions from the teacher and my teammates.

I contributed equally to the project and no one person

did more work on the project than I did.
I came to class prepared with my TEXTBOOK,
TOTAL POINTS _____________________

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