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Volume 1 JANUARY, 1934 Number 1
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Turbulence and Skin Friction

T H . VON K ARM AN, California Institute of Technology
(Received November 3, 1933)

1. HISTORICAL DATA laminar skin friction of plates in a free stream in

/ V 1904 and 1907. The motion of the boundary
I HE first tests known on skin friction of flat
layer introduced by Prandtl proved itself useful
-*• surfaces in fluids are those carried out by
through the further developments of the theory
M. G. Beaufoy 1 in 1793. About eighty years
both for laminar and turbulent flow. The first
later W. Froude conducted a series of systematic
semi-empirical theory of turbulent skin friction
experiments, investigating the influence of the
was given in 1921 by Prandtl and by the present
velocity and the dimensions of the plate, espe-
author. The recent development of the theory
cially t h a t of the length in the direction of the
presented in this paper started with the author's
motion, on the skin friction. In 1883 O. Reynolds
publications in 1930.
published his fundamental investigations on the
similarity of fluid motion and introduced the The scientific and technical literature on skin
dimensionless parameter known as Reynolds friction is very elaborate. An excellent bibli-
number (referred to hereinafter as R.N.). In ography, extending to 1930, has been compiled
1908 Lord Rayleigh pointed out t h a t for geo- by A. F. Zahm and C. A. Ross. 2 Additional
metrically similar arrangements, the skin friction references are given at the end of this paper.
coefficient, i.e., the friction per unit area divided
by the head, must be a function of R.N. Suc-
ceeding investigations of Zahm, Wieselsberger, The modern theory of skin friction is based on
Gibson, with air, of the British Froude National the theorem t h a t friction between a fluid and a
Tank, Gebers, Kempf and the Washington Navy solid is accompanied by an equivalent change of
Yard with water, were evaluated using the R.N. the momentum carried by the fluid. Let us
as parameter. consider the case of a fluid moving along a flat
Poiseuille gave in 1840 the theory of skin plate and compare the momentum carried by
friction for t h e case of laminar flow in pipes. the fluid through a cross section upstream from
In 1850 G. Stokes published his calculations on the leading edge of the plate and through a
the resistance of bodies in pure viscous flow, i.e., cross section at the distance x downstream from
neglecting the inertia forces in the fluid. Prandtl the leading edge. We assume t h a t the velocity
and Blasius gave the mathematical theory of the is uniform over the first cross section and has

1 2
Beaufoy's results were published by his son H. Beau- Tentative bibliography on skin friction and boundary
foy in 1834. flow. Library of Congress, December, 1930.
2 T H . VON K A R M A N

the value U. The velocity normal to the second y = 8; we choose 8 in such a way t h a t the velocity
cross section at an arbitrary point therein shall defect U—u is very small for values of y superior
be denoted by u. T h e fluid mass passing in unit to <5. As a matter of fact, the influence of the
time through an element dS of the second cross friction is restricted to a narrow region along the
section is evidently pudS, where p denotes the plate; we call this region the "boundary layer"
density of the fluid; this fluid mass had the and 8 "the thickness of the boundary layer."
momentum U per unit mass passing through The choice of 8 is, of course, somewhat arbitrary,
the first cross section and has the momentum u but as it will be seen, the results concerning the
per unit mass passing through the second cross laws and the values of the skin friction are
section. Hence the loss of momentum of the fluid independent of the definition of 8.
mass considered amounts to pu(U—u)dS and The consideration sketched above replaces the
the total loss of momentum of the fluid in unit problem of the skin friction by the problem of
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time to f pu{U~u)dS, t h e integral being taken the velocity distribution in the boundary layer.
over the cross section downstream. This amount As a m a t t e r of fact, the friction itself can be
is equal to the total frictional force acting on the determined as well by direct measurement as by
portion of the plate extending from the leading measurement of the velocity distribution across
edge to the distance x. the boundary layer.
Let us consider a plate of t h e width b and
introduce the coordinates x parallel to the
direction of the main flow, y perpendicular to the
flow and the plate with origin at the leading edge In the case of laminar motion, the velocity
distribution can be computed theoretically by
using the hydrodynamic equations in their some-
U U what simplified form due to Prandtl (1904). The
main result of this theory can be understood by
using very little calculation if we assume similar
velocity distributions over all cross sections of
the boundary layer. Let us write, accordingly,
u=U-f(y/8) = Uf(r]) where rj=y/8 is the "dis-
tance ratio" referred to the thickness 8 of the
FIG. 1. Skin friction and boundary layer. boundary layer. The function f(rj) equals zero
for y = rj = 0 and is approximately equal to one
for y = 8 or rj = l. The "momentum integral"
(Fig. 1). Then the friction Fx acting on the plate f<Tpu(U—u)dy will be replaced by pU28jl1f
between x = 0 (leading edge) and an arbitrary • a-/)<*„.
value of x will be The integral Jo1/* (1 —/)d?7 is a pure number
which shall be denoted by a. On the other hand,
pu(U — u)dy. (i) the friction at the wall r0, according to the
general law of viscosity, equals the product of
The friction acting on a strip bdx is obviously the viscosity coefficient JJL and the slope of
equal t o dF; on the other hand, the same force velocity du/dy at the wall. Hence
can be expressed by t h e local friction per unit area
r 0 = jJL(du/dy)y=o = M( U/8) (df/drj) v=o- (3)
or shearing stress at t h e wall r 0 in the form br^dx.
Hence we obtain The value (df/drj)v=0 is also a pure number, we
ldF d call it 0. Introducing the value of T0 and t h a t of
To=- I pu(U—u)dy . (2) the momentum integral in Eq. (2) we obtain
b dx dx\
U d d8 fi 1 fi
In all practical cases it is sufficiently exact to /x - — P =—(apU25) or 8— = •.
extend the integral from }/ = 0 to a finite value dx dx U a

distance from the leading edge and proportional

By integration, §<52 = --x
to the geometrical mean value between viscosity
and and density.
S = Z(2(i/a)(nx/pU)y. (4) (c) The friction coefficients both for the local
and the mean friction are inversely proportional
Putting this value of 8 in Eq. (3) we obtain the to the square root of the R.N.
value of the local friction
4. P O W E R L A W S FOR T U R B U L E N T
T* = tf{U/$) = §aW.{HLlP/x)* (5)
and by integration, the value of the total friction The method of the last section can be extended
to the case of the turbulent boundary layer
Fx=(2aP)t-(pnxU*)*b. (6)
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without investigating the actual mechanism of

We introduce the coefficient of the local friction turbulent motion and by using merely the method
of dimensional analysis.
cf=r0/hU* (7) We assume, as before, t h a t the velocity
distribution is given by a function of the form
and t h a t of the total (or mean) friction
u = Uf(y/8), but for the wall friction we use an
Cf = Fx/±'p-U*.b'X. (8) empirical law of the form ro = ^pU2g(U8/v).
Using a *'power law" as a convenient interpola-
The mathematical theory gives for (2a/3)* the tion formula, we put
numerical value 0.664. Hence with JJL/P = V
T0 = yU2-const./(U8/v)m. (11)
cf = 0.664/(Ux/v)* (9)
and Evidently the momentum integral Jo8pu(U—u)dy
Cf=1.328/(Ux/v)*. (10) keeps the form apU28, where a is a numerical
value, which depends on the shape of the velocity
We call Ux/v the R.N. of the plate Rx. distribution in the boundary layer. Hence we
Summarizing the results given b y . t h e equa- obtain from the fundamental Eq. (2)
tions from (4) to (10), we obtain the following
statements (cf. Fig. 2): apU2(dd/dx)=hU2-const./(U8/v)m (12)
8m{d8/dx) = const. -(v/U)m. (12a)

Integrating (12a) and assuming 5 = 0 for x = 0,

we obtain

5 m+1 /'(w + l ) = const. '(v/U)m-x

8=const.'X'(v/Ux)m^m+1K (13)

This equation determines the ''development of

FIG. 2. Distribution of laminar skin friction and thickness
of laminar boundary layer. the boundary layer" along the plate, if the
"elementary friction law" (11) is known.
(a) The increase of the thickness of the lami- Introducing the value of 8 in Eq. (11) for r 0 ,
nar boundary layer 8 is proportional to the we write
square root of the distance from the leading edge TO = hU2- const. /{Ux/v)mKm+l)
and inversely proportional to the square root of or
t h e relative velocity between plate and fluid. cf = const. /(Ux/v)mKm+1). (14)
(b) The local friction per unit area is pro-
portional to the 3/2 power of the velocity, We started with Eq. (11) which expressed the
inversely proportional to the square root of the relation between the friction and the R.N. of the
4 T H . VON K A R M A N

boundary layer. It is logical to assume t h a t this characteristic physical parameter of the fluid,
relation is similar to t h a t obtained for a channel dependent chiefly on the temperature, practically
or pipe with constant cross section. For laminar independent of the velocity. In turbulent flow
flow we have therefore, according to Poiseuille's an additional interaction is due to the momentum
law, m = 1 and therefore m/m + 1 =% so t h a t Eq. transfer from layer to layer due to the velocity
(13) leads to the results of the last section. For fluctuations. Let us consider a flow, consisting
turbulent flow tests on pressure drop in smooth of parallel mean motion in the x-direction, the
pipes give in the range 3000< Ur/v<70,000 temporal mean value u of the velocity being a
(f = radius of circular pipe) good accordance with function of y only. O. Reynolds has shown t h a t
the empirical Eq. (11) choosing the exponent the momentum transport in unit time and
m = \. Using this exponent, Prandtl and the through unit area due to the fluctuations repre-
present author obtained from (14) the formula sents an apparent shearing stress for the mean
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for the turbulent skin friction coefficient of a motion. This apparent shearing stress, or "turbu-
smooth plate: lent friction," has the magnitude r=—pu'v'
where u' and vf are the fluctuations of the velocity
cf = const. /(Ux/v)115 (15) components in the x- and ^-direction, and the
and with the value of the numerical constant dash denotes temporal mean value of the product.
deduced from the pipe tests In fact the fluid volume passing through a unit
area perpendicular to the ^-direction is equal to
cf = 0.059/(Ux/v)^K
v' and the excess of momentum in the direction
It is easy to show t h a t the coefficient of the of the mean flow carried by the fluid per unit
mean friction is equal to Cf = cf-(m + l)/m and volume is equal to pu''. The negative sign
therefore corresponds to the definition of positive friction
C / = 0.074/(C/xA) 1/5 - (16) in such a way t h a t r is considered as positive if
the fluid layer at the distance y from the wall is
This formula checks the tests with smooth plates
accelerated by the outside flow; accordingly, the
in the range extending to about Ux/v^3-106.
momentum transfer produces friction of positive
Extension of the tests to larger R.N. made it
amount if the fluid portions moving toward the
evident t h a t the power formula with a constant
wall (i.e., having negative vf components) carry
exponent could not serve for a larger range of
positive excess of momentum.
R.N., either in the case of the pipe or in the case
In the case of velocity fluctuations with a
of the plate. It was found t h a t the exponent m
random distribution of the u' and vf components,
decreases with increasing R.N. This proved the
the product u'v' has the mean value zero. The
assumption of similar velocity distributions to
shearing stress is different from zero only in the
be incorrect. In order to find a law valid in the
case of a certain correlation between u' and vf.
whole range and especially valid for large R.N.
It is easy to see t h a t a correlation can be expected
allowing extrapolation to full scale conditions, a
in all cases in which the mean velocity u is
more systematic investigation on the nature of
variable with y. Let us assume for instance t h a t
turbulent flow became inevitable. This new
u(y) is increasing with y (Fig. 3). Then the
development of the theory achieved in the last
few years is shortly reviewed in the following


In laminar flow the interaction between ad-

jacent fluid layers consists of so-called "molecular
friction"; the shearing stress, i.e., the friction
per unit area, is equal to the product of the rate
of shear (slope of velocity in the case of parallel
flow) and the viscosity coefficient. The latter is a FIG. 3. Turbulent exchange of momentum.

fluid masses moving in the negative ^-direction turbulent exchange is based on the assumption
( V < 0 ) , i.e., coming from a region of higher t h a t the fluid masses displaced perpendicular to
velocity, probably have larger ^-components the direction of mean flow carry their momentum
than the masses with positive vf values, i.e., invariably over a certain length perpendicular
coming from a region of lower velocity. Now to the mean flow. The actual mechanism may
evidently larger ^-velocities than the mean be more complicated; in any case the conception
velocity at the place considered appear as posi- of a characteristic length is necessary for the
tive, smaller w-velocities as negative u' fluctua- understanding of the fundamental laws of turbu-
tions ; hence negative v' values will be connected lent flow. Let us compare, for instance, the
with positive u' values and vice versa. Therefore, turbulent fluctuations in the boundary layer of
we have to expect a negative value for the mean an airfoil placed in the wind tunnel and those in
product u'vf and a positive value for the shearing the boundary layer produced by the natural
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stress. Fig. 4 shows schematically the random wind on the ground. Mean velocities and ve-
locity fluctuations may have the same order of
magnitude; it is obvious t h a t the length scale of
the flow pattern in the two cases will be very
There is a further factor to be considered in
connection with the characteristic length or with
DISTRIBUTION CORRELATION the length scale of the flow pattern, namely the
FIG. 4. Diagram of velocity fluctuations. time-factor or the time-scale of the fluctuations.
"Large scale turbulence" will be connected in
general with fluctuations of large period, and
and correlated distribution of the velocity fluctu- "small scale turbulence" with fast fluctuations.
ations. The characteristic features of turbulent flow
T h e main characteristics of the turbulent flow have been dealt with in some detail and from a
at a certain point are the magnitude of the general point of view, because the author feels
fluctuations uf, v', w', and the correlations be- t h a t clear notions on this question are of im-
tween them. The theory of correlations uses a portance for understanding the phenomena and
certain ratio between mean values as "correlation for further research. Common language, even in
factor." For instance, the correlation between technical papers, uses the term "turbulence" in a
the components ur and vf is_measured_by the rather indefinite way, including in it for instance
ratio wV/(V 2 )*(y 2 )* where (V 2 )* and (z/2)* are "vortex motion" in general. The scientific term
the square roots of the mean squares of the "turbulence," as used in this paper, implies
particular components. This correlation factor "irregular fluctuations," governed by laws of
is zero for random distribution and is equal to some statistical equilibrium. To be sure, turbu-
unity if u' and v' are proportional. The ellipse lence may be originated by vortices as in the
shown in Fig. 4 becomes a circle in the first case case represented in Fig. 5, showing the flow
and a straight line in the latter. through a honeycomb; but we call such a
Considering the "flow p a t t e r n " in the neigh- motion "turbulent" only if the regular pattern,
borhood of a certain point, we have to introduce because of the intermingling of a great number
a further characteristic parameter of the turbu- of vortices, disappears, as happens farther down-
lent flow: namely a length which is characteristic stream from the honeycomb. Similarly, vortices
for the size of the region involved in the turbulent produced by obstacles at the ground contribute
exchange, i.e., in the turbulent momentum trans- essentially to atmospheric turbulence, but also
fer. The corresponding parameter in the molecu- in this case we restrict the term turbulence to the
lar mechanism of friction is the mean free path. statistical phenomenon of the mass exchange and
Prandtl uses for t h e length-parameter of the keep this case apart from other conceptions, such
turbulent friction-mechanism the expression as individual vortices (tornados, vortex sheets,
"mixing length." His particular picture of the etc.) or regular atmospheric waves.



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i^EsaEsss?*^" ^ E f ^

FIG. 5. Vortex rows produced by a honeycomb. (Photograph by Ahlborn.)

6. T H E BASIC L A W S FOR THE M E A N VELOCITY the velocity at a distance y from the wall by u,
DISTRIBUTION IN T U R B U L E N T FLOW the distance between center and wall by r, the
wall friction by T0. The difference (U—u) will
Adding the momentum transfer by turbulent
be called the 'Velocity defect." We find experi-
fluctuations to the laminar friction, O. Reynolds
mentally t h a t for high R.N. the ratio (U—u)/
obtained the following expression for the total
(r 0 /p)* is a general function of the ratio y/r or
friction (shearing stress):
(r — y)/r, i.e., independent of R.N. and also
r = JJL • du/dy — pufvr (17) independent of the roughness of the wall.
A simple interpretation of this result can be
Calculating r from the measured values of the given by comparing cases in which both r 0 and r
pressure drop in pipes or the skin friction of have the same values, but the roughness of the
plates, the values n(du/dy) from the measured wall is different (Fig. 6). The velocity defect
mean velocity distribution, we find t h a t in the (U—u) is the relative velocity between the fluid
practically important range of high R.N. the moving in the center layer and the fluid moving
laminar friction is a negligible part of the total in a layer at a distance (r — y) from the center.
friction except in the immediate neighborhood of
the wall. Hence we conclude t h a t except for
this region the turbulent exchange is practically Rough Smooth Wall
independent of the viscosity of the fluid. This
assumption is essentially substantiated by experi-
mental facts concerning the velocity distribution
in pipes and channels. Let us consider, for
instance, turbulent flow between two parallel
walls (rectangular pipe with great aspect ratio).
FIG. 6. Comparison of velocity distributions in a smooth
The velocity in the center will be denoted by U, and in a rough channel.

Considering t h e flow relative t o t h e fluid moving y will contain not only t h e wall friction r 0 and
in t h e center layer, t h e fact t h a t (U—u) is the density p, but also t h e kinematic viscosity v.
independent of the roughness of t h e wall and is Let us restrict t h e investigation t o the case of
proportional t o (ro/p)^ means t h a t t h e action of perfectly smooth walls. In this case it can be
the wall friction is independent of t h e way the expected t h a t near t h e wall u is in fact fully
friction is produced: whether b y slow displace- determined by r 0 , y, p and v. Dimensional
ment of a very rough wall or by fast displacement analysis shows easily t h a t t h e only possible
of a smooth wall. T h e mechanism of the turbu- combination is given by t h e formula
lent exchange seems t o be t h e same in both
cases, except in t h e immediate neighborhood of u = (T0/p)ig((To/p)iy/v), (19)
the walls.
The same experimental result is true for the where g is another universal function.
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flow in a pipe with circular cross section. De- The parameter {r^/p)^y/v, introduced first b y
noting the radius of t h e pipe by r we obtain L. Prandtl, is built u p in the same way as the
R.N.; it contains t h e friction velocity, t h e
(U-u)/(r0/p)i=f(y/r), (18) distance and t h e kinematic viscosity. We call it
the friction-distance parameter.
where f(y/r) is a universal function. T- / x 1 • . velocity
The quantity (T0/P)^ has evidently t h e di- Hence Eq. (19) says the ratio —:—: ——
mension of a velocity. In aerodynamics it is usual friction velocity
to characterize a velocity by the corresponding near the wall is a universal function of the friction-
pressure head; in t h e inverse way we can charac- distance parameter.
terize a certain value of the pressure p by t h e
corresponding velocity (2p/p)^. In a similar 7. SIMILARITY OF T H E T U R B U L E N T

way we can assign the velocity (2r 0 /p)^ t o the FLOW PATTERN

shearing stress TO. T h e pressure head corre- In order t o determine t h e function f(y/r)
sponding t o this velocity is numerically equal t o representing t h e velocity distribution over t h e
the shearing stress. Instead of (2r 0 /p)^ we will cross section of a pipe on a channel, t h e author
use ( T 0 / P ) V To be sure it would be more logical introduced t h e assumption t h a t the flow pattern
to use t h e former quantity, b u t (rQ/p)^ has been of t h e turbulent interchange in t h e neighborhood
used already in so many publications t h a t a of different points is similar and only different
change would likely produce confusion. We call as far as length and time scale are concerned.
the quantity (r0/p)^ t h e friction velocity. T h e This assumption appears t o be justified in all
ratio y/r can be called the relative distance from cases in which t h e characteristic length of t h e
the center. turbulent exchange is small in comparison with
Hence t h e statement expressed by Eq. (18) the dimensions of the cross section.
can be worded in the following way: T h e ratio The following conclusions are deduced from
( velocity defect \ .

. .

T—:— I is a universal function of the

the above-mentioned assumption:
(a) T h e velocity fluctuations are proportional
friction velocity / to a characteristic length I of the flow pattern
relative distance from the center. and t o t h e slope of t h e mean velocity du/dy.
Let us now consider t h e velocity distribution (b) T h e shearing stress r, variable over t h e
relative t o t h e wall. At t h e wall itself t h e velocity cross section, is a t every point proportional t o
is zero or equal t o t h e velocity of the wall, if the
pi2(du/dy)2. Hence / is heretofore only a relative
wall is moving. Hence, a t the wall t h e velocity
components u' and v' vanish, and the momentum measure of the flow pattern; we can absorb the
transfer is zero, so t h a t t h e friction is merely proportionality factor and define / by writing
2 2
laminar friction. Thus we obtain a "laminar r = pl (du/dy) .
sublayer" adjacent t o t h e wall with gradual (c) The characteristic length is proportional
transition t o the turbulent region. Therefore, the to the ratio | (du/dy)/ (d2u/dy2)\. W e write
velocity distribution as function of the distance I — K\ (du/dy)/(d2u/dy2)\, where K is a numerical
8 T H . VON K A R M A N

(c) The curve (b) drops near the wall. How-

u v' , fa) l ' • —V ._ • 8 1
ever, Reichardt's experiments are carried out
^ . 3 -*
/ ^ —-y
~&r J 2.
at a relatively low R.N., so t h a t the range of
2 ^T^
viscosity influence is comparatively large. The
A' / j]\|| estimated range in which fidu/dy cannot be
neglected in comparison with —pu'v' is indicated
°< l ? .:} \
* ."S .( 7 .*} .<3 1.0 by the dotted lines for both cases. The way we
can estimate the thickness of the range influenced
FIG. 7. Correlation between turbulent velocity fluctuations, by laminar friction is shown in the latter part
(a) Wattendorf (C.I.T.). (b) Reichardt (Gottingen). of this section.
The assumption of similarity of the turbulent
flow pattern gives the following formula for the
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factor. It will be seen t h a t the constant K occurs

velocity distribution:
in most of the formulae given in the later
sections; it appears as a l'universal constant'' of
the turbulent exchange.
The formula r = pl2(du/dy)2 was first given by
Prandtl in his theory of the mixing length,
assuming a special kind of mechanism for the The formula checks the measured velocity
turbulent exchange of momentum. distributions very well (Fig. 8).
The assumption of similar flow patterns is
identical with the assumption of constant corre-
lation between t h e components of the velocity 16
fluctuations. There is not much experimental
evidence on the correlation of the fluctuations, i5
but in some cases the magnitude of the fluctua- n T

tions has been measured. Recently F. Wattendorf 1

of the California Institute of Technology meas-
ured the value of un over the cross section of a 12
rectangular channel with aspect ratio 1 : 18,
using a hot wire anemometer suitable for fast
fluctuations. In this case the value of u'v' could 10 i
be deduced from the measurement of t h e pressure Una*'" • o k =0

drop, assuming r= — pu'v' and taking into con- v% * ® k^ 0,1mm

a km0,2mm Je
sideration t h a t the shearing stress r in such a I t © k^O^mm
channel is almost exactly proportional to the ® k^ 0,8 mm 7e
distance from the center. Thus the ratio u'v1'/u'2
could be calculated; the results are given in Fig. 6
7 (curve (a)). The points connected by t h e curve /»
(b) correspond to similar measurements by
/' >
Reichardt (Gottingen). The curves show the 1/

following results: j
(a) The ratio u'v'/u'2 is almost constant over
the main part of the cross section, corresponding
to constant correlation. 1
(b) For the center u'v'/u'*->0; this is evident b*^
by symmetry considerations, since in the center Cy o, 1 0,2 0, 3 0. 9 0,5 0, $ 0,7 0,S G>9 1,0
- i-l
no reason for correlation exists. Accordingly, in ' r

the center part the similarity assumption cannot FIG. 8. Measured velocity distributions compared with
be correct. the theoretical curve.
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F I G . 9. Universal velocity distribution near a smooth wall.

For small values of y/r, we obtain pattern involves u'/u" = u"'/u'" = • • 3>. There-
fore we put
Umax-u= -(1/K)(T0/P)* log (yM
or (20) 1 = K\ U'/U" I = ny, r 0 = K2pu/2y2
u = const. + (1 A ) (ro/p)* log 3/
and obtain
This result can be seen directly in the following
way: tt = (T 0 /p)*(const. + (l/*) logy). (21)
Let us consider t h e idealized case t h a t a
Comparing Eq. (21) with the general Eq. (19),
constant shearing stress is transferred in a
we obtain
parallel flow along the wall. In this case an
exact similarity of the flow pattern can be tt=(ro/p)*[>+(lA) ^g ((ro/p^A)]. (22)
expected; in fact looking at the flow from the
This equation was given by the present author
point of view of two observers travelling with
in 1930. The numerical value found by the author
the fluid with a velocity equal to the mean
for the universal constant is 0.38. Nikuradse
velocity of the fluid, at two different distances
found later t h a t K = 0.40 fit the experimental
3/1 and 3>2 from the wall, nothing can be different
values better. In Fig. 9 are plotted Nikuradse's
in the flow pictures, conceived by the two
velocity distribution measurements using
observers, except the length and scale of the
u+ = u/(rQ/p)^ and logio j>+ = logio ((r0/p)iy/v)
flow pattern. Thus the characteristic length of
as coordinates. For -y + <110 individual points
the flow pattern is proportional to y. The
are shown, for higher values of y+ a certain
distribution of the mean velocity is, according to
number of measured points are replaced by their
Taylor's theorem, given by
centers of gravity. It is seen t h a t the equation
u(y + Ay) =u(y)+u'Ay + ^u"Ay2+ • • •. u+ = 5.5 + 5.75 logio y+ fits the measurements very
well. The factor 5.75 corresponds to K = 0.40.
It is evident t h a t the similarity of the flow There is a systematic deviation for values of
10 TH. VON K A R M A N

y+ = (ro/p)^y/v<30. Obviously for small values outside of the laminar range, but near enough
of the friction distance the similarity assumption to the wall so t h a t the logarithmic formula (22)
leading t o t h e logarithmic law cannot be correct. for the velocity distribution is sufficiently exact.
We remember t h a t at the wall itself the flow is In such a region the two Eqs. (18) and (22)
laminar. If we assume a pure laminar sublayer overlap, so t h a t both are valid. Hence we write
corresponding t o the constant value r 0 of the
friction, the corresponding velocity distribution u 1 (ro/p^y
= a+- log, •, (26)
would be given by u= (T 0 /M) -y or
(r 0 /p)^ K v
« = ((Vp)*(Vp)*:yA). i.e., u+ = y^ (23) and at the same time

The two lines representing (22) and (23) meet U-u-u /r~y\
at t h e point (r0/p)^y/v = 11.5. Hence if there ( T O / pp \ r /
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were an abrupt transition between pure laminar

and turbulent regions, the "thickness of the If both equations hold, Eq. (27) for small values
laminar sublayer" would be given by ;y+ = 11.5 of y, must have the form:
or y — di = 11.5v/(ro/p)\ Actually the transition U—u 1 y
is gradual and the value y+ = 30 appears as a = const. — log - , (28)
reasonable limit for the region influenced by (r 0 /p)* K r
laminar friction.
and adding (26) and (28), we obtain
Before the author found Eq. (22), power laws
were used for Eq. (19). If we put U 1 /(ro/p)*r\
- = const.. + - l o g ( - ) . (29)
W=(T 0 /p)*-i4-((r 0 /p)*yA) n » (24) (ro/p) K \ V J

where A is a numerical constant, it is easy to see Let us introduce the friction coefficient referred
t h a t a relation must prevail between the expo- to the maximum velocity by the relation
nent n of the velocity distribution and the Cf=T0/yu* (30)
exponent m in the friction law, mentioned in
Section 4. In fact if we solve Eq. (24) for r 0 , and the R.N. referred to the same velocity
we obtain R=Ur/v. (31)
2 1
r 0 = \pul . (25) Then from Eq. (30) follows immediately
^2/Cn+l) ( w : y/„)2n/(n+l)
(2/ C / )* = const. + (l/iO log, {R{cfY). (32)
Therefore m = 2n/(n-\-l), or n — m/{2—m). For
Eq. (32) can easily be checked by plotting the
w = l / 4 we obtain n = l/7. We mentioned t h a t
values of \/cf* as function of log (R(cf)*). If the
for large R.N. m diminishes, as also does n. In
equation holds, 1/c/* appears as a linear function
Fig. 9 is shown how far the power law formulae
of log (R(Cf)%), and the slope of the straight line
with w = 1/7 and 1/8 represent an approximation
representing 1/c/* as a function of log (i?(c/)*)
to the logarithmic formula in certain ranges.
determines the value of the universal constant /c.
This plotting is shown in Fig. 10. The circles
represent centers of gravity of groups of Niku-
Combining Eqs. (18) and (22), i.e., the de- radse's measured points. The crosses are repre-
velopments for the velocity distribution starting sentative of mean values taken from measure-
from the center and from the wall, the author ments of Stanton and Pannell. The straight line
obtained in 1930 a rather simple formula con- corresponds to the equation
necting the frictional loss in pipes and R.N., the
1 / ^ = 3.60+4.15 logio (2?fa)*). (33)
first formula which at the same time is based on
theory and checks the experiments. The factor 4.15 in the last term corresponds to
Let us consider the velocity u at a point y the value of the constant K = 0 . 3 9 .

The factor 2 in this formula corresponds to the

value 0.403 for t h e universal constant K. T h e
value of K can be determined from (a) velocity
distribution measurements, (b) tests in smooth
pipes, (c) tests in rough pipes, (d) friction
£L\S measurements on plates. Nikuradse gives formu-
lae identical in form to those given by the
author previously for the three cases (a)-(c),
b u t he determines the numerical coefficients
in independently for each case. Comparing his
formulae, we find K = 0 . 4 0 for (a), K = 0.403 for
(b) and (c). Plotting his results and those of
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Stanton and Pannell and Fromm, we find t h a t

K = 0 . 3 9 fits both items (b) and (c) well; the
0 same constant is right for the skin friction of
() 2 3 4 5 6
plates (d). For the velocity distribution near to
logjRftj) the wall /c = 0.40 checks the experiments better,
FIG 10. Plotting of 1/c/* against log]0 (R(cf)%) for for the velocity distribution in greater distance
smooth pipes. from the wall /c = 0.38 fits better. In view of the
scattering of the measured values and the quite
It is easy to show t h a t a formula of the same considerable differences between the measure-
form with another additive constant is valid for ments of different observers, it seems to the
the skin friction coefficient referred to the mean author t h a t the accordance between the K values
velocity U instead of to the maximum velocity obtained in different ways is quite satisfactory
U. This remark is due to L. Prandtl. and substantiates the existence of such a uni-
According to Eq. (27), with the exception of a versal constant entering in all four problems
small region near to the wall, (U—U)/(TQ/P)* is mentioned.
a universal function of y/r, independent of the
R.N.; integrating (U—u) over the cross section 9. S K I N FRICTION OF SMOOTH P L A T E S
we obtain
The results obtained and checked by com-
f(U-u)dA = (U-U)-A
so t h a t parison with pressure drop measurements have
been applied by t h e author to the computation
. ( E / - t / ) / ( r o / p ) * = const.
or of the skin friction of smooth plates. The basic
l / c / * - l / c / * = const. (34) assumption is t h a t Eq. (32) holds for the turbu-
lent boundary layer, if the R.N. involved in the
On the other hand the value of R(cf)$ is equation is replaced by the R.N. of the boundary
invariable if both R and cf are referred to the layer, R^=Ub/v. The calculation leads to a
same parameter, i.e., both to the maximum or formula of the form
both t o t h e mean velocity.
The friction coefficient X used in the hydraulic 2*/c/* = const. + (l/ic) log (Rxcf) (35)
practice is defined by the relation
both for the coefficient of the local friction
h= \(l/d)(U*/2g),
cf=To/yu2 (36)
where h denotes the pressure loss measured in
height, I the length, d the diameter of the pipe. and for the coefficient of the total or mean
The factor X is the double of the coefficient Cf. friction
Nikuradse and Prandtl gave, following the Cf = F/yiPA, (37)
author's deductions, the formula
where A is the surface area of the portion
l / \ i = - 0 . 8 + 2 logioCRX*). considered. The R.N. is referred to the velocity
12 T H , VON K A R M A N

U outside of the boundary layer and the length corresponding to K = 0.395, or

x of the portion of t h e plate considered.
The Eq. (35) settles some questions often 1/C/* = 4.15 logio (iJxC/).
discussed without decisive answer in previous Between the coefficients of the local and the
technical papers on skin friction. It shows for mean friction, Schoenherr found the relation
instance that t h e contribution of equal areas to
the skin friction of a plate diminishes slowly but c / = 0.558C//0.558 + 2(C/)*, (40)
indefinitely with increasing distance from the
where the numerical constant 0.558 represents
leading edge. Also the coefficient of the mean
friction diminishes with increasing R.N., i.e.,
The calculation leading to Eq. (35) can be
with increasing velocity and increasing length.
found in the author's paper presented at the
Formerly it was assumed t h a t both the local
International Congress for Applied Mechanics
and the mean friction coefficients have certain
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(Stockholm 1930) or in his paper on the theory

finite inferior limits.
of skin friction in the Proceedings of the Ham-
Concerning the numerical values of the con-
burg conference on problems of ship propulsion
stants involved in Eq. (35), the same method of
(1932). The Eq. (35) is obtained by neglecting
plotting can be used as shown above for the
terms of the order C/* in comparison with
case of the pipes. In Fig. 11 are plotted the
1/Cf*. For moderate values of the R.N. the
terms omitted are not quite negligible, but it
30i T 1 1 1 1 appears t h a t by slight changes in the constants
of the Eq. (35) the whole practical range can be
covered with sufficient exactitude by this simpler
25 y/\
formula. Prandtl repeated the calculation in a
4 \ 20
\A \ slightly different way and gave the results of
his calculation in the Gottinger Ergebnisse of
\ X 1932. His results are very similar to those ob-
l5J tained by the present author.
Eqs. (38) and (39) have the disadvantage t h a t
they cannot be analytically resolved for cf and
Cf. The Table I gives the values of cf and Cf as
function of R.
F I G . l i . Plotting of.l/c/$ against logio (Rcf) for
smooth plates.

R* C/ Cf R* Cf Cf
values of the local friction coefficients according 5
0.00614 0.00480 7
2X10 2X10 0.00263
to measurements of G. Kempf. These experi- 3 562 444 3 247 216
ments are very remarkable because the values 4 529 419 4 237 210
5 506 402 5 229 196
of the local friction were obtained by direct 7 473 379 7 218 187
measurements of t h e force acting on small 10° 441 357 108 207 179
1.5X106 408 332 2X10 8 189 163
movable plates arranged at different points of a 2 387 317 3 179 156
very long pontoon. 3 360 296 5 167 145
4 342 283 109 155 135
The equation of the straight line representing 5 330 274 2X10 9 141 125
the measurements is 7 311 260 5 127 113
107 293 245 1010 118 105
1/C7* = 1.7+4.15 logio (RxCf). (38)

E. Schoenherr found t h a t the coefficient of the Schlichting suggested that the Eq. (39) can
mean friction Cf is given by be replaced by an empirical formula C/ = 0.455/
(logio Rx)2'r°8- This formula replaces the Eq. (39)
0.242/C/* = log10 (1?*C/), (39) fairly well in the range 1 0 6 < i ^ < 109.


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FIG. 12. Skin friction of smooth plates compared with the theory.

10. DISCUSSION OF T H E E X P E R I M E N T S . The transition between laminar and turbulent

SITION B E T W E E N LAMINAR AND boundary layers along a flat plate was investi-
TURBULENT REGION gated by Burgers, Hegge Zynen, Hensen, Fage,
Fig. 12 represents t h e results of t h e most and recently by Schoenherr. The ideal case of a
important test on skin friction of smooth plates. mathematically thin plate can be approximated
The experimental points are, in general, replaced by using plates with sharp leading edges. I t is
by curves connecting t h e mean values. In to be expected t h a t under similar conditions the
addition, t h e theoretical curve for the coefficient transition depends on the R.N. of the boundary
of t h e laminar skin friction and t h e curve for layer R8 = Ub/v. Hegge Zynen and Burgers found
turbulent skin friction corresponding t o Eq. (39) that in their wind tunnel experiments the critical
are drawn. value of R?> was between 1650 and 3500; Hansen
T h e tests of Wieselsberger, Zahm and Gibson found the value R$c = 3100. I t appears t h a t there
were wind tunnel tests on stationary models; all is no definite characteristic critical value of R&
other tests were made by towing flat plates in for the transition; the value R8c depends on t h e
water. In all tests except those made by G. amount of perturbations, for instance on t h e
Kempf the total force acting on the model plate turbulence in t h e outside stream. Schoenherr
was measured and a correction was made for the found t h a t t h e transition was substantially
additional drag due t o the finite thickness of the facilitated by producing artificial turbulence in
plate. In K e m p f s tests t h e local friction was the water upstream from t h e leading edge. H e
measured and t h e total friction computed by obtained the transition curves (b) and (c) shown
integration. in Fig. 13 under normal conditions and t h e
It is interesting t h a t in t h e range 2 X l 0 5 < i £ curve (a) for artificial turbulence produced by
<10 6 the results of the wind tunnel tests check roughening t h e forward edge of t h e plates. H e
with the theoretical values for turbulent friction also found t h a t if artificial turbulence is produced
and the tests of the Froude national tank check in the water upstream from the leading edge t h e
approximately with t h e theoretical values for skin friction values, from R = 2XlOb on, fall on
laminar friction. Geber's results in t h e range the curve for pure turbulent friction, as in t h e
1 0 6 < i ? < 1 0 7 show transitions between t h e two tests of Zahm and Wieselsberger. In general,
theoretical curves. rounding the leading edge has a similar influence.
14 TH. VON K A R M A N

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FIG. 13. Transition between laminar and turbulent friction (smooth plates).

The range of critical values of R§ can be has practically no scale effect, also the drag of
assumed to be between 1600 and 6000. protruding parts follows fairly well the so-called
Assuming t h a t the transition takes place quadratic law, at least beyond their critical R.N.,
abruptly at a certain value of Rs a family of which is connected with a more or less sudden
"transition curves" for Cf can be calculated as drop of the drag coefficients. Thus the greatest
function of the R.M. of the plate with the uncertainty is t h a t due to the scale effect on
critical value R?>c as parameter. Such curves are skin friction, i.e., the gradual drop of the friction
drawn in Fig. 13. Curves I and II correspond coefficient with increasing R.N. The range of
to somewhat different assumptions. In both cases extrapolation is comparatively large in the case
a laminar layer is assumed, until a certain value of modern fast airplanes. The comparison can
of Rs is reached. T h e turbulent layer beyond t h e be based on the R.N. of the wing defined in terms
transition point is calculated in case I, as if it of the speed, the mean chord of the wing and the
had started with t h e thickness zero at the kinematic viscosity. Present atmospheric wind
leading edge; in case II it is assumed t h a t at the tunnels, with the exception of the Langley Field
transition point the momentum carried by the full scale tunnel, reach values of about R = 2
boundary layer remains unchanged. Geber's X10 6 , t h e variable density tunnel about 3X10 6 .
experimental curves fit the calculated curves The full scale values for large modern transport
quite well. However, in view of the Schoenherr airplanes may reach 25X10 6 , somewhat smaller
curves it must be remarked t h a t the transition values corresponding to fast military planes.
phenomenon is probably too unstable to be Hence there is a large change in the skin friction
represented by a simple equation. coefficient which influences the predicted speed
very noticeably, especially because, in the case
11. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS of modern clean airplanes, t h e skin friction may
Predictions of t h e maximum speed of airplanes represent the major portion of the total drag.
based on wind tunnel tests involve a knowledge An exact calculation is made difficult by two
of the "scale effect" for the drag. Induced drag facts:

(a) The separation of the skin friction and the bution and curvature along the surface. How-
drag of protruding parts is hardly possible. ever, in many cases, an approximate calculation
(b) The skin friction acts partly on the wings, is of great value, for instance for an estimate of
partly on the fuselage and tail; these parts have the drag of protruding parts in the boundary
different R.N. and so somewhat different scale layer region, for an estimate of the influence of
effects. small roughness, or of t h e influence of the
At the California Institute of Technology the velocity field near the hull on t h e behavior of
following procedure, suggested by Clark B. fins, rudders and propellers of airships.
Millikan, is in use: Two different values for the A simple formula for the boundary layer
full scale drag coefficient are calculated, a first thickness can be obtained by comparing the two
value based on the assumption t h a t the total expressions for the coefficient of the local skin
parasite drag follows the skin friction law for friction of a plate at the distance x from the
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smooth plates, and a second value corresponding leading edge, according to the Eqs. (33) and (38).
to the assumption t h a t the profile drag of the We have the following two relations:
wings follows the law mentioned, while for the
l/C/* = 1.7+4.15 1ogio (i?,C/) (41)
remainder of the drag the scale effect can be
neglected. I t is believed t h a t these values consti- according to (38) and replacing in (33) R by RB
t u t e limits between which the value of t h e actual
1/CV = 3.6+4.15 log (U«(C/)*). (42)
drag should lie.
As an example the following data are quoted, By subtracting the two expressions it is seen
taken from the results of actual wind tunnel and t h a t the value R8/Rx(Cf)i2 is constant and
flight tests on an observation type, wire braced,
R8 = 0.38Rx(Cf)* or 5 = 0.38x(C/)l (43)
gull wing monoplane.
The value of Cf as function of Rx is tabulated
Model results scaled up without R.N. correction: on page 12; hence t h e value of 5 can easily be
CDp = 0.0396, calculated F m a x = 180 m.p.h. computed. The velocity distribution in the
Wing profile drag only corrected to full scale: boundary layer is approximately given by the
CD =0.0364, calculated F m a x = 186 m.p.h. formula
Total parasite drag considered as turbulent skin
friction and corrected to full scale: tt=C7[l-4.15(C/)Mog10(5/y)]. (44)

CD =0.0268, calculated F m a x = 205 m.p.h. Let us calculate, as an example, the boundary

layer thickness at the trailing edge of an airfoil;
Flight tests on the actual airplane gave with chord of 3 m = 9.8 ft. for the speed U= 100
T / max = 196 m.p.h., i.e., almost exactly halfway m/sec. =223.7 m.p.h. The corresponding R.N.
between the two extrapolations. The relative (for "standard" air) =20,000,000 = 2 X10 7 ; Cf
distance from the two limits should, in general, = 0.00222, accordingly 6 = 5.4 cm.
be capable of estimation from the general
* 'cleanness" of the airplane investigated. More 12. S K I N FRICTION OF BODIES OF REVOLUTION
refined methods of making such estimates have (AIRSHIPS)
recently been developed by Millikan and will be The application of the boundary layer theory
presented in a paper t o be published by him in to bodies of revolution is interesting for analyses
the near future. and predictions of airship drags. The resistance
Another important application of the skin of a bare airship hull is almost entirely due to
friction theories is an approximate prediction of skin friction, the pressures at the bow and the
the boundary layer thickness or of the velocity stern being practically balanced. Early wind
distribution near the surface of plates or stream- tunnel tests, carried out at comparatively low
line bodies. To be sure in the case of streamline R.N., appeared to be inconsistent with one
bodies only a rough approximation can be another because the transition between laminar
obtained, because the ''development of the and turbulent flow was not taken into consider-
boundary layer" is influenced by pressure distri- ation. The airstreams in different wind tunnels
16 T H . VON K A R M A N

have very different degrees of turbulence and so 13. T H E INFLUENCE OF R O U G H N E S S

the transition occurs in quite different ways in
The problem of the influence of surface rough-
different wind tunnels.
ness on the skin friction is rather complex.
B. M. Jones and H. L. Dryden independently
Although many experiments have been con-
showed t h a t such differences in airstream turbu-
ducted concerning the friction in rough-walled
lence could account qualitatively for the wind
pipes, considerably fewer tests are available on
tunnel discrepancies. In their considerations a
skin friction of rough plates in a free stream.
figure of revolution was replaced by an "equiva-
In pipes with different diameters but with
lent flat plate" and the existing information on
identical or geometrically similar surface condi-
the flow along flat plates was thus applied to
tions the coefficient of skin friction depends on
their problem. Shortly afterwards C. B. Millikan
the R.N. and the "relative roughness." The
applied the boundary layer integral relation
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relative roughness is the ratio between a length

(analogous to Eq. (2), but taking the variation
which is characteristic of the roughness and a
of pressure along the surface into account) to
length characteristic of the cross section (for
the case of axial flow about a figure of revolu-
instance, the hydraulic radius). It is not possible
tion and gave expressions for the variation of
to define a priori which dimension is to be
boundary layer thickness and skin friction along
considered characteristic of the roughness, except
such a body, assuming a parabolic velocity
t h a t it must be the same for identical surfaces
profile for the laminar portion of the boundary
and for walls with geometrically similar kinds
layer and a " l / 7 t h power" profile for the
of roughness proportional to the scale of the
turbulent portion. The calculations were carried
protruding parts (for instance, to their mean
out in detail for the so-called N.P.L. models and
height). Denoting this parameter by k and the
curves of drag coefficient vs. R.N. for various
radius by ry the friction coefficient will be
degrees of airstream turbulence were obtained.
These gave a satisfactory quantitative agreement cf = F(R,k/r). (45)
with many of the experimental curves-, so t h a t
the explanation of the latter's inconsistencies The general form of this function is not known,
was in this way successfully accomplished. in fact it is not even sure t h a t one universal
Miss H. M. Lyon has carried the experimental function covers the case of all kinds of rough
side of the problem still further in an elaborate walls. It is more probable t h a t it depends on the
investigation of the correlation between the drag shape of the roughness. Fortunately, the experi-
coefficient vs. R.N. curves for two airship hull mental evidence shows t h a t the conditions are
models and the degree of turbulence produced relatively simple for high R.N. and compara-
artificially in the airstream. tively large relative roughness. It appears t h a t
Freeman repeated Millikan's calculations for with increasing R.N. the skin friction coefficient
the hull of the Akron dirigible and obtained a becomes independent of the viscosity and in turn
remarkably close agreement with his beautiful independent of the R.N. In this respect the
measurements on a l/40th scale wind tunnel behavior of rough surfaces is fundamentally
model, both as to drag coefficient and distribu- different from t h a t of a smooth surface, since in
tion of boundary layer thickness. For the R.N. the case of the smooth surface the friction
of his measurements the l / 7 t h power law used coefficient decreases indefinitely with increasing
in Millikan's theory was shown to be a very R.N.
satisfactory approximation to reality. However, For the range in which the friction coefficient
for the extrapolation of drag values to full scale is independent of the R.N., a simple relation
and for full scale boundary layer calculations between the friction coefficient and the relative
the l / 7 t h power law will almost certainly be a roughness can be found, based on the velocity
much less satisfactory approximation, so t h a t it distribution laws given in Section 6. We re-
would be very desirable to repeat the analysis member t h a t the ratio (velocity defect/friction
by using our improved knowledge of the laws of velocity) was found to be a universal function
skin friction. of the ratio (distance/radius), and it has been

noted t h a t this theorem holds also in the case get parallel straight lines, each line corresponding
of rough surfaces. Accordingly, denoting again to a given roughness. The slope of these lines is
t h e maximum velocity by U, t h e velocity at the determined by t h e universal constant /c, which
distance y from t h e wall by u, and the wall was encountered also in the case of smooth pipes
friction by r 0 , we write and smooth plates.
In Fig. 14 are plotted results of tests made by
(U-u)/(r0/P)i=f(y/r). (46)
Fromm and Nikuradse. With one exception they
T h e development for t h e velocity distribution agree with t h e foregoing conclusions. The ex-
starting from t h e wall will be different in the
cases of smooth and rough walls. For smooth
walls we assume t h a t u is a function of y, r 0 , p
and fji. In t h e general case of a rough surface u
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will be a function of these quantities and also

of the roughness parameter k. However, the
fact t h a t for large R.N. the skin friction coeffi-
cient is independent of the viscosity indicates
t h a t the velocity distribution is also independent
of v and hence u depends only on y, r 0 , p and k.
Dimensional analysis shows t h a t the only form
possible for this functional relation is

* = (TO/P)W*). (47)

On the other hand, we obtained from the

similarity of the turbulent flow pattern the

w=(T 0 /p)*(const. + (l/K') logy) (48)

so t h a t due to (43) the development for the
velocity distribution starting from the wall will be 10 mm 50 100
« = (T 0 /p)*(const. + ( l A ) log (y/k)). (49)
FIG. 14. Plotting of 1/C/i for channels of different widths.
Combining Eqs. (46) and (49) we obtain, by a
reassumption similar to t h a t applied in Section 8
tf=(r0/p)*(const.+(1/K) log (r/k)) (50) ceptional case refers to a test in which a surface
and with extreme roughness (sawteeth of 1.5 mm
height) was used.
(2/C/)* = a + ( l A ) l o g ( r / i f e ) . (51)
The vertical distance between any two such
It is easy to show (compare Section 8), t h a t the straight lines is determined by the difference of
same equation holds for the coefficient referred the terms (l//c) log*, i.e., by the ratio of the
to t h e mean velocity. roughnesses. Thus, by choosing one definite
T h e Eq. (51) was found by the author in 1930, roughness as a basis for comparison, it is possible
by a somewhat different reasoning from t h a t to assign a definite value to any surface. Niku-
given above. T h e equation can be checked radse produced geometrically similar rough sur-
independently of the definition of k by tests in faces for all of his tests, making use of sand
pipes or channels with walls of identical surface grains of various diameters. He found t h a t by
conditions. determining the roughness by Eq. (52), the
Let us write Eq. (51) in the form roughnesses of the surfaces used by him are
simply proportional to the diameter of the grains
2Vc/* = a - ( l A ) logib + (l/ic)logr. (52)
used. Thus we can tentatively use as a unit of
Then obviously, if we plot 1/c/* against log r, we roughness the grain diameter of an equivalent
18 TH. VON K A R M A N

1 .005

— .004 x/te 4,000

}ff C
f zmw\

10° I0' R I0 8 I0"

FIG. 16. Local friction coefficients for rough plates.

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These values give a fair estimate of the influence

5 10 50 100 bt\o 1000 of roughness on the coefficient of skin friction
for plates. Fig. 16 shows these values of cf for
FIG. 15. Plotting of 1/C/* against relative roughness. various roughnesses, compared with the curve
for smooth plates. For a more exact calculation,
it must be taken into account t h a t in general
granular surface. Fig. 15 shows the results of the the local skin friction will be a function both of
Fromfn and Nikuradse tests combined into one the boundary layer R.N. and of the relative
straight line, which has the equation roughness. Experimental evidence for the range
in which both the R.N. and the roughness have
l/ C / * = 3.0+4.15 log (r/k). (53)
an influence on the friction is somewhat contra-
The next step is the application of Eq. (51) to dictory, even in the case of pipes. However, the
the problem of skin friction of rough plates, in interpretation of the experimental results is
the same manner as we applied Eq. (33), deduced relatively easy in the case of the artificial
for the skin friction in smooth tubes, to the case granular roughness used by Nikuradse. He found:
of smooth plates. We must replace the radius r (a) t h a t the influence of roughness is, for all
in Eq. (51) by the boundary layer thickness. practical purposes, null below a certain R.N.,
First, we notice t h a t the * 'relative roughness" and t h a t the limiting value of the R.N. increases
k/8 which determines the friction is variable for with decreasing k.
constant k, it is large for small values of <5 (i.e., (b) t h a t beyond this limit the friction coeffi-
near the leading edge), and decreases with cient, for a given roughness, as a function of the
increasing distance from the leading edge. Hence R.N., first decreases, then slowly increases and
the validity of such a calculation is restricted to becomes constant at a certain value of the R.N.,
cases in which the roughness k is so large t h a t which value also depends on the roughness.
the assumption of a friction independent of the Considering the two limits (the limit at which
R.N. holds. the influence of the roughness appears, and the
We obtain, under these conditions, the equa- limit beyond which the friction coefficient is
tion for the local friction coefficient: constant) Nikuradse's tests show t h a t both
correspond to definite values of (ro/p)^k/v. This
1 / V = 5.8+4.15 log ((x/k)cfi). (54)
can easily be understood: Let us remember t h a t
As might be expected, the friction depends on in the case of a smooth wall, we have in the
the ratio k/x (roughness relative to the length). immediate neighborhood of the wall a laminar
In the following table are calculated a few region, whose outer limit or "the thickness of the
corresponding values of cf and x/k: laminar layer" 81 is proportional to P/(TO/P)*;
thus the parameter (r0/p)^k/v is proportional to
C/ = 0.0040 0.0035 0.0030 0.0025 0.0020
k/81 or to the ratio between the roughness and
3 3 3 3 3
X / £ = 4X10 8X10 18X10 53X10 220X10 the thickness of the laminar sublayer.

According to the tests, the influence of the TABLE III.

roughness starts with (ro/p)^k/v = 3, and the
friction coefficient becomes constant for (r 0 /p)^fe/ X k X k
i>>60. We remember t h a t 8 ^ 1 1 . 5 V / ( T O / P ) * gives 0.075 m 0.0230 m m 2 m 0.0306 m m
0.1 0.0237 2.5 0.0311
about t h e "thickness" of t h e laminar sublayer. 0.25 0.0257 3 0.0316
Thus it appears t h a t the influence of roughness 0.5 0.0276 10 0.0344
1.0 0.0290 50 0.0385
becomes noticeable if t h e height of the roughness 1.5 0.0299 100 0.0400
has the same order of magnitude as the laminar 200 0.0418
sublayer {k/di>\) and t h a t t h e viscosity has no
more influence if t h e roughness is large in harmful at t h e rear portion of the surface. This
comparison with this thickness ( K / 5 Z > 6 ) . has been proved experimentally by G. Kempf
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Accepting this evidence for t h e influence of and corresponds to common experience.

roughness with t h e limiting value (TQ/p)^k/v = 3, Another consequence which can be drawn from
we can carry out a quite interesting calculation Eq. (55) is t h e fact t h a t t h e allowable rough-
indicating t h e magnitude of "allowable rough- ness k depends chiefly on t h e speed and only
ness" in practical cases—"allowable" in t h e to a smaller degree on t h e R.N. This enhances
sense t h a t roughness below this limit does not the reliability of wind tunnel tests, since it shows
influence the friction of a plate. t h a t in model scale-reduction it is not necessary
According t o this condition the limiting value to reduce k in the ratio of the length scale, but
of k is given by only in the ratio in which cp is increased.
Unfortunately the evidence of tests on pipes
* = 3 y /(ro/p)* = 3(v/t7)(2A/)*. (55)
with different roughnesses produced by various
Now, for smooth plates cf is a function of the paints or by different manufacturing methods is
Rx and is calculated on page 12. Using these not so consistent as are Nikuradse's tests on
tabulated values, we obtain for the case of an artificially roughened pipes. Some of these other
airfoil with 3 m chord and 100 m/sec. speed tests are very exact, hence it is probable t h a t
(x = distance from t h e leading edge), Table I I . Nikuradse's conclusion as to the existence of a
universal "roughness function" does not cover
all kinds of roughness. I t is probably t h a t the
one parameter k is not sufficient in itself to
X k X k characterize the surface; at least one more
0.075 m 0.0100 m m 1.5 m 0.0129 m m
parameter, such as the mean distance between
0.1 0.0103 2.0 0.0131 protruding parts, must enter into the picture.
0.25 0.0111 2.5 0.0133
0.5 0.0118 3.0 0.0135
At the present time it is not possible to compute
1.0 0.0125 the skin friction for a plate with a given rough-
The author believes t h a t the main problems
Similarly, for an airship of 200 m length and of future research in t h e field of skin friction are:
speed of 40 m / s e c , we have Table I I I . (a) to work out a method of determining a
It is interesting t o notice t h a t recent experi- reliable "roughness scale" for different kinds of
ments of t h e N.A.C.A. give t h e same order of materials used in practice,
magnitude for t h e allowable roughness of an (b) to investigate, by systematic experiments
airfoil. on rough surfaces, t h e transition range, i.e.,
It is evident t h a t a certain small roughness is the range in which both the R.N. and t h e
more harmful near the leading edge and less relative roughness influence t h e friction.


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