Anda di halaman 1dari 23

Chapter contains

• Single dimensional array

Arrays • Multiple dimensional array
Dr Ho Fu Haw • Pointer

Function of array: to store huge data

sets in a systematic way

• Normally we stored value as variable a,b,c..

• How about if we have 1000 variables ?
• Array- A set of data with similar properties and
which are stored in consecutive memory location
under common variable name

Integer and character array One dimensional array

• int x[10]
• Array is declared as ordinary variable, but size of the
array must be specified within the square bracket
• int main()
{ int number[5];
Exercise int i;
long sum;
1. Develop a program to store X1 until X5 data, and int average ;
continue to calculate the average value X1 until X5 int count = 5;
without using array function.
for (i=0; i<count; i ++)
{ printf("enter value %d", i+1);
2. By using array function, develop a program to scanf("%d", &number[i]);
evaluate X1 until X5, and calculate the average of
total obtained value. sum += number[i]; }
average = sum/5;
printf("average of five numbers is: %d \n", average);}

• // Program to find the average of n (n < 10) numbers using arrays

• #include <stdio.h>
• int main()
• {
• int x[5], i, n, sum = 0, average;
• printf("Enter n: ");
• scanf("%d", &n);
• for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
• { printf("Enter number%d: ",i+1);
• scanf("%d", &x[i]);
• sum += x[i]; }
• average = sum/n;
• printf("Average = %d", average);
• return 0;}
• #include<stdio.h>

• int main()
• {
Write a program to store 5 digits below and perform
• int mark[4] = {12,10,13,5};
different arithmetic operation on these digits using
array function: • printf("first operation: %d \n",mark[0]-mark[2]);
• printf("second operation: %d\n",mark[1]*mark[3]);
4 5 11 12 9
• printf("third operation: %d \n",mark[2]%mark[4]);
First operation: 4/5
Second operation: 4+11/12
• return 0;
Third operation: 9%11 •
• }

Retrieving stored data
For (int i= 0; i< count; i=i+1) TEST MARK WHEN THEIR MATRIC NO IS
Printf(“ the number %d was %d”, i+1, number[i]); TYPED USING ARRAY FUCNTION. THE
111 10
222 20
333 30
444 40
555 50
• #include<stdio.h>
• int main()
• {
• int mat[]={111,222,333,444,555}, i;
• int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50};
• Printf(“enter your matric number: “,i);
• Scanf(“%d”, &i);
• mat[i]=arr[i];
• printf("matrix number of %d is %d \n", mat[i], arr[i]);

• return 0;
• }

Example of one dimensional array

• Array also known as subscripted variable
• General form
• Name[i], number [i][j]
• i and j is subscript
• Following rules should be followed while using subscript
• A subscript may be a valid integer
• The value of subscript is zero or positive
• A subscript must not be subscripted variable
• If a variable is used to represent an array it should not be used as
ordinary variable
Run time initialization

• Array can be initialize during execution of the

program in 2 different ways
• By using assignment statement
• By using input statement

Exercise Multidimensional array

• • In multidimensional array the number of subscript is more than

• int a[i][j][k]
• The declaration is similar to one dimensional array.
• int x[3][2]
• x[0][0] x[0][1]
• x[1][0] x[1][1]
• x[2][0] x[2][1]
• The size of this array is 6
• #include<stdio.h>
• #include<conio.h>
• int main()
• { int x[3][3]={1,2,3,[0]=4,5,6,7,8,9};
printf("\n%d", x[1][2]);
• return 0; }
• #include<stdio.h>
• #include<conio.h>
• int main()
Exercise • { int x[2][2]={1,2,3,4}, i, j;
• printf("enter your x point: ");
• scanf("%d", &i);
• printf("enter your y point: ");
• scanf("%d", &j);
• printf("the coordinate x[]y[] is: %d", x[i][j]);
Write a program to show the • return 0;
• }
coordinate of [i][j] by key in i & j
in a any 3x3 matrix.
Write a program to find the type of
vegetable and its quantity:
Location Vegetable Qty
[0][0] tomato 5
[1][1] kangkung 4
[1][2] Broccoli 3

President of United State


• Write a program to find the transpose matrix of

order m x n;
ƒ When declaring a variable, the compiler sets aside memory
storage with a unique address to store that variable.
ƒ The compiler associates that address with the variable’s name.
ƒ When the program uses the variable name, it automatically
accesses a proper memory location.
ƒ No need to concern which address.
ƒ But we can manipulate the memory address by using pointers.
ƒ Let say we declare a variable named nRate of type integer and
assign an initial value as follows,

int nRate = 10;

• A pointer is a variable that stores the address of

another variable. Unlike other variables that hold
advantages values of a certain type, pointer holds the address of
a variable.

• By using pointers, it is an efficient way of accessing

and manipulating data.
• Very useful for dynamic memory management, as we
know memory, registers and cache are scarce
resource in computer system.
• Reduce running time
Define pointer Pointer outputs
• “Address of ”(&) Operator – to find the address of a defined
Example: printf(“the address of num is: %p”, &num)

“Value at Address”(*) Operator- to define an empty pointer

Example: int *p

“%p, %x, %X” – to print pointer

*p in printf – to retrieve the value contained in a pointer

Example: printf(“the value of num is %p”, *p)

Difference between %p and %x

Type of pointer

• "x" and "X" serve to output a hexadecimal number. "x" stands

for lower case letters (abcdef) while "X" for capital letters
• "p" serves to output a pointer. It may differ depending upon
the compiler and platform.

Printf(“the address of ABC is: %p”, &abc);
Printf(“the address of ABC is: %x”, &abc);
Printf(“the address of ABC is: %X”, &abc);
Pointer arithmetic (++, -- , + -)
Arithmetic on pointer variable

• Arithmetic operation such as +,-,++ and – can be

performed on pointer variable under some restriction
• Depends on size of data type
• Character – 1byte
• Int- 4 bytes
• Float- 4 bytes
• Double- 8 bytes
• If float *a and a++ the size increase by 4

Decrement pointer
Pointer and One dimensional Array

• Address of the first element of array is address of

entire array
• a[] Æ a is an integer of array, then the address of
first element either &a[0] or by simply a.
• If Pa is pointer define by int *Pa and array a defined
by int a[];
• Pa=&a[0]; or Pa=a; is same
• Pa=&a[1] is same with Pa=a+1;
Array of pointer – store array data in use an array of pointers to character
pointer to store a list of strings

Example of pointer to pointer:

Pointer to pointer

• A pointer to a pointer is a form of multiple indirection, or

a chain of pointers.

• declares a pointer to a pointer of type int :

Example: int **num, ***num1, ****num2;
Dynamic memory allocation
• Int a[100]
• Fixed amount of memory is reserved for array
• 100 x 4 bytes of memory reserved for a. in this case if
only 40 is used 60 space is unnecessarily occupied. This is
wastage of memory.
• Dynamic memory allocation is useful function to
overcome this problem
• Library function:
• malloc
int main()
int x,y;
printf("Please insert x value\n");

if(x < 5 && x >=0)
printf("The y value is :%d", y);
else if (x < 15 && x>=6)
printf("The y value is :%d", y);
else if (x >= 20 && x<30)
printf("The y value is :%d", y);
printf("\nOut of range");

int main()
int i,n,x,y[9999],a=0,b;
printf("Please insert the n value\n");
printf("Y = %d\n",i);
for ( x = 0; x < n; x++)
printf("The average value is %d",a/n);
int main()
int *a,i,j,tmp,n;
printf("\n\nPointer : Sort an array using pointer:\n");
printf("Input the number element to store in array:");
printf("Input %d number element to store in array:",n);
for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
printf("element - %d:",i+1);
for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
for(j=i+1 ; j<n ; i++)
} printf("\n The elements in the array after sorting : \n");
for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
printf("element - %d:%d",i+1,*(a+i));



Develop a program to store X1 until X5 data, and

continue to calculate the average value X1 until X5
without using array function.

int main()
int number[5];
int i;
long sum;
int average ;
int count = 5;
for (i=0; i<count; i ++)
printf("enter value %d", i+1);
scanf("%d", &number[i]);
sum += number[i];
average = sum/5;
printf("average of five numbers is: %d \n", average);}


By using array function, develop a program to

evaluate X1 until X5, and calculate the average of
total obtained value.

// Program to find the average of n (n < 10) numbers using arrays

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x[5], i, n, sum = 0, average;
printf("Enter n: ");
scanf("%d", &n);
for(i=0; i<n; ++i)
printf("Enter number%d: ",i+1);
scanf("%d", &x[i]);
sum += x[i];
average = sum/n;
printf("Average = %d", average);
return 0;



Write a program to show the

coordinate of [i][j] by key in i & j
in a any 3x3 matrix.

int main()
int x[2][2]={1,2,3,4}, i, j;
printf("enter your x point: ");
scanf("%d", &i);
printf("enter your y point: ");
scanf("%d", &j);
printf("the coordinate x[]y[] is: %d", x[i][j]);
return 0;

enter your x point: 1
enter your y point: 2
the coordinate x[]y[] is: 43979632




// Program to calculate the sum of first n natural number

// Positive integer 1,2,3,n... are known as natural numbers

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int num, count, sum = 0;
printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);

for (count = 1; count <= num; ++count )

sum += count;
printf("Sum = %d", sum);
return 0;

Enter a positive integer: 10
Sum = 55



int main()
int i = 10;
printf("enter a number", i);
scanf ("%d", &i);

printf("Hello %d\n",i);


enter a number8
Hello 8
Hello 7
Hello 6
Hello 5
Hello 4
Hello 3
Hello 2
Hello 1

6. Switching

Write a program to enable the system to pick a number
between 1 to 10 and prize to be won as below:
no 1 ¨C Myvi
no 3 ¨C EX5 bike
no 7¨C Raleigh mountain bike
no 8 ¨C acer laptop
Else: mineral water

int main()
int number;
printf("key in your number:",number);
scanf("%d", &number);

case 123:
printf("you won the 1st price");

case 456:
printf("you won the 2nd price");

case 789:
printf("you won the 3rd price");

printf("too bad, you won nothing!!");
return 0;



Build a program to evaluate:

a < 5 goto formula1: y=10a + 5
a < 8 goto formula2: y= 25-2a
a > 8 goto formula3: y= 12a-4
If y value > 20, repeat the evaluation program, else end the

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main(void)
int a,b,c,y;

printf("Enter a value: ");
goto formula1;

else if(a<8)
goto formula2;

goto formula3;

goto start;

return 0;
The ASCII Code Table

Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol Dec Hex Symbol
0 0x00 Null character 32 0x20 space 64 0x40 @ 96 0x60 `
1 0x01 Start of heading 33 0x21 ! 65 0x41 A 97 0x61 a
2 0x02 Start of text 34 0x22 " 66 0x42 B 98 0x62 b
3 0x03 End of text 35 0x23 # 67 0x43 C 99 0x63 c
4 0x04 End of transmission 36 0x24 $ 68 0x44 D 100 0x64 d
5 0x05 Enquiry 37 0x25 % 69 0x45 E 101 0x65 e
6 0x06 Acknowledgment 38 0x26 & 70 0x46 F 102 0x66 f
7 0x07 Bell 39 0x27 ' 71 0x47 G 103 0x67 g
8 0x08 Backspace 40 0x28 ( 72 0x48 H 104 0x68 h
9 0x09 Horizontal tab 41 0x29 ) 73 0x49 I 105 0x69 i
10 0x0A Line feed 42 0x2A * 74 0x4A J 106 0x6A j
11 0x0B Vertical tab 43 0x2B + 75 0x4B K 107 0x6B k
12 0x0C Form feed 44 0x2C , 76 0x4C L 108 0x6C l
13 0x0D Carriage return 45 0x2D - 77 0x4D M 109 0x6D m
14 0x0E Shift out 46 0x2E . 78 0x4E N 110 0x6E n
15 0x0F Shift in 47 0x2F / 79 0x4F O 111 0x6F o
16 0x10 Data link escape 48 0x30 0 80 0x50 P 112 0x70 p
17 0x11 Device Control 1 49 0x31 1 81 0x51 Q 113 0x71 q
18 0x12 Device Control 2 50 0x32 2 82 0x52 R 114 0x72 r
19 0x13 Device Control 3 51 0x33 3 83 0x53 S 115 0x73 s
20 0x14 Device Control 4 52 0x34 4 84 0x54 T 116 0x74 t
21 0x15 Negative Acknowledgment 53 0x35 5 85 0x55 U 117 0x75 u
22 0x16 Synchronous Idle 54 0x36 6 86 0x56 V 118 0x76 v
23 0x17 End of Transmission Block 55 0x37 7 87 0x57 W 119 0x77 w
24 0x18 Cancel 56 0x38 8 88 0x58 X 120 0x78 x
25 0x19 End of Medium 57 0x39 9 89 0x59 Y 121 0x79 y
26 0x1A Substitute 58 0x3A : 90 0x5A Z 122 0x7A z
27 0x1B Escape 59 0x3B ; 91 0x5B [ 123 0x7B {
28 0x1C File Separator 60 0x3C < 92 0x5C \ 124 0x7C |
29 0x1D Group Separator 61 0x3D = 93 0x5D ] 125 0x7D }
30 0x1E Record Separator 62 0x3E > 94 0x5E ^ 126 0x7E ~
31 0x1F Unit Separator 63 0x3F ? 95 0x5F _ 127 0x7F delete

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