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Impact of discounts on buying behavior: saving trend

Consumer behavior is one of the basic factors analyzed by the major companies producing goods
and services, precisely to identify the main requirements, needs and trends in people's consumption
habits and generate profit. Do these occur when consumers' financial resources are limited, and consumer
habits are changing according to their financial availability?
In this article we analyzed the impact of discounts, especially during the product's expiration when
it is sold with only 50% of the initial price. The purpose of the article was to measure the impact of these
cuts on buying behavior, and among the main objectives is determining the importance of savings in
consumer behavior, what the main activities they think they are saving are and what they give up on
priority when they want to save.
In order to obtain the proposed results, a quantitative research was carried out, as a result of
which we determined that most of the consumers bought 50% less products even if they were not part of
their shopping list, concluding that most of the time there was only the illusion of an economy, not the
saving itself.

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