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9698 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum:

es. Many factors can influence people's behaviour and compli-cate the situation, so it is
essential that there is a model which is simple to under-stand and easy to use
practically and yet also multi-factorial. Here within, you will be presented with a model of
employee behaviour based on the equation of state of ideal gases, an equation which is
used in chemistry. Parameters of the equation adapted for working conditions in organi-
sations will be defined and a qualitative analysis with proposals for a quantitative
analysis given. In order to obtain quantita-tive parameters it will be necessary to do
research in real economic conditions and then determine through correlation the values
and dependence of each element of the equation. The equation of state of ideal gases
is: PV=nRT where: P is pressure, V – volume, n – number of moles, R – universal gas
con-stant and T – temperature. If there is no The International Journal of Organizational
Innovation Vol 6 Num 2 October 2013 50 chemical reaction and no change in the
aggregate state, the product nR is constant, and the equation takes the following form in
equilibrium conditions: In the first case, the behaviour of the operators in the company
will be examined according to the amount of work they per-form, or their effectiveness.
The parame-ters of the equation will be defined as fol- PV T  const. lows. This form of
the equation will be the basis for defining the behaviour of employees, and the
definitions of the elements will be as follows: P – number of tasks or duties defined for a
particular job, or requirements of superi-ors; V – number of completed jobs and tasks, or
employee responses; T – internal state of employees, ‘tempera-ture’, or motivation. In
order to keep the system in bal-ance, the equation requires a constant value which
would then cause satisfaction among employees and their supervisors. In case a small
imbalance appears, it can be regulated by a timely and appropriate reac- P is the ratio
of the required number of tasks and the defined number of tasks that must be
performed by the operative within the given period of time, or: P  Pdemand . Pdef .
Pdemand. – the number of tasks that an employee is required to do by the man-ager,
Pdef. – the number of tasks defined by a job plan and description. Ideally Pdemand.
and Pdef. are equal, and P should be one. The value of V is inversely propor-tional to
the number of fulfilled tasks, or: tion. If the imbalances are greater, it is V  1 impossible
for the equation to maintain a constant value and more radical changes are required.
The case that will be presented in pa-per is the one for employees who perform manual
jobs or operators (process, manu-facturing). The initial assumption is that employees,
as well as gases, tend to the maximum value of V, if there are no con-straints of
(parameter P). The value of the parameter T varies according to the pa-rameters P and
V as well as the personal characteristics of each employee, and therefore it is the
hardest to define. The limitations of the model are imposed by the necessity of a clear
hierarchy and level of management, whether in company or project teams. Behaviour of
Operators Veff .. Veff. – the quotient of the number of tasks completed by the operative
and required from him, within a defined period of time, or his effectiveness. V finish Veff .
 Pdemand . In the case when employees successfully complete all assigned tasks,
then V is equal to one. The value of T is difficult to define uniquely, since it depends
significantly on the personal characteristics of employees and in some ways it means
job satisfaction and can be only represented as a function: T f(Ttype,Tsize,Tmotiv)
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 6 Num 2 October 2013 51
Ttype – satisfaction with the type of work done by the operative, Tsize – satisfaction
with workload, Tmotiv - employee moti-vation. Generally it can be said that the more the
employee is satisfied the higher T is and vice versa. The reference value for T will be
one, that is when the employee is happy and motivated to the maximum. A case will be
considered to start when everything is in balance and the equation is in a constant state
for a certain period of time. If we start with the main assumption V will tend to the
maximum, or employees will perform less and less work. If this situation is not
addressed in due course, V will grow more and more because the employees will
consider their actions acceptable and tend to work less. Moreover, there will be a
decline in T be-cause employees are less and less moti-vated as they lose interest in
the job. The equation falls out of balance, because P is constant, V is increased and T
decreased, and the only way to return to the initial state is through the timely
intervention of the manager. The solution is – a better control of completed assignments,
sanctions in the event of unfulfilled duties, assigning more work, or a clear definition of
limits and reduction of V. When the equation returns to its original state of equilibrium,
then the control decreases linearly and the number of commitments returns to the
starting one. To prevent a sudden increase in V, it is necessary to constantly monitor
the num-ber of fulfilled obligations of employees and their job satisfaction. In practice,
there appears to be a spe-cial case when T increases together with an increasing V.
This syndrome is known as ''the less I do the more I talk'', and such workers create an
impression of doing more than anyone else and are therefore irreplaceable. If there is
no clear control of duties, such employees are very difficult to uncover because the
equation is in a state of quasi-equilibrium. Although quite spe-cific, this case is not
uncommon, and em-ployees who fit this description of behav-iour can be recognised by:
good elo-quence, giving general answers to specific questions, having a little
understanding of all the work but actually inadequate, they are very friendly and can be
great dema-gogues. The only solution in this case is the specification of tasks and strict
control of their execution as well as an evaluation of the employee capabilities. Such
actions reduce the effect of self-promotion and generate only concrete results. What
happens if the equation is in equilibrium state and a manager requires from an
employee to perform more tasks than defined? If we substitute values for P and V in the
first equation we will get the form: 1 Pdemand . 1 1 2 PV   Pdemand . T T P V
finished T P ⋅ V finished def . Pdemand def . It can be concluded that the increase in the
number of required tasks has a ma-jor effect on the overall balance of the equation
which continues to affect the pa-rameter T. If the number of required jobs is increased
for one more beyond the de-fined ones and the operative carries out all required tasks,
then the equation will be out of balance because there is a decrease in T. The
employee will be dissatisfied after completing the tasks if his work is not adequately
rewarded. If the requested job was only temporary, then the equation returns to its
equilibrium state and it can be said that there was only a temporary imbalance due to
work demands. How-ever, if there is a further increase in Pde-mand. there will be a
further reduction in T, which will lead to increased employee dissatisfaction and
decreased efficiency. The only situation justifying a higher Pdemand. would be the one
that enables The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 6 Num 2
October 2013 52 further advancement of the employee or an adequate compensation,
that is, having a Parameter T direct impact on motivation Tmotiv. Ttype  a In all
situations where there is an in-crease in Pdemand., great attention must be paid to the
parameter T, as this will strongly depend on the personal character-istics of the
employee, so that dissatisfac-tion can increase more or less as expected. Therefore, it
is necessary to prepare first a detailed personality profile of the work-force and then on
basis of that, plan a fur-ther career development for each individ-ual employee. As an
exception proves the rule, so in practice a situation can be found when the initial
assumption that V tends to a maxi-mum does not apply, or that the employee, because
of his personal qualities, performs more and more work. This means that Vfinished
grows but also T increases, so the equation comes into a new steady state, because
the employee is self-motivated. This balance will last for a limited time because the
motives of the employee to work more may be different - the expecta-tion of promotion
or additional financial gain due to work commitment, ambition, or simply efficient
delivery hours. If the expected gains are not achieved then the employee will work less
and less, or at least no more than as defined. Self-motivation is rarely found with end-
operatives and they should be recognised promptly and the most efficient use made of
their capabilities. 100 , a – percentage satisfaction with the type of job (0-100%) Tsize 
b 100 , b – percentage satisfaction with workload (0-100%) c Tmotiv  100 , c –
motivation of people (0- 100%) Toperator. Ttype⋅Tsize⋅Tmotiv Tmanag..
Ttype⋅Tpower⋅Tmotiv References Maslow, Abraham H. (1970). Motivation and
Personality. New York: Harper & Row McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of
Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and Motiva-tion. New
York: McGraw-Hill



Igor Stankovic
R & D Senior Polymer Engineer
SIPCHEM, Kerajaan Arab Saudi


Perilaku karyawan di lingkungan kerja sangat kompleks dan sulit didahulukan, meski
ada banyak teori yang ada. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkah laku
manusia dan memperumit situasi, jadi penting bahwa ada model yang mudah dipahami
dan mudah digunakan secara praktis dan juga multi faktoral. Teori McGregor (1960),
Maslow (1970) dan Vroom (1964) terutama model motivasi dan tidak memperhitungkan
penampilan pribadi dalam organisasi yang kompleks. Model yang disajikan dalam pa-
per ini akan mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara motivasi, kinerja dan harapan
di perusahaan manufaktur. Model tersebut menggunakan pendekatan teknik untuk
memahami perilaku pribadi dan menghubungkannya dengan kinerja profesional. Ini
adalah analisis kualitatif dan pola tersebut diamati pada sekitar 100 operator manual di
industri Petrokimia dan sekitar 200 opera-tors di industri FMCG. Di sini, Anda akan
diberi contoh perilaku karyawan berdasarkan persamaan keadaan gas ideal,
persamaan yang digunakan dalam kimia. Parameter persamaan yang disesuaikan
dengan kondisi kerja dalam organisasi akan didefinisikan dan analisis kualitatif dengan
proposal untuk analisis kuantitatif yang diberikan.

Kata kunci: Perilaku Organisasi, motivasi, kinerja

Perilaku Organisasi Karyawan di Indonesia

Lingkungan manufaktur

Perilaku organisasi adalah studi tentang perilaku manusia di tempat kerja, interaksi
antara manusia dan organiasi dengan maksud untuk memahami dan memprediksi
perilaku manusia. Pemahaman tentang perilaku individu, kelompok, dan organisasi
penting untuk kesuksesan sebagai pemimpin atau pengikut, dan memerlukan studi sys-
tematik untuk mulai memahami semua
variabel yang mempengaruhi perilaku. Ini adalah bidang interdisipliner yang mencakup
sosiolesi, psikologi, komunikasi, dan manajemen.

Teori X dan Teori Y adalah teori motivasi manusia yang diciptakan dan dikembangkan
oleh Douglas McGregor di MIT Sloan School of Management pada tahun 1960an yang
telah digunakan dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia, perilaku organisasi,
komunikasi organisasi dan

Jurnal Internasional Inovasi Organisasi Vol 6 Bil 2 Oktober 2013 49

pengembangan organisasi. Mereka menggambarkan dua model kontras tenaga kerja.

Teori X dan Teori Y berhubungan dengan hierarki kebutuhan Maslow tentang

bagaimana perilaku dan motivasi manusia menjadi prioritas utama di tempat kerja untuk
memaksimalkan output. Hirarki kebutuhan Maslow adalah teori dalam psikologi dan dia
menggunakan istilah Fisiologis, Keselamatan, Keingin-rasa dan Cinta, Esteem, Self-
Actualization dan Self-Transcendence yang perlu dijelaskan mengenai pola yang
biasanya digerakkan oleh motivasi manusia.

Teori Harapan Motivasi, yang pertama kali diajukan oleh Victor Vroom dari Yale School
of Management, menjelaskan proses perilaku mengapa individu memilih satu pilihan
perilaku daripada yang lain. Ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana mereka membuat
keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan akhir yang mereka hargai.

Teori X dan Teori Y berkaitan dengan persepsi manajer terhadap pegawainya, bukan
cara mereka berperilaku generik. Teori Maslow lebih banyak digunakan pada tahap
pertumbuhan manusia individual, tidak menjelaskan perilaku dalam or-
ganization.Mengenai teori Harapan, Edward Lawler mengklaim bahwa kesederhanaan
teori harapan sangat menipu karena mengasumsikan bahwa jika pemberi kerja
memberi hadiah, seperti bonus finansial atau pro-gerak, cukup menarik, karyawan akan
meningkatkan produktivitas mereka untuk mendapatkan pahala.

McGregor, teori Maslow dan Vroom adalah model motivasi dan tidak memperhitungkan
penampilan pribadi di organisasi yang kompleks. Model yang telah dikirim sebelumnya
dalam makalah ini akan mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara motivasi, kinerja
dan eksposisi di perusahaan manufaktur. Model tersebut menggunakan pendekatan
teknik untuk perilaku pribadi yang tidak terpuji dan sesuai dengan kinerja profesional.Ini
adalah analisis kualitatif dan polanya adalah ob-

melayani sekitar 100 operator proses di industri Petrokimia dan sekitar 200 operator di
industri FMCG.

Disini disajikan pendekatan baru untuk perilaku karyawan berdasarkan persamaan

keadaan gas ideal, persamaan yang digunakan dalam kimia. Parameter persamaan
yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi kerja dalam organisasi akan didefinisikan dan analisis
kualitatif dengan proposal untuk analisis kuantitatif yang diberikan. Untuk mendapatkan
parameter kuantitatif diperlukan penelitian dalam kondisi ekonomi riil dan kemudian
ditentukan melalui korelasi nilai dan ketergantungan masing-masing elemen persamaan.

Pengenalan Model Baru

Perilaku karyawan di lingkungan kerja sangat kompleks dan sulit diprediksi, meski ada
banyak yang ada theori
Sarankan edit

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Batas karakter maksimum terlampaui


9698 karakter melebihi batas 5000 maksimum:

es. Many factors can influence people's behaviour and compli-cate the situation, so it is
essential that there is a model which is simple to under-stand and easy to use
practically and yet also multi-factorial. Here within, you will be presented with a model of
employee behaviour based on the equation of state of ideal gases, an equation which is
used in chemistry. Parameters of the equation adapted for working conditions in organi-
sations will be defined and a qualitative analysis with proposals for a quantitative
analysis given. In order to obtain quantita-tive parameters it will be necessary to do
research in real economic conditions and then determine through correlation the values
and dependence of each element of the equation. The equation of state of ideal gases
is: PV=nRT where: P is pressure, V – volume, n – number of moles, R – universal gas
con-stant and T – temperature. If there is no The International Journal of Organizational
Innovation Vol 6 Num 2 October 2013 50 chemical reaction and no change in the
aggregate state, the product nR is constant, and the equation takes the following form in
equilibrium conditions: In the first case, the behaviour of the operators in the company
will be examined according to the amount of work they per-form, or their effectiveness.
The parame-ters of the equation will be defined as fol- PV T  const. lows. This form of
the equation will be the basis for defining the behaviour of employees, and the
definitions of the elements will be as follows: P – number of tasks or duties defined for a
particular job, or requirements of superi-ors; V – number of completed jobs and tasks, or
employee responses; T – internal state of employees, ‘tempera-ture’, or motivation. In
order to keep the system in bal-ance, the equation requires a constant value which
would then cause satisfaction among employees and their supervisors. In case a small
imbalance appears, it can be regulated by a timely and appropriate reac- P is the ratio
of the required number of tasks and the defined number of tasks that must be
performed by the operative within the given period of time, or: P  Pdemand . Pdef .
Pdemand. – the number of tasks that an employee is required to do by the man-ager,
Pdef. – the number of tasks defined by a job plan and description. Ideally Pdemand.
and Pdef. are equal, and P should be one. The value of V is inversely propor-tional to
the number of fulfilled tasks, or: tion. If the imbalances are greater, it is V  1 impossible
for the equation to maintain a constant value and more radical changes are required.
The case that will be presented in pa-per is the one for employees who perform manual
jobs or operators (process, manu-facturing). The initial assumption is that employees,
as well as gases, tend to the maximum value of V, if there are no con-straints of
(parameter P). The value of the parameter T varies according to the pa-rameters P and
V as well as the personal characteristics of each employee, and therefore it is the
hardest to define. The limitations of the model are imposed by the necessity of a clear
hierarchy and level of management, whether in company or project teams. Behaviour of
Operators Veff .. Veff. – the quotient of the number of tasks completed by the operative
and required from him, within a defined period of time, or his effectiveness. V finish Veff .
 Pdemand . In the case when employees successfully complete all assigned tasks,
then V is equal to one. The value of T is difficult to define uniquely, since it depends
significantly on the personal characteristics of employees and in some ways it means
job satisfaction and can be only represented as a function: T f(Ttype,Tsize,Tmotiv)
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 6 Num 2 October 2013 51
Ttype – satisfaction with the type of work done by the operative, Tsize – satisfaction
with workload, Tmotiv - employee moti-vation. Generally it can be said that the more the
employee is satisfied the higher T is and vice versa. The reference value for T will be
one, that is when the employee is happy and motivated to the maximum. A case will be
considered to start when everything is in balance and the equation is in a constant state
for a certain period of time. If we start with the main assumption V will tend to the
maximum, or employees will perform less and less work. If this situation is not
addressed in due course, V will grow more and more because the employees will
consider their actions acceptable and tend to work less. Moreover, there will be a
decline in T be-cause employees are less and less moti-vated as they lose interest in
the job. The equation falls out of balance, because P is constant, V is increased and T
decreased, and the only way to return to the initial state is through the timely
intervention of the manager. The solution is – a better control of completed assignments,
sanctions in the event of unfulfilled duties, assigning more work, or a clear definition of
limits and reduction of V. When the equation returns to its original state of equilibrium,
then the control decreases linearly and the number of commitments returns to the
starting one. To prevent a sudden increase in V, it is necessary to constantly monitor
the num-ber of fulfilled obligations of employees and their job satisfaction. In practice,
there appears to be a spe-cial case when T increases together with an increasing V.
This syndrome is known as ''the less I do the more I talk'', and such workers create an
impression of doing more than anyone else and are therefore irreplaceable. If there is
no clear control of duties, such employees are very difficult to uncover because the
equation is in a state of quasi-equilibrium. Although quite spe-cific, this case is not
uncommon, and em-ployees who fit this description of behav-iour can be recognised by:
good elo-quence, giving general answers to specific questions, having a little
understanding of all the work but actually inadequate, they are very friendly and can be
great dema-gogues. The only solution in this case is the specification of tasks and strict
control of their execution as well as an evaluation of the employee capabilities. Such
actions reduce the effect of self-promotion and generate only concrete results. What
happens if the equation is in equilibrium state and a manager requires from an
employee to perform more tasks than defined? If we substitute values for P and V in the
first equation we will get the form: 1 Pdemand . 1 1 2 PV   Pdemand . T T P V
finished T P ⋅ V finished def . Pdemand def . It can be concluded that the increase in the
number of required tasks has a ma-jor effect on the overall balance of the equation
which continues to affect the pa-rameter T. If the number of required jobs is increased
for one more beyond the de-fined ones and the operative carries out all required tasks,
then the equation will be out of balance because there is a decrease in T. The
employee will be dissatisfied after completing the tasks if his work is not adequately
rewarded. If the requested job was only temporary, then the equation returns to its
equilibrium state and it can be said that there was only a temporary imbalance due to
work demands. How-ever, if there is a further increase in Pde-mand. there will be a
further reduction in T, which will lead to increased employee dissatisfaction and
decreased efficiency. The only situation justifying a higher Pdemand. would be the one
that enables The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 6 Num 2
October 2013 52 further advancement of the employee or an adequate compensation,
that is, having a Parameter T direct impact on motivation Tmotiv. Ttype  a In all
situations where there is an in-crease in Pdemand., great attention must be paid to the
parameter T, as this will strongly depend on the personal character-istics of the
employee, so that dissatisfac-tion can increase more or less as expected. Therefore, it
is necessary to prepare first a detailed personality profile of the work-force and then on
basis of that, plan a fur-ther career development for each individ-ual employee. As an
exception proves the rule, so in practice a situation can be found when the initial
assumption that V tends to a maxi-mum does not apply, or that the employee, because
of his personal qualities, performs more and more work. This means that Vfinished
grows but also T increases, so the equation comes into a new steady state, because
the employee is self-motivated. This balance will last for a limited time because the
motives of the employee to work more may be different - the expecta-tion of promotion
or additional financial gain due to work commitment, ambition, or simply efficient
delivery hours. If the expected gains are not achieved then the employee will work less
and less, or at least no more than as defined. Self-motivation is rarely found with end-
operatives and they should be recognised promptly and the most efficient use made of
their capabilities. 100 , a – percentage satisfaction with the type of job (0-100%) Tsize 
b 100 , b – percentage satisfaction with workload (0-100%) c Tmotiv  100 , c –
motivation of people (0- 100%) Toperator. Ttype⋅Tsize⋅Tmotiv Tmanag..
Ttype⋅Tpower⋅Tmotiv References Maslow, Abraham H. (1970). Motivation and
Personality. New York: Harper & Row McGregor, D. (1960). The Human Side of
Enterprise, New York, McGraw-Hill Vroom, V. H. (1964). Work and Motiva-tion. New
York: McGraw-Hill



Igor Stankovic
R & D Senior Polymer Engineer
SIPCHEM, Kerajaan Arab Saudi


Perilaku karyawan di lingkungan kerja sangat kompleks dan sulit didahulukan, meski
ada banyak teori yang ada. Banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi tingkah laku
manusia dan memperumit situasi, jadi penting bahwa ada model yang mudah dipahami
dan mudah digunakan secara praktis dan juga multi faktoral. Teori McGregor (1960),
Maslow (1970) dan Vroom (1964) terutama model motivasi dan tidak memperhitungkan
penampilan pribadi dalam organisasi yang kompleks. Model yang disajikan dalam pa-
per ini akan mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara motivasi, kinerja dan harapan
di perusahaan manufaktur. Model tersebut menggunakan pendekatan teknik untuk
memahami perilaku pribadi dan menghubungkannya dengan kinerja profesional. Ini
adalah analisis kualitatif dan pola tersebut diamati pada sekitar 100 operator manual di
industri Petrokimia dan sekitar 200 opera-tors di industri FMCG. Di sini, Anda akan
diberi contoh perilaku karyawan berdasarkan persamaan keadaan gas ideal,
persamaan yang digunakan dalam kimia. Parameter persamaan yang disesuaikan
dengan kondisi kerja dalam organisasi akan didefinisikan dan analisis kualitatif dengan
proposal untuk analisis kuantitatif yang diberikan.

Kata kunci: Perilaku Organisasi, motivasi, kinerja

Perilaku Organisasi Karyawan di Indonesia

Lingkungan manufaktur

Perilaku organisasi adalah studi tentang perilaku manusia di tempat kerja, interaksi
antara manusia dan organiasi dengan maksud untuk memahami dan memprediksi
perilaku manusia. Pemahaman tentang perilaku individu, kelompok, dan organisasi
penting untuk kesuksesan sebagai pemimpin atau pengikut, dan memerlukan studi sys-
tematik untuk mulai memahami semua

variabel yang mempengaruhi perilaku. Ini adalah bidang interdisipliner yang mencakup
sosiolesi, psikologi, komunikasi, dan manajemen.

Teori X dan Teori Y adalah teori motivasi manusia yang diciptakan dan dikembangkan
oleh Douglas McGregor di MIT Sloan School of Management pada tahun 1960an yang
telah digunakan dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia, perilaku organisasi,
komunikasi organisasi dan

Jurnal Internasional Inovasi Organisasi Vol 6 Bil 2 Oktober 2013 49

pengembangan organisasi. Mereka menggambarkan dua model kontras tenaga kerja.

Teori X dan Teori Y berhubungan dengan hierarki kebutuhan Maslow tentang

bagaimana perilaku dan motivasi manusia menjadi prioritas utama di tempat kerja untuk
memaksimalkan output. Hirarki kebutuhan Maslow adalah teori dalam psikologi dan dia
menggunakan istilah Fisiologis, Keselamatan, Keingin-rasa dan Cinta, Esteem, Self-
Actualization dan Self-Transcendence yang perlu dijelaskan mengenai pola yang
biasanya digerakkan oleh motivasi manusia.

Teori Harapan Motivasi, yang pertama kali diajukan oleh Victor Vroom dari Yale School
of Management, menjelaskan proses perilaku mengapa individu memilih satu pilihan
perilaku daripada yang lain. Ini juga menjelaskan bagaimana mereka membuat
keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan akhir yang mereka hargai.

Teori X dan Teori Y berkaitan dengan persepsi manajer terhadap pegawainya, bukan
cara mereka berperilaku generik. Teori Maslow lebih banyak digunakan pada tahap
pertumbuhan manusia individual, tidak menjelaskan perilaku dalam or-
ganization.Mengenai teori Harapan, Edward Lawler mengklaim bahwa kesederhanaan
teori harapan sangat menipu karena mengasumsikan bahwa jika pemberi kerja
memberi hadiah, seperti bonus finansial atau pro-gerak, cukup menarik, karyawan akan
meningkatkan produktivitas mereka untuk mendapatkan pahala.

McGregor, teori Maslow dan Vroom adalah model motivasi dan tidak memperhitungkan
penampilan pribadi di organisasi yang kompleks. Model yang telah dikirim sebelumnya
dalam makalah ini akan mencoba untuk mengisi kesenjangan antara motivasi, kinerja
dan eksposisi di perusahaan manufaktur. Model tersebut menggunakan pendekatan
teknik untuk perilaku pribadi yang tidak terpuji dan sesuai dengan kinerja profesional.Ini
adalah analisis kualitatif dan polanya adalah ob-

melayani sekitar 100 operator proses di industri Petrokimia dan sekitar 200 operator di
industri FMCG.

Disini disajikan pendekatan baru untuk perilaku karyawan berdasarkan persamaan

keadaan gas ideal, persamaan yang digunakan dalam kimia. Parameter persamaan
yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi kerja dalam organisasi akan didefinisikan dan analisis
kualitatif dengan proposal untuk analisis kuantitatif yang diberikan. Untuk mendapatkan
parameter kuantitatif diperlukan penelitian dalam kondisi ekonomi riil dan kemudian
ditentukan melalui korelasi nilai dan ketergantungan masing-masing elemen persamaan.

Pengenalan Model Baru

Perilaku karyawan di lingkungan kerja sangat kompleks dan sulit diprediksi, meski ada
banyak yang ada theori
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