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Irrig Sci (1991) 12:187-192 Irrigation

9 Springer-Verlag 1991

Water quality in drip/trickle irrigation:

A review
E S. N a k a y a m a 1 and D. A. Bucks 2
x US Water Conservation Laboratory, 4331 East Broadway,Phoenix, AZ 85040, USA
2 US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, National Program Staff, Beltsville,MD 20705, USA

Summary. The intensive treatment of irrigation water re- severe restriction of a promising, efficient method of irri-
quired for the proper operation of drip irrigation systems gation and water conservation.
is presently an accepted practice. To control emitter clog- Work on improving drip system operations went
ging, we need to know the basic causes of clogging. The along two different directions, independent, but closely in
major clogging factors have been identified and control touch with one another. One group concentrated on
measures developed to prevent emitter malfunction. All improving the hydraulic operation of the emitters; the
emitter clogging problems, however, have not been solved other focused on studying the clogging process and from
primarily because of cost. The main approach to control such knowledge developing procedures for alleviating the
clogging is proper water treatment. The type of treatment clogging problem. The main conclusion drawn from the
is based on the quality of the irrigation water, which can latter type of studies is that clogging is closely related to
be classified in terms of its physical, chemical and biolog- the quality of water used in the drip system, e.g. Bucks
ical composition. The causes of emitter clogging and pos- et al. (1977), Ford and Tucker (1975), Gilbert et al. (1981),
sible water treatment and preventive measures to main- McElhoe and Hilton (1974), Nakayama et al. (1977),
tain reliable operation are reviewed. Pelleg et al. (1974). Research continues to be reported on
irrigation water quality, treatment, and uniformity of ap-
plication (Hill et al. 1989; Kinoshita and Bui 1988; Pad-
makumari and Sivanappan 1985). Water diverted from
Water quality and emitter clogging other traditional irrigation usage is presently the major
source for drip irrigation, but this situation is beginning
Drip irrigation in the mid-1960's through mid-1970's was to change toward use of wastewater from cities and indus-
considered an emerging technology with its application tries. These types of water have different water quality,
limited only to high-priced, specialty crops. Today it is and consequently, different clogging parameters are in-
used on a wide variety of crops, even those that were volved so that different water treatment procedures must
initially considered unprofitable for management under be used (Adin 1987; Adin and Elimelech 1989; Chandra-
drip irrigation. kanth et al. 1988; Gamble 1986).
Through careful nurturing, drip irrigation has grown
into a stable and economically significant part of the
farming community which has also had great impact on Causes o f emitter clogging
the irrigation and associated industries. In its infancy
some difficult and seemingly unsolvable problems were For surface-placed drip systems, inspection of the flow
encountered in operating drip/trickle systems particular- behavior can readily determine when an emitter is operat-
ly those related to the clogging of emitters. Also during ing properly. However, external examination alone can-
this period, numerous inventors and entrepreneurs sold not give an accurate evaluation of the cause or causes of
various types of "non-clogging" or "self-cleaning" emit- emitter clogging. Most clogging starts inside the emitter
ters which were promised to solve the most serious prob- and it may start very slowly and progress slowly or occur
lem of emitter plugging, but unfortunately did not ade- almost overnight. Partial clogging is just as bad as a com-
quately do so. The clogging problem, if not properly plete clogging because they both reduce application uni-
solved, would have resulted in the complete rejection or formity and alter the hydraulics of the entire system. To
determine the exact nature of the clogging process, care-
ful physical, chemical, and biological examination of the
Offprint request to: E S. Nakayama emitters and supply lines must be made. In addition, the

Table 1. Physical, chemical and biological factors involved in emit- or tubing with specially designed cutters that do not form
ter clogging (Bucks et al. 1979) plastic particles. When sawing is necessary, cleaning and
flushing of the repaired sections before they are recon-
Physical Chemical Biological
nected into the conveyance system can reduce plugging.
Inorganic materials Alkaline earths Algae Other unusual obstructions were the presence of oil and
Sand (50-250 gm) heavy metal grease particles from leakage of bearing seals of well and
Silt (2- 50 gm) cations Bacteria booster pumps that are connected directly into the drip
Clay ( < 2 lam) calcium filament system. The obvious solution in this case is the proper
magnesium slime maintenance of the lubricant seals. Also, the steel casing
of wells was observed to be the source of dissolved iron,
Organic materials manganese Microbial which is formed by iron-reducing bacteria. Emitter clog-
Anions Activities ging prevention in such instance involves the control of
Aquatic plants carbonate iron
phytoplankton hydroxide manganese the bacterial contamination or the use of plastic instead
algae silicate sulfur of steel casing.
sulfide A brief comment should be made on the presence o f
Aquatic animals snails in the drip lines. The adult snails can be readily
zooplankton Fertilizer sources removed from the water by simple filtration. However,
snail aqueous ammonia their eggs or larvae can pass through filters and eventual-
iron ly mature to the adult form in the irrigation line and cause
Bacteria (0.4-2 gm) copper
zinc restricted water flow in the emitters and larger-sized
Plastic cutting manganese tubing. Other organisms that can pass the filters and
phosphorus undergo similar metamorphism or increase in population
Lubricant residue or size would also create clogging problems.
Root intrusion into emitter openings and tubing that
restrict water flow has been observed for some types of
buried tubing (Bui 1988; Kinoshita and Bui 1988). Emit-
composition o f the water used in the system must be ter plugging in this case is not caused by irrigation water
determined. Because o f the variety o f factors involved, a quality.
multidisiplinary approach must be taken. To focus fur-
ther on the multiple causes of emitter clogging, a table
was developed, which incorporates all the information Water quality evaluation and classification
available at that time on the factors contributing to clog-
ging (Table 1). Based on the findings on emitter clogging and experience
The residues for a large number of emitters and tubing gained in controlling it, investigators have derived a
were examined chemically and microscopically to ascer- classification scheme that included the major factors
tain the components o f the clogging material. Informa- involved in emitter clogging. This is related to irrigation
tion on the compositions for various water sources and water composition (Table 2). Such a classification can be
the related clogging problems at the respective sites were used as a guide for identifying potential clogging hazard
evaluated. The causes o f clogging varied from location to as well as for selecting and designing water treatment
location so that each site would require a different type of systems. Little change in the classification scheme has
water treatment to prevent emitter clogging. Carbonate been made since its proposal in the early 1980's.
type materials were prominent in samples from the south- Except possibly for microbial population analysis,
western United States, whereas the microbial iron clog- measurements of suspended load and chemical composi-
ging substances were abundant in the samples taken in tion can be made by the operator or most agricultural
the southeastern region. The preceding factors, however, service laboratories. The effect o f fertilizer or other chem-
are not isolated to a specific region; instead, they have icals on the irrigation water that may create clogging
been observed within the same area and, of course, problems can be tested by the operator by treating the
worldwide. Suspended particles have been blamed for water with the additive (Gilbert and Ford 1986). Tests
most emitter malfunction, but they may participate only can be performed in the laboratory or office, independent
indirectly in the clogging process. Frequently, the small, of the drip system, so that the system will not be adversely
suspended particles are caught by the filament and slime affected if any negative results are obtained. Any fertiliz-
by-products of bacteria and increase in size to cause emit- er or chemical additive that increases the pH (alkalinity)
ter plugging. Thus, the control o f microorganisms would o f the water to the point where carbonate, phosphate or
help greatly in alleviating emitter plugging. hydroxide can precipitate should be avoided.
A surprising observation during our investigations on Rolston et al. (1986) developed criteria for fertilizer
determining the causes o f emitter cloggingwas the pres- application in drip systems. In their presentation, they
ence of large quantities o f microscopic to sand-size plastic consider the solubility of the fertilizer and the interac-
materials obstruction emitter openings. The plastic cut- tions of the fertilizer with the dissolve components in the
tings originate from the sawing of the pipes during the irrigation water. Since then, acidified forms of nitrogen
installation, modification or repair of the drip system. and phosphorus have become available (urea-sulfate and
This problem can be readily corrected by cutting the pipe urea-phosphate), which have less tendency to cause pre-

Table 2. Water quality classification relative to its potential for drip Filtration stations for any large operation are similar to
emitter clogging (Bucks et al. 1979) a municipal water treatment facility. System capacity
must match the suspended load o f the water and flow
Clogging factors Hazard rating volume, both o f which can have wide variations through-
out the irrigation management cycle. The media filters
Minor Moderate Severe
themselves can be automatically backwashed and ar-
Physical (rag/l) ranged to that the backwash debris is removed from the
Suspended solids < 50 50-100 > 100 system. Screen filters have self-cleaning features or built
Chemical (mg/1) for ready dismantling or removal for cleaning and
pH < 7.0 7.0- 8.0 > 8.0 maintenance.
Dissolved solids < 500 500- 2,000 > 2,000 Many articles have appeared on the design, operation
Manganese < 0.1 0.1 - 1.5 > 1.5 and maintenance of filter systems for drip irrigation. The
Total iron <0.2 0.2-1.5 > 1.5 American Society of Agricultural Engineers (1990 a) has
Hydrogen sulfide < 0.2 0.2-2.0 > 2.0
made recommendations for water filtration system de-
Biological (no./ml) sign. The subject concerning filter types, selection, evalu-
Bacterial number < 10,000 10,000-50,000 > 50,000 ation, performance, operation, and management has
been adequately covered in various articles on this sub-
ject (Adin and Alon 1986; Bucks and N a k a y a m a 1984;
Bruce 1985; Farrel 1989; James and Shannon 1986;
Pierce and Mancuso 1985; Zeier and Hills 1987).
cipitation problems than earlier fertilizer formulations Wastewater filtration requires different consideration
(Mikkelsen and Jarrell 1987). than the typical irrigation water source (Adin and
Waters with high concentrations of sulfide anions can Elimelech 1989). Reports on filtration and methods for
cause iron precipitation. Iron and manganese sulfides are improving operation and cost will continue to appear as
very insoluble even in acid solutions. The dissolved sul- long as drip irrigation systems are in operation (Anony-
fide anion can also react with active chlorine when the mous 1990).
water is chlorinated so that the effectiveness of the chlori- Filtration does not remove all suspended material and
nation is reduced. Thus, the chlorination requirement of eventually sediments will accumulate in the tubing and
such water is higher than that of the typical non-sulfide emitter. Significant amounts of sediments were present in
irrigation water. the laterals even with careful filtration (Shannon et al.
The water quality was also rated numerically for the 1982). Estimates on sediment accumulation patterns in
classification scheme of Table 2 (Bucks et al. 1979), which the pipe line can be made (James and King 1984). Bui
was based on concentrations o f the physical-chemical- (1988) noted that there were more clogged emitters locat-
biological factors. Although this approach gives a better ed at the end of the lines than at the beginning. Eventual-
picture of the clogging process it has not been widely used ly, sediments must be flushed out of the lines. This should
since detailed analysis of the water must be made. be done as part o f the routine maintenance of the drip
system. No specific guideline has been established regard-
ing the frequency of line flushing. Flushing can be made
Water treatment to control clogging on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending upon the
severity of sediment load. Checking the flush water for
By knowing the causes of emitter clogging, preventive suspension is one way to determine sediment buildup.
and control measures can be taken. In the early years of This procedure also can be used to check filter perfor-
drip irrigation, operators were reluctant to spend money mance. Routine flow rate monitoring of the lines may
on water treatment chemicals and equipment because of also be used as a guide for flushing needs.
cost and uncertainty regarding the reliability of such an Removal of a portion o f suspended particles using
operation. The initial cost of such material was significant sedimentation ponds prior to water filtration can lessen
relative to the cost of the emitters and supply lines, espe- the load on the filters (Nakayama 1986). A shortcoming
dally for small scale operations. The need for clean water with sedimentation ponds, however, is that they may cre-
has created a new sub-industry in irrigation water treat- ate other filtration problems. Large algal population in
ment to serve the drip user. the ponds can alter water quality as well as put added
stress on the filtration system. Unexpected algal blooms
due to environmental changes can overwhelm the filters.
Physical treatment In such cases, the drip system may have to be shut down
temporarily until the suspended load decreases to a man-
Initially, water treatment equipment to remove suspend- ageable level.
ed materials, whether screen or sand filters, or centrifugal Unfortunately, filtration is not the complete solution
separators, was adapted from other industrial applica- to the clogging problem. Small particles can pass through
tions. In many instances, the solid removal capacity was filter and emitters, but when they interact with microbial
not adequate for the flow rate and suspended load en- by-products such a combination can clog emitters. Other
countered. Presently, such systems are designed and built corrective measures, such as chemical treatment, are nec-
to meet the needs of the specific drip irrigation operation. essary.

Chemical treatment Mg, since the high pH of the silicate solution would cause
carbonate precipitation. Oxidation of the soluble, re-
Chemical water treatment in conjunction with filtration duced form of iron to the insoluble oxide form prior to
has become an integral part of drip irrigation systems, filtration is another method for removing iron from solu-
especially in large commercial operations. Chlorination is tion.
the most widely used chemical treatment to control mi- Chlorination, when the soluble iron is high (>0.4 mg/1),
crobial population. Larval organisms, which can clog can cause large quantities of iron to precipitate. In such
emitters and decrease water flow when they become instances, chlorine injection should be made at a suffi-
adults, can also be controlled. The principle of chlorina- cient distance upstream from the filtration system to al-
tion and the various types of chlorine sources for drip low sufficient time for mixing, chemical reaction, and
systems are discussed by Nakayama (1986). The question coagulation to take place before the iron flocculent
of whether to chlorinate continuously or intermittently reaches the filter for removal. Gamble (1985) introduced
(slug) cannot be adequately answered. There are merits hypochlorite into wells containing high soluble iron con-
for either methods, and the operator should select the one tent to control iron clogging. Aeration, to oxidize the
that fits the need of his system. Active chlorine concentra- soluble iron followed by sedimentation in a pond and
tion level (1 mg/l) is in the order present in municipally filtration is another alternative (English 1985).
treated water for human consumption. No reports of Emitter reclamation with chemical treatment is not
damage to plants have been reported using water at such practical nor economical since high concentrations of
chlorine concentration. Any active chlorine present will chemicals must be used. Unfortunately, the injected
be rapidly and completely deactivated by the soil materi- chemicals get to the good flowing emitters and not neces-
als. Plant damage caused by irrigating with chlorine- sarily to the clogged ones, where their corrective action is
treated swimming pool water is caused primarily by the suppose to occur (Nakayama et al. 1977; Meyer 1985).
high concentration of salts in the water rather than by the Thus, it is readily seen that clogging prevention is the key
active chlorine. to the successful operation of a drip system.
Water treatment using sulfuric or other acids still re- A unique approach to biological control is to incorpo-
mains a reliable and widely used means for controling rate a chemical inhibitor with the plastic material of the
carbonate precipitation in drip systems. Procedures for drip emitter. Ruskin et al. (1990) and Van Boris et al.
estimating the tendency for carbonates to precipitate, (1988) used this concept to control root growth into the
based on chemical composition of the irrigation water, is emitter using an herbicide. Other chemicals to control
available (Nakayama 1986). Titration of the water with insects could also be incorporated into the emitter and
dilute acid is a method for determining its acid require- tubing materials. Further field evaluation of chemical
ment. Carbonate solubility decreases with increasing inhibitors over time is needed.
temperature (Nakayama and Bucks 1985) so that subsur- Safety is a key part of chemical treatment. Proper
face installation of the lines, where temperatures are precautions must be taken in handling and injecting
moderated, may alleviate clogging. In some instances, chemicals into the irrigation lines. The American Society
where biological and suspended loads are low, such as an of Agricultural Engineers (1990b) developed standards
underground water source, acid treatment alone may be in the use of safety devices for applying liquid chemicals
able to prevent emitter clogging. through irrigation systems. This include steps to prevent
Where acid treatment can adversely affect soil pH, the injected chemical from flowing in the opposite direc-
other methods to control chemical precipitation must be tion for which it was intended, and the installation of
used. An alternative to acid treatment is the use of com- interlocking devices which can stop the chemical injector
pounds that will inactivate the heavy metal cations and from operating when the main irrigation flow has been
prevent them from precipitating. Theoretically, any com- drastically reduced or stopped.
pound in sufficient quantities that will complex other As noted earlier, attempts have been made to build
ions with low solubility will keep them in the soluble emitters with non-clogging, self-cleaning property. One
state. The performance of such compounds must be test- approach is to use manual or automatic moving parts
ed under field conditions. Meyer et al. (1991) used the that are supposed to keep the water passages clear of
homopolymer maleic anhydride compound to complex obstructions. However, in practice, the automatic mov-
calcium and magnesium cations so that the calcium and ing parts can be rapidly disabled when debris collects
magnesium carbonates would not precipitate. Similarly, around the working parts. This either results in a decrease
Schwankl and Prichard (1990) added phosphonate, in flow or in some instances a large increase in flow rate
which is an alkaline earth and heavy metal complexing when the cleaning mechanism is stuck in the fully open
agent. Ford (1977) observed other organic chemicals oc- position. Mechanical cleaning of malfunctioning emitters
curring in irrigation water, such as sulfonated lignin, can is time consuming and experience has shown that such
complex iron to keep it in solution. emitters will continue to operate poorly. Other self-clean-
Clogging resulting from iron precipitates is especially ing emitters with flexing membranes tend to fail with time
difficult to control. The presence of dissolved iron in as the membrane material deteriorates from the various
natural water is usually caused by microbial activity. To chemical added and biological activity occurring in drip
complex soluble iron, Calder (1988) added sodium sili- system. Emitters with large pores to avoid the clogging
cate to the irrigation water. However, this treatment is problems can also fail when water of poor quality is used
limited to water < 10 mg/1 iron and one low in Ca and in them. If water can be adequately treated, emitters of

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