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doi: 10.1111/1471-0307.


RESEARCH Antibacterial activity of zinc oxide nanoparticle
suspensions on food-borne pathogens
M A H B O U B E H M I R H O S S E I N I * and F A T E M E H B F I R O U Z A B A D I
Department of Biology, Payam Noor University, Iran

Nanoparticles (NPs) are increasingly recognised for their utility in biological applications including
nanomedicine and food safety. The present study investigated the antibacterial activity of zinc oxide
(ZnO) when tested against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli as well as the Gram-positive
bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, and the effect was more pronounced with the Gram-positive than
with the Gram-negative bacteria. ZnO NPs also exhibited a preferential ability to suppress growth
of E. coli and S. aureus in milk. This study suggested that the application of ZnO NPs as antibacte-
rial agents in food systems and medicine may be effective at inhibiting certain pathogens.
Keywords Foods, Nanoparticles, Pathogens, Antibacterial agents, Zinc oxide.

of the important links of nanotechnology to the

science and engineering of agriculture and food
The increased resistance of micro-organisms to systems (Weiss et al. 2006). Nanoparticles have
antibiotics and the adaptation of the pathogenic been reported for the application in nanosensor
germs necessitate the preparation of composi- and nanotracer (Moraru et al. 2003; Jin et al.
tions to destroy the organism without the possi- 2009).
bility of adaptations appearing. Even though the Currently, there are very few reports related to
mechanism of action is not clearly elucidated, the application of NPs in food safety, for exam-
the preparation of new components with antibac- ple, Zinc oxide (ZnO) quantum dots were used
terial properties is increasingly necessary (Raz- as the antimicrobial treatments in liquid egg
van et al. 2010). white samples. Depending on the concentration,
Recently, nontraditional antibiotic agents have ZnO quantum dots could significantly inhibit or
been of tremendous interest in overcoming resis- reduce Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella
tance which is developed by several pathogenic enteritidis in liquid egg white (Jin et al. 2009).
micro-organisms against most of the commonly ZnO is one of the five zinc compounds that
used antibiotics. In particular, several classes of are currently listed as generally recognised as
antimicrobial nanoparticles (NPs) and nanosized safe (GRAS) by the U.S. Food and Drug
carriers for antibiotics delivery have proved their Administration (21CFR182.8991). Zinc salt has
effectiveness for treating infectious diseases, been used for the treatment of zinc deficiency
including antibiotics-resistant ones, in vitro as (Saldamli et al. 1996; Lopez et al. 2002; Jin
well as in animal models (Huh and Kwon et al. 2009). ZnO powder has been used for a
2011). Some NPs made of metal oxides are sta- long time as an active ingredient for dermato-
ble under harsh processing conditions and have logical applications in creams, lotions and
selective toxicity to bacteria but also exhibit a ointments on account of its antibacterial proper-
minimal effect on human and animal cells (Fu ties (Sawai 2003). Also, ZnO NPs, which are
et al. 2005; Brayner et al. 2006). Nanotechnol- nontoxic and biocompatible, have been utilised
*Author for ogy has also the potential to impact many as drug carriers and medical filling materials
correspondence. E-mail: aspects of food and agricultural systems, includ- (Zhou et al. 2006; Jiang et al. 2007). ZnO NPs
m.mirhossaini@gmail. ing food security, disease treatment delivery are believed to destruct lipids and proteins of
methods, new tools for molecular and cellular the bacterial cell membrane, resulting in a
© 2012 Society of biology, new materials for pathogen detection leakage of intracellular contents and eventually
Dairy Technology and protection of the environment, are examples the death of bacterial cells (Huang et al. 2008;

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Liu et al. 2009). In addition, generation of hydrogen perox- Detection of inhibitory activity
ide and Zn2+ ions were suggested to be key antibacterial The Tryptic Soy Broth (TSB; Merck) culture (TSB culture;
mechanisms of ZnO NPs (Sawai 2003). Increased mem- Merck) contained (0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10 mM) of ZnO nanoparticle
brane permeability, cellular internalisation and intracellular inoculated with 107 cell/mL of E. coli PTCC1394 and
structural changes of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-coated ZnO S. aureus PTCC1431, respectively. The bottles were shaken
NPs were also reported (Huang et al. 2008). at 50 rpm at 37 °C. Following inoculation, the OD
The inclusion of the metallic oxides in vitreous oxidic (600 nm) of the cultures was serially monitored every hour
matrices is a structural goal that leads to the obtaining of or every 2 h up to 10–12 h, with a final reading at 24 h
compounds with new physical properties that can be used in (Nicole et al. 2008). Cultures of nanoparticle-free medium
the medical fields. In the case of ZnO, it was proved that under the same growth conditions were used as a control.
granulation under which is used may have different effects. To avoid potential optical interference during optical
The use of inorganic oxides in small quantities as an antimi- measurements of the growing cultures caused by the light-
crobial agent has also the advantage that these microele- scattering properties of the NPs, the same liquid medium
ments are essential for people. (Padmavathy and without micro-organisms but containing the same concentra-
Vijayaraghavan 2008). However, there are few data that tion of NPs cultured under the same conditions as blank
demonstrate antimicrobial efficacy of ZnO in foods. In the controls.
present study, ZnO in the form of powder was prepared and
its antibacterial activities in culture media and milk were Application of ZnO nanoparticles in food safety
investigated. The objectives of this study were to evaluate Two concentrations of ZnO were used as the antimicrobial
different approaches, that is, direct additions of ZnO and treatments in milk samples: 5 and 10 mM. The milk
potential applications of ZnO at inhibiting two food-borne contained (5, 10 mM) ZnO nanoparticle inoculated with
pathogens. 107 cell/mL of E. coli PTCC1394 and S. aureus
PTCC1431, respectively. The bottles were shaken at 50 rpm
at 25 °C. Following inoculation, the number of bacteria
determined every 4 h up to 8 h by plate count agar method
Bacterial strains, media and materials (Jin et al. 2009).
The following bacterial strains were used in this study:
Escherichia coli PTCC1394 and Staphylococcus aureus Statistical analysis
PTCC1431 were obtained from the culture collection of the Antimicrobial experiments were conducted in triplicate.
I.R. Department. Stock cultures were maintained at 80 °C. Data points were expressed as the mean  SD. Data were
The stains were propagated on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA; analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) from SAS
Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) at 37 °C and maintained at 0– software. Duncan’s multiple range tests were used to deter-
2 °C until use. Zinc oxide nanoparticle was purchased from mine the significant difference between mean values. Unless
TECONAN, Spain (20–25 nm particle diameter). ZnO NPs stated otherwise, significance was expressed at 5% level.
were more than 99.98% pure. ZnO nanoparticle was resus-
pended in sterile double-distilled water and briefly sonicated
so that they dispersed and formed a uniform colloidal sus-
pension. All the experiments were performed from a freshly Antibacterial tests
prepared colloidal suspension. Antibacterial properties of (0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10 mM) ZnO are
measured according to the inhibition zone method against
Determination of the antibacterial activity of the ZnO E. coli PTCC1394 and S. aureus PTCC1431. Table 1
nanoparticle shows the results of inhibition zone of different concentra-
tions of ZnO. Results showed that (0, 0.5 and 2 mM) ZnO
Spot on the lawn method had no inhibition zone on S. aureus and E. coli. Also,
For testing antibacterial activity of ZnO NPs, spot on the results showed that (5 and 10 mM) ZnO had 10 and 12 mm
lawn method was employed. Antibacterial activity of ZnO inhibition zone against S. aureus, respectively, but caused
nanoparticle was tested by spotting 20 lL of the ZnO nano- growth reduction in E. coli. As it can be seen, the inhibition
particle solution (0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10 mM) onto soft agar lawn area increased once with the molar content of ZnO. Also,
(0.6%) seeded with 107 cell/mL E. coli PTCC1394 and results showed that the larger sensitivity of the S. aureus
S. aureus PTCC1431, respectively. Each concentration of compared with E. coli (Table 1).
ZnO was placed on surface-inoculated TSA agars and Figure 1 shows the effect of ZnO treatment on the growth
incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Inhibition zone around speci- of S. aureus and E. coli in TSB broth at 37 °C. Treatments
mens was used to indicate antibacterial activity of each ZnO (5, 10 mM) concentration of ZnO powder significant inhibi-
concentration (Mirhosseini and Emtiazi 2011). tory effect on the growth of S. aureus and E. coli during

292 © 2012 Society of Dairy Technology

Vol 66, No 2 May 2013

24-h incubation, as compared to the control. Among the S. aureus after 24 h. Also, results showed that (0.5, 2 mM)
four concentrations of ZnO, the treatment of 10 mM of ZnO had no inhibition effect against E. coli. Results showed
ZnO was the most effective in S. aureus inhibition and that the OD of E. coli in TSB broth with 5 mM ZnO was
almost completely inhibited growth of S. aureus at 24 h. 0.797 at 8 h, 0.782 at 12 h and 0.966 at 24 h, while the
Also, results showed that (0.5, 2 mM) ZnO had no inhibi- control values were 1.154 at 8 h, 1.163 at 12 h and 1.304
tion effect against S. aureus at 24 h in TSB. at 24 h. These data showed that 5 mM ZnO caused 25.92%
Results showed that 5 mM of ZnO had inhibitory effect growth reduction in E. coli at 24 h. Also, results showed
against S. aureus in TSB broth. The OD of S. aureus in that the OD of E. coli in TSB broth with 10 mM ZnO was
TSB broth with 5 mM ZnO was 0.705 at 8 h, 0.801 at 12 h 0.458 at 8 h, 0.316 at 12 h and 0.269 at 24 h, while the
and 0.936 at 24 h, while the control values were 1.142 at control values were 1.154 at 8 h, 1.163 at 12 h and 1.304
8 h, 1.277 at 12 h and 1.405 at 24 h, respectively. Results at 24 h. These data showed that 10 mM ZnO caused
showed that 5 mM ZnO caused 33.9% growth reduction in 79.38% growth reduction in E. coli at 24 h.
Results showed that ZnO had more inhibitory effect in
liquid medium than the solid culture against E. coli. Also,
results showed that ZnO showed strongest antibacterial
Table 1 Inhibition zone diameters for different concentration of activity against S. aureus at 24 h. These data suggested that
ZnO. the antibacterial activity of ZnO was concentration depen-
Concentration of ZnO Staphylococcus aureus Escherichia coli dent which was further confirmed by the agar diffusion test;
mM mm mm 5 mM and 10 mM of ZnO have thus been selected for fur-
ther studies in milk, as they showed a signification growth
0.5 inhibition in TSB.
2 Gr
5 10  0.3 Gr Application of ZnO nanoparticles in food safety
10 12  0.3 Gr Two concentrations of ZnO were used as the antimicrobial
, no inhibition zone; Gr, Growth reduction.
treatments in milk samples: (5, 10 mM). Figure 2 illustrates
the effect of ZnO against growth of S. aureus in milk dur-
ing 8-h storage at 25 °C. After an initial drop from 7
log CFU/mL at 8 h, S. aureus cells in the control reduced
1.6 (a)
1.4 S. aureus + 0 mM
1.2 ZnO
8 (a)
1 S. aureus + 0.5 mM
OD (600 nm)

S. aureus + 2 mM 6
Log CFU/mL

ZnO 5
0.4 S. aureus + 5 mM
S. aureus + 10 mM 3
0 ZnO 2 S. aureus + 0 mM ZnO
–0.2 0 2 4 6 8 12 24
1 S. aureus + 5 mM ZnO
Time (h)
S. aureus + 10 mM ZnO
0 4 8
E. coli + 0 mM Time (h)
1.2 E. coli + 0.5 mM 12 (b)
OD (600 nm)

E. coli + 2 mM
Log CFU/mL

ZnO 8
0.6 E. coli + 5 mM
0.4 ZnO
4 E. coli + 0 mM ZnO
E. coli + 10 mM
0.2 E. coli + 5 mM ZnO
0 E. coli + 10 mM ZnO
0 2 4 6 8 12 24 0
Time (h) 0 4 8
Time (h)
Figure 1 Effect (0, 0.5, 2, 5, 10 mM) ZnO on growth of (a) Staphylo-
coccus aureus and (b) Escherichia coli in Tryptic Soy Broth broth at Figure 2 Effect (5, 10 mM) ZnO on growth of (a) Staphylococcus aureus
37 °C. and (b) Escherichia coli in milk at 25 °C.

© 2012 Society of Dairy Technology 293

Vol 66, No 2 May 2013

and reached to 6 log CFU/mL, while the cells in milk sam- The recommended maximum dietary allowance for zinc
ple treated with (5, 10 mM) ZnO reduced and reached to was 40 mg per day for adult (Jin et al. 2009), which is
4 log CFU/mL. Also, results showed that ZnO NPs could equivalent to 100 mL of milk daily intake if 0.4 mg of ZnO
inhibit or reduce E. coli in milk. After an initial drop from per mL of food is used. Therefore, further research is neces-
7 log CFU/mL at 8 h, E. coli cells in the control increased sary to investigate the efficacy of ZnO at a lower concentra-
and reached to 10 log CFU/mL, while the cells in milk tion level to inactivate pathogens in foods. The combined
sample treated with (5, 10 mM) ZnO increased and reached usage of ZnO with another antimicrobial agent, such as
to 9 log CFU/mL. Figure 2 shows the antibacterial effect of nisin, may be an effective approach to reduce the amount of
ZnO on S. aureus stronger than on E. coli in milk. These ZnO used per volume of food while maintaining or increas-
findings imply that the treatment efficacy was more like that ing its effectiveness in microbial inactivation.
obtained with ZnO in the first set of experiments (Figure 1). When ZnO powders were used, ZnO particles were visu-
ally observed on the bottom of bottles during incubation
because of ZnO sedimentation, which probably is the reason
for their lower antibacterial activity. The above-mentioned
The present study investigated the antibacterial activity of results suggested that it was essential for ZnO molecules to
ZnO was tested against the Gram-negative bacteria E. coli contact or penetrate into microbial cells to express their anti-
as well as the Gram-positive bacterium S. aureus. Among bacterial activities. These data might also be interpreted as a
the four concentrations of ZnO, the treatment of 10 mM of requirement for interaction of ZnO with the bacterial cell
ZnO was the most effective in S. aureus inhibition and wall or membrane for expression of antibacterial activity.
E. coli inhibition. These data showed that 10 mM ZnO Further study is needed to confirm the above conjecture.
almost completely inhibited the growth of S. aureus at The inhibition action of ZnO in microbial culture media
24 h, but these data showed that 10 mM ZnO caused may come from two parts: killing and growth suppression.
79.38% growth reduction in E. coli at 24 h. ZnO showed At higher ZnO concentration, ZnO treatments initially kill a
the strongest antibacterial activity against S. aureus at 24 h. sensitive subpopulation of cells and reduce the total micro-
These data suggested that the antibacterial activity of ZnO bial population and then retard the growth by a resistant
was concentration dependent which was further confirmed surviving subpopulation. At lower ZnO concentration, such
by the agar diffusion test. Antibacterial effect was more as Figure 1, ZnO treatments only suppress the growth of
pronounced with the Gram-positive (S. aureus) than the bacteria and result in a 4- or 6-h lag time before growth.
Gram-negative (E. coli) bacteria. In recent years, the use of Our results revealed that the uniform distribution or disper-
inorganic antimicrobial agents in nonfood applications has sion of ZnO in a liquid medium (culture medium or food)
attracted interest for the control of microbes (Okouchi et al. was critical to increase the efficiency of microbial inhibition.
1995; Wilczynski 2000). Sawai et al. (1995) have evaluated Availability of ZnO in a medium would be more important
the antibacterial activity of 26 ceramic powders, and 10 than its total concentration used. ZnO sedimentation in a
were found to inhibit bacterial growth. Among these active liquid system should be reduced or avoided.
powders, MgO, CaO and ZnO exhibited strong antibacterial
activity (Sawai et al. 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000). It was found CONCLUSION
that the treatment with ZnO formulation caused a net reduc-
tion in bacterial cells of 78% and 62% in the case of treated Results showed that ZnO NPs exhibited a preferential ability
cotton and cotton/polyester fabrics, while the net reduction to growth suppression E. coli and S. aureus in TSB and
in fungi was calculated to be 80.7% and 32%, respectively milk. Therefore, in the future, ZnO nanoparticle containing
(Zohdy et al. 2003). Antibacterial activities of metal oxide formulations may be utilised for food safety and external
(ZnO, MgO and CaO) powders against S. aureus, E. coli or uses as antibacterial agents in ointments, lotions, mouth-
fungi were quantitatively evaluated in culture media (Sawai washes and surface coatings on various substrates to prevent
2003). ZnO NPs also exhibited a preferential ability to micro-organisms from attaching, colonising, spreading and
growth suppression E. coli and S. aureus in milk. forming biofilms in indwelling medical devices.
Recently, ZnO NPs were found to have antibacterial
activity against important food-borne pathogens, such as ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
E. coli O157:H7 and enterotoxigenic E. coli (Roselli et al. This work was supported by Payam Noor University.
2003; Brayner et al. 2006; Liu et al. 2009). These studies
suggested that the application of ZnO NPs may be effective
for preserving agricultural products and food. ZnO NPs REFERENCES
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