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Questions Answer Questions Answer

1 B 11 A
2 A 12 B
3 C 13 D
4 B 14 C
5 C 15 B
6 C 16 B
7 D 17 C
8 A 18 B
9 C 19 D
10 B 20 B

No Answer

21 Social Expression
a  You are welcome.
 Don’t mention it.
 It’s my pleasure to help you.
(Accept any plausible answer)
b  I’m sorry Mum/Mom/mother.
 I’m sorry. I’ve broke your vase.
(Accept any plausible answer)
c  Would you help me in the Science Garden?
 Would you help me, please?
 Would you join me?
(Accept any plausible answer)
22 Comprehension Questions-Linear Text
i Ai Lin was at school √
ii Ai Lin bid farewell to all her classmates. √
iii Ain Lin looked at her watch. It was a quarter √
iv The teacher who accompanied Ai Lin was a √
caring person.
v Ai Lin felt bored when she saw her mother. √
b  At school (1 mark)
 Ai Ling was at school (2 marks)

c  She was caught in a traffic jam (2 marks)

 She was late to fetch her at school because she was caught in a traffic jam. (2 marks)
(Accept any plausible answer)
23 Comprehension Questions-Non Linear Text
a Wednesday and Thursday
b  Lunch (1 mark)
 The meal is served during lunch. (2 marks)
 Lunch is served in the kindergarten .(2 marks)
(Accept any plausible answer)
c  No. (1 mark)
 No it is not. (1 mark)
 This is because the school is closed on Saturdays.
 This is because food is supllied on school days only.
( Accept any plausible answer )
d  Good for your health. (1 mark)
 Fruits are good for your health. (2 marks)
 If you eat fruits daily, you will be healthy. (2 marks)
( Accept any plausible answer )
24 Comprehension Questions-Linear Text
a  a fish tail
b  surprised
c  She felt sorry for him. (1 mark)
 She felt sorry for him who looked sad and lonely. (2 marks)
 She felt sorry for him because he was all alone in the world. (2 marks)
25 Comprehension Questions-Linear Text
a  Yes, I do. ( 1 mark)
 Yes, I do. I choose her to be my friend because she is caring, cute and loveable. (2 marks)
b  I would help her to buy food. (2 marks)
 I would treat her with delicious food. (2 marks)
 I would buy her some food. (2 marks)
 I would lend her my money. (2 marks)

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