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Quadratic quiz

1. Solve the following equations

x2 – 8x – 33 = 0 8x2 – 6x – 9 = 0

x3 – 5x2 + 6x = 0 x4 + 3x2 – 28 = 0 (include imaginary roots pls)

2. Sketch the following quadratic graphs without using a calculator. Note the typical graphical features:
general shape, x-intercepts (if any), y-intercepts (if any), location of vertex, line of symmetry.

y = x2 – 2x + 8 y = x2 – 3x – 10

y = –2x2 – 12x x = y2
3. This question is about completing the square, graph transformations, and graphical equation solving.

a) Express the quadratic function y = f(x) = 3x2 + 12x – 15 in the form of y = a(x – h)2 + k.

b) State the sequence of the three graph transformations that would take y = x 2 into y = f(x):

horizontal .....................................................................................................................

followed by a vertical ...................................................................................................

followed by a vertical ...................................................................................................

c) A straight line y = g(x) passes through the origin with a slope of 8. Find the points of intersection of f(x)
and g(x).

d) Another straight line y = h(x) also passes through the origin and has a slope of m. Show that the
intersection points of f(x) and h(x) satisfy x2 + (4 – )x – 5 = 0.

e) By considering the discriminant of the equation in (d), explain whether it is possible for f(x) to just touch
h(x) at only 1 point.
4. Find a quadratic equation, in the form of y = ax2 + bx + c, that satisfies......

(a) Vertex = (1, 1), one of the roots is x = 4

(b) Roots are x = -3 or -5, y-intercept = 6

(c) Repeated root, line of symmetry x = 3, y-intercept 6

5. Let O be the origin, A be the fixed point (1,5) and B be a variable point (h, 2).

(a) Find the value of h such that OBA is a straight line.

(b) By considering the properties of slopes of perpendicular lines, find 2 values of h such that OB is perpendicular
to AB.
6) School is 840 meters from home. I usually ride a bike to school at v m/s. One day I was in a hurry, and I
rode with an average speed that's 2 m/s faster than my usual speed. As a result, I arrive at school 35 seconds
earlier. Find the value of v.

7) A farmer plants 100 trees in an orchard, and on average each tree produces 70 oranges. A biological study
predicts that for every extra tree that the farmer plants, the production of each tree drops by an average of 0.6

a) Write a quadratic relation between the total number of trees and the total number of oranges.

b) Use the vertex property of the quadratic to deduce the optimal number of trees that the farmer should
plant (u may use a calculator for this).
Functions quiz

1) Sketch the following functions preferably without the TI-nspire. Indicate all important features (intercepts,
asymptotes and vertices)

y = –2x2 – 12x – 5 y = – 2|x – 5| + 4

5𝑥 + 1
𝑦 = 𝑦 = √−x + 9 − 2
2𝑥 + 1
y = 2x + |x + 2| y = – 0.1(x – 2)(x – 5)2 (find the vertices using GDC)

2. State whether the function is invertible over its entire domain. If yes, find the inverse and state the
inverse's domain and range. If no, state the domain in which the function is positive-sloping, and find the inverse
within this region.

y = x3 – 8 y = x2 – 8x

y = 3|x – 3| – 3 y = √2 + 𝑥 + 1
3. Identify a suitable equation for each function graph:
4. Let f(x) = |x|, g(x) = x(x – 10) and h(x) = ⌊𝑥⌋.

a) Solve f(g(x)) = 24.

b) Solve g(f(x)) = 0.

c) Sketch f(h(x)).
Cubic and polynomial quiz

1. Find the equation of a polynomial that satisfies the following

a) Cubic, double root at x = 2, also passes through points (0, -16) and (3, -2.5)

b) Cubic, triple root at x = -2, y-intercept = -6

c) Quartic, two of the roots are 2 + √2 and 1 - i, y-intercept = 6

2. Consider the graph y = 3x4 – 10x3 + 3x2 + 12x – k.

a) Given that k is positive, state the maximum number of positive roots that y can have.

b) It's given that (3x – 1) is a factor. Find the value of k.

c) Fully factorize the quartic relation and sketch a graph indicating all intercepts.

d) Use limit notation to describe the limit behaviour of y as x approaches each infinity.
3. This question is about making a metallic tray from a
rectangular iron sheet, dimensions 21 cm × 16 cm (right). The 4
identical square corners are to be cut out, and the remaining shape
is hammered and soldered into a tray (below).

a) Let the side length of each square by m. State a realistic range

for m.

b) Find an expression for V, volume of the tray, in terms of m.

c) Use graphical methods to determine the value of m that maximizes the volume of the tray.

4. A metal worker is asked to make an open cylinder with an external surface area of 600 cm 2.

a) Find the height of the cylinder in terms of the radius of the cylinder.
b) Find an expression for the volume in terms of (i) h and r, and (ii) in r only;

c) Hence determine the volume of the largest cylinder that the metal worker can construct.
Rational function quiz + other stuff

1) Consider the cubic function y = f(x) = x3 – bx2 + c.

i) It's given that x = 3 and x = -2 are both roots of f(x). Find the value of b and c.

ii) Use calculus methods (If f(x) = Cxn then f'(x) =Cnxn-1) to find the turning points of f(x), and verify your
answers using the GDC.

iii) By referring to your GDC, deduce the possible range of values of k such that the horizontal line y = k
intersects f(x) at 3 distinct points.

iv) Let g(x) = -6x + 36. Use algebra and a sign diagram table to find the domain of x such that f(x) < g(x).
5𝑥 2 − 19𝑥−4
2. Consider the graph 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥) = .
3𝑥−𝑥 2

i) Find the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.

ii) Find the axis intercepts of this graph.

iii) Sketch the graph and use your GDC or Desmos to verify the answer.

iv) Use the GDC to locate the turning points of the graph (Hint: one of them is really subtle)

5𝑥 2 − 19𝑥−4
v) By referring to the GDC plot and the turning points, state the range of 𝑦 = .
3𝑥−𝑥 2

vi) Use algebra to solve the inequality f(x) > g(x) where g(x) = -2x - 7 . Use the GDC or Desmos to verify your
𝑥 3 − 6𝑥
3. Consider the graph 𝑦 = .
𝑥 2 +3𝑥−4

i) Find the oblique and vertical asymptotes.

ii) Find the axis intercepts of this graph.

iii) Sketch the graph and use your GDC to verify the answer.

iv) Use the GDC to locate the turning points of the graph.

𝑥 3 − 6𝑥
v) State the range of 𝑦 = .
𝑥 2 +3𝑥−4

vi) Use a sign diagram to solve y = g(x) > 0

4. This question is about the foraging behaviour of birds.

A population of birds typically fly 600 meters north in order to collect food before flying back to its nest within
their colony.

a) Scientists model the relation between the average speed for the forward trip (u) and the average speed
for the return trip (v).

All but one of the modelling equations below correctly reflect that the bird will tire more if it flies too fast during
the forward trip, and can conserve energy vice versa. Pick out the wrong modelling equation.

v = 12 – 1.2u v = 12 – 0.8u2 v = 12u – 12 v=

b) It has been determined that the relation between the return speed and the forward speed is given by the
equation v = 11 – 1.44u. Work out the range of sensible values of u (correct to 2 dp), and state the range of
sensible values of v.

c) State the time needed for the forward trip in terms of u.

d) State the time needed for the return trip in terms of v, and then in terms of u.

e) Hence find the total flight time in terms of u.

f) Use your calculator to find the value of u that results in the shortest flight time, and also state the
shortest flight time.
g) Another group of scientists investigate the flying strategies of another small population of bird species
living and foraging in the same area. They leave their colony at a constant u of 12 m/s over a distance of 600m.
They spend an average of 250 seconds collecting food, an extra t seconds resting up before finally flying home. It is
found that the return flight speed (v) is positively correlated to the rest time.

For values of t > 0, circle the only function below which does not demonstrate positive correlation?

24 24
v = 2t + 4 v = 2t – 4 v= v = (t + 1)2 – 1 v = 3 √𝑡 – 6 v = 24 −
𝑡+1 𝑡+1

h) The relationship between t and v, for 0 < t < 150, is found to follow a linear relationship. With no rest, the
return speed is 3 m/s. If the bird rests for up to 150 seconds, the return speed can go up to 12 m/s. Find v in terms
of t.

i) Gather all info from part g and h to show that the time (T) for the entire trip time can be written in terms
𝑡 2 +350𝑡+25000
of the resting time (t) as 𝑇 = . Use your calculator to find the optimal resting time (t) that results in
the shortest time (T) for the entire foraging trip. Also write down the shortest time.
5. The equation for the graph below is in the form of 𝑦 = . Find the values of a, p, q, r and s.

ii) Determine the range of the function within the domain 0 < x < 10, x =/= 1.

iii) Find the equation for the parabolic asymptote.

Rational function quiz + other stuff

1) Consider the cubic function y = f(x) = 5x3 – 22x2 + bx.

i) It's given that x – 3 is a factor of 5x3 – 22x2 + bx. Find the value of b.

ii) Use calculus methods (If f(x) = Cxn then f'(x) =Cnxn-1) to find the turning points of f(x), and verify your
answers using the GDC.

iii) Solve the inequality f(x) < 0.

iv) Consider the cubic polynomial y = x(x – c)2. Expand this and use calculus to show that the turning points
occur at x = c/3 and x = c.
𝑥 2 −4𝑥−5
2. Consider the graph 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥) = .

i) Find the oblique and vertical asymptotes.

ii) Find the axis intercepts of this graph.

iii) Sketch the graph and use your GDC or Desmos to verify the answer.

iv) Let y = g(x) = 9x – 27. Use algebra to deduce the point of intersection of f(x) and g(x).
v) Consider y = g(x) = mx – 27. Let x be the x-coordinates of the points of intersection. Derive a quadratic
equation, in terms of x, that also contains m.

vi) When m = 9, as in part iv), the two graphs meet at exactly one point. Use discriminant properties of the
quadratic in v) to find the other value of m that results in the two graphs also intersecting at exactly one point.
(answer is a pretty big integer).

2. Consider the graph 𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑥) = .
3𝑥 2 −𝑥 3

i) Find the horizontal and vertical asymptotes.

ii) Find the axis intercepts of this graph.

iii) Sketch the graph and use your GDC or Desmos to verify the answer.

iv) Let y = g(x) = (x – 1)/4. Solve f(x) > g(x).

Logs and exponents

1) Solve the following equations

a) 8x + 8y = 20, x + y = 2

b) 8x – 4x = 18

c) log3A + log9B = 5, log9A + log3B = 5.5

2) Consider the functions f(x) = log2(x + 2) and g(x) = x2 + 4x + 6.

(a) Find f(g(x)) and state its domain and range.

(b) If g(f(x)) = 11, find the exact values of x.

3) A culture of bacteria increase its population by 8% every 14 minutes. Find, correct to the nearest minute,
the time it takes for the bacteria population to triple.
4) Consider the log graph y = f(x) below.

i) The equation of the graph can be written as y = f(x) = logc(ax + b). Use the asymptote x = -2 to establish a
relation between a and b.

ii) Use the two other given points to solve simultaneously for a, b and c.

iii) Write down the inverse function f-1(x).

iv) Use the graph above to estimate the solution of f(x) = f-1(x) correct to 1 decimal place.
Mock exam 1

1) Consider the function y = f(x) = log3(12 – 5x) + 2.

i) State the vertical asymptote and domain of this function.
ii) Find the value of m such that of f-1(m) = 0.6.

2) Describe a sequence of transformations, in the correct order, that will take 𝑦 = −2 + 3√5 − 𝑥 from its
parent graph 𝑦 = √𝑥.

3) Solve the following equation

log2nn = 0.8 log2(18 – x) = log4(2 + x)

4) i) Expand log3(27x3 – 432x). ii) Condense 2log2 – 3log3 – 4log4 + 5log5 + 6log6.

5) Consider the polynomial y = f(x) = 5x5 – 2x4 + 10x3 + 36x2 + 9x – 10.

i) Use limit notation to describe the end behaviour of f(x).

ii) List all possible rational roots.

iii) Find the exact value of all roots of f(x) including irrational and imaginary roots, if any.

iv) Sketch f(x) indicating all intercepts and approximate locations of turning points.

v) Solve f(x)  0.

6) Consider the following piecewise function

y = ......

3x – m – 3 when x < m

x + n – 4 when m  x  n

6 − √𝑥 when x > n

Given the piecewise function is continuous at both m and n, find the values of m and n, and sketch the function
using your values of m and n.

7) Solve 2x2 – 15x – 16 = 0 by completing the square.

𝑥 2 −4𝑥 −5
8) Consider the function y = f(x) = .

i) Find the slant asymptote for this graph.

ii) Find the domain and range of the function, using algebra to justify your answer.

1 2
9) Use algebra to solve − >0
4𝑥−1 3𝑥−1
10) Sketch the graph y = where a is a positive number. Indicate all intercepts, asymptotes and the
general shape.

11) Solve the following system of equations

x – y – 2z = -11
3x + y – z = 7
2x – 6y – z = 2

12) Describe the symmetries of the following graphs

i) y5/3 = x3 + y

(𝑥−𝑦 2 )
ii) = 𝑦𝑥 + 𝑦 3

3𝑥 4 𝐵 𝐶𝑥+𝐷
13) Factorize x3 – 1, and hence deduce the partial fraction decomposition of as 𝐴𝑥 + + where
𝑥3− 1 𝑓(𝑥) 𝑔(𝑥)
A to D are constants, f(x) is a linear factor, and g(x) is an unfactorizable quadratic factor.

14) A radioactive sample sees its radioactivity decay to 70% of its original activity after 3 months. Find how
long it will take (as measured from the very beginning) for the activity to decay to 40% of its original level.

15) Solve 3x+1 = 4x-1, giving your answer i) as an exact log in the form of logab where a and b are rational
numbers; and ii) correct to 2 d.p.

16) Find the average value of the function y = x2 – 14x + 44 over the interval [0,4].

17) Consider f(x) = log2x and g(x) = x2 – 5x + 6. Determine the domain of f(g(x)), and deduce the interval within
which |f(g(x))| is a decreasing function.
Mock exam 2

1) Consider the function y = f(x) = 2e3-x + 7.

i) State the asymptotes, domain and range of this function.
ii) Find the inverse of this function.

2) Describe a sequence of transformations, in the correct order, that allow you to obtain
𝑦 = −𝑙𝑜𝑔2 (−2𝑥 + 8) from its parent graph 𝑦 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔2 𝑥.

3) Solve the following equation log10(x – 5) + log10(3x – 2) = 2

4) i) Expand log3(9x3 –x). ii) Condense 2logA – logB – logC into a single logarithm.

5) Consider the polynomial y = f(x) = 18x6 + 51x5 + 23x4 + 28x3 + 10x2 – 23x + 5.

i) Use limit notation to describe the end behaviour of f(x).

ii) List all possible rational roots.

iii) Find the exact value of all roots of f(x) including irrational and imaginary roots, if any.

iv) Sketch f(x) indicating all intercepts and approximate locations of turning points.

v) State the range of this polynomial function.

6) Consider the following piecewise function

y = ......

|x + 1| when -5  x < 0

–x + 3 when 0  x  4

(x – 5)-1 when 4 < x  7

√𝑥 − 7 when 7 < x  10

i) Sketch the function.

ii) State all value(s) between -5 to 10 where the function is discontinuous.

iii) State all value(s) between -5 to 10 where the function is undefined.

7) Solve 2x2 – 6x + k = 0 in terms of k by completing the square. Hence state the range of k which results in
the quadratic having no real solutions.

𝑥 2 −4𝑥 −5
8) Consider the function y = f(x) = .

i) Find the slant asymptote for this graph.

ii) State the domain and range of the function.

1 𝑥
9) Use algebra to solve − <0
𝑥−1 3𝑥−4

10) Sketch the graph y = −(𝑥 − 𝑎)2 (𝑥 − 𝑏)(𝑥 − 𝑐)2 where a < b < 0 < c. Indicate all intercepts and the
general shape.

11) Find a general solution for the following system of equations

x – 3y = 2
2x + y + z = 9
x – 17y – 2z = –8

12) Describe the symmetries of the following graph: y5/3 = x3 + y

13) Factorize x3 – 7x2 + 15x – 9 , and hence deduce the partial fraction decomposition of .
x3 – 7x2 + 15x – 9

14) Find the annual %interest rate (correct to 2 d.p.) needed to convert $10000 to $20000 in 8 years if the
compounding takes place i) once every 4 months; ii) continuously.

15) Solve 2x+1 = 52x-1, correct to 2 d.p.

16) Find the average value of the function y = x 3 – 4x – 15 within the domain where the function is decreasing.

17) Consider f(x) = |x| and g(x) = 1/(x2 – 5x + 4). Determine the domain of f(g(x)), and deduce the interval
within which |f(g(x))| is a decreasing function.
Mock exam 3

1) Consider the function y = f(x) = 22x-5 – 3.

i) State the asymptotes, domain and range of this function.
ii) Find the value of the x-intercept of this graph.
iii) Use limit notation to describe the end behaviour of f(x).

2) i) Describe the transformation that transforms y = x2 (x  0) into y = √𝑥.

ii) Describe a sequence of transformations, in the correct order, that allow you transform y = x2 (x  0)
into 𝑦 = −√2𝑥 − 7 − 9.

3) Solve the following equation log3(x + 5) + log9 (x + 5) = 3

3𝑥 2 −9𝑥 3
4) i) Expand log3( ). ii) Condense 2log(A2) – 2(logB - logC + log A) into a single logarithm.
4𝑥 2 −4𝑥+1 2

5) Consider the polynomial y = f(x) = –3x4 + 19x3 – 33x2 + 21x – 4.

i) Find the exact value of all roots of f(x) including irrational and imaginary roots, if any.

ii) Sketch f(x) indicating all intercepts and approximate locations of turning points.

iii) Solve the inequality f(x) > g(x) where g(x) = 4x – 4 .

6) Consider the following piecewise function

y =......
–x2 when –5  x < 1
ax + b when 1  x  4
√8 − 𝑥 when 4 < x  8

Given that the function is continuous between -5 to 8, deduce the value of a and b, and sketch the entire function.

7) Solve x2 – 11x + 18 = 0 by completing the square.

𝑥 3 −7𝑥+6
8) Consider the function y = f(x) = (𝑥+4)2

i) Find the slant asymptote for this graph.

ii) State the where the slant asymptote is approached from the top or the bottom as x approaches either

2 1
9) Use algebra to solve − >0
𝑥−1 3𝑥−4

10) Sketch the graph y = (𝑥−𝑐)2 where a < 0 < c. Indicate all intercepts and the general shape.
11) Solve the following system of equations

2x – 3y + z = 0
2x + 4y – z = 1
x – y – 3z = –15

12) Describe the symmetries of the following graph: 2xy = |x| +|y|

13) Deduce the partial fraction decomposition of .
x3 − 6x2 +9x

14) Bacteria culture L increase its population by 8% every 14 minutes while bacterial culture M has only half
the population of L to begin with, but its rate increases at a higher rate of 10% every 11 minutes. Find, correct to
the nearest minute, when the two cultures have the same population.

15) Solve 3 x 2x+1 = 73x-1, correct to 2 d.p.

16) Find the average value of the function y = e-0.25x for 0 < x < 3.

17) Consider f(x) = |x + 0.5| and g(x) = ln x. Determine the domain of g(f(x) and deduce the interval within
which |g(f(x)| is a decreasing function.

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