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Parabolic Partial

Differential Equations
Transforming Numerical Methods Education for STEM Undergraduates

9/15/2011 1
Defining Parabolic PDE’s
 The general form for a second order linear PDE with two independent
variables and one dependent variable is

∂ 2u ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
A 2 +B +C 2 + D =0
∂x ∂x∂y ∂y
 Recall the criteria for an equation of this type to be considered parabolic
B 2 − 4 AC = 0
 For example, examine the heat-conduction equation given by
∂ 2T ∂T
α 2 = , where A = α , B = 0, C = 0, D = −1
∂x ∂t
B 2 − 4 AC = 0 − 4(α )(0)
thus allowing us to classify this equation as parabolic.
Physical Example of an Elliptic

The internal temperature of a metal rod exposed to two different

temperatures at each end can be found using the heat conduction
∂ T ∂T
α 2 =
∂x ∂t
Discretizing the Parabolic PDE
∆x ∆x

i −1 i i +1
Schematic diagram showing interior nodes
For a rod of length L divided into n + 1 nodes ∆x =
The time is similarly broken into time steps of ∆t

Hence Ti j corresponds to the temperature at node i ,that is,

x = (i )(∆x ) and time t = ( j )(∆t )

The Explicit Method
∆x ∆x

i −1 i i +1
If we define ∆x = we can then write the finite central divided difference
approximation of the left hand side at a general interior node ( i ) as

∂ 2T Ti +j1 − 2Ti j + Ti −j1

∂x 2 i, j
(∆x )2
where ( j ) is the node number along the time.
The Explicit Method
∆x ∆x

i −1 i i +1

The time derivative on the right hand side is approximated by the

forward divided difference method as,

∂T Ti j +1 − Ti j

∂t i, j ∆t
The Explicit Method
Substituting these approximations into the governing equation yields

Ti +j1 − 2Ti j + Ti −j1 Ti j +1 − Ti j

α =
(∆x )2 ∆t
Solving for the temp at the time node j + 1 gives

Ti j +1 = Ti j + α
(∆x) 2
T j
i +1(− 2Ti
+ T j
i −1 )
λ =α
(∆x) 2
we can write the equation as,

Ti j +1
= Ti + λ T j
( j
i +1 − 2Ti + T
j j
i −1 ) .
The Explicit Method
Ti j +1
= Ti + λ T
( j
i +1 − 2Ti + T
j j
i −1 )
•This equation can be solved explicitly because it can be written for each
internal location node of the rod for time node j + 1 in terms of the
temperature at time node j .

•In other words, if we know the temperature at node j = 0 , and the

boundary temperatures, we can find the temperature at the next time

•We continue the process by first finding the temperature at all nodes j = 1 ,
and using these to find the temperature at the next time node, j = 2 .This
process continues until we reach the time at which we are interested in
finding the temperature.
Example 1: Explicit Method
Consider a steel rod that is subjected to a temperature of 100°C on the left
end and 25°C on the right end. If the rod is of length 0.05m ,use the explicit
method to find the temperature distribution in the rod from t = 0 and t = 9
seconds. Use ∆x = 0.01m , ∆t = 3s .

W kg J
Given: k = 54 , ρ = 7800 3 , C = 490
m−K m kg − K

The initial temperature of the rod is 20°C .

i=0 1 2 3 4 5

T =100 ° C T = 25 °C

Example 1: Explicit Method
Recall, Number of time steps,
k t final − t initial
α= =
ρC ∆t
therefore, =
α= = 3.
7800 × 490
= 1.4129 × 10 −5 m 2 / s. Boundary Conditions
T0 j = 100°C 
Then,  for all j = 0,1,2,3
∆t T5 = 25°C 
λ =α
(∆x )2
= 1.4129 × 10 −5
3 All internal nodes are at 20°C
(0.01) 2
for t = 0 sec . This can be
= 0.4239 . represented as,
Ti 0 = 20°C , for all i = 1,2,3,4
Example 1: Explicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 0 sec , j = 0 :

T00 = 100°C
T10 = 20°C 

T20 = 20°C 
 Interior nodes
T30 = 20°C 
T40 = 20°C 
T50 = 25°C

We can now calculate the temperature at each node explicitly using

the equation formulated earlier,

Ti j +1
= Ti + λ Tj
( j
i +1 − 2Ti + T
j j
i −1 )
Example 1: Explicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 3 sec (Example Calculations)
i=0 T01 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
setting j=0
i =1 (
T11 = T10 + λ T20 − 2T10 + T00 ) i=2 (
T21 = T20 + λ T30 − 2T20 + T10 )
= 20 + 0.4239(20 − 2(20) + 100 ) = 20 + 0.4239(20 − 2(20) + 20 )
= 20 + 0.4239(80 ) = 20 + 0.4239(0 )
= 20 + 33.912 = 20 + 0
= 53.912°C = 20°C
Nodal temperatures when t = 3 sec , j = 1 :
T01 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
T11 = 53.912°C 

T21 = 20°C 
 Interior nodes
T3 = 20°C

T41 = 22.120°C 
T51 = 25°C − Boundary Condition
Example 1: Explicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 6 sec (Example Calculations)
i=0 T02 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
setting j =1 ,
i =1 (
T12 = T11 + λ T21 − 2T11 + T01 ) i = 2 T22 = T21 + λ (T31 − 2T21 + T11 )
= 53.912 + 0.4239(20 − 2(53.912) + 100 ) = 20 + 0.4239(20 − 2(20) + 53.912 )
= 53.912 + 0.4239(12.176 ) = 20 + 0.4239(33.912 )
= 53.912 + 5.1614 = 20 + 14.375
= 59.073°C = 34.375°C

Nodal temperatures when t = 6 sec , j = 2 :

T02 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
T12 = 59.073°C 

T22 = 34.375°C 
 Interior nodes
T3 = 20.889°C 

T42 = 22.442°C 
T52 = 25°C − Boundary Condition
Example 1: Explicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 9 sec (Example Calculations)
i=0 T03 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
setting j = 2 ,
i =1 i=2
T13 = T12 + λ T22 − 2T12 + T02 ) (
T23 = T22 + λ T32 − 2T22 + T12 )
= 59.073 + 0.4239(34.375 − 2(59.073) + 100) = 34.375 + 0.4239(20.899 − 2(34.375) + 59.073)
= 59.073 + 0.4239(16.229) = 34.375 + 0.4239(11.222 )
= 59.073 + 6.8795 = 34.375 + 4.7570
= 65.953°C = 39.132°C
Nodal temperatures when t = 9 sec , j = 3 :
T03 = 100°C − Boundary Condition
T13 = 65.953°C 

T23 = 39.132°C 
 Interior nodes
T3 = 27.266°C 

T43 = 22.872°C 
T53 = 25°C − Boundary Condition
Example 1: Explicit Method
To better visualize the temperature variation at different
locations at different times, the temperature distribution along
the length of the rod at different times is plotted below.
The Implicit Method

•Using the explicit method, we were able to find the temperature at

each node, one equation at a time.

•However, the temperature at a specific node was only dependent

on the temperature of the neighboring nodes from the previous
time step. This is contrary to what we expect from the physical

•The implicit method allows us to solve this and other problems by

developing a system of simultaneous linear equations for the
temperature at all interior nodes at a particular time.
The Implicit Method
∂ T ∂T 2
α =
∂x 2
The second derivative on the left hand side of the equation is
approximated by the CDD scheme at time level j + 1 at node (i )

∂ 2T Ti +j1+1 − 2Ti j +1 + Ti −j1+1

∂x 2 i , j +1
(∆x ) 2
The Implicit Method
∂ T ∂T 2
α =
∂x 2
The first derivative on the right hand side of the equation is
approximated by the BDD scheme at time level j + 1 at node ( i )
j +1
∂T T −T j
≈ i i

∂t i , j +1 ∆t
The Implicit Method
∂ T ∂T
α =
∂x 2
Substituting these approximations into the heat conduction
equation yields

Ti +j1+1 − 2Ti j +1 + Ti −j1+1 Ti j +1 − Ti j

α =
(∆x ) 2
The Implicit Method
From the previous slide,
Ti +j1+1 − 2Ti j +1 + Ti −j1+1 Ti j +1 − Ti j
α =
(∆x )2 ∆t
Rearranging yields

− λTi −j1+1 + (1 + 2λ )Ti j +1 − λTi +j1+1 = Ti j

given that,
λ =α
(∆x ) 2

The rearranged equation can be written for every node during each time
step. These equations can then be solved as a simultaneous system of
linear equations to find the nodal temperatures at a particular time.
Example 2: Implicit Method
Consider a steel rod that is subjected to a temperature of 100°C on the left
end and 25°C on the right end. If the rod is of length 0.05m ,use the implicit
method to find the temperature distribution in the rod from t = 0 and t = 9
seconds. Use ∆x = 0.01m , ∆t = 3s .

W kg J
Given: k = 54 , ρ = 7800 3 , C = 490
m−K m kg − K

The initial temperature of the rod is 20°C .

i=0 1 2 3 4 5

T =100 ° C T = 25 °C

Example 2: Implicit Method
Recall, Number of time steps,
k t final − t initial
α= =
ρC ∆t
therefore, =
α= = 3.
7800 × 490
= 1.4129 × 10 −5 m 2 / s. Boundary Conditions
T0 j = 100°C 
Then,  for all j = 0,1,2,3
∆t T5 = 25°C 
λ =α
(∆x )2
= 1.4129 × 10 −5
3 All internal nodes are at 20°C
(0.01) 2
for t = 0 sec . This can be
= 0.4239 . represented as,
Ti 0 = 20°C , for all i = 1,2,3,4
Example 2: Implicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 0 sec , j = 0 :

T00 = 100°C
T10 = 20°C 

T20 = 20°C 
 Interior nodes
T30 = 20°C 
T40 = 20°C 
T50 = 25°C

We can now form our system of equations for the first time step by
writing the approximated heat conduction equation for each node.

− λT j +1
i −1 + (1 + 2λ )Ti j +1
− λT j +1
i +1 = Ti j
Example 2: Implicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 3 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 0 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following,
i =1 − λT01 + (1 + 2λ )T11 − λT21 = T10
(−0.4239 × 100) + (1 + 2 × 0.4239)T11 − (0.4239T21 ) = 20
− 42.39 + 1.8478T11 − 0.4239T21 = 20
1.8478T11 − 0.4239T21 = 62.390

i=2 − λT11 + (1 + 2λ )T21 − λT31 = T20

− 0.4239T11 + 1.8478T21 − 0.4239T31 = 20
For the first time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T11  62.390
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   1   20 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T3   20 

  1   
 0 0 − 0. 4239 1 . 8478 T 
 4   30 .598 
Example 2: Implicit Method
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T11  62.390
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   1   20 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T3   20 

  1   
 0 0 − 0. 4239 1 . 8478   4  
T 30 .598 
The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms
such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T01   100 
T11   39.451  1  
 1   Hence, the nodal T
 1  39 . 451 
 = 24 . 792 
temps at t = 3 sec are T2   24.792
T3   21.438
 1 =  
 1    3  21. 438
T4  21.477 
T 
T 1  21.477 
 41   
 5  
T 25 
Example 2: Implicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 6 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 1 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following,
i =1 − λT02 + (1 + 2λ )T12 − λT22 = T11
(−0.4239 × 100) + (1 + 2 × 0.4239)T12 − 0.4239T22 = 39.451
− 42.39 + 1.8478T12 − 0.4239T22 = 39.451
1.8478T12 − 0.4239T22 = 81.841
i=2 − λT12 + (1 + 2λ )T22 − λT32 = T21
− 0.4239T12 + 1.8478T22 − 0.4239T32 = 24.792
For the second time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T12   81.841
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   2  24.792
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T32  21.438
  2   
 0 0 − 0 . 4239 1. 8478  T4   32 . 075 
Example 2: Implicit Method
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T12   81.841
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   2  24.792
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T3  21.438

  2   
 0 0 − 0. 4239 1. 8478 T 
 4   32 .075 

The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms

such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T02   100 
T12  51.326   2  
 2   Hence, the nodal T
 1   51 . 326 
 2 = 30. 669  temps at t = 6 sec are T2  30.669 
T3  23.876
 2 = 
 2   
T4  22.836 T3   23 . 876 
T 2  22.836
 42   
T5   25 
Example 2: Implicit Method
Nodal temperatures when t = 9 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 2 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following,
i =1 − λT03 + (1 + 2λ )T13 − λT23 = T12
( −0.4239 × 100) + (1 + 2 × 0.4239)T13 − (0.4239T23 ) = 51.326
− 42.39 + 1.8478T13 − 0.4239T23 = 51.326
1.8478T13 − 0.4239T23 = 93.716
i=2 − λT13 + (1 + 2λ )T23 − λT33 = T22
− 0.4239T13 + 1.8478T23 − 0.4239T33 = 30.669
For the third time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T13  93.716 
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   3  30.669 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T3  23.876

  3   
 0 0 − 0 . 4239 1 . 8478   4  
T 33 . 434 
Example 2: Implicit Method
 1.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T13  93.716 
− 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 0   3  30.669 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 1.8478 − 0.4239 T3  23.876

  3   
 0 0 − 0 . 4239 1 .8478 T 
 4   33. 434 

The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms

such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T03   100 
T13  59.043 Hence, the nodal  3  
 3  T
   59 . 043 
 1
 2= 36. 292  temps at t = 9 sec are T2  36.292 

T3  26.809
3  3 =  
 3    3 
T 26 . 809 
T4   24 . 243  T   24.243
 43   
T5   25 
Example 2: Implicit Method
To better visualize the temperature variation at different
locations at different times, the temperature distribution along
the length of the rod at different times is plotted below.
The Crank-Nicolson Method

∂ 2T O(∆x) 2
Using the implicit method our approximation of was of
∂x 2
accuracy, while our approximation of was of O(∆t ) accuracy.
The Crank-Nicolson Method

One can achieve similar orders of accuracy by approximating the

second derivative, on the left hand side of the heat equation, at the
midpoint of the time step. Doing so yields

∂ 2T α  Ti +j1 − 2Ti j + Ti −j1 Ti +j1+1 − 2Ti j +1 + Ti −j1+1 

≈  + 
∂x 2 i, j
2 (∆x )2 (∆x ) 2

The Crank-Nicolson Method

The first derivative, on the right hand side of the heat equation, is
approximated using the forward divided difference method at time
level j + 1 ,

j +1
∂T Ti − Ti j

∂t i, j ∆t
The Crank-Nicolson Method
•Substituting these approximations into the governing equation for
heat conductance yields
α  Ti +j1 − 2Ti j + Ti −j1 Ti +j1+1 − 2Ti j +1 + Ti −j1+1  Ti j +1 − Ti j
 + =
2 (∆x )2 (∆x )2  ∆t

− λTi −j1+1 + 2(1 + λ )Ti j +1 − λTi +j1+1 = λTi −j1 + 2(1 − λ )Ti j + λTi +j1

λ =α
(∆x )2
•Having rewritten the equation in this form allows us to descritize
the physical problem. We then solve a system of simultaneous linear
equations to find the temperature at every node at any point in
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Consider a steel rod that is subjected to a temperature of 100°C on the left
end and 25°C on the right end. If the rod is of length 0.05m ,use the Crank-
Nicolson method to find the temperature distribution in the rod from t = 0
to t = 9 seconds. Use ∆x = 0.01m , ∆t = 3s .

W kg J
Given: k = 54 , ρ = 7800 3 , C = 490
m−K m kg − K

The initial temperature of the rod is 20°C .

i=0 1 2 3 4 5

T =100 ° C T = 25 °C

Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Recall, Number of time steps,
k t final − t initial
α= =
ρC ∆t
therefore, =
α= = 3.
7800 × 490
= 1.4129 × 10 −5 m 2 / s. Boundary Conditions
T0 j = 100°C 
Then,  for all j = 0,1,2,3
∆t T5 = 25°C 
λ =α
(∆x )2
= 1.4129 × 10 −5
3 All internal nodes are at 20°C
(0.01) 2
for t = 0 sec . This can be
= 0.4239 . represented as,
Ti 0 = 20°C , for all i = 1,2,3,4
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Nodal temperatures when t = 0 sec , j = 0 :

T00 = 100°C
T10 = 20°C 

T20 = 20°C 
 Interior nodes
T30 = 20°C 
T40 = 20°C 
T50 = 25°C

We can now form our system of equations for the first time step by
writing the approximated heat conduction equation for each node.

− λTi −j1+1 + 2(1 + λ )Ti j +1 − λTi +j1+1 = λTi −j1 + 2(1 − λ )Ti j + λTi +j1
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Nodal temperatures when t = 3 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T01 = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 0 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following
i =1
− λT01 + 2(1 + λ )T11 − λT21 = λT00 + 2(1 − λ )T10 + λT20
(−0.4239 × 100) + 2(1 + 0.4239)T11 − 0.4239T21 = (0.4239)100 + 2(1 − 0.4239)20 + (0.4239)20
− 42.39 + 2.8478T11 − 0.4239T21 = 42.39 + 23.044 + 8.478

2.8478T11 − 0.4239T21 = 116.30

For the first time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T11  116.30 
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   1  40.000
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3  40.000

  1   
 0 0 − 0. 4239 2 . 8478  T4   52 . 718 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T11  116.30 
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   1  40.000
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3  40.000

  1   
 0 0 − 0 .4239 2 . 8478 T 
 4   52. 718 

The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms

such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T01   100 
T11  44.372 Hence, the nodal  1  
   44 . 372 
 1   1
 2= 23 . 746  temps at t = 3 sec are T2   23.746

 1 =  
T31  20.797   3 
T 20. 797 
 1   T 1  21.607 
T4   21 . 607   41   
T5   25 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Nodal temperatures when t = 6 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T02 = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 1 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following,
i =1
− λT02 + 2(1 + λ )T12 − λT22 = λT01 + 2(1 − λ )T11 + λT21
(−0.4239 × 100) + 2(1 + 0.4239)T12 − 0.4239T22 =
(0.4239)100 + 2(1 − 0.4239)44.372 + (0.4239)23.746
− 42.39 + 2.8478T12 − 0.4239T22 = 42.39 + 51.125 + 10.066

2.8478T12 − 0.4239T22 = 145.971

For the second time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T12  145.971
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   2   54.985 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3   43.187 

  2   
 0 0 − 0.4239 2.8478  T4   54.908 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T12  145.971
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   2   54.985 
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3   43.187 

  2   
 0 0 − 0 .4239 2 . 8478 T 
 4   54 . 908 

The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms

such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T02   100 
T12  55.883  2  
Hence, the nodal T
 1   55 . 883 
 2  
 2 = 31 .075  temps at t = 6 sec are T2  31.075

 2 =  
T3  23.174
T3  23.174
 2   T 2  22.730
T4   22 . 730   42   

 5  
T 25 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
Nodal temperatures when t = 9 sec , (Example Calculations)
i=0 T = 100°C − Boundary Condition

For the interior nodes setting j = 2 and i =1, 2, 3, 4 gives the following,
i =1
− λT03 + 2(1 + λ )T13 − λT23 = λT02 + 2(1 − λ )T12 + λT22
(−0.4239 × 100) + 2(1 + 0.4239)T23 − 0.4239T23 =
(0.4239)100 + 2(1 − 0.4239)55.883 + (0.4239)31.075
− 42.39 + 2.8478T13 − 0.4239T23 = 42.39 + 64.388 + 13.173

2.8478 T13 − 0.4239 T23 = 162.34

For the third time step we can write four such equations with four
unknowns, expressing them in matrix form yields
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T13  162.34 
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   3  69.318
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3  49.509

  3   
 0 0 − 0 . 4239 2 .8478 T 
 4   57 . 210 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
 2.8478 − 0.4239 0 0  T13  162.34 
− 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 0   3  69.318
  T2  =  
 0 − 0.4239 2.8478 − 0.4239 T3  49.509

  3   
 0 0 − 0 . 4239 2 .8478   4  
T 57. 210 

The above coefficient matrix is tri-diagonal. Special algorithms

such as Thomas’ algorithm can be used to solve simultaneous
linear equation with tri-diagonal coefficient matrices.The
solution is given by
T03   100 
T13  62.604 Hence, the nodal  3  
 3   T1  62.604
 2= 37 .613  temps at t = 9 sec are T23  37.613
T33  26.562  3 =  
 3 
T 26 . 562 
 3   T  24.042
T4   
24 .042
 43   
T5   25 
Example 3: Crank-Nicolson
To better visualize the temperature variation at different
locations at different times, the temperature distribution along
the length of the rod at different times is plotted below.
Internal Temperatures at 9 sec.
The table below allows you to compare the results from all three
methods discussed in juxtaposition with the analytical solution.

Node Explicit Implicit Analytical
T13 65.953 59.043 62.604 62.510
T23 39.132 36.292 37.613 37.084
T33 27.266 26.809 26.562 25.844
T43 22.872 24.243 24.042 23.610

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