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International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114 – 121

The interactive effect of exercise intensity and task difficulty

on human cognitive processing
Keita Kamijo a,⁎, Yoshiaki Nishihira a , Takuro Higashiura a , Kazuo Kuroiwa b
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8574, Japan
Yaizu Municipal Yaizu-Nishi Elementary School, 117-1 Shiotsu, Yaizu, Shizuoka, Japan
Received 22 December 2006; received in revised form 23 March 2007; accepted 2 April 2007
Available online 6 April 2007


The interactive effect of exercise intensity and task difficulty on human cognitive processing was investigated using the P3 component of an
event-related brain potential (ERP). Exercise intensity was established using Borg's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale, and task difficulty
was manipulated using a modified flanker task comprised of incongruent and neutral trials. Twelve participants (22 to 30 y) performed the flanker
task during a baseline session, and again after light (RPE: 11), moderate (RPE: 13), and hard (RPE: 15) cycling exercise. Results indicated that the
P3 amplitude increases across task conditions following light and moderate cycling, but not during hard cycling, relative to baseline, suggesting
that P3 amplitude may change in an inverted U fashion by as a result of acute exercise intensity. Additionally, the expected delay in P3 latency for
incongruent relative to neutral trials was observed during the baseline condition. However, following acute exercise these task condition
differences diminished across exercise intensities. Moreover, reaction times following all exercise conditions were shorter when compared to the
baseline condition. These findings suggest that P3 latency is more sensitive to task difficulty manipulated by a flanker task than behavioral
measures, and P3 latency during trials requiring greater executive control processes might be more sensitive to the effects of acute exercise than
tasks requiring minimal effort.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Exercise intensity; Task difficulty; Cognitive processing; P3; ERPs; Flanker task; Executive control process; Arousal

1. Introduction stimulus evaluation time (Kutas et al., 1977) that is generally

unrelated to response selection process (McCarthy and Don-
Recently, there has been increasing interest in the influence chin, 1981; Pfefferbaum et al., 1983).
of physical activity, and in particular aerobic exercise, on human Prior P3 studies investigating the effects of acute exercise on
cognition. Most research investigating the effects of exercise on cognitive processing have been divided as to whether physical
event-related brain potentials (ERPs) have found some evidence activity facilitates cognitive function (e.g., Hillman et al., 2003;
for the relationship between exercise-induced arousal and cog- Kamijo et al., 2004b; Magnié et al., 2000) or not (e.g., Grego
nitive performance changes. The most commonly studied ERP et al., 2004; Kamijo et al., 2004b). The contradictory findings
component, the P3, is an endogenous component that is be- have led several authors to identify four methodological factors
lieved to index the brain activity required for the maintenance of that should be controlled in such studies: (i) the physical fitness
working memory when the mental model of the stimulus envi- of participants, (ii) the intensity and duration of physical exer-
ronment is updated (Donchin and Coles, 1988). That is, the cise, (iii) the nature of the psychological task, and (iv) the time
amplitude of this component is proportional to the amount of at which the psychological task was administered to the parti-
attentional resources devoted to a given task (Kida et al., 2004; cipants (Collardeau et al., 2001). Given these four factors,
Schubert et al., 1998; Wickens et al., 1983), and the latency is Hillman et al. (2003) focused on the nature of the psychological
considered to be a measure of stimulus classification speed or task by using a modified flanker task that manipulates executive
control requirements. Perner and Lang (1999) defined executive
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 29 861 6724; fax: +81 29 861 6732. control as “processes responsible for higher-level action control
E-mail address: (K. Kamijo). (e.g. planning, inhibition, coordination and control of action
0167-8760/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121 115

sequences) that are necessary for maintaining a mentally spe- Relative to the neuroelectric system, we have previously found
cified goal and for bringing it to function against distracting that P3 amplitude increased after moderate-intensity cycling and
alternatives” (p. 337). Included functions relate to the orga- decreased after high-intensity cycling compared to baseline,
nization of action, mental flexibility, complex discrimination, suggesting that P3 amplitude changes may be described by an
error monitoring, response selection, and inhibition, as well as inverted U-shaped curve relative to exercise intensity (Kamijo
other effortful processes (Meyer and Kieras, 1997). One para- et al., 2004b). That is, greater attentional resources were allocated
digm that manipulates executive control requirements is the to the task following moderate-intensity exercise, while this
Eriksen flanker task (Eriksen and Eriksen, 1974). This task facilitative effect was negated following high-intensity exercise.
consists of two types of stimuli whose central target letter is We further indicated that both Go and NoGo P3 amplitudes
flanked by noise letters (e.g., HHHHH for congruent stimulus, elicited by a Go/NoGo RT task, which requires variable amounts
SSHSS for incongruent stimulus). Congruent stimuli elicit faster of response inhibition, changed after cycling exercise. NoGo P3
and more accurate responses, and incongruent stimuli cause is interpreted as a reflection of inhibitory process (i.e., a different
decreased response speed and accuracy (Eriksen and Schultz, aspect of executive control requiring response inhibition; Bruin
1979). The incongruent condition requires greater amounts of et al., 2001; Falkenstein et al., 1999; Fallgatter and Strik, 1999).
executive control due to activation of the incorrect response In the present study we focused on the intensity of acute
(elicited by the flanker stimuli) before evaluation is completed exercise and manipulated the nature of the psychological task to
(Kramer et al., 1994; Kramer and Jacobson, 1991). The previous investigate whether exercise intensity interacts with task dif-
studies investigating the relationship between acute exercise and ficulty during human cognitive processing. Oxendine (1984)
cognitive function using P3 have indicated general (Kamijo suggested that tasks with higher decisional demands require
et al., 2004b; Magnié et al., 2000) and selective (Hillman et al., lower arousal levels for optimal performance compared to tasks
2003) exercise-induced changes on cognition; however, to our with lower decisional demands. That is, in the present study, it is
knowledge, only one study has examined the relationship be- considered that the incongruent trial with greater executive
tween the nature of the psychological task and acute exercise control require lower arousal levels compared to the neutral trial
using P3 (Hillman et al., 2003). for optimal performance. Based on our previous research (Ka-
Hillman et al. (2003) found increased P3 amplitude across mijo et al., 2004a), the arousal level was presumably reduced
conditions of a flanker task approximately 48 min following after higher intensity exercise. Accordingly, it was expected that
moderately-high intensity exercise, after participants' HR had reaction time (RT) would be shorter and error rate would be
returned to baseline level. In addition, P3 latency indicated that lower after higher intensity exercise during the incongruent trials
acute exercise was related to faster cognitive processing speed in comparison to the neutral trials. With respect to cognitive
only during incongruent flanker trials. No such relationship was processing indexed by P3, it was expected that greater allocation
observed during neutral trials, suggesting that acute aerobic of attentional resources and faster cognitive processing speed
exercise selectively improves cognitive processing speed during (larger P3 amplitude and shorter latency, respectively) would be
tasks requiring greater amounts of executive control (Hillman observed after higher intensity exercise during incongruent trials
et al., 2003). Further, Magnié et al. (2000) observed larger P3 in comparison to the neutral trials. As such, these data may better
amplitude and shorter P3 latency elicited by an oddball task, inform on the relationship between acute exercise induced
which is considered a non-executive task, after participants' HR arousal of various intensities and cognitive performance related
and body temperature returned to baseline levels following to various amounts of executive control.
maximal aerobic exercise, suggesting that these P3 changes are
caused by general arousal effects of aerobic exercise since these 2. Methods
changes were found to be of the same magnitude across elec-
trode sites. Polich and Kok (1995) reviewed previous P3 studies 2.1. Participants
and suggested that P3 is influenced by changes in arousal.
This arousal hypothesis has been used to account for the Thirteen healthy males participated in this experiment. Data
observation that task performance has often been characterized from one participant were discarded due to excessive noise in
by an inverted-U shaped function (Yerkes and Dodson, 1908). the electroencephalogram (EEG) signal. Thus, all analyses were
With regard to increases in physical arousal, performance is conducted on 12 participants aged 25.7 ± 0.7 (22–30) y. All
predicted to improve to an optimal point, after which further individuals reported being free of neurological disorders,
arousal will result in deterioration of performance (Tompor- cardiovascular disease, any medications that influence central
owski and Ellis, 1986). Additionally, as initially suggested by nervous system function, and had corrected to normal vision.
Yerkes and Dodson (1908), the optimal arousal level depends The participants gave informed consent to participate in the
on the difficulty of the given task (Landers and Boutcher, 1998; experiment, and the appropriate committee at the University of
Oxendine, 1984). More specifically, Oxendine (1984) sug- Tsukuba approved the experimental protocols.
gested that if a task is complex, moderate levels of arousal will
result in optimal performance, while high levels of arousal will 2.2. Procedure
result in deterioration of performance. If, however, the task is
simple it will require higher levels of arousal for optimal per- This experiment consisted of a baseline session and three
formance to be exhibited (Oxendine, 1984). intensity exercise sessions. Each session was conducted at the
116 K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121

same time on a different day (M = 5.4 ± 0.9 days apart). The order stimulus, a right thumb response was required. The stimulus-
of sessions was randomized among the participants to minimize response mappings were counterbalanced among the partici-
potential practice effects. The baseline session consisted of pants. The incongruent trial had the target response flanked by
measuring participants' ERPs and behavioral responses during the opposing target stimulus (i.e., FXF or XFX). The neutral
the flanker task. In the baseline session, participants were seated target response was flanked by letters with no response assign-
in a comfortable chair and prepared for neuroelectric measure- ment (e.g., LFL, LXL). The two conditions were equiprobable,
ment in accordance with the Society for Psychophysiological and stimuli consisted of black letters on a white background. The
Research guidelines (Picton et al., 2000). Participants were then letter arrays were presented for 500 ms with a 1500 ms inter-
given task instructions and allowed 30 practice trials. After the stimulus interval that subtended an angle of 0.72° horizontally.
practice trials, participants performed 300 trials of the flanker
task (incongruent : neutral = 150:150). In the exercise sessions, 2.5. Recordings
the participants exercised at each of the three intensities using a
bicycle ergometer. They were attached to Ag–AgCl electrodes EEG activity was recorded with Ag–AgCl electrodes at Fz,
before cycling exercise, and all electrodes had a resistance of less C3, Cz, C4, and Pz according to the international 10–20 system,
than 5 kΩ. Impedances were checked after exercise to determine with each electrode referenced to linked earlobes. To monitor
that they did not change from pre-exercise levels. Less than 3 min possible artifacts due to eye movement, an electrooculogram
after exercise, the participants began the flanker task. A small (EOG) was recorded using electrodes placed above and below
amount of blood was taken from the participants' fingertips, and the right eye. EEG activity was amplified with a time constant
blood lactate was measured before and after exercise using of 5 s and a high-cut filter of 120 Hz. EEG data were converted
Lactate Pro (ARKRAY). The increased blood lactate values from 100 ms pre-stimulus to 1000 ms post-stimulus at a sam-
between pre- and post-exercise were defined as Δ lactate. pling rate of 500 Hz. Trials with eye blinks, eye movements
(rejection levels: ± 80 μV) and response errors were excluded
2.3. Exercise from analysis. On average, about 30% of trials were discarded
due to artifact. P3 was defined as the most positive peak that
Before the experiment, participants performed a graded ex- appeared in a post-stimulus window of 300 to 600 ms. P3
ercise test (GXT) using a bicycle ergometer to assess maximal amplitude was measured relative to a 100 ms pre-stimulus
heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). During baseline. P3 latency was defined as the time from the stimulus
the GXT, the work rate (WR) increased by 15 W per min onset to the peak point.
until volitional exhaustion. The HR and RPE were recorded An electromyogram (EMG) was recorded using a pair of
every minute. RPE was constructed by Borg (1970) to increase surface electrodes on the both right and left hand flexor pollicis
linearly with the exercise intensity of work on a bicycle brevis muscles. EMG-RT was measured as the time from sti-
ergometer. The scale values range from 6 to 20 (7: very very mulus onset to a sharp increase in EMG bursts.
light, 9: very light, 11: fairly light, 13: somewhat hard, 15: hard,
17: very hard, 19: very very hard). The pedaling rate was kept at 2.6. Statistical analysis
60 rpm. Participants pedaled for 2 min with no load as a warm-
up, after which point they pedaled until volitional exhaustion The Δ lactate data and average RPE, HR and WR for 20 min
was reached according to the above-mentioned method. Par- were analyzed using a one-factor (Exercise Intensity) analysis
ticipants were verbally encouraged to achieve their maximal of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures. EMG-RT and
level. the error rate were analyzed using two-factor (Exercise Inten-
Target HRs equivalent to an RPE of 11 (fairly light: light sity × Compatibility) ANOVA with repeated measures. P3 was
exercise), 13 (somewhat hard: moderate exercise), and 15 (hard: analyzed using three-factor (Exercise Intensity × Compatibili-
hard exercise) were calculated individually for each participant ty × Electrode Site) ANOVA with repeated measures. The
from their regression lines of RPE versus HR in the GXT, reported significances for the F values were those obtained
respectively. The brake pressure was adjusted mechanically to after Greenhouse–Geisser correction when appropriate, and
the target HR in each exercise intensity session. After a no load then a correction coefficient epsilon was given. Post hoc ana-
warm-up for 2 min, the participants performed exercise at each lyses were decomposed using simple effects tests and Tukey's
load corresponding to the target HR for 20 min. The pedaling HSD to identify the specific differences in factors contributing
rate was kept at 60 rpm. to the variance observed in the data. The significance level was
set at 0.05.
2.4. Task
3. Results
Based on Hillman et al. (2003), a modified flanker task
consisting of incongruent and neutral trials was used and the 3.1. Exercise intensity
participants were instructed to press a button with their thumbs
as quickly as possible to a centrally presented target letter. For The mean Δ lactate, RPE, HR and WR for 20 min at each
example, when ‘F’ was the target stimulus, participants re- intensity exercise are presented in Table 1. The Δ lactate ana-
sponded with their left thumb, and when ‘X’ was the target lysis revealed a main effect for Exercise Intensity [F (2, 22) =
K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121 117

Table 1 cating longer latency for the incongruent relative to the neutral
Mean Δ lactate, RPE, HR and WR in each intensity exercise trial only during baseline session [t (1, 11) = 3.00, p = 0.012].
Light Moderate Hard This compatibility difference was not observed following any of
Δ lactate (mmol/l)# $
1.3 ± 0.3 2.4 ± 0.4 4.7 ± 0.6 the exercise conditions due to shorter P3 latency following the
RPE value⁎ # $ 10.5 ± 0.2 11.9 ± 0.2 14.3 ± 0.3 exercise conditions during incongruent trials.
HR (bpm) ⁎ # $ 118.2 ± 2.3 134.2 ± 2.1 149.3 ± 2.3
WR (W)⁎ # $ 103.0 ± 6.9 128.1 ± 5.6 152.2 ± 5.2
4. Discussion
Values are mean ± SE. Significance difference by Tukey's HSD post hoc
analysis, ⁎p b 0.05: Light vs. Moderate, #p b 0.05: Light vs. Hard, $p b 0.05:
In the present study, the interactive effect of exercise in-
Moderate vs. Hard.
tensity and task difficulty on human cognitive processing was
investigated using the P3 and behavioral measures (i.e., RT and
17.18, p b 0.001]. The Tukey's HSD post hoc analysis indicated error rate). Our findings indicate that P3 latency changed fol-
that the Δ lactate following hard exercise was significantly lowing acute exercise only during incongruent trials requiring
larger than following light and moderate exercise [t (1, 11) ≥ greater executive control, while acute exercise influenced P3
3.31, p ≤ 0.003]. The analyses for RPE, HR and WR also amplitude across task conditions. With respect to behavioral
revealed main effects for Exercise Intensity [F (2, 22) = 90.19, measures, EMG-RTs after all exercise intensities were shorter
p b 0.001; F (2, 22) = 727.63, p b 0.001, ε = 0.54; F (2, 22) = than in the baseline session across task conditions. Finally, error
82.83, p b 0.001, respectively]. The Tukey's HSD post hoc rate was not affected by acute exercise.
analysis indicated that these three measures were significant-
ly different in each intensity exercise [t (1, 11) ≥ 7.27, p b 0.001; 4.1. Exercise intensity
t (1, 11) ≥ 23.23, p b 0.001; t (1, 11) ≥ 7.02, p b 0.001,
respectively]. Δ lactate following hard exercise was significantly larger than
following light and moderate exercise. In addition, RPE, HR,
3.2. Behavioral measures and WR were significantly different in each intensity exercise.
These results confirmed that each exercise used in the present
The mean EMG-RT and error rate for both incongruent and study differed in intensity. The average RPE for 20 min was
neutral trials are presented in Fig. 1. The EMG-RT analysis slightly lower than the target RPE (11, 13, and 15) because the
revealed main effects for Compatibility [F (1, 11) = 25.68, p b RPE value for a few minutes after the commencement of exercise
0.001] with incongruent trials yielding longer EMG-RT com- was low. Although the average RPE for 20 min was slightly low,
pared to neutral trials. A main effect for Exercise Intensity it is considered that the target exercise intensity was achieved.
was also observed [F (3, 33) = 9.37, p b 0.001]. The Tukey's
HSD post hoc analysis for Exercise Intensity indicated that 4.2. Behavioral measures
across Compatibility conditions EMG-RT following exercise
was shorter than in the baseline session [t (1, 11) ≥ 3.18, EMG-RT in the incongruent trial was longer than that in the
p ≤ 0.002]. There was no significant interaction between the two neutral trial, and the error rate in the incongruent trial was higher
The error rate analysis revealed a main effect for Compat-
ibility [F (1, 11) = 76.00, p b 0.001] with more accurate re-
sponses for the neutral compared to the incongruent trial. No
significant main effect or interaction involving exercise inten-
sity was observed.

3.3. P3 amplitude

Fig. 2 shows the grand averaged P3 waveforms by compa-

tibility in all exercise sessions. Main effects for Exercise Inten-
sity [F (3, 33) = 3.49, p = 0.027] and Electrode Site [F (4, 44) =
13.18, p b 0.001 ε = 0.43] were found with lager amplitude after
light and moderate exercise compare to the baseline [t (1, 11) ≥
3.18, p ≤ 0.046]. P3 amplitude reached its maximum at Cz and
Pz [t (1, 11) ≥ 3.40, p ≤ 0.025]. No significant interaction in-
volving exercise intensity was observed.

3.4. P3 latency

Fig. 3 shows the Exercise Intensity × Compatibility interac- Fig. 1. Mean EMG-RT (upper) and error rate (lower) for incongruent and neutral
tion [F (3, 33) = 6.74, p = 0.001], with post hoc analyses indi- trials in all sessions.
K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121
Fig. 2. Grand averaged P3 waveforms for incongruent (upper) and neutral (lower) trials from all electrode sites in all sessions.
K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121 119

than that in the neutral trial. These results indicated that the quiring interference control may be more sensitive to the effects
incongruent trial was more difficult than the neutral trial, of acute exercise than tasks requiring response inhibition.
corroborating previous reports that have examined executive On the other hand, error rate was not influenced by cycling
control during a flanker task (e.g., Hillman et al., 2003). exercise regardless of intensity. In the present study, the participants
In both incongruent and neutral trials, EMG-RTs after all were instructed to press a button as quickly as possible to the target
exercise intensities were shorter than in the baseline session. In letter. It is suggested that error rate might not be changed following
our previous study (Kamijo et al., 2004b), EMG-RT in a Go/ cycling exercise, because the participants were not required to
NoGo RT task did not change after cycling exercise. The mean respond as accurately as possible. Thus, acute exercise effects on
EMG-RT was about 200 ms in the previous study, whereas about behavioral measures might depend, in part, on task instruction.
400 ms in the present study. In addition, it is considered that the
Go condition of the Go/NoGo RT task does not require a great 4.3. P3 amplitude
deal of executive control, although the NoGo condition requires
response inhibition, which is one component of executive con- P3 amplitude following light and moderate exercise in-
trol (Meyer and Kieras, 1997). Given that acute exercise-related creased across task conditions compared to baseline, while hard
differences were observed in the current study, the findings exercise did not differ. P3 amplitude reflects changes in the
suggest that acute exercise may have a differential influence on neural representation of the stimulus environment and is pro-
executive control processes elicited by a flanker task (i.e., in- portional to the amount of attentional resources devoted to a
terference control) relative to the executive control processes given task (Kida et al., 2004; Schubert et al., 1998; Wickens
elicited by a Go/NoGo RT task (i.e., response inhibition). Stated et al., 1983). Thus, the present data suggest that more attentional
another way, despite the fact that both tasks require variable resources were allocated to the flanker task after light and mo-
amounts of executive control, acute exercise might have a lager derate exercise, and indicate that acute exercise of these inten-
influence on the subset of processes involved in successful sities may be beneficial to executive control function. In addition,
performance of a flanker task than a Go/NoGo task. Chodzko- P3 amplitude was unchanged following hard exercise, which
Zajko (1991) suggested that effortful or attentionally demanding supports our previous study indicating an inverted-U relationship
tasks may be more sensitive to the beneficial effects of exercise between exercise intensity and P3 amplitude (Kamijo et al.,
compared to tasks that require minimal effort. From these find- 2004b). That is, facilitative effects on cognitive function caused
ings, it is suggested that behavioral components of tasks re- by acute exercise were cancelled following hard exercise.

Fig. 3. Mean P3 latency for incongruent and neutral trials from all electrode sites in all sessions.
120 K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121

Tomporowski and Ellis (1986) provide some basis in which to is often the only measure that increases (Doucet and Stelmack,
interpret the differential findings observed on P3 by suggesting 1999). These findings suggest that P3 latency reflecting sti-
that exercise may initially facilitate the attentional process by mulus evaluation processes are more sensitive to task difficulty
directly affecting the central nervous system; however, as manipulated by the flanker task than RT processes, which
exercise intensity increases, the facilitative effects of exercise included response processes. In other words, the results of
may be cancelled by the debilitating effects of muscular fatigue. shorter EMG-RT after exercises in the neutral trial might not be
In addition, it is believed that high-intensity cycling causes both related to facilitation of stimulus evaluation process, but rather
peripheral and central fatigue (see Dempsey et al., 2006; Faria et response processes. If this speculation is correct, than it may be
al., 2005 for review). Accordingly, the cancelled facilitative possible to design future research that will systematically ma-
effects on cognitive function following hard exercise might be nipulate through acute exercise these various aspects of the
caused by peripheral and/or central fatigue. stimulus-response relationship during information processing.
In addition, larger P3 amplitudes were observed following
light and moderate exercise across task conditions. In our pre- 4.5. Limitations
vious study, differences in exercise intensity influenced both Go
and NoGo P3 amplitudes (Kamijo et al., 2004b). It was reported The present study has several limitations. First, a modified
that P3 is related to cerebral blood flow (CBF), such that increased flanker task was used to measure executive control. Thus, the
CBF was correlated with increased amplitude (Higashima et al., present study investigated only one aspect of executive control
1996). Further, Bhambhani et al. (2007) suggested that CBF (i.e., interference control). Future research should encompass
increases during incremental exercise until the respiratory com- several classical executive control tasks with variable demands
pensation threshold, after which it declines until the termination of to not only better determine the effect of acute exercise on
exercise because of exercise induced hypocapnia. From these executive control, but to tap various executive control functions
findings, it is speculated that changes in P3 amplitude might be (e.g., attentional control, response inhibition, mental set shifting)
due to alternation in CBF as a function of exercise intensity, and to gain a broader understanding of this relationship. A second
these changes might not be related to task conditions. limitation of the present study is the small sample size, which
may have been insufficient to detect the interaction of exercise
4.4. P3 latency intensity and compatibility for behavioral measures and/or P3
amplitude. Thus, future research should examine the effects
P3 latency differences between incongruent and neutral trials of acute exercise on cognitive function using a larger sample
were observed only during the baseline session, while this to ensure adequate power. Lastly, EEG was recorded only from
compatibility difference was not observed following all exercise 5 electrode sites, and therefore site-specific changes may be
conditions. These findings indicated that P3 latency was shorter unaccounted for. Future research should employ a larger
after exercise during the incongruent condition, and was un- electrode array to increase our topographic understanding of
affected by exercise during the neutral condition. Hillman et al. the relationship between acute exercise and executive control
(2003) examined the effects of an acute exercise on P3 using the cognition.
same flanker task as in the present study, and found that acute
exercise was related to shorter P3 latencies only during the 4.6. Conclusion
incongruent trial requiring greater amounts of executive control.
The present study supports this finding, and suggests that P3 In conclusion, exercise intensity interacts with task difficulty
latency during executive control tasks might be more sensitive during human cognitive processing. As Chodzko-Zajko (1991)
to the effects of acute exercise than tasks that require minimal remarked, the present study indicated that researchers should
effort. The current findings indicate that acute aerobic exercise pay close attention to the nature of the tasks selected for the
of variable intensities serves to facilitate cognitive processing evaluation of cognitive processing in studies investigating
speed, as indicated by shorter P3 latency. the effects of acute exercise. Further, it is speculated that the
However, the effects of exercise intensity on both EMG-RT methodological factors providing contradictory findings to the
and P3 latency appear different (see Figs. 1 and 3). RT can be P3 studies (i.e., physical fitness of participants, exercise inten-
decomposed to include, for example, components such as sti- sity and duration, nature of psychological task, and timing of
mulus evaluation, response selection, and response execution ERP measurement) do not affect cognitive processing indepen-
(Doucet and Stelmack, 1999). However, P3 latency is consi- dently, but interactively. Although the present study only in-
dered a measure of stimulus classification speed or stimulus vestigated a fraction of the methodological factors involved, the
evaluation time (Kutas et al., 1977), and thus only reflects a findings of the present study contribute to the knowledge-base
small proportion of the cognitive processes observed in speeded on acute aerobic exercise and cognitive function.
behavioral responding. P3 latency is often longer than RT in
simple or choice RT tasks and is unrelated to the response Acknowledgments
selection process (McCarthy and Donchin, 1981; Pfefferbaum
et al., 1983). This claim is based on when stimulus evaluation This study was supported by the Nishihira/Tsukuba Project
demands are increased, both RT and P3 latency tend to increase. of COE (Center of Excellence) from the Japan Ministry of
However, when response processing demands are increased, RT Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
K. Kamijo et al. / International Journal of Psychophysiology 65 (2007) 114–121 121

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