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Suatu hari hiduplah laba laba kecil yang bernama spidi, dia hidup bersama ibunya.

Sarang mereka berada di langit langit dapur pak beni. Spidi merupakan laba laba kecil yang
sayang kepada ibunya, begitu juga ibunya

Sudah berhari hari mereka tidak makan. ref yang terperangkap di jaring mereka. Spidi
kecil mengeluh kepada ibunya kalau dia sangat lapar. Apa daya, ibunya hanya bisa berkata
kepada spidi untuk menahan rasa laparnya dan terus bersabar menunggu serangga
terperangkap di jariong mereka

Suatu hari, ada hujan badai serta angin kencang merusak genteng rumah pak Beni dan
air yang bocor merusak sarang mereka. Kesedihan spidi pun bertambah. Spidi menangis dan
ibunya berusaha untuk menenagkannya. Setelah hujan reda, ibu spidi mulai untuk membuat
sarang nya kembali. Dia menganyamnya dengan sabar dan teliti, berharap agar serangga
dapat terperangkap di jaringnya.

Saat mereka menganyam, ada tikus yang mengambil ayam goreng di meja makan.
Spidi bertanya pada ibnunya kenapa mereka tidak mengambil makanan di meja makan seperti
tikus tadi? Ibunya menjawab kalau itu perbuatan mencuri dan dosa, kita tidak boleh mencuri.
Karna terburu2, tikus tersebut menyeggol gelas dan “pringgg”. Mendengar suara gelas jatuh,
pak beni langsung ke dapur dan mengejar tikus tersbut.

Pada malam harinya, sarang mereka telah selesai. Lampu dapur menyala, ternyata
banayak laron yang berterbangan di sekityar lampu dapur. Dan akhirnya 2 laron terperangkap
di jaring spidi. Spidi pun senang. Berkat kesabarannya, mereka pun makan laron tersbut
dengan lahap.
A Patient Spider

Once upon a time, there was a little spider named spidi, he lived with his mother.
Their nest located on ceiling of the Mr. Beni’s kitchen. Spidi was a little spider who loved her
mother, so did his mother.

They hadn’t eaten for several days because no one insect trapped in their webs. Spidi
grumbled to his mother that he was very starved. His mother said to spidi to retain his hunger
and to be patient waited insects trapped on their webs

One day, there was a rainstorm and strong winds that damaged the tile of Mr. Beni’s
house and their webs were damaged by the leaky water. Spidi cried and his mother tried to
appease her son. After the rain had been subsided, Spidi’s mother started to build their webs
again. She weaved patiently and carefully in order to their webs being strong. She hoped that
the insect could trap on their webs.

When they weaved their webs, there was a rat that took fried chicken on the dining
table. Spidi asked his mother, why they didn’t take a food on dining table like the rat. His
mother replied that it was stealing and sin, spidi shouldn’t stole. Because the rat hastily, it
nudged a glass and “Prinnggg”. Heared the sound of glass falling, Mr. Beni immediately to
kitchen and chased the rat.

At the night, their webs had finished. The lamp of the kitchen lighted, evidently there
were many moths that flied around yhe lamp. And finally, two moths trapped on their webs.
Spidi was happy. Due to their patience, they ate the moths with gusto.

Moral Value: We have to be patient to our problem. We have to struggle and don’t give up.
Our problem surely can finish if we try to solve it. The point is to be patient.

Orientation: Paragraph 1
Complication: Paragraph 2 – 4
Resolution: Paragraph 5

Tri Sulton Adila/34.

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