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MK : Filsafat Pendidikan
Prodi : Pendidikan Matematika

Skor Nilai:

International Journal Of Advance Research A Innovative Ideas In Education

Creative Thinking Ability To Solving Equation And Non-equation

Of Linear Single Variable In VII Grade Junior High School

(Mawarni Nehe, Edy Surya, dan Edi Syahputra. 2017)

Nama Mahasiswa : Rosauli Novalina Samosir

NIM : 8176171038

Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Dr. P. Siagian, M.Pd.

Mata Kuliah : Filsafat Pendidikan Matematika





KATA PENGANTAR......................................................................................................i

DAFTAR ISI .....................................................................................................................ii

BAB I PENDAHULUAN ............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Rasionalisasi pentingnya CBR ..................................................................1

1.2 Tujuan Penulisan CBR................................................................................1

1.3 Manfaat CBR ................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Identitas buku yang direview ...................................................................2

BAB II RINGKASAN ISI ARTIKEL ...........................................................................4

2.1 PENDAHULUAN ......................................................................................4

2.2 DESKRIPSI ISI ............................................................................................. 5

A. Creative Thinking Ability .....................................................................5

B. Result Research ......................................................................................6

BAB III PEMBAHASAN/ANALISIS ...........................................................................8

3.1 Pembahasan Isi Jurnal ...............................................................................8

3.2 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Isi Jurnal .....................................................10

BAB IV PENUTUP...........................................................................................................13

4.1 Kesimpulan ................................................................................................ 13

4.2 Saran .............................................................................................................14

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .......................................................................................................15


Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena atas

berkat dan rahmatNya sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah ini

tepat pada waktunya.

Makalah ini berisikan tentang “Critical Journal Review”. Adapun tujuan

penulisan makalah ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas dari dosen pengampu saya

pada mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Matematika. Diharapkan makalah ini dapat

memberikan informasi kepada kita semua tentang jurnal tersebut.

Penulis menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh

karena itu kritik dan saran dari semua pihak yang bersifat membangun selalu

penulis harapkan demi kesempurnaan makalah ini.

Akhir kata, penulis sampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah

berperan serta dalam penyusunan makalah ini dari awal sampai akhir.

Medan, 09 Oktober 2017




1.1 Rasionalisasi pentingnya CJR

Critical Journal Review merupakan salah satu instrument yang dapat

mendukung keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran di bangku perkuliahan.

Indikator keberhasilan Critical Journal Review untuk mendukung keberhasilan

dalam pembelajaran dapat dilihat dari terciptanya kemampuan dari setiap

mahasiswa/mahasiswi untuk mengevaluasi penjelasan, interpretasi serta analisis

mengenai kelebihan maupun kelemahan jurnal tertentu, sehingga berdampak

besar bagi pengembangan cara berfikir mahasiswa yang akhirnya menambah

pemahaman dan pengetahuan mahasiswa itu sendiri terhadap kajian jurnal yang

telah diambil.

Dengan kata lain, melalui Critical Journal Review mahasiswa diajak untuk

menguji pemikiran dari penulis berdasarkan sudut pandang yang akan dibangun

oleh setiap mahasiswa berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang mereka


Selain itu, jika diperhatikan dari sudut pandang pembaca jurnal, seringkali

kita bingung memilih jurnal referensi untuk kita baca dan pahami. Terkadang kita

memilih satu jurnal, namun kurang memuaskan hati kita. Misalnya dari segi

analisis bahasa, kelengkapan materi serta cara menyajikan/membahas materi pada

jurnal tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Critical Journal Review ini juga mempermudah

pembaca dalam memilih jurnal referensi, terkhusus pada pendidikan matematika.

1.2 Tujuan Penulisan CJR:

1. Penyelesaian tugas pada mata kuliah Filsafat Pendidikan Matematika.

2. Menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan tentang sistematika dan unsur-

unsur yang penting dalam pembuatan jurnal.

3. Meningkatkan daya berpikir kritis dalam mencari informasi yang

diberikan oleh setiap pembahasan yang terkait dari jurnal utama dan

jurnal pembanding.

4. Menguatkan pemahaman tentang pemilihan bahan referensi untuk

persiapan dalam melakukan penelitian di masa yang akan datang.

1.3 Manfaat CJR

1. Mengulas isi sebuah jurnal

2. Mencari dan mengetahui informasi yang ada dalam jurnal.

3. Melatih diri untuk berpikir kritis dalam mencari informasi yang diberikan

oleh setiap bagian terkait dari jurnal utama dan jurnal pembanding.

4. Membandingkan isi jurnal utama dan jurnal pembanding.

1.4 Identitas Artikel dan Jurnal yang direview

Jurnal Utama

Judul Artikel : Creative Thinking Ability To Solving Equation And

Non-Equation Of Linear Single Variable In VII Grade

Junior High School

Nama Jurnal : International Journal Of Advance Research A

Innovative Ideas In Education (IJARIIE)

Edisi terbit : 2-2017

Pengarang Artikel : Mawarni Nehe, Edy Surya, dan Edi Syahputra

Penerbit : ResearchGate

Kota Terbit : Medan

Nomor ISSN : 2395-4396

Alamat Situs :

Jurnal Pembanding I

Judul Artikel : An Analysis Of Student’s Mathematical Creative

Thinking Ability Senior High School On Geometry

Nama Jurnal : International Journal Of Advance Research And

Innovative Ideas In Education (IJARIIE)

Edisi terbit : 2- 2017

Pengarang Artikel : Tetty Khairani Nasution, Edy Surya, Asmin, dan

Bornok Sinaga

Penerbit : ResearchGate

Kota Terbit : Medan

Nomor ISSN : 2395-4396

Alamat Situs :



2.1 Pendahuluan

Looking for the future, our students have to learning mathematics because

the important usefulness in life of the Indonesian Nation. Creativity is something

that is overlooked in the study of mathematics. During this time the teacher just

put logic and computational ability (calculating) that creativity is considered to be

unnecessary in the process of teaching and learning in the classroom.In fact, on the

background of 2006 Curriculum stated that creative thinking abilities required to

master and create the technology in the future. One of the benefits of mathematics

to meet the practical needs and solve daily life problems.Students had to think

creatively so that students can solve problems in a variety of different ways

Guilford (Park, 2004) Creative thinking is a mental activity that is associated with

sensitivity to the problem, consider the new information and ideas that are not

usually with an open mind and can create relationships in solving problems.

Daniel Fasko, Jr. (2001) that the mathematical creative thinking ability is the

mathematics level thinking ability that include by originality, elaboration,

flexibility and fluency components. Characteristics of creative thinking that is

originality, elaboration, fluency and flexibility.In order for children's creativity can

be realized needed a push in the individual (intrinsic motivation) and the

encouragement of environmental (extrinsic motivation).From some of the above

statement concluded that in order to understand the math requires the ability to

think creatively and the results of creative thinking encourages students to be

actively involved in the learning of mathematics school. Hwang, W.-Y, (2007)

Creativity means the cognitive skills to propose a solution to the problem.

Creativity requires six interrelated elements, namely: intellectual abilities,

knowledge, thinking styles, personality, motivation, and environment (Gerard,

1999; Lubart & Sternberg, 1996; Mayer, 1992; Tennyson, 2002) Williams (1971) in

Hwang, W.-Y, (2007) Creativity means the cognitive skills of creativity

proposes also proposed definition is based on the theory of multiple intelligence

Guilford and stressed the importance of creativity in learning. By definition

Williams creativity, it consists of six factors: cognitive, eloquence, openness,

flexibility, originality, elaboration and four affective factors are curiosity,

imagination, challenge, and risk-taking.

From some of the above opinion concluded that the creative thinking ability

is needed to solving mathematical problems. Creative thinking is a mental activity

that is associated with sensitivity to the problem, consider the new information

and ideas that are not usually with an open mind and can create relationships in

solving problems.

2.2 Deskripsi Isi

A. Creative Thinking Ability

Learning math need to be designed so that a potentially develop a creative

skills thinking of students. Pehkonen (Tatag Yuli, 2007) defines creative thinking

as the combination of logical thinking and divergent thinking which is based on

intuition but still in consciousness.When a person applying creative thinking in a

practice problem solving, divergent thinking to generate new ideas useful in

solving the problem.In the two parts of the brain creative thinking will be

needed.The balance between logic and creativity are essential.If one puts a logical

deduction is too much, then creativity will be neglected.Thus to bring creativity

required freedom of thought is not under control and pressure. In line with this,

Krulik and Rudnik (Abdul Aziz Saefudin, 2012) mentions that creative thinking is

one of the highest levels in a person's thinking, which starts from recall,basic

thinking,critical thinking, and creative thinking.Thinking that level over the

memory (recall) is called reasoning. While thinking that levels above basic

thinking is called higher-level thinking.Hierarchies, levels of thinking is presented

in Figure below.

Figure: Hierarchy Thinking (Krulik dan Rudnick)

On of SKL in mathematics junior high school on PPNo 23 Tahun 2006, the

students are expectedto have the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic,

critical, and creative, and have the ability to work together. But in view of the way

students do math at give researchers short of expectations.

From some students' answers can be concluded that a problem here is the

ability to think children are very low in understanding, solving and resolving the

problem appropriately.

B. Research Result

To determine the level of creative ability inmathematics learning class VII-1

in SMP Negeri 9 Pematang siantar, the researchers tested the ability of creative

thinking by using essay test.

For criteria classification of creative thinking is measured as follow:

Criteria Criteria

0 ≤ Score ≤ 21 Uncreative

22 ≤ Score ≤ 43 Less Creative

44 ≤ Score ≤ 65 Creative Enough

66 ≤ Score ≤ 87 Creative

88 ≤ Score ≤ 108 Very Creative

Source: The Development of Mathematics Learning Assessment for SD/SMP

(Sumaryanta Estina Ekawati, 2011)

Description Percentage of Students Creative Thinking Ability indicators,


a. For first indicator, seen the table above the average indicator for item 1 until

4 is 28,5 and categorized Less Creative

b. For second indicator, seen the table above the average indicator for item 1

until 4 is 30,5 and categorized Less Creative

c. For third indicator, seen the table above the average indicator for item 1 until

4 is 14and categorized Uncreative

d. d. For fourth indicator, seen the table above the average indicator for item 1

until 4 is 9and categorized Uncreative

From the above results concluded that the creative thinking ability of students is

still low. This means that students' thinking skills in solving problems in creative

or categorize still far less than expected as expectations in PP No. 23 of 2006. It is

also factored basic math skills of students who do not have the knowledge base to

think and solve the mathematical problem, where Feldhusen and Westby (2003) at

the Eric L. Mann (2007) suggested that the knowledge base of the individual as the

fundamental source of creative thinking of students and is also related to the

statement of Eric L. Mann (2007) that students who have not achieved sufficient

knowledge and math skills then it can not show the creative thinking of

mathematics because they do not have enough knowledge base and experience to

express their creative minds to solve mathematical problems.

See it in the result research, can be conclude that the thinking ability of

students is still low; the average of first indicators is 28,5; the average of second

indicators is 30,5; the average of third indicatorsis 14; and the average of fourth

indicators is 9.



3.1 Pembahasan Isi Jurnal

 The benefits of mathematics, according to Mawarni Journal is to meet the

practical needs and solve daily life problems. Students had to think

creatively so that students can solve problems in a variety of different


While acccording to Tety Journal, mathematics subjects need to be aims to

enable learners to have the ability to survive in an everchanging and

competitive state.

Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that mathematics is a

branch of science that becomes a tool and means in meeting the human

need to think, communicate and solve the problems of everyday life.

 Creativity, according to Mawarni Journal, means the cognitive skills to

propose a solution to the problem. Creativity requires six interrelated

elements, namely: intellectual abilities, knowledge, thinking styles,

personality, motivation, and environment

While acccording to Tety Journal, creativity (creative thinking) is the

ability to find alternative answers that vary against a solution. Creativity

focuses on quantity, usability, and diversity of answers.

Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that creativity is abilty

someone to find alternative answers that vary against a solution and

create something new or as the ability to know the relationships

between pre-existing elements.

 Creative thinking, according to Mawarni Journal is a mental activity that

is associated with sensitivity to the problem, consider the new

information and ideas that are not usually with an open mind and can

create relationships in solving problems.

While acccording to Tety Journal, creative thinking as a person's mental

activity through internal factors manifested to get out of the comfort

zone. Creative thinking is the potential of every individual. Creative

thinking can combine to generate new ideas in response to a problem.

It’s said to be creative thinking if worth, worthy, useful and different

from the product before.

Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that creative thinking

is seen as a process used when an individual brings about or raises a

new idea. Creative thinking can combine to generate new ideas in

response to a problem.

 Creative thinking ability, according to Mawarni Journal is needed to

solving mathematical problems. creative thinking ability is the

mathematics level thinking ability that include by originality,

elaboration, flexibility and fluency components

While acccording to Tety Journal, the ability to think creatively is a

natural potential that is owned by humans and can be improved through

awareness or awareness and practice or practices.

Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that creative thinking

ability is needed to solving mathematical problems. Ability to think

creatively is originality, elaboration, flexibility and fluency


 The mathematical creative thinking ability, according to Mawarni

Journal is the mathematics level thinking ability that include by

originality, elaboration, flexibility and fluency components.

Characteristics of creative thinking that is originality, elaboration,

fluency and flexibility.

While acccording to Tety Journal, mathematical creative thinking ability

is solving a mathematical problem. The goal is to describe the ability to

think creatively mathematically learners in solving geometric problems


Based on the above opinion, it can be concluded that the mathematical

creative thinking ability is a person’s ability to engage in activities

related to creative thinking of mathematics.

 The method used, in Mawarni Journal is qualitative methods. This study

was conducted to determine the level of creative thinking ability of

students in learning mathematics

While in Tety Journal is this type of research is considered qualitative

descriptive that aims to describe the ability to think creatively

mathematically students.

 Research Result in Mawarni Journal, can be conclude that the thinking

ability of students is still low; the average of first indicators is 28,5; the

average of second indicators is 30,5; the average of third indicatorsis 14;

and the average of fourth indicators is 9.

While in Tety Journal, Students in the low category of students. Only able

to load indicators of fluency and flexibility. Student B is capable of

loading smoothness and authenticity. Students in the medium category

of students C is able to contain fluency, flexibility, and authenticity.

Student D is capable of loading flexibility, authenticity, and detail.

Students in the high category of students E is able to contain fluency,

flexibility, authenticity, and detail. Student F is able to contain fluency,

flexibility, authenticity, and elaboration.

3.2 Kelebihan dan Kekurangan Isi Jurnal

1. Dari aspek ruang lingkup isi artikel:

 Topik artikel jurnal ini menarik untuk dibaca. Selain itu artikel

dengan judul kemampuan berpikir kreatif termasuk kategori jarang

diteliti, sehingga dengan adanya jurnal ini sangat membantu

pembaca dalam menambah refrensi jurnal dengan fokus yang sama.

 Judul pada artikel jurnal ini sudah cukup spesifik. Perumusan judul

sudah menunjukkan maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Sehingga

pembaca dimudahkan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum dari

penelitian ini.

 Abstrak pada artikel jurnal ini disajikan dengan singkat dan jelas.

Abstrak pada artikel ini juga memuat tujuan, jenis dan hasil

penelitian. Namun yang menjadi kekurangan adalah tidak dijelaskan

bagaimana proses penelitian ini berlangsung.

 Pendahuluan atau latar belakang pada penelitian ini sinkron dengan

kesimpulannya. Selain itu, narasi pada pendahuluan sudah

menggambarkan tentang permasalahan pada penelitian ini.

 Pada artikel jurnal ini juga disajikan gambar dan tabel yang

mendukung hasil penelitian ini, sehingga pembaca dapat melihat

secara langsung hasil dari lembar jawaban siswa dalam

menyelesaikan soal. Namun yang menjadi kekurangannya adalah

bahwa gambar 2 pada lembar jawaban siswa kurang jelas, sehingga

pembaca kesulitan untuk menganalisis pencapaian indikator

kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika siswa tersebut.

 Pernyataan pada artikel ini terkhusus pada latar belakang

masalahnya didukung oleh pendapat dari beberapa ahli. Sehingga

pemaparan materi lebih terpercaya. Namun, pada pembahasan

penelitiannya, hanya ada satu refrensi pendukung, tetapi kurang

sinkron dengan penelitian ini. Sebaiknya ditambahkan beberapa

refrensi pendukung lainnya yang sejalan dengan penelitian ini.

 Semua referensi pada penelitian ini sudah dimasukkan ke daftar


 Penulisan sumber referensi pada kutipan seharusnya cukup nama

belakangnya saja, tidak perlu dituliskan semua nama ahli tersebut.

Begitu pula nama pada daftar pustaka, tidak sesuai dengan kaidah

penulisan. Selain itu, penulisan judul buku atau jurnal pada daftar

pustaka seharusnya bercetak miring.

 Model, analisa dan variabel penelitian, tidak dijelaskan pada artikel


2. Dari aspek tata bahasa, jurnal ini menggunakan bahasa yang mudah




4.1 Kesimpulan

Pada dasarnya jurnal “Creative Thinking Ability To Solving Equation And

Nonequation Of Linear Single Variable In VII Grade Junior High School”

yang ditulis oleh Mawarni Nehe, Edy Surya, dan Edi Syahputra, telah

mencakup secara umum informasi yang diperlukan, yaitu seperti:

 Pengertian kreativitas, berpikir kritis telah dipaparkan dengan jelas dan

didukung oleh pendapat beberapa ahli.

 Isi pada pendahuluan atau latar belakang telah menggambarkan

permasalahan yang akan diteliti.

 Karakteristik kemampuan berpikir kreatif, yang mencakup oleh

orisinalitas, elaborasi, fleksibilitas dan kelancaran, telah dipaparkan

dengan jelas.

 Gambar hirarki berpikir telah dipaparkan dengan jelas

 Gambar lembar jawaban siswa, soal kemampuan berpikir kreatif, serta

analisis kesalahan jawaban siswa juga telah dipaparkan pada penelitian

ini dengan jumlah soal yang cukup.

 Tabel hasil pengujian kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa sudah

dipaparkan sesuai dengan indikator yang menjadi tolak ukur

kemampuan pada penelitian ini.

 Kriteria klasifikasi berpikir kreatif yang akan diukur pada penelitian ini

telah dipaparkan dengan cukup jelas, serta deskripsi persentasi

pencapaian siswa.

 Indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematika juga telah dipaparkan

pada bagian penutup di penelitian ini.

 Hasil penelitian telah disimpulkan dan dipaparkan dengan jelas sesuai

dengan deskripsi persentase kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa.

4.2 Saran

Adapun saran yang dapat saya sampaikan, untuk perbaikan jurnal ini

adalah sebagai berikut:

 Sebaiknya tampilan gambar pada lembar jawaban siswa bisa lebih


 Sebaiknya indikator kemampuan berpikir kritis yang digunakan pada

penelitian ini dapat disampaikan pada bagian pembahasan, bukan hanya

pada bagian penutup, sehingga pembaca mengetahui dengan jelas

indikator apa yang digunakan pada penelitian ini.

 Sebaiknya penjelasan mengenai setiap indikator ini lebih dipertajam lagi,

sehingga pembaca mengetahui pengertian dari indikator itu.

 Sebaiknya prosedur penelitian dijelaskan pada pembahasan, sehingga

pembaca mengetahui dengan jelas tahap-tahap penelitian ini.

 Sebaiknya pada pembahasan penelitian dikaitkan dengan beberapa

referensi yang relevan, yang mendukung pembahasan pada artikel ini.


Nasution, Tety Khairani, dkk. 2017. An Analysis Of Student’s Mathematical Creative

Thinking Ability Senior High School On Geometry. International Journal
Of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education
(IJARIIE). Vol-3 Issue-2.
/314638865. 18 September 2017.
Nehe, Mawarni, dkk. 2017. Creative Thinking Ability To Solving Equation And Non-
equation Of Linear Single Variable In VII Grade Junior High School.
International Journal Of Advance Research A
Innovative Ideas In Education (IJARIIE). Vol-3 Issue-2. 18 September 2017.


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