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Periods of Development

Middle Childhood Fact Sheet

Physical Milestones
During this period the growth rate slows significantly until they reach
adolescence where their growth will occur rapidly. Children are typically
partaking in more physical activities like sports. Gross motor skills are more
impressive as children are able to increase speed and accuracy in running,
catching, kicking, overall moving their body.
Language Milestones
A deeper meaning to language occurs during this developmental period. Berk
(2013) states, “during middle childhood, orienting information, detailed
descriptions, and connectives that lend coherence to the story (“next,” “then,”
“so,” “finally”) increase. And evaluative comments rise steadily in middle
childhood and adolescence (Melzi & Ely, 2009)” (Section 9.7). Children have
a large vocabulary and comprehension of that vocabulary, use grammatical
rules and communicate with their needs to others.
Cognitive Milestones
During this period, children begin to have an increase in mental skills.
Zembar and Blume (2010) state, “The middle years of childhood are
characterized by a gradual increase in logical reasoning using concrete
examples, increased awareness of memory and learning strategies, and the
achievement and consolidation of important academic skills, such as reading,
writing, and computing” (Para 3). Their entire understanding of the world
around them is concrete allowing them to be aware of themselves and others.
Social-Emotional Milestones
During this period, children can fully express themselves in healthy ways,
communicating their wants, needs and emotions. This allows them to
participate in activities with deeper thought and better control of themselves.
They greatly value friendships and can note and change behavior they notice
to be negatively affecting others.
Moral Reasoning/ Self -Regulation Milestones
Children begin to question the truth behind what they are told by authority
figures, debating on whether they know all or not. They also have a better
grasp on fairness and understanding the need for rules and to follow them.
Signs of Atypical Development
Signs of atypical development would show as a child struggling to make
friends or keep friends or understand personal space. Also, any type of
behavioral change can mean that something deeper is occurring. Secluding or
acting out behaviors can mean that there are negative influences affecting the
child that need to be addressed.
Influencing Learning and Development
This is a stage where parents need to be involved while also giving their child
space to develop relationships with others and become their person. Outside
influences such as bullying occur at this age therefore parents need to ensure
that there is always an open line of communication.
Social and cultural influence
Social status begins to become important and children begin to feel the need
to compete to become popular. Children become categorized into groups
Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development. (9th ed.). Upper
which can lead to behavioral concerns. To be popular, cultural influence
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Retrieved from
children so that they can begin to identify with their peers.
Play-based Strategies
L.B. Blume, M.J. Zembar. (2010). Developmental Utilizing games like jeopardy to go over information discussed in past weeks
Milestones in Middle Childhood. Retrieved from can engage children in a fun way to get children to be actively involved in
their education while creating healthy competition within the classroom.
Activities that encourage random grouping is a great way for children to learn
l-milestones-middle-childhood/ about their classmates, additional knowledge, and even themselves.

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