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ACE inhibitors vs ARBs: Is one class better for

heart failure?

Article in Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine · June 2002

DOI: 10.3949/ccjm.69.5.433 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors, including:

Mark E Dunlap
Case Western Reserve University


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Associate Professor of Medicine, Physiology, and University Hospitals of Cleveland and Louis Stokes
Biophysics, Case Western Reserve University School VA Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio
of Medicine, and Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA
Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio

ACE inhibitors vs ARBs:

Is one class better for heart failure?
■ A B S T R AC T 65- - presents to your office
increasing dyspnea on exertion. He
Although angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors has had hypertension and diabetes for many
decrease mortality in heart failure, they incompletely years, and heart failure was diagnosed 2 years ago.
suppress angiotensin II with long-term therapy. Since At that time he tried taking an angiotensin-con-
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) block the biologic verting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor but developed a
effects of angiotensin II more completely than ACE cough, so it was stopped.
inhibitors, they could be beneficial in the treatment of heart The patient’s medical regimen includes:
failure. • Furosemide 40 mg twice a day
• Digoxin 0.1 mg daily
• Amlodipine 5 mg daily
■ KEY POINTS • Glyburide 5 mg twice a day.
A recent echocardiogram showed left ven-
In the ELITE-II trial, the ARB losartan was found to have no tricular hypertrophy, left atrial enlargement,
mortality benefit over the ACE inhibitor captopril. Thus, ACE trace mitral regurgitation, an ejection fraction
inhibitors should remain first-line treatment for heart of 30% to 35%, and evidence of diastolic dys-
failure. function.
The patient also recently underwent an
For patients who truly cannot tolerate an ACE inhibitor, exercise test (8.5 metabolic equivalents),
ARBs are reasonable substitutes and provide excellent which revealed ST-segment changes that
tolerability. were not interpretable due to the presence
of digoxin, and no evidence of ischemia on
radionuclide imaging.
For patients taking an ACE inhibitor but not a beta-blocker, On physical examination, the patient’s
it would be better to add a beta-blocker to the regimen blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg, heart rate 90,
rather than an ARB, since multiple studies have shown a and jugular venous pressure 10 to 12 cm. His
mortality benefit in heart failure patients taking beta- lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion,
blockers. and he has normal S1 and S2 heart sounds.
However, he has an S4, a grade 2/6 systolic
The CHARM study will help to delineate the use of ARBs murmur at the apex radiating to the axilla, and
either instead of or in addition to an ACE inhibitor in trace pedal edema.
patients with heart failure. An electrocardiogram shows normal sinus
rhythm with left ventricular hypertrophy.
What should be the next step?
• Increase his furosemide dose to 80 mg
twice a day?
• Begin treatment with an angiotensin
receptor blocker (ARB)?
*The author has indicated that he serves as a consultant for and is on the speakers’ bureau of the

Astra-Zeneca corporation. This paper discusses therapies that are not approved by the US Food and
• Try reinstituting an ACE inhibitor?
Drug Administration for the use under discussion. • Begin low-dose beta-blocker therapy?



TA B L E 1 heart failure. However, many patients with

heart failure still are not receiving this thera-
Currently approved py or are receiving inadequate doses. The rea-
ACE inhibitors and ARBs sons include lack of information about the
indications for these drugs and concerns about
ACE inhibitors
their side effects, including cough, hypoten-
Benazepril (Lotensin)
sion, hyperkalemia, and renal dysfunction.
Captopril (Capoten)*
Moreover, despite the proven benefits of
Enalapril (Vasotec)*
therapy with ACE inhibitors and beta-block-
Fosinopril (Monopril)*
ers for heart failure, the mortality rate remains
Lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)*
high, with approximately 50% of patients
Moexipril (Univasc)
dead at 5 years.1
Quinipril (Accupril)*
Ramipril (Altace)†
Trandolapril (Mavik)†
Candesartan (Atacand) Several neurohormonal systems are activated
Eprosartan (Teveten) in the syndromes of hypertension and heart
Irbesartan (Avapro) failure. And in a vicious cycle, several of these
Losartan (Cozaar) systems contribute directly to the progression
Telmisartan (Micardis) of the disease, particularly the sympathetic
Valsartan (Diovan) nervous system and the renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system.
*Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration
Activation of the renin-angiotensin-
for the treatment of heart failure aldosterone system begins when reduced renal
†Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration blood flow and reduced sodium delivery to the
for the treatment of heart failure after a myocar- distal tubule lead to renin release, which is
dial infarction
Many eligible exacerbated further by increased sympathetic
patients do not tone.2
Angiotensin II, the end product of the
get ACE system, is a potent vasoconstrictor that serves
■ CAN ARBs BE USED IN HEART FAILURE? to increase peripheral vascular resistance and
inhibitors or are maintain arterial tone in the face of reduced
on low doses With the recent introduction of ARBs (TABLE cardiac output.3 It also enhances release of
1), physicians are wondering if these agents catecholamines from noradrenergic nerve
can be used in heart failure, either as alterna- endings4 and directly stimulates the adrenal
tives to ACE inhibitors or as additions to the cortex to increase secretion of aldosterone.5
regimen. On the cellular level, angiotensin II pro-
Before answering the question posed in motes the production of growth factors and
this case, it is helpful to understand some of migration, proliferation, and hypertrophy of
the basic mechanisms involved and informa- vascular smooth muscle cells and cardiac
tion from recent clinical trials using ARBs. To fibroblasts.6,7
determine if they have a role in treating heart While these mechanisms serve initially to
failure, we will discuss the rationale for their maintain cardiac output, over time they
use, their effects on the renin-angiotensin sys- become maladaptive and lead to progression
tem, and the clinical data. of heart failure.


ACE inhibitors, the most commonly used
Multiple studies showed that ACE inhibitors antagonists of the renin-angiotensin-aldos-
decrease the mortality rate in patients with terone system, have been shown to improve


the prognosis of patients with left ventricular ARBs improve exercise tolerance
dysfunction and chronic heart failure.8–12 Several studies examined the effects of ARBs
Despite this benefit, however, left ventricular on exercise tolerance and symptoms in
dysfunction continues to progress in most patients with heart failure. These results sug-
patients with heart failure. gest that short-term ARB therapy is compara-
A problem with ACE inhibitors is that ble to ACE inhibition in its effects on exercise
they do not block angiotensin II production tolerance and symptoms of heart failure.
completely. Evidence suggests that much The STRETCH trial (Symptom, Tol-
production of angiotensin II takes place by erability, Response to Exercise Trial of
non-ACE pathways both systemically and at Candesartan Cilexetil in Heart Failure)23
the tissue level in the heart and vascula- included 844 patients with mild-to-moderate
ture.13 These alternative pathways include heart failure who, in a double-blind protocol,
direct formation from angiotensinogen, received either placebo or candesartan 4 mg,
cathepsin G, and tissue plasminogen activa- 8 mg, or 16 mg daily for 12 weeks. New York
tor.14 Angiotensin I also can be converted to Heart Association (NYHA) functional class
angiotensin II at the tissue level by chymase and dyspnea fatigue index scores improved in
and cathepsin G.15,16 Underscoring the all three candesartan groups. Increases in
importance of these local pathways is the fact total exercise time were dose-related.
that tissue levels of angiotensin II are nearly The Losartan Pilot Exercise Study24
1,000 times greater than levels in the circu- showed losartan to be comparable to enalapril
lation.17 in terms of exercise tolerance over a 12-week
ACE inhibitors have no effect on period in patients with heart failure.
angiotensin II formed by these alternate path- Havranek et al25 found irbesartan to
ways. In contrast, ARBs inhibit the biologic improve exercise tolerance to a magnitude
effects of angiotensin II more completely than similar to that of an ACE inhibitor.
ACE inhibitors, since they block the pathway
more distally at the level of the receptor, ARBs vs ACE inhibitors:
whether the angiotensin II is formed by ACE Effects on morbidity and mortality Much
or non-ACE-mediated pathways. The ELITE-I study (Evaluation of angiotensin II
Another problem is that many patients— Losartan In The Elderly)26 was one of the first
up to 20%—cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors.18 clinical trials to examine the role of ARBs in production
heart failure. In this randomized trial, 722
■ CLINICAL BENEFITS OF ARBs patients received either losartan titrated to 50
is by
mg once daily or captopril titrated to 50 mg non-ACE
ARBs are better tolerated three times daily for 48 weeks.
The use of ARBs has been proposed for The study showed no difference between
patients who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors, groups in renal dysfunction, the primary end-
as ARBs appear to be better tolerated. point for the study. However, the mortality
Adverse effects of ARBs are less frequent than rate was lower in the losartan group than in
with ACE inhibitors.19 For example, the inci- the captopril group (4.8% vs 8.7%). This find-
dence of cough with ARBs is similar to that ing paved the way for further mortality trials
with placebo,18,20 and significantly less than of ARBs in heart failure.
with ACE inhibitors.21 ELITE-I27 was a double-blind, random-
The SPICE trial (Study of Patients ized, controlled trial in which 3,152 patients
Intolerant of Converting Enzyme Inhibitors)22 received either losartan 50 mg once daily or
evaluated the tolerability of candesartan in captopril 50 mg three times a day. The prima-
patients with heart failure, left ventricular sys- ry end point was all-cause mortality. In con-
tolic dysfunction, and a history of intolerance trast to ELITE-I, no improvement in survival
to ACE inhibitors. Nearly 83% of patients was found with losartan compared with capto-
completed the 12-week treatment with can- pril; in fact, the mortality rate was higher in
desartan, similar to the percentage of patients the losartan group than in the captopril group
who completed the treatment with placebo. (17.7% vs 15.9%).



These findings suggested that ACE failure. Patients were also receiving diuretics,
inhibitors should remain first-line therapy for digoxin, and beta-blockers. The primary end
patients with heart failure and left ventricular points were time to death and combined all-
systolic dysfunction. However, since losartan cause morbidity and mortality. The mean
was better tolerated than captopril, it suggest- duration of follow-up was 23 months.
ed as well that ARBs could be considered in The trial found no difference in all-cause
patients who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors. mortality: 19.7% in the valsartan group vs
19.4% in the placebo group. However, there
■ COMBINATION THERAPY was a significant 13.3% risk reduction in the
WITH ACE INHIBITORS AND ARBs combined end point of all-cause mortality and
morbidity in the valsartan group. This differ-
Combination therapy improves exercise ence was almost entirely due to a reduction in
tolerance the number of hospitalizations for heart fail-
Several studies evaluated the effect of combi- ure, with a 27.5% risk reduction for heart fail-
nation therapy on exercise tolerance and ure hospitalizations in the valsartan group
symptoms in heart failure. compared with placebo. Beneficial effects also
Hamroff et al28 randomized patients with were seen in a number of secondary end
severe congestive heart failure who were points, including NYHA class, ejection frac-
receiving an ACE inhibitor in maximal doses tion, and quality-of-life measurements.
to receive either placebo or losartan 50 mg The CHARM study (Candesartan in
daily, with evaluations of peak aerobic capaci- Heart Failure: Assessment of Reduction in
ty and NYHA class at 0, 3, and 6 months. The Morbidity and Mortality)31 should further
losartan group had a significant improvement delineate the role of ARBs in heart failure.
in peak aerobic capacity and alleviation of This multicenter, randomized, placebo-con-
their symptoms. trolled trial has enrolled 7,601 patients with
The RESOLVD pilot study (Randomized NYHA class II to IV heart failure, and
Evaluation of Strategies for Left Ventricular includes patients with ejection fractions both
In mild fluid Dysfunction)29 included 768 patients who greater than and less than 40%. The group
were randomized to receive either candesar- with an ejection fraction lower than 40% is
overload, resist tan, candesartan plus enalapril, or enalapril divided into ACE inhibitor (combination)-
the temptation alone for 43 weeks. treated and ACE inhibitor-intolerant groups,
At the end of the study there was no dif- and each of these groups has been randomized
to increase the ference among the groups in NYHA function- to receive either candesartan or placebo. All
diuretic al class, quality of life, or 6-minute walking patients will be followed for 42 months, and
distance. There was, however, a trend towards the primary overall end point is all-cause
immediately a higher ejection fraction in the candesartan- mortality. The trial is scheduled to finish in
plus-enalapril group compared with the groups 2003.
receiving either therapy alone. There also was
a significant benefit with combination therapy ■ CASE DISCUSSION
in blood pressure control and less of an
increase in end-diastolic volume and end-sys- In the case presented, the patient’s medical
tolic volume. The investigators concluded regimen includes no therapy shown to prevent
that most patients tolerated combination progression of his disease, which already has
therapy, and that there may be some benefits progressed from hypertension to moderate left
to using it. ventricular dysfunction.
Although this patient shows signs and
Effect on morbidity and mortality symptoms of mild fluid overload, the tempta-
Val-HeFT (the Valsartan Heart Failure tion to increase the diuretic dose immediately
Trial)30 aimed to determine if there is a clini- should be avoided: although this might relieve
cal benefit to adding an ARB (valsartan 40 mg symptoms temporarily, it will lead to further
twice a day titrated to 160 mg twice a day) to activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldos-
an ACE inhibitor in 5,010 patients with heart terone system.


This would not be the optimal time to course of action for the patient presented
begin a beta-blocker, since the patient is not would be to try reinstituting an ACE
yet on therapy aimed at inhibiting the renin- inhibitor.
angiotensin-aldosterone system, and the ben- If the cough develops again and is too
efit of beta-blockade in patients with heart severe for the patient to tolerate, then the
failure appears to be greatest in the presence ACE inhibitor should be stopped and an ARB
of a renin-angiotensin-aldosterone inhibitor. should be started, after which a beta-blocker
This leaves the choice of either beginning should be started.
an ARB or trying to restart an ACE inhibitor. While the Prospective Randomized
While ARBs are reasonable for patients who Amlodipine Survival Evaluation Study Group
truly cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors, this (PRAISE) trial32 showed that amlodipine can
patient may not have been given an ample be used safely in patients with heart failure, it
opportunity for demonstrating intolerance to should be continued only if the patient
the ACE inhibitor. Many patients develop a remains hypertensive following titration of
cough from pulmonary congestion due to the the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone inhibitor
underlying disease process, so a cough in a and beta-blocker to maximal doses.
patient with heart failure may not in fact be Since the major benefit of combination
due to the ACE inhibitor. therapy with ACE inhibitors and ARBs
Given the proven benefit of ACE appears to be in reducing hospitalizations, and
inhibitors in patients with left ventricular dys- this patient has yet to show a problem with
function (with or without symptoms of heart heart failure hospitalizations, there is no
failure), and the lack of evidence showing a strong indication to combine the two agents
benefit of ARBs over ACE inhibitors, the best in this patient.

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ADDRESS: Mark E. Dunlap, MD, Cleveland VA Medical Center,

Research Service 151 W, 10701 East Boulevard, Cleveland, OH
44106; e-mail

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