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78 GRAMMAR first and second conditionals

0 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in br ackets to 1nake second
conditional sentences. Use contractions where possible.

1 If we rented (rent) that big flat, \Ve 'd have (have) enough room for the dog.
2 J _ _____ (buy) a huge house \Vi th a garden if l _ _ ____ (,vin) the lottery.
3 If you (paint) this room white it (be) much lighter.
4 I (do) it myself if! _ _ __ _ (have) more time.
5 I _ _ __ _ (nor be) so broke if I - -- - - (spend) so much on going o ut.
6 Maybe if l _ _ __ _ (share) a flat with friends, I _ _ _ __ (get o n) better with my
7 I _ _ _ ___ (can) travel next su1nn1er if! _ _ _ _ __ (have) more money.
8 Carla _ __ _ __ (move) out of her shared flat if she (fmd) a job.
9 If my girlfriend _ _ _ ___ (nor have to) work so hard, \Ve _ _ _ _ _ _ (can) see each
other more often.
10 lf I _ _ _ _ _ (go) to bed earlier, J _ __ _ _ (not be) so tired all the time.

(!) Co1nplete the sentences with a verb fro111 the list in the first or second conditional. Write your
ans,vers in the column on the right. Use contractions where possible.

be buy find get go never finish not be not hurry reduce take

I If they - , they'll miss the bus. don't hurry

2 If \Ve had the money, we - a beautiful house in the country.
3 Lisa will have a lot of fun when she - to Gern1any to study next year.
4 Unless they - the price, they'll never sell their house.
5 If l were you, I - the dress back to the shop: it just doesn't suit you.
6 Annabel 'vill look for a job as soo11 as she - her degree.
7 If i t - so \vindy, we could go for a 'valk on the beach.
8 If you - some extra n1oney in your bank account, \VOuld you spend it?
9 You -your homework if you keep chatting \¥ith your friends on Facebook.
10 Sarah- really upset ifshe doesn't find her necklace. \Ve must help her look for it. _ _ _ _ __

-G Cover the column on the right in b a11d look at the sentences. Read the sentences aloud w ith the
verbs in the correct for1n.

English File 3rd edition Teacher's Book Intermediate Photocopiable 0 Oxford University Press 2013

2 'd buy; won
3 painted; would be
4 would do; had
5 wouldn't be: didn't spend
6 shared; could / would get on
7 would be able co / could; had
8 would move; found
9 didn't have co; would be able to / could
10 went; wouldn't be

2 would buy
3 goes
4 reduce
5 would take
6 gets
7 weren't / wasn't 8 found
9 'll never finish
10 will be

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