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J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

DOI 10.1007/s10853-015-9695-4

Methods for fibre orientation analysis of X-ray tomography

images of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC)
Heiko Herrmann1,2 • Emiliano Pastorelli1 • Aki Kallonen3 • Jussi-Petteri Suuronen3,4

Received: 11 December 2015 / Accepted: 19 December 2015 / Published online: 11 January 2016
Ó Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract One of the most important factors to determine can be used by research laboratories and companies on an
the mechanical properties of a fibre composite material is everyday basis to obtain fibre orientations from samples,
the orientation of the fibres in the matrix. This paper pre- which in turn can be used in research, to study stress–strain
sents Hessian matrix-based algorithms to retrieve the ori- behaviour, as input to constitutive models or for quality
entation of individual fibres out of steel fibre reinforced assurance.
cementitious composites samples scanned with an X-ray
computed tomography scanner. The software implemented
with the algorithms includes a massive data filtering Introduction
component to remove noise from the data-sets and prepare
them correctly for the analysis. Due to its short computa- Short fibre composites have become an important material
tional times and limited need for user intervention, the in many areas. One example is the building construction
software is able to process and analyse large batches of industry where fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is becom-
data in short periods and provide results in a variety of ing increasingly popular. In this material short fibres that
visual and numerical formats. The application and com- are inserted into the mass at the mixing stage shall bear part
parison of these algorithms lead to further insight into the of the tensile stress and can in part or completely replace
material behaviour. In contrast to the usual assumption that reinforcement with steel rebars. Different fibre materials
the fibres act only along their main axis, it is shown that the are in use, like polypropylene [1, 2] and glass [3], but steel
contribution of hooked-end fibres in other directions may is the most common one. Shape, aspect ratio and length can
be noticeable. This means that fibres, depending on their vary, so that straight, hooked-end and undulating (wavy)
shape, should act as orthotropic inclusions. The methods fibres are used. In recent years, there have been many
experiments investigating the properties [4–10] of FRC and
studies of the orientation of short fibres in concrete [11–
It is important to know the orientation of the fibres in
& Heiko Herrmann fibre reinforced materials, as their main contribution is along their long axis. This is the direction in which tensile
Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Institute of Cybernetics at
stresses are carried by the fibre and in which it can bridge
Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 21, cracks. If the distribution of the fibre orientations is not
12618 Tallinn, Estonia isotropic, the material can be expected to show anisotropic
Institute of Physics, Technische Universität Chemnitz, behaviour. Depending on the type of fibres, the orientation
09107 Chemnitz, Germany distribution can either be easily predicted, as in the case of
Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, PO Box 64, long continuous fibres, fibre meshes or mats, or the pre-
00014 Helsinki, Finland diction can be more difficult as in the case of short fibres,
Present Address: ESRF - The European Synchrotron, where the orientation distribution can depend on the posi-
CS40220, 38043 Grenoble Cedex 9, France tion in a structural element and on the casting process,

J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783 3773

especially the flow of the concrete mass. Currently, each properties of steel fibre reinforced cementitious composites
casting is site specific, which differs from the laboratory (SFRCCs) (at least) in the uncracked state; this is a result
setting. There is a need to develop specialised casting that cannot be obtained by use of the other methods.
technologies for short FRC. In this case, nondestructive Mechanical models for short fibre reinforced composites
testing methods are needed to obtain the fibre orientations. like [29–31] often only consider the main fibre orientation,
While the extraction of samples from larger structural a discussion of how to include the contribution of the
elements, like plates, causes damage to the element, the hooked-ends into these models or about an alternative
samples are not damaged and can be subjected to further description will also be presented here. The influence
analysis and testing afterwards. factors can probably be separated as follows:
As the use of X-ray computed tomography (CT) has
– matrix strength (influenced by concrete recipe and
become popular in materials science, several authors have
addressed the problem of extracting fibre orientations from
– fibre–matrix bond (influenced by porosity, concrete
volumes obtained using CT [4, 20–23]. Some are using
recipe and fibre surface),
commercial software, others their own in-house imple-
– fibre strength (influenced by fibre material and geometry),
mentations. The solution used in [20, 23] is based on a
– local fibre amount (influenced by rheology/flow/vibra-
skeletonisation approach. First, a segmentation of matrix
tion) and
and fibres is performed, and then for each separate object the
– local fibre orientations (influenced by rheology/flow/
centre-line (skeleton) is calculated, further potentially
touching fibres are separated. The end-to-end vector of the
centre-line gives the orientation of the fibre. The commercial All factors together determine the strength of the composite
solutions are part of general purpose visualisation and and can be independent of each other. It is clear that the
analysis solutions and can require significant training. One fibre orientation distribution is only one of the many fac-
of the in-house solutions described in [21] is based on tors; however, it seems to be the one that is overlooked by
Matlab and first segments the voxels belonging to different many researchers and practitioners. It is important to sep-
fibres by thresholding and then interprets the voxels of each arate the different factors, changing only one while keeping
fibre as a point-cloud. To each point-cloud, a linear regres- the others constant. Here the focus is on the fibre
sion is applied and the centre of the cloud calculated. From orientations.
this, it is possible to obtain the position and orientation of
each fibre. The other in-house solution used in [22] is based
on the Insight Toolkit (ITK) [24] and consists mainly of Hessian matrix-based analysis methods
thresholding, segmentation and calculating the orientation
and centre of each object. The apparent need to develop in- The software for the analysis is split into two parts; the first
house software for fibre orientation analysis seems to be one performs the preparation for the analysis, including a
hindering the widespread use of CT for research on SFRC. possible filtering (see ‘‘Filtering’’ section). The main step
In this paper, the focus will be on obtaining the orien- is to binarise the data into foreground (fibres) and back-
tation of hooked-end steel fibres by use of a Hessian ground (the rest), and to branch the data into two different
matrix-based analysis similar to [25], and part of the processes. In one of them, a recursive smoothing through a
algorithms have been presented in [26, 27]. The algorithm Gaussian filter is applied on the binary data-set, in order to
will also work for straight fibres. The analysis algorithms prepare it for the analysis. On the other branch, a ‘Binary
will be well documented and based on open-source Image to Shape Labels map’ [32, 33] is applied on the data,
libraries like ITK and it is planned to release the soft- in order to isolate and label accordingly all the voxel ele-
ware—called lTANS [28]—as open-source. ments belonging to isolated regions in space (single fibres
One of the aims of developing the software has been to or groups of touching fibres). Each label univocally rep-
provide a tool that can be used on an everyday basis by resents voxels belonging to an independent region. Each
research labs and companies without the need of long user group of touching fibres or individual fibre will have
training. The fibre orientations obtained by this software can therefore all of their voxels labelled with the same label.
be used in research for studying the mechanical behaviour The algorithms are implemented in C?? using self-im-
depending on the fibre orientation distribution, or as an input plemented functions and the Insight Segmentation and
for constitutive models, such as the ones presented in [29, Registration Toolkit library (ITK) [24].
30], or for quality testing by construction companies.
Furthermore, the new analysis method revealed that the Branch 1: itk::SmoothingRecursiveGaussianImageFilter
hooked-ends of fibres should contribute to the mechanical save to file for analysis

3774 J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

Branch 2: itk::BinaryImageToShapeLabelMapFilter 1. calculate the orientation tensor (Eq. 1) for all fibres
save binary labels mask to file together (out of all local vectors), this will further be
called hes-vox;
The main software component takes both data-sets as
2. find the maximum of the orientation distribution
input and performs its analysis on the smoothed fibres,
function of vector directions per fibre, see Fig. 2, to
using the label mask to preserve only the voxels belonging
receive orientation of each individual fibre, this will
to the real fibres and storing them according to the regions
further be called hes-fib;
they belong to. It also helps filtering out values generated
3. calculate the orientation tensor per fibre, then deter-
by the Gaussian smoothing that will only be used as
mine eigenvectors and eigenvalues, of which the main
neighbours in the calculations of real fibre voxels.
eigenvector determines the orientation of each indi-
For each voxel of the fibre data-set, a Hessian matrix of
vidual fibre.
the grey values is built, i.e. the matrix of second-order
partial derivatives of the grey values. Given a voxel with The orientation tensor is the sum of the outer products of
indices x, y, z, the analysis will use the voxels with indices the orientation vectors of each voxel (or each fibre), see
ranging from x  2; y  2; z  2 to x þ 2; y þ 2; z þ 2 to also ‘‘Local contribution of fibres’’ section:
compute the second derivatives, see Fig. 1. This represents A¼ vðiÞ  vðiÞ ; ð1Þ
therefore the variation on the grey scales in the region i
around the voxel.
where vðiÞ is the i-th vector. The orientation distribution
The eigenvalues extracted from the Hessian matrix
function (ODF) is a spherical distribution function on a unit
describe the strength of the grey-scale variation in all
sphere, describing the probability of finding a vector of a
directions for the voxel of interest. By selecting the eigen-
given orientation.
vector corresponding to the smallest eigenvalue (by absolute
The first possibility (i.e. the hes-vox approach) will
value), the algorithm returns the direction along which there
result in the maximal mechanical contribution of the fibres
is the smallest variation in grey-scale values, describing
before the bond between matrix and fibres starts to break.
therefore the direction of the fibre itself in the specific voxel
In the case of hooked-end fibres, the hooks should con-
(the variation is strongly perpendicular to the main axis of
tribute to the mechanical strength in the transverse direc-
the fibre, and smaller along the fibre direction itself).
tion. This is a feature which has so far not been taken into
In short, the algorithm can be described by the following
account in the mechanical theories of SFRC.
The second possibility (i.e. the hes-fib approach) first
finds the main orientation of each individual fibre and is
load volume
σ ← radius of fibre
therefore comparable to the skeletonisation- and linear
apply Gauss filter regression-based approaches. This method assumes that the
for all voxel do fibres only act along their main axis, it therefore neglects
calculate Hesse matrix the contribution of the hooks. However, after the debond-
find eigenvector of smallest (according to absolute ing the fibres act only along their main axis, this is also true
value) eigenvalue of Hesse matrix for crack-bridging, where only the main orientation is
end for
relevant. This method therefore gives the contribution of
After these first steps of the analysis, there are three the fibres after the debonding started.
possibilities to proceed:








20 0
40 100
60 200
ϑ 250
80 ϕ

Fig. 1 Neighbouring pixels to compute the Hessian matrix to Fig. 2 Orientation peaks for three touching fibres; the tails created by
determine the orientation of a fibre; presented is a 2D example for the curvature in the hooks connecting to the small peak of the
easier visualisation diagonal hook-part are visible

J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783 3775

Main fibre direction contribution

Additional steps in the analysis have to be taken in order

to separate touching fibres and obtaining for each of
them its own orientation vector or tensor. The label
mask produced during the filtering phase allows to
identify the region to which each voxel (and therefore
the voxel orientation vector calculated in the previous
Fig. 3 Voxel orientation vectors and main fibre orientation vectors
for three touching fibres step) belongs.
A region, as previously stated, is composed of all the
voxels in a number of fibres, touching each other in one or
The third approach (i.e. the hes-ten approach) is com- more contact points, but without any connection with the
parable to the hes-fib from the mechanical point of view. rest of the fibres of the data-set. In a few lucky cases, a
The difference is in the way how the main orientation per region consists of a single fibre that has no contact with any
fibre is computed. other, but in most cases it is composed of two or more
The hes-fib and hes-ten approaches require to separate fibres (complete or partially cut).
touching fibres, which might not be possible within the fil- In order to separate them and obtain a unique orien-
tering process. For the hes-fib approach, the idea is to use the tation vector for each fibre, it is first necessary to convert
orientation distribution of the local orientation vectors, find all the voxel vectors extracted before from Cartesian
maxima and identify the voxels that belong to each maximum. coordinates to spherical coordinates, where h is the
These form the main part of an individual fibre. Further inclination angle with respect to the z-axis and u is the
information is given by the smaller peaks of the hooks and the in-plane angle within the x–y-plane, with u ¼ 0 in the x-
tail that connects the hooks with the main peak. Figures 2 and direction. The values are approximated to a precision of
3 show the orientation distribution and extracted fibre orien- one degree. Once the conversion is done, a matrix of size
tation vectors for three touching fibres, respectively. 90  360 is built. The two spherical angles, theta and phi,
The initial steps of the analysis algorithm development are used as indices to access the matrix. The value of
were performed on an artificial data-set of a single fibre each cell represents the number of vectors whose angles
constructed very similar to a real one. Length, thickness correspond to the values of theta and phi used to access
and shape were reproduced artificially before performing a that given cell. In an additional matrix for each cell, the
Gaussian smoothing on the fibre, as it would have then average of the three-dimensional positions in space of the
happened for the real data. vectors is stored.
The data-set was used to develop on a sandbox-like, The theta–phi matrix is first smoothed through
noise-free environment that allowed to validate numeri- Gaussian filtering to produce smooth single peaks and
cally and visually the correctness of the method used. then processed to isolate the features of interest. In a
given region, a peak of values will represent a very high
number (proportional to the size of the region) of vectors
Local contribution of fibres oriented in the same direction. Such a high peak repre-
sents the vectors composing the main shaft of a fibre,
Once the vectors are extracted for each voxel, by con- describing therefore its orientation. To separate them,
structing the outer product (also called tensor or dyadic the theta–phi matrix is processed through a connected
product) of the vector with itself and averaging them, it is component labelling approach that isolates separate
possible to obtain the orientation tensor taking into account clusters of values, based on a minimum value threshold
the full contribution of the fibres, including their hooked (see Fig. 4).
components. Inside each of these separate clusters, a standard
Again the algorithm is presented in pseudo-code: approach peak detection is applied (based on the analysis
of the second-order derivatives of the function) to obtain
for all voxel-vectors do
the specific theta and phi values of the highest peak.
calculate orientation tensor (vector ⊗ vector) At the end of the region analysis, the spherical angles
end for are converted back to Cartesian coordinates, and saved
sum all the orientation tensors together with the three coordinates describing the centre
divide the sum of orientation tensors by the number position of the single fibre in space.
of voxels

3776 J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

100 80 100 80
120 60 120 60

140 40 140 40

160 20 160 20

180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0

200 340 200 340

220 320 220 320

240 300 240 300

260 280 260 280

Fig. 4 Clustered regions isolated for peak detection (a) original coordinates (b) transformed coordinates
Fig. 5 Scatter plot of the voxel vector orientations of a single fibre;
The algorithm is summarised as follows: radius is inclination angle h in degrees, circumference is angle u.
Main fibre orientation is marked by the line. The high-density area at
u ¼ 130 is the second part of the peak in (a) at u ¼ 315 and the
second hook, as verified by the transformed coordinates in (b) (polar
initialise empty theta-phi matrix coordinates with y-axis as polar axis)
for all separate region do
for all voxel vector in region do
convert to spherical coordinates theta,phi
increment by 1 the value of matrix[theta][phi] Application to real samples and comparison
end for
perform Gaussian smoothing of theta-phi matrix
perform connected component labelling to isolate
Samples and scanning procedure
for all cluster do The samples used in this study were a subset of those used
find highest peak in [20]: cores of 10 cm in diameter and 25 cm in height,
convert theta and phi to Cartesian coordinates drilled either from the centre part or near the edge of large
return orientation vector and position of highest SFRC floor slabs ðH  W  L: 25 cm  100 cm  500 cmÞ.
The self-compacting concrete (class C30/37) was rein-
calculate orientation tensor (vector ⊗ vector)
end for forced with 50 mm-long and /1 mm-wide hooked-end rod
end for wire fibres (C4D or C7D steel according to standard EN
sum all the orientation tensors 10016-2). The length of the hooks was approx. 6 mm, with
divide the sum of orientation tensors by the number bending angles between 30 and 45 . The fibre content was
of fibres 80 kg m3 , resulting in approximately 250 fibres per dm3 .
The scan protocol was the same: a Nanotom 180 NF X-
Main fibre orientation by per-fibre eigenvectors ray microtomography system (PhoenixjX-ray Systems and
Services, now part of GE Measurement and Control
A test on a single fibre region proved that it is possible to Solutions, Wunstorf, Germany) was used, utilising 160 kV
determine the main orientation of a single fibre by calcu- acceleration voltage, 55–70 lA X-ray tube current and a
lating the orientation tensor of the voxel vectors of this 4 mm copper filter to reduce beam hardening effects. The
region and then extract the eigenvectors. The first eigen- 2304  2304 pixel detector was used in 4  4 binning
vector points in the direction of the fibre, Fig. 5. The main mode and moved sideways during the scan to virtually
fibre orientation from the eigenvector analysis for the fibre double the detector size. The projection images were
presented in Fig. 5 is h ¼ 83:34 , u ¼ 312:15 , and from obtained as an average of 8–10 1-s exposures of the
the peak analysis it is h ¼ 83 , u ¼ 313 (and h ¼ 89 , detector. The angular step size was 1 . The scan geometry
u ¼ 130 ). In rare cases with the peak close to h ¼ 90 , the resulted in an effective pixel size (corresponding to the
peak detection algorithm detected two peaks, the original voxel size of the reconstructed volume) of 128.3 lm. The
and a mirror peak at u þ 180 . This is because each voxel time needed to scan one volume was about 2.5 h. The
vector produces two points on the unit sphere (mirrored scanned section of the samples was approximately 7 cm
with respect to the origin), and only the upper half of the high.
sphere is analysed; this could be solved by analysing the Tomographic reconstruction was performed with the
whole sphere and using a uniform discretisation, which is FDK-algorithm-based [34] Datosjx-reconstruction software
planned for the future. This problem is not encountered in by PhoenixjX-ray, with additional beam hardening cor-
the alignment tensor and eigenvector approach. rection applied. However, as can be seen in Fig. 7 this did
The flow of the analysis algorithm is visualised in Fig. 6. not completely solve the problem.

J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783 3777

Noisy data and filtering

A few preliminary considerations are necessary with regard

to the scanned material and scanner to explain several of the
problems encountered and the solutions adopted to solve
them. First, the concrete matrix in which the fibres are
immersed is not homogeneous. It consists of cement, gravel
(often granite) and (unwanted) air bubbles. This means that a
wide range of density values are encountered in the scan
analysis instead of the ideal binary classification (fibre/not
fibre). Additionally, the distribution and alignment of the
fibres varies significantly inside the concrete, leading
therefore to contacts among the fibres, from a simple 1-point
contact, to more extreme cases in which two fibres are in
contact with each other for all or most of their length. Further
the concrete matrix is a highly absorbing material for X-ray,
which requires either high beam power or small samples.
The second factor, the scanning system and method, has also
been the source of unwanted effects. Due to the low intensity
of the X-ray generated by the scanner and the reconstruction
process, several errors are indeed introduced in the produced
data. These are described in detail in [20]. To summarise, a
cylindrical artefact caused by photon starvation and the use
of two detector positions (Fig. 8), and a high level of noise
remained in the data-set. While these problems can, for a
given sample, be greatly reduced using a more powerful
scanner, the scanner also creates the temptation to use larger
samples, which would increase the noise level again.
Additionally, the method of obtaining the sample, i.e.
Fig. 6 Flowchart of the analysis drilling the concrete cylinder out of a larger SFRC slab, has
the fundamental drawback that several fibres are cut in the
process of drilling and only a part of them remains in the
While the scanned volume seems to be quite small sample. On the other hand, this sampling method, com-
compared to the fibre length, the amount of fibres is large pared to the casting of the SFRC directly in the cylinder
enough with theoretically over 140 fibres to allow statistics. shape, has the strong advantage of representing a realistic
On the other hand, it has been shown (see Fig. 3.4 in [35]) fibre alignment and positioning in the concrete slab.
that systematic variations of the fibre orientations can
appear on short scales, as short as around 10 cm. As a Filtering
consequence of this, the scanned volume has a good size,
allowing statistics without risking systematic changes The projection radiographs were first filtered with a 55 median
within the analysed volume. filter implemented in ImageJ [36]) prior to reconstruction.

Fig. 7 An SFRC tomography image seen from top with different removed, but many fibres are lost; and d the Frangi filter removed the
thresholds, and the ‘‘cupping effect’’ (beam hardening) is visible: a all noise and solved the cupping problem
fibres visible, but lots of noise; b noise level reduced; c noise almost

3778 J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

Fig. 8 Cylindrical central artefacts produced by the scanning process: a side view and b top view of the reconstruction, and c original
transmission image; the ‘‘shadow’’ is a result of shifting the detector positions and the main source of the artefacts

In contrast to the ‘highEdge’ filtering used in [20], other – itk::MedianImageFilter,

measures are necessary for the algorithm described in – itk::BinaryThresholdImageFilter and
‘‘Hessian matrix based analysis methods’’. – itk::OpeningByReconstructionImageFilter.
A series of initial attempts at processing the data without These are also summarised in Fig. 9.
a massive filtering process failed for the reasons mentioned
above. After testing several libraries, the choice fell on the
Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK).
Thanks to the large number of features, despite having
been created mainly for medical image analysis, the library
was the best choice in terms of power and ease of use. The
first and most important step that the data-set undergoes
during the filtering process is the vesselness enhancement
filtering (or Frangi filtering) [37, 38]. The Frangi filter is
made to extract the tubular shapes of vessels from a noisy
data-set through the use of the second-order local structure
of an image (Hessian matrix), and the steel fibres of the
SFRC are indeed tubular shaped. By enhancing them, a
double result is archived: most of the noise belonging to the
concrete matrix is removed and simultaneously the beam
hardening effect is removed. The tubular shapes are indeed
enhanced to an equal level independently from their dis-
tance from the edge of the data-set, Fig. 7d. After the
Frangi filter, however, the data-set is not yet completely
free from noise, so it undergoes an additional phase of
filtering. First, a common median filter is applied to it and
then, with most of the noise already filtered out, the data
are turned into binary through a fixed thresholding. Some
residual very small noise elements still remain in the binary
data-set. The next filter is an opening by reconstruction
[39]: by employing a spherical structuring element whose
diameter is slightly smaller than the cross section of the
fibres, this removes from the data-set the background noise
which cannot contain the sphere. The fibres are left com-
pletely untouched by the process.
The main steps in the filtering are as follows:
– Load original data-set,
– itk::HessianRecursiveGaussianImageFilter,
– itk::Hessian3DToVesselnessMeasureImageFilter, Fig. 9 Flowchart of the filtering

J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783 3779

100 80 100 80 100 80 100 80

120 60 120 60 120 60 120 60

140 40 140 40 140 40 140 40

160 20 160 20 160 20 160 20

180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 0

200 340 200 340 200 340 200 340

220 320 220 320 220 320 220 320

240 300 240 300 240 300 240 300

260 280 260 280 260 280 260 280

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 10 Scatter plot of fibre orientations (green triangles skeleton, axis (from bottom to top of cylinder). The lines show the eigenvectors
black circles Hessian); radius is inclination angle h in degrees, of the existing distributions (solid Hessian, dashed skeletonization;
circumference is in-plane angle u in degrees. A view antiparallel to z- red d1 , blue d2 , green d3 ) (Color figure online)

A CT scanner with higher beam power, larger detector where nðiÞ is the orientation of the i-th fibre and ki are the
(no shift necessary) and more sensitive/larger pixels (no sorted eigenvalues of O (jk1 j  jk2 j  jk3 j). The order
binning required) would reduce the scanning time and also parameter S 2 ½0:5; 1 can also be calculated as
improve the image quality, which would result in a faster  
3 2 1
analysis. Another possibility to enhance the image quality S¼ cos a  ; ð5Þ
could be to use phase contrast techniques, like [19]. On the 2 2
other hand, phase contrast methods may enhance matrix– where a is the angle between the fibres and the eigenvector
aggregate interfaces and air bubbles and therefore intro- vk1 . A value of S ¼ 1 corresponds to well-aligned fibres,
duce an additional kind of noise. S ¼ 0 to isotropically oriented fibres and S ¼ 0:5 to a
case where all fibres are aligned in a plane. A vanishing
Comparison biaxiality (bS ¼ 0) shows a distribution that is rotation
symmetric around vk1 .
The new algorithm is compared with the previous analysis The often used orientation number g with respect to a
presented in [20]. This method is based on a dual threshold predefined direction, or three orientation numbers with
binarisation and segmentation followed by skeletonisation respect to the coordinate axes
performed in Avizo and Matlab. The statistical analysis in
both cases is performed in the statistical software GNU R gk ¼ hcos bk i; k ¼ x; y; z ð6Þ
[40] (a free implementation of the S language), using provide less information than the order parameter, as they
specialised software [41–45]. As can be seen from Fig. 10 do not contain information about the dispersion.
and Tables 1, 2 and 3, the new algorithm performs well The number of fibre objects, meaning that objects
with respect to reproducing the results. The results from the have at least 25 % of the fibre length (respectively
new algorithm are in general very similar to the previous amount of voxels) is larger than the theoretically
analysis; however, both versions of the new procedure expected value of 143 fibres. The reason is that many
produce slightly different results. The differences and their fibres are cut during the extraction of the samples from
origin will be discussed below. the slabs, resulting in more pieces than one would
The main tendencies of the fibre orientation distributions expect whole fibres. The volume fraction is slightly
can be given by use of the second-order orientation tensor smaller than the expected 1 %, because objects of less
O, its eigenvectors and eigenvalues or the corresponding than 25 % fibre length have been omitted from the
order parameter S and (signed) biaxiality bS ¼ signðSÞb analysis, as they could represent noise, or give a wrong
(with b 2 0; 13 jSj ), which are given as follows: orientation. Objects smaller than this size basically
consist only of the hook, or even only of a part of it,
O¼ nðiÞ  nðiÞ ð2Þ therefore not giving reliable orientation results. The
N i
difference in the orientation of the eigenvectors is
3 around a few degrees, seldom up to 15 degrees.
S ¼ k1 ð3Þ The orientation numbers are generally similar for all
1 three analysis methods and differ only in the second
bS ¼ ðk3  k2 Þ; ð4Þ decimal.

3780 J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

Table 1 Summary of properties

Skeletonization Hessian fibre Hessian voxel
of the samples; all samples have
been at least 6 months old at the Sample # fibres % vol S bS # fibres S bS % vol S bS
time of scanning Theoretical 143 1.0 – – 143 – – 1.0 – –

3A middle 168 0.77 0.52 0.12 188 0.57 0.10 0.66 0.54 0.09
4B middle 186 0.84 0.62 0.09 219 0.59 0.09 1.01 0.49 0.08
5B middle 198 0.92 -0.39 0.06 201 -0.41 0.09 0.91 -0.32 0.04
6A middle 138 0.70 0.65 0.03 166 0.61 0.05 0.87 0.56 0.02
The ‘‘# fibres’’ means parts of fibres longer than 25 % fibre length; the expected number of whole fibres
from the real volume fraction would be 143. In the Hessian cases, the ‘‘% vol’’ are calculated from the
voxel anaylsis and would be equal for both cases, the ‘‘# fibres’’ make only sense in a per-fibre analysis

Table 2 Comparison of the eigenvectors di ¼ ðU; HÞ calculated from different analysis methods; the normalized eigenvectors are presented in
spherical coordinates with angles in degrees
Skeletonization Hessian fibre Hessian voxel
Sample d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3 d1 d2 d3
ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ ðU; HÞ

3A middle (25;36) (186;56) (282;81) (17;38) (190;53) (283;86) (25;37) (188;54) (284;82)
4B middle (181;79) (295;26) (86;67) (184;82) (294;22) (92;69) (180;78) (295;27) (85;66)
5B middle (280;17) (177;86) (86;73) (279;10) (186;90) (96;80) (278;21) (173;84) (81;70)
6A middle (29;51) (149;59) (264;55) (23;52) (159;48) (273;66) (29;50) (157;54) (271;61)

Table 3 Comparison of the

Skeletonization Hessian fibre Hessian voxel
orientation numbers calculated
from different analysis methods Sample gX gY gZ gX gY gZ gX gY gZ

3A middle 0.44 0.48 0.64 0.49 0.42 0.65 0.47 0.44 0.65
4B middle 0.82 0.34 0.25 0.81 0.36 0.22 0.76 0.38 0.31
5B middle 0.65 0.53 0.25 0.68 0.53 0.19 0.62 0.53 0.31
6A middle 0.59 0.41 0.57 0.62 0.39 0.53 0.58 0.42 0.56

Another important point in comparing the new algo- Interpretation of the results and impact
rithm with the previously made analysis is the usability and on constitutive modelling
speed. When it comes to ease of application and speed, the
new algorithm presented here outperforms the other. The The difference between the Hessian main orientation and
orientation analysis in Avizo took about 3 h, as stated in the skeletonisation can be explained by cut fibres, in many
[20], a similar timing is given for the linear regression cases the Hessian main orientation will still coincide with
presented in [21], and the new approaches take less than the main fibre axis, while in the case of the skeletonisation
30 min and require no user interaction after the parameters the vector points from one end to the other end of the
are fixed. skeleton, see Fig. 11.
Also relevant for the practical use are the required res- The difference in the results between using the full
olutions in comparison with the fibre diameter. In the voxel vectors and using the main direction of a fibre is
samples studied here, the fibre diameter was about eight relevant and can be explained by the hooked-ends of the
voxels (voxel size: 0.128 mm  0.128 mm  0.128 mm; fibres used in these samples.
fibre diameter 1 mm). This resolution delivers reliable From a theoretical perspective, the hooked-end fibre
results. A test with a different sample in a different (lower could be considered a system of fibres, acting in different
resolution) CT showed that a fibre diameter of at least four directions. Each segment produces a peak in the orientation
voxels is needed. analysis in the direction in which it is working (see Figs. 12

J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783 3781

and 13). That the small peaks for the hook-diagonals are dimensional space—and four-dimensional orientation ten-
visible in the orientation analysis is an indicator that sors, as mentioned in [47].
mechanically a contribution could be expected. So far, it Depending on the strain and strain history, the fibres can
seems that nobody has looked for this contribution. As it is act differently. In the linear-elastic range, the fibres pos-
small, it can potentially be hidden by other effects that sibly act as orthotropic inclusions, contributing not only
influence the strength. along the main axis, but also in the direction of the hooked-
From this, it follows that the influence of fibres should ends or the undulations. In the strain-softening material,
be treated differently in the elastic state—here possibly during the plastic deformations of the structural element
acting as orthotropic inclusions—and the cracked state, (cracking and crack localisation), the fibres will act along
where the fibres are bridging the cracks and each fibre can their main axis as transversely isotropic inclusions.
be considered as a (transversely isotropic) rod. To account The fibre orientation distributions obtained by the
for a possible orthotropic influence of a single fibre, the analysis methods can, for example, be used in the two
orientation of the hooked-ends should be analytically constitutive models proposed in [29, 30] and [48]. The first
described. Here two possibilities exist: the first one is two model is based on an orthotropic material using orientation
directors for each fibre—one for the main axis and one for averaging to determine the coefficients, and the second
the hook—as used by [46] for biaxial liquid crystals (two- model is based on the direct use of the orientation tensor.
director theory); the other one is to use unit-quaternions to
describe the orientation of an individual fibre, which leads
to an orientation distribution function defined on a three-
dimensional unit sphere—a hyper-sphere in four-
The results of the application of the new Hessian matrix-
based algorithm to obtain fibre orientations show that it is
25% length (100voxels) necessary to consider the shape of fibres more accurately
when formulating constitutive equations for fibre rein-
forced materials. Most steel fibres used in civil engineering
today, like hooked-end or undulating shapes, should act
(a) (b)
orthotopically. This means that their strongest contribution
Fig. 11 Comparison of error for orientation of partial fibres: to the material response in the uncracked state is along
a skeletonisation and b Hessian analysis; as can be seen, the Hessian their main axis, but they also contribute in the direction of
peak analysis retains the main fibre orientation even in the case of
the longer minor axis. The latter contribution in the
uncracked state has so far not been considered at all. The
Hessian matrix-based algorithm presented here is capable
of delivering both, the full contribution of a fibre and its
major axis. The performance of the algorithm is at least an
order of magnitude better than other approaches presented
in the literature, and less user input as well as less user
skills are necessary.


Acknowledgements This study was compiled with the assistance of
the Tiger University Program of the Estonian Information Technology

20 0
Foundation (VisPar system, EITSA/HITSA Tiigriülikool Grants
100 10-03-00-24, 12-03-00-11, 13030009 and travel Grants to present at
VARE 2013 for E.P. and at SalentoAVR 2014 for H.H.). This
80 300 ϕ

350 research was supported by the European Union through the European
Regional Development Fund, in particular through funding for the
Fig. 12 Orientation peaks for a single fibre region; the large peak ‘‘Centre for Nonlinear Studies’’ as an Estonian national centre of
belongs to the main shaft and the small peaks to the diagonals in the excellence. This research was supported by the European Social
hooks Fund’s Doctoral Studies and Internationalisation Program DoRa T4
and the Doctoral School in Information and Communication Tech-
nology, which are carried out by Archimedes Foundation (scholarship
for E.P.).

Author contributions All authors contributed to the research and

Fig. 13 A hooked-end fibre decomposed into a system of fibres to this article. In particular, HH designed the new algorithm and per-
explain the small peaks and the possible mechanical effect of the formed statistics, EP implemented the algorithm and filtering, JS and
hooks AK performed the tomography scanning and volume reconstruction.

3782 J Mater Sci (2016) 51:3772–3783

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