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Gridding Report
Fri Apr 14 11:09:29 2017
Elapsed time for gridding: 0.01 seconds

Data Source
Source Data File Name: C:\Users\user\Documents\TDSbulusawit.bln
X Column: A
Y Column: B
Z Column: C

Data Counts
Active Data: 8

Original Data: 8
Excluded Data: 0
Deleted Duplicates: 0
Retained Duplicates: 0
Artificial Data: 0
Superseded Data: 0

Exclusion Filtering
Exclusion Filter String: Not In Use

Duplicate Filtering
Duplicate Points to Keep: First
X Duplicate Tolerance: 1.5E-005
Y Duplicate Tolerance: 2.4E-005

No duplicate data were found.

Breakline Filtering
Breakline Filtering: Not In Use

Data Counts
Active Data: 8
Univariate Statistics


Count: 8 8 8

1%%-tile: 439093 9145191 131

5%%-tile: 439093 9145191 131
10%%-tile: 439093 9145191 131
25%%-tile: 439096 9145201 135
50%%-tile: 439127 9145288 149
75%%-tile: 439191 9145328 168
90%%-tile: 439192 9145358 186
95%%-tile: 439192 9145358 186
99%%-tile: 439192 9145358 186

Minimum: 439093 9145191 131

Maximum: 439220 9145393 210

Mean: 439150.125 9145290.375 159.25

Median: 439141 9145293.5 150
Geometric Mean: 439150.122781 9145290.37476 157.360793395
Harmonic Mean: 439150.120562 9145290.37452 155.611762639
Root Mean Square: 439150.127219 9145290.37524 161.26220884
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 439139.2 9145276.2 149.4
Midrange: 439156.5 9145292 170.5
Winsorized Mean: 439146.625 9145286 156.25
TriMean: 439135.25 9145276.25 150.25

Variance: 2227.55357143 5015.41071429 737.071428571

Standard Deviation: 47.1969657015 70.8195644881 27.1490594417
Interquartile Range: 95 127 33
Range: 127 202 79
Mean Difference: 56.75 85.6785714286 31.5
Median Abs. Deviation: 46.5 49.5 16.5
Average Abs. Deviation: 39.375 54.125 19.5
Quartile Dispersion: 0.000108165098652 6.94348424805e-006 0.108910891089
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.000129226878849 9.36860043972e-006 0.197802197802

Standard Error: 16.6866472495 25.0384971451 9.59864201705

Coef. of Variation: 0.000107473419714 7.74382896378e-006 0.170480750027
Skewness: 0.134704168769 -0.0941884562351 0.677948105194
Kurtosis: 1.24719775514 1.46887285058 1.88760333521

Sum: 3513201 73162323 1274

Sum Absolute: 3513201 73162323 1274
Sum Squares: 1.54282267389e+012 6.6909068838e+014 208044
Mean Square: 192852834237 8.36363360475e+013 26005.5

Inter-Variable Covariance
X: 2227.5536 654.51786 -732.03571
Y: 654.51786 5015.4107 -735.39286
Z: -732.03571 -735.39286 737.07143

Inter-Variable Correlation
X: 1.000 0.196 -0.571
Y: 0.196 1.000 -0.382
Z: -0.571 -0.382 1.000

Inter-Variable Rank Correlation

X: 1.000 0.180 -0.443
Y: 0.180 1.000 -0.619
Z: -0.443 -0.619 1.000

Principal Component Analysis

X: 0.908775215204 0.908775215204 0.337483534178
Y: -0.294209849384 -0.294209849384 0.101120033655
Z: -0.295919199709 -0.295919199709 0.101120033655

Lambda: 5332.37023755 2254.02636928 393.639107456


Planar Regression: Z = AX+BY+C

Fitted Parameters
Parameter Value: -0.296930413922 -0.107876827986 1117121.19505
Standard Error: 0.202769692234 0.135133762525 1221525.73747

Inter-Parameter Correlations
A: 1.000 -0.196 0.125
B: -0.196 1.000 -0.997
C: 0.125 -0.997 1.000

Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F
Regression: 2 2076.8686148 1038.4343074
Residual: 5 3082.6313852 616.52627704
Total: 7 5159.5

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2): 0.402532922725

Nearest Neighbor Statistics

Separation |Delta Z|
1%%-tile: 34.1320963318 7
5%%-tile: 34.1320963318 7
10%%-tile: 34.1320963318 7
25%%-tile: 34.1320963318 9
50%%-tile: 41.0365690574 13
75%%-tile: 65.7647321898 19
90%%-tile: 65.7647321898 24
95%%-tile: 65.7647321898 24
99%%-tile: 65.7647321898 24

Minimum: 34.1320963318 7
Maximum: 91.9238815543 24

Mean: 53.4506466126 16
Median: 47.4255326228 16
Geometric Mean: 50.4513416265 14.7280285519
Harmonic Mean: 47.8453882637 13.4135711015
Root Mean Square: 56.6723036412 17.1099386323
Trim Mean (10%%): N/A N/A
Interquartile Mean: 47.1568925649 14.6
Midrange: 63.027988943 15.5
Winsorized Mean: 50.180752942 16
TriMean: 45.4924916591 13.5

Variance: 405.461001943 42
Standard Deviation: 20.1360622253 6.48074069841
Interquartile Range: 31.6326358581 10
Range: 57.7917852225 17
Mean Difference: 23.2024318706 7.78571428571
Median Abs. Deviation: 13.2934362911 5
Average Abs. Deviation: 15.866313918 5.5
Quartile Dispersion: 0.316653054218 0.357142857143
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.434090761123 0.486607142857

Standard Error: 7.11917307296 2.29128784748

Coef. of Variation: 0.376722518837 0.40504629365
Skewness: 0.649718179634 -0.0220433357089
Kurtosis: 1.94878048195 1.23852040816

Sum: 427.6051729 128

Sum Absolute: 427.6051729 128
Sum Squares: 25694 2342
Mean Square: 3211.75 292.75

Complete Spatial Randomness

Lambda: 0.000311842207843
Clark and Evans: 1.88777576926
Skellam: 50.3438569526

Gridding Rules
Gridding Method: Kriging
Kriging Type: Point

Polynomial Drift Order: 0

Kriging std. deviation grid: no

Semi-Variogram Model
Component Type: Linear
Anisotropy Angle: 0
Anisotropy Ratio: 1
Variogram Slope: 1

Search Parameters
No Search (use all data): true

Output Grid
Grid File Name: C:\Users\user\Documents\TDSbulusawit.grd
Grid Size: 100 rows x 63 columns
Total Nodes: 6300
Filled Nodes: 6300
Blanked Nodes: 0
Blank Value: 1.70141E+038

Grid Geometry

X Minimum: 439055
X Maximum: 439255
X Spacing: 3.2258064516129

Y Minimum: 9145100
Y Maximum: 9145450
Y Spacing: 3.5353535353535

Univariate Grid Statistics

Count: 6300

1%%-tile: 131.114337715
5%%-tile: 132.562215268
10%%-tile: 133.671483384
25%%-tile: 141.668125026
50%%-tile: 158.950772212
75%%-tile: 163.456422736
90%%-tile: 174.508187352
95%%-tile: 186.271765991
99%%-tile: 198.97434825

Minimum: 130.521370155
Maximum: 208.596787184

Mean: 155.775025086
Median: 158.951374445
Geometric Mean: 154.971780833
Harmonic Mean: 154.179932992
Root Mean Square: 156.588420745
Trim Mean (10%%): 154.969636382
Interquartile Mean: 156.552925225
Midrange: 169.559078669
Winsorized Mean: 154.635627299
TriMean: 155.756523047

Variance: 254.115406579
Standard Deviation: 15.9409976657
Interquartile Range: 21.7882977097
Range: 78.0754170294
Mean Difference: 17.637583881
Median Abs. Deviation: 8.43484414035
Average Abs. Deviation: 12.4690671521
Quartile Dispersion: 0.0714078820255
Relative Mean Diff.: 0.113224721814
Standard Error: 0.200837692732
Coef. of Variation: 0.102333462356
Skewness: 0.39792144522
Kurtosis: 3.06228512546

Sum: 981382.658044
Sum Absolute: 981382.658044
Sum Squares: 154475581.122
Mean Square: 24519.9335115

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