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Nurcan Bersu ÖNEN

Menekşe Esin KORKMAZ
Emine Zuhal SARIOĞLU


In instructional technology and material development course, it is expected us to prepare final

project by using tools that we learned in our lab sections.

Firstly, we decided our topic/objectives and we chose objectives as;

Children who are 60-72 months old (Audience) solve at least 95 percent of (Degree)
problematic situations by realizing the problem and finding different solutions (Behavior) when they
face with problematic situation (Condition)

Children who are 60-72 months old (Audience) express themselves in creative ways by
producing authentic products (Behavior) with at least 95 percent of competence(Degree) when they
work on a tasks or activities that are given by teacher (Condition)

We chose these objectives because we thought that these objectives are very important in early
childhood years. As a teacher candidates, we want to raise children who can solve problems by finding
different and creative solutions and when they face with the problems, we want them to solve it
without adult interventions directly. In addition to this reason, we also chose the objective as
expressing themselves in creative ways. This is one of the important skill that children can achieve in
early years. Because in today’s world, people are mostly discourage children when they want to
express themselves and they decrease the level of creativity by making direct intervention to their
thoughts, ideas and feelings. By choosing these objectives, we tried to integrate our activities and
technologies together. While writing our lesson and unit plans, we benefited from ASSURE Model.

For the first step of ASSURE Model, we decided and “A”nalyse our learners. To analyse them, we
paid attention to their developmental stages and age levels. And then, for the S stands for “State
Standards and Objectives” step, we wrote our objectives according to ABCD and arranged our MEB
program’s objectives and indicators by looking this model. For us, this arranging process spent more
time comparing to other steps of ASSURE Model because before this Ceit course, we did not know
writing objectives with abcd model. As an the 2nd S stands for “Select Strategies, Technology, Media,
and Materials”, we selected them according to children’s age level, developmental stages and their
interests. We tried to find enjoyable and effective tools to use in our activities. Additionally, we were
carefull about choosing variety of media like video and visuals. In the step of U stands for “Utilize
Technology”, Media, and Materials, we tried to integrate technology training in different areas. First,
we prepared a tool for supporting the course content and for the children learning process as a guide.
This tool "piktochart" which includes cookie recipe that mention in the activity. In order to explain the
space concept, we prepared Prezi as a journey of space. In this tool, we use the real pictures of the
planets from NASA. We prepared online class as a parent involvement activity and reminder of
learning outcomes for children. In online class, there is summary of the last classroom activity and at
the end of the part, there is a quiz for both parents and children. In addition to this, there is virtual tool
for family. They can visit virtually the museum. We prepare Google Form for the parents. These forms
are divided into two parts. The first one is prepared for receiving ideas from parents about
understanding of outdoor activity and there is survey for optional times of activity. The second part of
the Form is receiving their ideas again but after the activity applied. It is supposed to understand
whether there is differences on their idea or not. Finally, we prepared “Animoto” which includes
cartoon characters and a funny story for children. The Animato tool includes space story which is the
topic of the lesson. Also, Animato tool supports children’s understanding and attarcts their attention.
In the step of R stands for “Require Learner Participation”. In this step we tried to provide child-
centered activities by preparing some technological tools. First of all, In Piktochart tool, there is
visualize symbolisation of the cookie recipe for children. The Piktochart gives instructions for the
recipe by considering their understading and age levels. Moreover, we prepared Online Class which is
to apply at home for children and parents. Online Class is prepared for reminding what children did at
kindergarten and to engage them activities more. While children doing Online Class with their parents,
they can guide their parents by tellling what they did at kindergarten; so the tool allows children to be
active. Finally,we prepared Animoto which attracts children’s attention and invites them the activity
process more. Because, cartoon characters of Animoto tallks with children, tells the problem to
children and want them for help. At this point, children are very active and they can feel themselves
enable to solve a problem. In step of E stands for “Evaluate and revise”, we prepared a Google Form
for parents to understand their idea or feeling about the activity. By this way, teacher can reflect on
their own performance and effectiveness of the activity. By considering parents’ ideas, the activities
can be arranged and organized. In Online Class tool, we prepared a reminder of classroom activity and
a quiz as an assessment part of the activity. First, parents and children review on children’s pictures of
classroom activity and then, there is a quiz to asseess children’s learning outcomes.

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