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5 / SECT]ON ]


Post Top
Two new Post Top styles joln Revere's Series 2830 Post
Top to form a famlly of three unils. Suggested applica-
tions include walkways, gardens. parking areas
where low-leve ground cover illumination over a rela-
tively widespread area is a must. Tapered aluminum
poles, Series 838 and 839. are design-coordinated
especially for Revere Post Tops. See other side for
mounting heights available.
Lamp Options For mercury or incandescent amps; available
wred for a variety of line wattages and voltages. See table on
other s ide.
Light Distribution .E.S. Type V distr but on standard, or unit
ls availab e with distribution types I , | 'A. or li. See footnote 1
on other s de
Universal styiing theme of Revere Post Top Luminaire invites its
adaption to traditional surroundings. Ballast Options Comp etely prewired integra ballast housed
wthln lLrminalre or un t may be ba lasted re.notely. (400w
ln a modern setting, the Revere Post Top blends with the architect's unit mLrst be ballasted remotely.)
design for the total environment. Fitter Options-F ts 2%" p pe (3' O.D.) poletop tenon, but can
be ordered to fit 2" or 3%' tenon.
Weatherproof- Exposed n-retal parts made of spun anodlzed
satin fin sh alum num. Optical assembly is completely gasketed-
Dome secured to ens retain ng rng bythree atches.
lnstallation Se f conta ned fixture. a I components comp etely
prewired inc uding ballast assembly (and photocontrol, when
ordered). Lumina re secured to pole by three set screws, a lowing
easy access to coTnpollenls.
Relamping-No tools necessary. Simply release three latches
under dome to remove for amp rep acement.
Conven ent chain
secures dome durlng speedy relamp ng process.

2850 Post lo0 Lumrnatre

Effective Jun6, 1967. Specilications subjecl to changs without notice
Ordering lnformation -Tl
SER|ES 2850 .' SER|ES 2890 0
175 Watt Mercury 250 Wart M€rcury 175 Watt M 6rcu ry 25o Watt Mercury
Eallasr lala (For H 39 Lamp) Ballasl0ara

Ba lasi Bal as1

y'oltage Typeal Photoconto Pholoconlro Pholocontro Vo la qe Typeal PholoconlroL PhotoconlrDl

I]F N 2B5t 212 2B5A 212P 2850 312 2850 312 P HRN 2890 212 28S 0.2 r 2P 2BS0 312 2890 3t 2P
124 1?t) g0-357 2890 352 P
?85t ?52 28 5 0,252P 2850 352 2S50-:52P 289t 252 2B!0 252P 7 B

HRN 2850-21S 2850 219P 2B50.31S 285 0 31S P HFN 2BS0 21! 2890 21S P 2890 3l I 2B!0 319 P
208 208 78gn:59 28gt 35! P
285t-25 S 2850 259 P 2850 35S 285ll 35S P 2890 25! 2890-25SP
RN 2B5A 231 2850 231P 2850 331 2850 331P FN 2 B S0-231 2BS0 231P 2890 331 2S90 331P
240 FN 2850 241 2850 241P 2850-341 2B 50 341P ?40 Fl] 2B9A 241 28St-241P 2890 341 2890 341P
795t.?51 ?FlA ?51P 285Il:51 2850 351P 2is0 251 289tl 251P 2BS0-351 2890 351P
RN 2850 238 2850 238 P 2 B 50,338 2850 33BP BN 2890 238 289 0.238P 2890 338 2BS0 338 P
?1t Bu 2I50-248 2850 24BP 2850 348 2850-348P 211 Fl] 2890-248 2B!0 24BP 2BS0-348 2BS0 348P
7850 258 285A,259P 2850 358 2B 50 35BP ,t90 258 2890 258 P 2BS 0 358 2890 35BP
I]FN 2850 317 2850 3t7P NFN 28S0.317 2BS0 3l7P
480 48C
28gn 357
CWA 2B5A 251 2850 257P 2850 357 2850 357P 2890 257 2890 257P 2BS 0.3 57 P

400 Watt Mercury 4OO Watt Mercury tncandescent Lampslr)

Ba asl Dala (For H 33 Lamp) lncandescent tampso Ba lasl0aia

For mole
W rh'i
I Phoro.onrol Pholoconlro
For Bemole Phoroconto lPholoconlrDl PholocDntro Phoioconoo He

Bal ast Ba last

?850 40l) I ?85n 4n0P 3t0 500 2850 4t0 285{t 400P 7Hgn,4ng 2890 40t P 30 0.5 00 2890 400 2BS0 400P

O COLOR Natura a !mi.!m. FH Reaclor- High Power Factor

PBOJECTED AB EA-2.4 sauare feet HBN Hlgh Beactan.e Norma Power Factor
F TIERS-Fnlers sl p 2 %" pipe lenon (3' O D.). F tters to s p 2' pipe lenon CWA Consia.t Wart€qe A!totransformer Hi!lr Power Factor
(2%' O D.) or 3l:' pipe teron (4" O D ) are ava lab e. lf ittcr io otherlhan L!m na res ior remole ba lasts or lor ncandesce.r amps do iot i.cL!de
2lr" t€non ls desired, stale on order rermina bocks Se ect balasts ior these l!m .a res lrom Section 3 of the
DISTBIBUTION TYPE-i E.S. or A S A type V d str b!t on s standard. Other
distrib!tio. types .va ab e on req!esr Type . ll A. or lll Th€se distrib!1on O PHOTOCONTROL RECEPTACLE-A photocontrol recepta. es .re .om
lypes are for.ear mer.!ry lamps. When color rmproved amps are used, pletely prew red al lrne volla!es. ercept 480v re.epl!. es (Consull lactory
Type ll becomes Type ;Type lll beconres Type V. t is not advisab e 10 lse ior inlormat on on 480v recepric es )
color improved Lampswilh Type I A becalsethe dslrbution va!ewl be
ost Type V (standard) wi remain the same with either lamp. O 150w NCANDESCENT May be "spec al ordered ' for I 50w m€di!nr
lanip. Cons! t Ja.tory.
O Revere cata os ba last abbrevianons are
FN Re.ctor Norma Powe. Factor

3 ugs at 120"

10 14'poles-7" boLt circ e

19' po e 8" bolt circLe
3lugs at 120o
Series 839
Bolt Circle

NOTEiTo faciLitate bal

last i.slallation, con-
duil shou d enter base
iust ins de edge ol the

//.'*6 ?"r\ \

1Y." x2%" Aluminum base cover wlth

hand hole stainless stee screws

Su ggested S pecifications
Note Delete brccketed phrcses which da nat apply. .etaine.s with safety chaln and toggle latch assetnbly, ancl se.ured ta the uppe.
Furntsh and tnstall Reverc Past Top Lunlnane. Catalaet Na lens rctaintng nnE by suews A slass rcfractot p.odtnng t E S al A.S A. twe
which confatns ta d.awtnss and spectrcattohs atached (lntestal ballast (11) (ll-A) (lll) (V) dstnbunan shal test on Ihe rner castlns. held 1n ptace br a
canpanents shall be naunrcd on a tamed brccket and attached to a ,de/ lens secuted b,t thtee bolts th.eaded irtt) the fnlet castins.
casting. The balla shall be Contnuaus gaskets shall be use.J an the ,ppet and lawet e.l1es af the lens ta

type. vohs.
A sDun anodtzed aluninoni haus)na sha be secu.e.J to ttte battan of'|ats.)'
a cast act as a cushian and to Dtovide a weathetprcof s-.a1. A (t-".ntrnal btock an.j)'
aloninun fitteL outstde af the lens sasket. The fnter far (2') (2v,") (3v,") qlazed parcelain socket hted fd 6aa valts sha be a pa .f the assernbly.
poletap tenan shall hav-" thtee set sctews. A spun anodlzed alDninun dane, (A photocantol rcceptacl-" shall be supplietJ )
26y, (JianeteL sha be atached - to an tnsect- guatd br nleans
- of ttnee latch ' Eallasted ftxtures only.

REVERE ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO. 7420 Lehigh Ave., Chicago, lll' 60648
3T 2-647'9666
Tel. Area Code Ch cagoTe.17412aA Teegrams WUXN es. I Telex:02-53453

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