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Anirudh Karegowda


Phone Advisory Contact: Sathya Sai Kumar Korrapati

● Current pursuit of regenerative drugs is aimed for patients with neurological

disorders and brain tissue impairments that impede on the function of the
molecules meant to function in that specific area
● Should look more into case studies and current studies of experiments
conducted on patients with neurological disorders such as alzheimer's because
that is what these drugs are pursuing currently
● Should look more into the brain itself if specificity is what I want from this so the
Journal Of Neuroscience ​would be something good to look into for research done
on specific drugs
● If comparing with other methods of tissue solutions, I should decide on one
specific problem to make the scope of what I am pursuing more narrow
● Lab data can be provided but it will take time to send since much of it is still in
use by the lab itself
Anirudh Karegowdra

Phone Advisory Contact: Sathyasaikumar Korpati

● Currently I should expand my research on what regenerative medicine is by

looking at other other organ implications that have been addressed which can be
found on NIH as they have catalogs of certain issues that could be adressed with
● Should look more into body function if I want to pursue additional information
regarding drug testing and what potential effects are, specifically nanoparticles
and technology based drugs that give user control
● Deficiency issues such as enzymatic bodily concentrations and other deficient
substance found throughout the body would be a good direction to pursue
because many of these bodily regenerative substances are natural and should
be replaced if implications arise
● Could compare different drugs at once but it would require many data results
from past experiements which would be hard to pursue but not impossible to find
since many companies and labs keep record of tests
● If I am comparing many methods at once, make sure that I select one to
showcase above the others in terms of how my final paper should be structured
● Medical journals usually have drug data as it is an expansive field so checking a
few journals would help
Anirudh Karegowda
Advisor Contact: Sathya Sai Kumar Korrapati

● Experiments on mice are currently being tested for successful drugs that could
be sold to various companies depending on how the mice function with the drug,
placebo effect, and no drug
● If I am looking to research more into drugs as he has researched, NIH is always
a good choice due to the many pre existing experiments as well as current
studies going on
● Most interesting area to look into would be the immune system because it is a
major roadblock in many drug tests and is a source of issue of any tissue
implantation procedure
● Need to elevate parts of the paper in the future if edits are being made because
some parts are not connected
Anirudh Karegowdra
Advisor contact: Sathya Sai kumar Korrapati

● Should look more into case studies and current studies of experiments
conducted on patients with neurological disorders such as alzheimer's because
that is what these drugs are pursuing currently
● Should look more into the brain itself if specificity is what I want from this so the
Journal Of Neuroscience ​would be something good to look into for research done
on specific drugs
● If comparing with other methods of tissue solutions, I should decide on one
specific problem to make the scope of what I am pursuing more narrow
● Lab data can be provided but it will take time to send since much of it is still in
use by the lab itself
● Visual Display looks good and appealing in terms of the ideas
Anirudh Karegowdra

Phone Advisory Contact: Sathyasaikumar Korpati

● Ideas so far are good for what I am pursing in the drug/ regenerative medicine
aspect but lab data is required since many drugs exist and I must specify what
body area I am targeting for comparison
● Journal of Regenerative Medicine​ witten by NIH should help understand many of
the terminology and give an idea of what the primary goals of this field are
● Evaluation is key for information that I am pursuing because if the information
does not fit well with my comparison, it should not be a viable choice to pursue
such as muscular tissue or other similar areas that are not targets for my
● Make sure to check with University professors and journals for what The most
important information regarding other drugs
Anirudh Karegowdra
Advisor Contact(Phone interview): Sathyasaikumar Korpati

● Outlines and organizers are strong but more points about statistical data is needed
since a majority of the animal studies contain data displayed on graphs that I can utilize
● Need to capitalize on cost and availability so that my solution is appealing to
professionals and others who may be in this field
● Experiments on mice are currently being tested for sucessful drugs that could be
sold to various companies depending on how the mice function with the drug,
placebo effect, and no drug
● If I am looking to research more into drugs as he has researched, NIH is always
a good choice due to the many pre existing experiments as well as current
studies going on
● Most interesting area to look into would be the immune system because it is a
major roadblock in many drug tests and is a source of issue of any tissue
implantation procedure
● Should look into o databases online which hold data or some primary data if I can
gain it
Anirudh Karegowdra

Phone Contact Advisory: Sathyasaikumar Korpati

● Interest in nanoparticles and other regenerative drugs could be achievable by

networking to labs that work with his main company
● Currently pursing enzymatic replacing drugs that could potentially help with the
brain tissue healing process as well as implants once they become integrated
within normal tissue
● Should look into more case studies as well as analytical data provided by
universities in public domains as much of the information is viable and could be a
good comparison as the interviewee’s company is pursing to conduct
● Experiments on mice are currently being tested for sucessful drugs that could be
sold to various companies depending on how the mice function with the drug,
placebo affect, and no drug
● If I am looking to research more into drugs as he has researched, NIH is always
a good choice due to the many preexisting experiments as well as current
studies going on
● Most interesting area to look into would be the immune system because it is a
major roadblock in many drug tests and is a source of issue of any tissue
implanting procedure

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