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EV20001 Environmental Science Autumn 2016
Mid-Semester Exam - Section 1 Time: 2 Hrs
B. Tech. (BT, 1M, MA, EX); No. of Students: 170 Full Marks: 30

Q. 1. Answer any five (Each question carries 2 marks)

a) What do you understand by 'emergent properties' and 'Eltonian Pyramid'?'
b) Explain C3 and C4 plants with respect to their efficiency in converting solar energy to
c) Compute mass of Carbon in atmosphere @ 395 ppm concentration?
d) Provide an illustration to show that 'Biodiversity decreases towards the poles'
e) There are 15 species in community A, and 25 species in community B; and they have 12
species in common between them. Find out Sorenson's co-efficient to indicate species similarity
between the two communities.
f) Differentiate between conventional and anthropogenic biomes

Q. 2. Answer all (Each question carries 3 marks)

a) Draw the 'Break-point chlorination curve' and explain.
b) What is detergent? Discuss how it cleans the cloth. What are the important components
of detergents?
c) What do you mean by CBOD and NBOD? Discuss the principle involved in the
determination of BOD.
d) You have a one Iiter sam pIe which contains 100 mg of CaCh, 50 mg of MgCh and 30 g
ofNa2S04. What is the hardness of the sample water expressed as mg/L ofCaC03? Do you
consider it as 'hard water'? [At. Wt. ofCa=40, Mg=24, Na=23, S=32, CI=35.5]
e) Determine the I-day BOD and ultimate first-stage BOD for a wastewater whose 5-day 20
"C BOD is 200 mg/L. The reaction constant k (base e) = 0.23 d- . What would have been the 5-
day BOD if the test had been conducted at 25°C?

Q. 3. Write notes on (any two) (Each question carries 2.5 marks)

a) Activated sludge process
b) Eutrophication
c) Sulfur cycle
MID-SEMESTER EXAM - Section 2 Total marks: 30
B.Tech. (AE, MF, CE, QD) - No. of students (184) Total time: 2 hours

I. a) Define Air Pollution. Write the types and sources of air pollutants with examples.
b) Define atmospheric stability and temperature inversions and explain the importance of
these in the mixing process of air pollutants
c) What are the Greenhouse gases and what is Greenhouse effect? (2 + 2 + 1 = 5 marks)

2. a) Define Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

b) What are the Environmental Parameters forms EIA Group?
c) List out and explain the factors covered under physical, chemical and human impact for
EIA (1 + 1 + 3 = 5 marks)

3. (a) What is the basic concept of an air quality model?

(b) What are the different types of air quality models based on different applications?
(c) List out assumptions of Gaussian Air Pollution Dispersion Model and write basic
Gaussian air pollution dispersion equation? (1 + 1 + 3 = 5 marks)

4. (a) Describe the Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) and it's importance?
(b) Write the list of procedures adopted for ISWM?
(c) Write the method of preparation of composting? (2 + 2 + 1 = 5 marks)

5 (a) Write short notes on Hazardous Waste Management elucidating the Treatment and
Disposal Methods? (5 marks)
6. (a) Define Ecology?
(b) Explain the simplest model for population growth?
(c) Schematically explain the Energy flow in a Ecosystem? (1 + 2 + 2 = 5 marks)
MID-SEMESTER EXAM - Section 3 Total marks: 30
B.Tech. (AG, ME), Total students -184 Total time: 2 hours

I. (a) Consider an area-source box model for air pollution above a peninsula of land, given
length of the box is 15 km, its width is 80 km, and a radiation inversion restricts mixing
to 15m. Wind is blowing clean air into the long dimension of the box at 0.5 m/s. between
4 and 6PM there are 250,000 vehicles on the road, each being driven 40km and each
emitting 4g/km of CO. estimate the concentration of CO at 6PM if there was no CO in
the air at 4PM. Assuming that CO is conservative and that there is instantaneous and
complete mixing in the box. (3.5)
(b) A tall stack and a nearby short stack have plumes as shown in figure below. Which
atmospheric temperature profile would be most likely to cause that pair of plumes. The
dotted lines represent the dry adiabatic lapse rate. (2.5)

, ..
Plnle$, ' " (ll;), '.' (b)

2. (a) Write short notes on (2x2)

(i) Atmospheric stability and Mixing Depth
(ii) Temperature Inversion
(b) Write a short note on photochemical smog? (1.5)
(c) Suppose atmospheric CO2 is growing at 2 ppm/yr, fossil fuel and cement emissions
are 9 GtC/yr, and the airborne fraction is 38%. If the only other carbon emissions are
associated with land use changes, estimate their net carbon emission rate. (2.0)
(d) Write a short note on different climate feedbacks. (1.5)

3, (a) Suppose the human population follows a logistics curve until it stabilizes at 15.0
billion. 12006, the world's population was 6.6 billion, and its growth rate was 1.2 percent.
When would the population reach 7.5 billion - one half of its assumed carrying capacity?
(b) What is energy and biomass pyramid? Is the law of thermodynamics violated as you
move from bottom to top of these pyramids? Justify your answer. (2.0)
(c) Write short note on transplant experiment. (1.5)

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MID-SEMESTER EXAM - Section 3 Total marks: 30
B.Tech. (AG, ME), Total students - 184 Total time: 2 hours

4. (a) An air conditioner generates a noise level of 75 dB for five minutes every hour, an
electric fan generates a noise level of 60dB for ten minutes every hour in a house. ]f the
background noise level of the house is 55 dB, compute the equivalent continuous level.
(b) If the distance between the source and the receiver is doubled then find out the noise
level for the following cases (i) for a point source (ii) for a non-point source. (2.5)

5. (a) Describe different methods used to control the soil pollution. (2)
(b) Describe different indicators used to measure soil degradation. (2)

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MID-SEMESTER EXAM - Section 4 Total marks: 30
B.Tech. (NA, MI, MT), Total students - 151 Total time: 2 hours

Part A (15 Marks)

Answer any THREE (3x5)
1. Drawa neat labelled diagram to illustrate the components of a noise environment.

2. What are the main characteristics of noise? Discuss the impacts of noise.

3. A student has measured the noise of a machine at a location and reported it as 60dB. Determine the

sound pressure level at that location in mPa.

4. The sound level measured for 4 machines in a factory from a location of a worker are 75dB, 6BdB, 73dB

and BOdB respectively. If all the machines are working simultaneously calculate the sound level at the

location of the worker.

5. What is A-weighting in measuring noise level in dBA? Does dBA represent sound pressure level of a noise


Part B (10 Marks)

Answer any FIVE (2x5)
5. What do you understand by 'emergent properties' and 'Eltonian Pyramid'?'

6. Explain C3 and C4 plants with respect to their efficiency in converting solar energy to biomass?

7. Compute mass of Carbon in atmosphere @ 395 ppm concentration?

B. Provide an illustration to show that 'Biodiversity decreases towards the poles'

9. There are 15 species in community A, and 25 species in community B; and they have 12 species in

common between them. Find out Sorenson's co-efficient to indicate species similarity between the two


10. Differentiate between conventional and anthropogenic biomes

Part C (5 Marks)

11. Drawa figure and explain different atmospheric stability regions. (2)

12. A 20 11mdiameter particle with density 1450 kg rn" had been hurled to a height of BOOO m during a

volcanic eruption. Estimate the number of days it requires reaching the ground (sea level). The viscosity

of the air is 0.0172 g mol s'. Assume that the viscosity of air does not change with height. (3)


Prepared by Dr. K. Pathak (Part A), Dr. M. D. Behera (Part 13)and Dr. A. K. Palm (ParI C)

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