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International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No.

2, July 2011

Pre-marital Sex and Pregnancy: the High Price of

Wilailak Ounjit

technology or want to embrace it; for instance, the way

Abstract—Thai society is filled with different viewpoints, people dress or styles being expressed or imitated from what
whether they are political, economic, or cultural. Generally they had seen or heard from different media sources,
speaking, Thais believe in a conservative approach regarding a
including sexual expression stimulated by magazines,
woman’s sexual behavior and virginity, which includes not
violating cultural traditions and to preserve one’s virginity cinemas and the internet.
until the wedding day; Thai society has focused on these beliefs According to a number of different factors, they could lead
as social norms to which “good” ladies should adhere. males and females to express their sexual behavior both in
Thai society believes that males have superior social status public and in private, including holding hands, touching,
to females, especially regarding the value of sex in hugging, kissing one’s cheek, lying on one’s lap etc. to
society. Thus, males have the privilege of sexual freedom,
become common or normal occurrences in Thai society,
whereas Thai women have been inculcated to be careful as well
as control their sexual behavior, and believe in conserving the which could be seen as an acceptable type of behavior in
virginity as a determiner of a female’s value. However, every place. At present, both males and females give an
according to the present social trend, more people have become importance to sexual relationships by comparing them with
open minded about couples cohabitating before marriage and power as well as mighty. The talk of sexual relationships was
this trend is evident in all age groups, from students to adults, performed openly, including the sexual relationship which
yet this might also be the cause of many problems in Thai
could be found from students to working aged people.
society. Specifically, many problems are in direct contrast to
Thai people’s values, including the state of being pregnant However, the attitude of Thai society towards sexual
before getting married. This article aims to explain Embree relations was still very confusing. While the adults were
[12] and Moerman’s theories [11] about the structure of Thai criticizing or blaming the search for sexual pleasure, as well
society, in terms of the values and standards of Thai society in as avoiding talking about sexual relations and feelings of
regards to sexual freedom and the double standard in the sexual needs, which were natural things in human beings,
society as a determiner of a female’s value. It can be concluded
children had their opportunities in perceiving various sexual
that Thai society did not use only one standard for judging a
human’s societal value, especially in females. Only, a double stories from various sources such as newspapers, magazines,
standard was used by administering the value and norm of movies and television. In some families, there were
Thai society as determinants of a person’s value in society. expressions showing the sexual relations of their family
member. Therefore, it could be viewed that most Thai people
Index Terms—Double standard, Females’ value, Norm of grow up with a lack of appropriate readiness in advance.
Thai society, Pregnant before marriage, Sexual value, Structure
According to the norm of Thai society in freedom of sex, it
of Thai society.
recognizes a women’s virginity before marriage as an
important thing. As a result, the sexual relationship before
I. INTRODUCTION getting married which could lead to being undesirably
pregnant, is a serious problem in Thai society in the present
The present state of Thai society has changed very much day, whether it occurred with any group of people or in any
from the former time by the influence of western countries. field, it could always be attentive. So, this article attempts to
Changes include the way people dress, expression to the provide citation in the theory of Embree [12] and Moerman
public, behavior or conduct, manners, values, as well as [11] for explaining the structure of Thai society in order to
sexual behavior causing distinct changes to Thai society. compare the sexual value with the double standards used as
These rapid changes have affected the way people think as influencing and determining women’s value in society. This
well as rationale in behaving oneself in daily life. was overlooked by many people, in order to suggest
The society changed rapidly especially in regards to guidelines in viewing the problem of sexual relations before
technology. There were many kinds of equipment for being married, which could cause the problem of being
receiving news, and channels for communication. All of pregnant before marriage.
these things allowed everyone to have an opportunity to
receive new information and ideas from all over the world,
which were different from what they were familiar with. The II. INTERPRETATIONS OF THAI SOCIAL STRUCTURE
danger with advancement, quickness, and modernity, is that It has been mentioned in general that Thai society had
it could cause the people to become disillusioned with the many prominent characteristics; for example, the social class,
and others. However, two scholars, Embree [12], and
Moerman [11] have been debated, namely, whether or not
Manuscript received June 27, 2011; revised July 15, 2011.
W. Ounjit is with Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Thai social structure can be characterized as ‘loose’ or ‘tight’
Mahasarakham University, Thailand (e-mail: in relation to social relations and the obligations that they

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

engender. People’s personality included: being inert, fun loving,

comfortable, patient, not being enthusiastic, avoidance from
A. Embree – a loosely structured social system
confrontation or violence, and enjoying life in the
The first interpretation, advanced by Embree [12], moment. The important thing was that the Thai Culture was
characterized Thai society as a ‘loosely structured social dominated by males as the family’s hope which was caused
system’ since it represented a ‘culture in which considerable from the religious belief that the males would become
variation of individual behavior is sanctioned’ when monks. As a result, their parents could adhere to the monk’s
compared with the more ‘rigid’ Japanese society. In support yellow cloth in heaven.
of his loosely structured paradigm, Embree points out that
family member lacked a strong sense of obligation or duty to B. Moerman – a rigidly organized society
each other, and thus the family unit was not tightly bound; The second interpretation opposes Embree’s theory and
there are, however, set duties and obligations among Thai claims that the Thai social system is not loosely structured,
family members towards each other within the family unit. but rigidly organized. Moerman [11] studied Thai society’s
He quotes [16] who mentioned Buddhist rules of family structural aspects, and found a large number of informal
obligations: ‘These are duties of parents to their children: structural principles. First, he proposed that social behavior
giving food, clothing, and shelter, forbidding wrongdoing, is directed by numerous alternative principles, and that the
encouraging right conduct, giving education, assisting them individual is expected to choose the alternative which will
in matrimony, and transferring properties to them in good best advance the interests of his or her family. In particular,
time.’ Embree [12] notes however, that this transmission was he noted that economic alternatives heavily influenced the
a female responsibility: ‘It is the mother who transmits these choices the individual Thai makes. In studying his research
teachings to their children, not the father. She transmits them village, Moerman saw less similarity in what he was
as sage advice rather than as mandatory obligations’ [12]. observing in terms of the loosely structured paradigm. In his
Embree [12] viewed Thai People as having four major view, ‘Individual variation, although characteristic, seems to
dimensions: 1) Thai People are very individualistic, are be less striking than it is in some societies, which are rarely
self-willed, and have no discipline, 2) Thai people have good called loosely structured’ [11].
conduct and prefer AD-Hoc Activities, 3) Thais are very Similarly, Thai scholars also began to doubt the validity of
flexible, easily adaptable in any situation, but Thai people Embree’s paradigm. Punyodyana’s [20] work began by
are not particularly proactive. 4) Lastly, they accept comparing the relationship and interactions that local
constructive criticism and rules and regulations as well as administrators had with the average peasant workers,
social norms. Yet, while they fully understand the rules, they discovering that rather than being ‘loosely organized,’ the
often fail to abide by them because the punishment for relationships he observed were, in fact, governed by
breaking the rules is not severe. extensive structural norms. Even certain lists of formal acts
Embree’s depiction of Thailand as a loosely structured existed to govern the interaction between the local
social system quickly gained in popularity and influence to bureaucrats and workers. This high level of formality gives
such an extent that anthropologists working in Thailand Thai society a more tightly integrated culture than other
became curiously reluctant to investigate further, or even cultures which lack such formalistic norms [21].
tries to explain Thai social structure in any other way. In family relations, two scholars, Potter, J. [13] and Potter,
Embree’s theory implied that the attempt would be fruitless S. [14], also noted that relationships were tightly organized.
[14]. Eventually, other Thai scholars were to discover flaws Potter, J [13] listed eleven structural elements which seemed
in Embree’s interpretation of the Thai family unit that had so to generate rural Thai communities. These elements included:
long dominated Thai studies. the extended stem family and compound; the bilateral
Similarly, Ruth Benedict [10] studied Thai Culture and kindred; neighbors and neighborhood; cooperative labor
Behavior as well as prominent characteristics of culture exchange groups; class and status divisions; the junior-senior
passed on as notable personality traits. Benedict studied (hierarchical) relationship; the entourage; political factions;
Japanese Culture during World War II and found that the the natural village community; the government’s
Japanese had two poles of culture as: Chrysonthenum administrative apparatus; and the temple. For Potter, J. [13]
morifolium and Samurai for comparison of two aspects of all of these elements – working singularly and together – led
Japanese’s Cultural Aspect: 1) the aesthetic aspect, including to intricately intertwined social relationships and, thus, a
politeness, consideration to other people, nature loving, tightly organized social system.
sensitiveness, tenderness, empathy, and 2) the seriousness, Again, Potter, S. [14] describes family life in Northern
firmness, determination, loyalty to super-ordinates Thailand, observing in one family how economic behavior of
(exemplified by the United States of America’s decision to family members was influenced by the social structure of that
end WWII through bombing Japan in order to force the family. She also suggested that the Northern Thai family
Japanese Emperor to admit defeat). Finally, the Japanese structure was matrilineal. This female-centered system, as
people conceded defeat according to the order of their she labeled it, was a reflection of a delicate and complex
Emperor. order of roles, statuses and relationships. Her conclusions
Later on, Benedict studied Thai People’s personality by were that four significant guiding factors influenced family
writing a book called “Thai Culture and Behavior,” stating order: formal authority rested in the hands of men rather than
that Thai People had neutral culture living as sufficiency, and women; the younger deferred to the elderly; elders assumed
being happy is based on personal condition. Therefore, Thai responsibility for the well-being of the younger; and family

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

relations were primarily lineal in nature. between married partners in couples.

Bunnag [15] was another scholar of Thailand who argued Within both urban and rural areas, however, the present
against the ‘loosely structured’ society put toward by Embree. situation surrounding women in Thailand has changed.
He indicated that the unit of production in the household Although not the official household head, a Thai woman
consisted of a core family of husband, wife and children. As nonetheless may play a central role in household
the household aims to be self-sufficient in terms of labor and management, especially where it concerns economic matters
food, women are involved both in field and household chores [27]. Thai women often serve as the financial manager, in
while men perform fieldwork. Moreover, his analysis in addition to their principal roles of mother and wife. However,
urban settings showed that normally the husband’s work the productive activities of the household are the
takes him away from home every day, and in such responsibilities of both men and women, and both are
circumstances it is more difficult for woman to take an active expected to contribute [24]. Increasing economic demands
role outside the home. on the Thai family have contributed to a breakdown of the
When both of their theories were referenced, it was viewed once sharply distinct line dividing so-called ‘women’s’ work
that Thai society had controversial characteristics in the from ‘men’s’ work [28].
context of Thai society itself. According to Embree’s Husband and wife are expected to equally share
approach, a Thai women’s sexual culture was more responsibility for most of the problem areas of family life
controlled than a man’s. The sexual system as a rigid state of [24]. In addition, both spouses will decide on matters
creation focusing on teaching Thai women to be more pertaining to family social activities, e.g. religious rites,
well-behaved than males, whereas Moerman viewed only the having insurance, as well as the education of their children.
strength of Thai society with culture determining Thai When it comes to choices in the area of family planning, a
people’s lifestyle, including sexual role by determining the couple will discuss together the number of children they
women’s value through their role in inculcating, preaching, would like to have, and whether they are going to use birth
and being a role model of proper conduct in good culture. control methods [29].
Among the village’s agricultural activities, such as
III. THAI FAMILY STRUCTURE: ROLES IN HISTORICAL farming, tobacco cultivation and vegetable gardening,
PERSPECTIVE women participate almost equally in all areas of production
and services. Both male and female adult members of the
The best way to understand the social organization of Thai
village will spend about 75-85 percent of their time in
society is to examine the structure of its basic unit, the family.
agricultural activities [28].
Nuclear and extended families form the basic structural units
of Thai society [20]. The extended family unit typically B. Roles of children
consists of one or more of the following: maternal Officially, a Thai baby receives his or her name usually
grandparents, parents, married daughters, and unmarried from a monk, relative or their own parents, and thereafter is
daughters and sons. listed as an individual in the records of the local village leader
Among the village’s agricultural activities, such as [27]. Soon after birth, the child’s close family and friends
farming, tobacco cultivation and vegetable gardening, typically will give him or her a sobriquet; intimates will
women participate almost equally in all areas of production continue to call the child by this nickname for the rest of its
and services. Both male and female adult members of the life everywhere i.e., school, workplace, surrounding
village will spend about 75-85 percent of their time in communities, and of course at home. For example, my
agricultural activities [28]. official name is Wilailak, but people normally call me by my
A. Husband and wife role shorten name, Laila. It is not uncommon for an individual to
have trouble remembering his or her given name after several
The family structure in Thailand is authoritarian in nature.
years, sometimes even forgetting it altogether after a long
The husband is the primary decision-maker, and his decisions
enough period [27].
will steer the family’s course throughout his married life [23].
A son’s role changes according to his life course position.
The picture of husband and wife roles in Thai society follows
Traditionally, an unmarried son provided his birth family
the age-old view of husbands as ‘breadwinners’ and wives as
with both his labor and additionally a stable economic base
‘homemakers’ [24]. This characteristic is still apparent in
[16]. After marriage, a son will move into his in-law’s house,
rural areas, but less so in urban Thai society. Historically
providing extra labor for his in-law’s fields [16]. This move
Thai women were the silent and passive partners of men, and
may also have the practical benefit of avoiding potential
were largely confined to the house [25]. Outside of the
rivalry between mother and daughter-in-law in assuming
household, the husband was primarily in charge of dealing
control of the household affairs [27]. Despite this transfer,
with others, especially in the case of high ranking officials or
the son will still fulfill his familial duty by forming an
the wealthy [24]. Within the family, a husband and wife
alliance between his in-laws and his own family household
share an equal level of responsibility. Each obligation to the
[17]. This alliance often proves valuable in times of need.
family unit is shared between the spouses, with both
A daughter is expected to take her husband in to her
shouldering the burdens of support. Frequently, a wife
house, where he will also provide care and support for her
addresses or calls her husband by the term ‘phii’ (elder
parents and younger siblings [23]. In rural areas the new
brother) [26]. A husband-wife relationship is also seen as
husband’s duties will primarily consist of working the land
similar to sibling relationships, the same type of loyalty
to produce foods from different areas, and providing
and duty being emphasized

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

assistance when family members fall ill [23]. In return for them in Thai society. A man who completed his spiritual
this added service, a piece of the wife’s family land is obligation through spending a period as a monk would be
partitioned off and given to the new couple in order to raise allowed to take his mother into heaven; furthermore, a man
their own family [16]. Eventually, the last daughter will who married afterwards could take his wife into heaven with
remain unmarried to assist her parents, as they grow older. him as well.
It is the custom among Thai siblings to render aid whenever In contrast, Thai women were traditionally taught by their
and whenever it is requested [17], one example of which is mothers and grandmothers to leave the important
the need for a baby-sitter. Often older siblings care for responsibilities of earning money and providing food to men
younger ones through baby-sitting, feeding, providing alone [19]. This special sense of responsibility is ‘drummed
clothes, and emotional support. This responsibility becomes into the ears of young girls.’ The ideal for Thai women’s
more significant when both parents are infirm or dead. behavior may be best described by citing at some length
Once this occurs, the eldest sibling typically a married translated pieces from ‘A Maxim for Ladies’ (Ovahat
daughter-takes over the parental role and cares for her Krasattri), written in 1844 by Sunthorn Phu, a famous Thai
younger siblings, treating them as if they were her own poet, who continues to form part of the school curriculum and
children [17]. The relationship that exists between sisters whose advice to women continues to be wistfully cited by
within the same family typically becomes stronger than Thai romantics:
between brother and sister, due to the brother’s removal Walk Slowly. While walking, do not swing your arms too
from the family home and into the role of his wife’s much … do not sway your breasts, do not run fingers through
provider [16]. Once removed, he is not as able to help your hair, and do not talk. Do not stare at anything,
compared to the sisters that remain. His major responsibility particularly a man, to the point where he can tell what’s going
becomes supporting his wife and her family on in your mind … do not run after men.
… love and be faithful to your husband
… be humble in front of your husband
… when your husband goes to bed, wai him at his feet
Sobha [16] outlines in her book Traditional, Present and every night without fail. When he has aches and pains,
Future Role of Women in Thai Society, how to be a success massage him, then you may go to sleep.
at marriage in terms of the traditional view of Thai women. … get up before your husband and prepare water for him
A Thai woman who married a wealthy man could count on to wash…
support for the rest of her life. This support would guarantee While your husband is eating, sit and watch him nearby so
that she would not have to work outside of the home. Inside that when he needs something he does not have to raise his
the home, her primary responsibility would be to supervise voice. Wait until he finishes before you eat (quote in Cooper
her staff of domestic workers, who in turn would perform all and Cooper, 1986:45).
the household chores at her bidding. The status of Thai women today has its roots in ancient
Left free, the wife would be sure to remain in her husband’s times, when roles were assumed by virtue of living in an
favor, often receiving as a reward lands and finances and, of agricultural, family-based society, and upon the traditional
course, her husband’s devoted attention. Working outside beliefs of Theravada Buddhism. Scholars have differed over
the home was not really an option for women in this position, whether the overall structure of Thai society is loosely or
because the husband would suffer a significant loss in rigidly organized; however, it is clear that much of the family
self-image by being perceived by bothers as unable to structure has changed little over time, with the family still
adequately support his family [16]. forming the most basic unit of Thai society.
Overall, Thai women were able to achieve a significant
level of authority within the household as a result of the
traditional family structure [16]. At the same time, Thai V. THE APPROACH OF SEXUAL DEVELOPMENT
women were socialized to emphasize subservient behavior Sigmund Freud was a major pioneer of Psychoanalytic
more than men. The primary reason for this social norm had Theory. He classified the human’s livelihood and said that it
to do with the rite of passage men had to undergo before consisted of two kinds of instincts: life instinct included the
attaining adulthood, a rite that was long in duration and hence need for food and happiness, as well as sexual need, and
respected [17]. Men were expected to pass through a rite of death instinct, which included the expression of aggression,
passage ordination as a monk, fulfilling a traditional aspect of violence, and quarreling.
Buddhist culture [16]. Podhisita [18] explained that in the Life instinct or reproduction would occur in development
past a man who did not enter the monkhood was considered of a human’s life from childhood to old age. Surely, it starts
‘unripe,’ whereas one who did so was regarded as a ‘ripe’ to develop during adolescence by having relationships with
person, or one who was fit to take on the responsibilities of process in entering to maturity and expressing as the need for
adulthood, and more specifically marriage and family life. attachment as well as the interest in the opposite sex.
No male over 18 including the King is exempt from his vow. Sigmund Freud set up the theory “only sex that could
This obligation on the males of Thai society is ubiquitous, control the world.” He confirmed that human beings had
and has the same significance from the largest urban center to sexual feelings since they were born, not when they were
the most remote village in Thailand. By virtue of this training, grown up, or being limited in adults only. He viewed that
men were held to have earned a higher respect than women sexual development was a determinant of the process of
by having been exposed to spiritual teachings, thus elevating being mature. When children were grown up to be

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

adolescents, they would begin to have their physical, major thing.

emotional, and mental changes as well as love as youngsters Not only the behavior in daily life, but also sexual relations
with sexual need based on the nature and sexual relation with in which Thai people were limited, due to tradition, focusing
the opposite sex differently from their children’s age [4]. on this thing as a concealed topic not to be talked about
In psychological perspective, sexual relation was not learnt. openly; specifically, the women’s sexual behavior, which
On the other hand, it was a kind of human beings’ instinct. was restrictive and included serious rules and regulations.
The human beings had physical, mental, and emotional For Thai culture regarding women’s sexual relationships, it
changes. Consequently, they were interested in the opposite was more limited and narrow-minded in the field than for
sex. If they were stimulated by the tempted environment, males, with the belief that women had to live at their house,
they would tend to react to their sexual emotion easily. If do housework, not dress themselves too beautifully or travel
both males and females were mature but they were not ready outside their house alone, especially during the nighttime,
for having shared responsibility, social problems would and not to express their sexual need overtly.
occur later. In addition, the problem as an important issue According to rationale, Thai women were strictly
being especially interesting to Thai people would be the inculcated for contacting with the opposite sex as well as
undesirable pregnancy or being pregnant before being behaving themselves according to the tradition. A family
marriage. with daughters had to be especially careful in her behavior
with special attention paid to being virtuous women, well
behaved, not to do before the appropriate time or age, and
keeping her virginity, requiring her to be married according
Many people feel that “Men have a greater sexual to one’s own custom and tradition before having sexual
desire than women,” and that there is a traditional belief that relations with one’s loved one. If a woman lost her virginity
“Women should not express their sexual desire.” Instead, before marriage, she would become worthless, especially
women had to conceal their desire in order to maintain their having a sexual relationship before being married because if
good image. Some people believe that a good woman should she were to become pregnant, changes in her physical
not have any sexual desires, when in fact; both males and appearance would be obvious, which would lead to a serious
females have a natural desire for sex and intimacy. Again, reaction from people in society and thus she would be
this depends on the individual. criticized or gossiped about as not being well-behaved, while
When comparing men and women, it is difficult to males were not affected by their sexual behavior and it was
determine which gender has a greater desire for sex since it not considered to be disgraceful.
is specific to the individual. However, sexually, men can be For making friends with the opposite sex, or having sexual
more easily stimulated than women. Also, there are relationship before being married, for males, in Thai society,
differences in sexual ideas between males and still included the value and belief that it was not disgraceful
females. Men believe in having sex for sport while women or a serious thing. Thai males’ freedom in sexual expression
feel that sex is something that should occur between two was not as limited as females. On the contrary, many cases
people in a loving relationship. Furthermore, men and viewed that they were normal or recognized which was
women rarely talk about this polarized view of sex for fun supported by research study of Wisedsang [7] in “Moral
and good feelings versus sex as an integral part of a loving Judgment of Adolescents in Bangkok between males and
relationship. This is partially because Thais are taught not to females,” found that both male and female adolescents had
talk openly about sex[30]. their morals judged and that males sexual expressions were
This lack of communication and understanding about sex more correct than females in every situation.
ultimately causes couples to unintentionally engage in sexual
relationships. The confusion and misunderstanding between
the genders is clearly exemplified when a man expects sex VIII. SEXUAL VALUE AND VALUE IN THE STATE OF BEING
from a woman during the first date just because they are
holding hands or in a romantic setting and acting like a In general, adolescent males and females would make
“couple.” Basically, when a woman accepts an invitation friends with members of their age group of the opposite sex.
from a man to go on a date, most men believe that this will Everyone would need friendship, love, and freedom from
lead to sexual intercourse. Some women who are in their parents. Therefore, they would seek out like-minded
committed relationships with their boyfriends still believe friends, which would eventually lead to love and end up in
that while they love their partner, the courtship is more marriage.
important than sexual intercourse. Sexual behavior in rural and urban areas shows many
differences. In rural areas, they would date the opposite sex
during ceremonies such as the merit fair or during the
VII. THAI CULTURE AND SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP Buddhist Lent. The young adults would collaborate in
Thai society was a society influenced by tradition and cleaning the temple. So, they would have their chance to
culture affecting Thai people’s lifestyles like the other make friends as well as be familiar with each other. In rural
societies as well as unique characteristic in inculcating the society, to contact or make friends between young men and
members in society strictly such as to be respected, to obey women had fewer problems than in the city due to the
with, and follow the elders’ instruction without focusing on characteristics of rural society, plus the villagers often had
the reasons. Again, they had to focus on seniority as the their settlements close to each other. Consequently, young

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

people had opportunities to know each other. Therefore, head of household. The other thirty percent included
dating between young adults in the country was not so adolescents spending their lives by themselves.
confusing. Furthermore, the values of people in the rural Also, the Population and Social Institute in collaboration
areas still emphasized tradition and culture. The women with the Institute of Capital for Health Support and
would be inculcated to be well behaved by living at home, Enhancement [22] found that the average age of Thai
not making contact with young men. So, pre-marital sexual Adolescents engaging in their first sexual experience was
relationships were both uncommon and taboo. sixteen years old. In addition, based on the information from
Males and females living in the urban area were influenced Dr. Amonwich Nakontap, the director of Ramjitti Institute, in
by the mass media. As a result, the young adults in the city a one-year-cycle during 2005-2006, from Secondary School
had opportunities to obtain the influence of western culture Students to Higher Education, he found that their sexual
by dating with the opposite sex alone as well as having sex behavior increased from sixteen to twenty percent compared
before being married. Some of them were unlucky by facing to the previous two to three years. Furthermore, in this group,
problems of being undesirably pregnant or exposed to sexual thirty percent of those adolescents also had previous sexual
diseases from their partners. experiences. On the other hand, on average, people got
However, sexual behavior of males and females in married at the age of 24. Therefore, an eight year gap
Thailand, at the present is more prominent than the past, since occurred from the age of sixteen, when many adolescents had
the focus of national culture is not as prominent. In the past, their first sexual experience, and the average age (24) when
there was only the western culture transferred into Thailand; many people entered into marriage. Thus, this trend reflected
but now, even the foreign cultures of neighboring countries the increase in long lasting sexual behaviors and risk without
like Japan, or Korea, is another factor that is affecting the responsibilities of social acceptance. There were many
changes in the viewpoint, attitude, and value of Thai people, factors leading to stimulation such as teenagers “growing up
whether in the way they dress, their freedom of sex, and faster” which can be attributed to the onslaught of
outside environmental influence including movies, inappropriate media to which they had access. As a result,
magazines, and entertainment venues. the sexual behavior caused social problems. Moreover, the
Males and females in the present time are encouraged to effect of this kind of behavior increased as more violence,
express their sexual needs and have sex before being married, rising divorce rates, and men deserting their marriages
since the medical technology is more progressed, whether increased as well. All of this placed undue stress upon
with the various techniques in birth control as well as women and required that they take on even more
abortion which is safer than before. In present Thai society, responsibility.
most women who came for an abortion were students with an Illegal abortion was also on the rise. But, according to the
age between 13-14 years old [8]. report, approximately 300,000 teenage abortions took place
Having sexual relations before being married in Thai each year and many of these happened with complications
society was viewed as an unethical thing. The guilt would be [31]. Moreover, scores of teenage moms who could not find
with the females more so than the males. In former time, both solutions to their pregnancy would desert or abuse their
male and female adolescents were under control of their children, and in at least 30 cases per year, would kill their
caretakers all the time. So, there was very little opportunity child. Apparently, sex education among teenagers was
to have sexual relations before being married. However, in insufficient. It was found that adolescents participated in sex
the present, both males and females have more freedom in education beginning at fourteen years of age, while most of
their day to day lives. Consequently, they have more them (approximately sixty percent) obtained information
opportunities to meet both genders. The control for having from their friends and the internet [31].
sexual need is now less. Furthermore, there are more places Teenagers did not know how to protect themselves in
for them to express their sexual need overtly such as the hotel, sexual situations, whether it would be how to refuse to have
motel, karaoke, café etc. engaging in sexual relations. Both sex, or protection by using condoms (only twenty percent of
males and females took risks for having deviant behavior as the teenagers used condoms during intercourse) [31]. The
well as causing various problems, for instance, being use of contraceptive pills was not widespread and this issue
undesirably pregnant or exposing themselves to a contagious was hotly debated after Thailand topped the list of Asian
disease. These problems are increasing every year. For Thai countries for teenage pregnancy rates. In 2003, UNICEF [32]
society, such issues are disgraceful for both themselves and found that teenage births accounted for 70 out of 1,000, and
their family, especially in female students facing such those 70 girls was comprised of young adults between the
problems which cause the interruption in their studies. ages of fifteen and nineteen years old. Presently, it has
Besides, illegitimate children often considered to be inferior increased to 90 out of 1,000 women, or almost 200 women a
and cause social problems in the future. Often it is the case day, while the average value throughout the Asia was 56 out
that the pregnant adolescents during studying try to solve the of 1,000 women between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. In
problem by having an abortion, which affects their physical addition, the global average value was 655 out of 1,000
well-being and can be dangerous [6] persons, and there was an increasing number of adolescents
younger than 15 years old when compared with the past two
IX. SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AMONG ADOLESCENTS to three years [32]. More than sixty percent of them had
In 2003, the survey of National Statistical Office [31] sexual behavior, were exposed to sexual diseases, or got
found that there were increasing numbers of single families. pregnant during the initial year of sexual behavior. However,
Thirty percent of those families had single mothers as the after the first year of sexual behavior, most of this group of

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

teenagers began to search for help in order to protect love, consequently, she might agree with him.” Again, in the
themselves [32]. past of Thai Society, many couples of males-females would
The measure used by the United States of America, Japan, be contacted by their elder persons whereas the couples
Holland, and Switzerland for alleviating the adolescents’ would meet only a few times before getting married or it was
problem of undesirable pregnancy consisted of: strategies in called “arranged marriage,” in which males-females might
being well-behaved or Abstinence, developing the teenagers’ not be willing to marry. But, they had to follow their elders’
self protective skill, especially the campaign for using opinion.
condoms during sex, legal abortions, a work unit providing 4) A couple feels the sense of belonging to one another,
support as well as the school system, family, and society at therefore touching each other’s bodies in sexual ways makes
large [22]. them feel like they are in unison and act as one. In the past,
Conversely, Thailand measures for lowering the teenage males and females could only engage in this kind of touch on
pregnancy rate consisted self protective strategies for their wedding night. For some couples, if they did not have
adolescents, with particular focus on using condoms every the opportunity to sexually consummate the relationship on
time and the work unit providing support, including the their wedding night, then they simply had to wait, as doing
school system, family, and society; Abstinence and good otherwise was considered taboo to wait If a married woman
behavior were also focused upon. had sex outside of the marriage, she would be blamed and
accused of committing adultery. In the present, when a
woman has sexual relations with anybody, it depends on her
willingness to do it. Moreover, she is now able to have a
relationship with another person without fear of being
Nowadays, men and women are more likely to associate labeled immoral, as in the past.
with the opposite sex since they think that associating with 5) The feeling as one’s worth for another side, being
same sex friends is boring and potentially acquainted until being called “Fan,” many couples
troublesome. However, if they connect only with the spend very short-long time differently. It is certain that
opposite sex, they will feel more comfortable and less almost one hundred percent of couples would end up with
pressure. Furthermore, it would be invigorating. In recent their sexual relationship as to make the other one feel that one
times, males and females who interact in social settings often
would be wanted or worth another side. For presently, very
end up in a sexual relationship regardless of whether they
few Thai women could preserve their virginity until their
have known each other for a short time or a long
wedding day. However, for any Thai woman who remains a
time. Wittaya Nakwachara [33] stated six factors affecting
virgin up to the day of matrimony, it would be considered
males and females’ sexual behavior:
very valuable.
1) Adolescents are naturally curious so they like to pursue
6) Sex and the reproductive instinct is natural among
a variety of different partners. In recent times, various
humans and animals. However, animals mate during a
temptations, such as films, cartoon books, and other
specific mating season whereas for human beings, there is no
supplementary sources have influenced teenagers to act even
time limitation (someone may add that “place,”) as
more upon their sexual impulses. Even though in the past
well. When people reach the adolescent stage of life, their
Thai Society found it was difficult to accept the changing
bodies go through physiological and hormonal changes, thus
sexual norms, these norms are now considered to be more
causing teenagers to act upon their sexual curiosity and
impulses. Of course, this physiological need to act out
2) Beseeching or begging, on the part of the male lover, is
sexually is not universal and depends on the
often one-sided and when the love is not reciprocated, then
individual. Some people can resist the urges to act out
one could assume that true love does not exist. For example,
sexually while others commit horrific sexual transgressions,
a woman could not bear to tolerate his begging or beseeching
such as raping or even molesting relatives. Many adolescent
during different holidays, such as “Valentine’s Day,”
couples who experience this sexual awakening rarely remain
because it may cause her lover to think that sexual intercourse,
together or get married after graduation. It might be because
which happens as a norm on that day, might take place. This
each of them returns back to their hometowns to work or they
kind of scenario frequently played out in Thai society, and, in
the “old days,” the woman who scorned her lover or even meet other potential partners in their office, etc. So, they start
became pregnant before marriage would face undue to feel the excitement of spending time with a new
embarrassment and humiliation by the villagers until she person. Recently in Thai society, these kinds of relationships
finally had to move away in order to live a normal life. But do not last very long, not to mention that the social ills caused
now sexual relations are solely between the man and the by such relationships, are numerous. For example, having
woman who are in the relationship and not, like in the old multiple sex partners, and in some cases, “gigs” (In Thai
days, subject to what the villagers think is right or wrong. society, a gig is a secret lover that a man or woman has
3) Presently, having intercourse among adolescents seems outside of their committed relationship) cause social
rather fashionable. In other words, if a couple of anyone’s problems such as pregnancy, exposure to sexually
beloved for a long time without sexual relationship would be transmitted diseases, and hostility among families.
out of date. In some cases, if the woman does not agree to
have relationship with the man, they might be broken up
since she would be accused that she does not have true XI. LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE GETTING MARRIED
love. “When the word was cited as does not love, does not In general, male and female adolescents are interested in

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

making friends with the opposite sex, which leads to had more confidence as well as feelings that their lives were
searching for friendship and love, as well as freedom from more meaningful. The most important factor was the
their family. Therefore, they tend to look for an attractive prevention of homosexual behavior.
member of the opposite sex, with the view to marriage. Both
males and females try to get to know each other before
deciding to choose their preferred partner. This always XII. THE OUTCOME OF LIVING TOGETHER BEFORE
occurs in the form of dating, having physical relationships GETTING MARRIED
and finally having sexual relations. Eventually, they get to It cannot not be denied that the males and females who
know each other in every respect whether in their habits or have a sexual relationship would be at risk of causing
tastes, and they adjust to each other’s personalities. unwanted pregnancies. According to Witeedharm [8]
A general characteristic of being an adolescent is that it is concluded that, in general, a large number of women felt that
the time in a young person’s life when he/she is stepping into if they used the birth control devices or medications, it would
maturity. It is an age of development in attitude, belief, and affect their emotional feeling very much. In sum, sexual
adjustment [3]. It is very difficult for adolescents to behavior should occur naturally from the climate of love.
distinguish between love and sexual desire. In addition, the Most women did not want it to be known that they needed
recent environmental state is full of temptation; most human sexual relations, although they really had that feeling.
beings could not classify the difference between ‘love’ and Unwanted adolescent pregnancies were a major problem
‘lust’. since it was likely to increase due to the growth of science
Wasikasin [5] stated that to have sexual relationships and technology affecting changes in tradition and
before getting married was the behavior being stated very socio-cultural norms as well as incorrect sexual
much. The touching between a young man and woman was beliefs. Therefore, the learning and comprehension of the
performed more overtly, which was likely to result in the impact of being pregnant in order to avoid the problems
engaging of sexual relations before getting married. After affecting sexual behavior were important. Also, the
having sex with women, men felt a sort of dominance and the development in self awareness and the application of ones’
power to control women, as well as feeling proud of critical thinking to solve the problem by themselves
themselves for having sexual intercourse. efficiently also came about.
There have been various research studies about the value Being undesirably pregnant referred to the situation of
of sexual relationships between males and females. getting pregnant unintentionally without any advance
Chaowalit's [1] study found that the male and female planning, knowledge and comprehension regarding being
students’ opinion on sexual relationships before marriage are pregnant, and getting pregnant before marriage as well as not
seen as a normal thing. Moreover, the study of Pochanakool being ready for future economic situations, and the lack of
[2], found that 59.42% of male students viewed that the responsibility demonstrated by the fathers of the children.
sexual relationship before getting married was not harmful, The information from National Institute for Children and
and 54.55% of them believed that couples should have sexual Family Development at Mahidol University reported that the
relations before being getting married. average age of adolescents having sexual relationships before
Likewise, Wongpechsa-nga’ s [9] study found that the the appropriate age was between sixteen and eighteen years
social factors which students allowed to have sexual relations of age. Part of this was caused by easy access to
before being marriage included: the parents sex and marital inappropriate media and the resulting tempta-
status. Students living dormitories, flats, and houses had tions. Consequently, teenagers imitated behaviors that they
more opportunities to have sexual relations before being saw in the media and on the internet and the increased sexual
marriage than the students living with their parents. While behavior led to an increase in undesirable pregnancies. In
Prasartkool [2] studied pre-marital sexual behavior of addition, according to those stimuli, there were many new
adolescents in urban and rural areas, found that living alone mothers who became pregnant but they were not prepared to
was a factor causing pre-marital sexual relationships. deal with the societal, cultural, economic, or any other
It might be because today’s adolescents have more consequences.
freedom than their forbearers. Consequently, they have more According to many research studies, undesirable
opportunities to obtain stories regarding sexual relationships, pre-marital pregnancies were often caused by no prevention
for instance, the expression between the opposite sex, the for various reasons. For example, 1) The lack of knowledge
dating between opposite sex, hence, the sexual relations. On about what kinds of the birth control are safe and efficient, 2)
the other hand, the value of Thai society as a Buddhist society The rejection to use the birth control techniques for religious
focuses on virtue, the traditional culture, and tradition. As a reasons, 3) The need to prove the state of being male or
result, the adolescents were confused about the relationship female, 4) The lack of mental, emotional, and educational
between males and females and thus asked themselves: How maturity, 5) The belief that not to use birth control would
should we conduct ourselves? make them happier and 6) The feeling that “we would not be
Nevertheless, the positive factors of living together before unlucky.”
being married include: (1) Both people could get to know When the unmarried woman was pregnant, there would be
each other before being married and (2) They could adjust 3 alternatives: to be married and have a child, to have an
themselves well after getting married. Besides, many abortion, and to have a child without being married, hence
couples viewed that living together before getting married the term, illegitimate child [5]. Whether one chooses any of
was a technique for reducing loneliness and solidarity. They these alternatives, the woman was affected in every aspect.

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

Being pregnant before being married in Thai society was a actress did in her personal life.
serious issue and had a huge impact on the mental feeling of Thai society gave a clear explanation regarding the second
sexual value determining the Thai female’s value in being a standard (pre-marital pregnancies). Basically, Thai society
virgin until getting married. believes that if adolescents were pregnant before getting
The major responsibility for Thai females facing problems married, many problems would follow because they would
of dealing with pre-marital pregnancy, started from being have to be dependent on their parents since they would not be
forced to be married for concealing their own pregnancy, able to earn a living themselves. It showed that Thai society
facing problems in following through with the pregnancy, or used “age,” “occupation,” or “social status,” as criterion for
living with gossip for being guilty of violating good ethic and judging the state of “readiness” or “non readiness,” for being
tradition of society for the remainder of their life. All of these pregnant as well as raising a child whereas this phenomenon
incidences could very much destroy the potentiality of occurring with the actress who was older than 30, held an
females as human beings. honest occupation, a firm economic status, and a socially
During their sexual relations, it would lead to their accepted position, was seen as unacceptable . Then, why was
physical and emotional consents causing both physical and she seriously blamed by society for “being pregnant before
mental risks. Physically, being undesirably pregnant and getting married?”
having an opportunity to be exposed to sexual disease. The last standard is commonly overlooked by many people;
Socially and mentally, many people who had sexual Thai law provides permission for women who were raped or
relationships before marriage felt embarrassed or guilty for pregnant with danger for their health, to have an abortion.
their families, their own specified standards, or their friends Some women were pregnant while they were studying and
whom they hoped to see marry in future. there were only two alternatives: have an abortion, or not
have an abortion. Therefore, regardless of the choice a
woman made, it would not deprive her of her human rights
XIII. CASE STUDY and values.
One well-known Thai phenomenon in judging the
women’s value can be seen in the case of a famous movie star
actress. On the 2nd September 2005, she announced that she
was five months pregnant as good news, which made her This article tried to understand the cause of why males and
very happy since she loved children and wished to have some females engage in premarital sexual relationships and the
of her own. She gleefully announced her child's birth, hoping different reasons in order to develop the good comprehension
that everyone would be excited as well as pleased with her in such behavior as well as the usefulness for related persons
good news. to give their suggestion or advice. This advice is geared
After her announcement, a startling development occurred. towards females who were largely impacted by accidental
Various websites were down because Thai people throughout pregnancies so that they would behave themselves in a good
the country were very much interested in this news. People and appropriate way. There were many effects of premarital
accessed the websites and asked many questions and sexual behavior which might cause many women to lose the
expressed their opinions a hundred thousand times during the opportunity to live a more fulfilling life.
span of only a few minutes. Every television channel and According to the above articles, it could be viewed that the
newspaper published the news of her pregnancy in great sexual behavior of males and females in the present time was
detail. expressed overtly more than in the past, since the information,
The announcement of her pregnancy caused the news, education and culture from different nations were
presentation viewing this topic as a negative one by giving obtained. As a result, the sexual behavior of present human
many reasons including: the inappropriate behavior as a beings is more prominent and accepted. Again, the
public person, the concealment of her pregnancy, and the acceptance is not the acceptance in freedom of sex or equality
questioning of the ignorance of her statement in which she between males and females; rather it leads to the point of
said, “I did not know I was pregnant.” whether Thai society included the loosely structured social
According to that phenomenon, it obviously showed the system or the rigidly organized system as stated by both
usage of value and norm of Thai society as a determinant of scholars, Embree and Moerman.
women’s values as a doubles standard in judging something. However, these two approaches were considered by many
Starting from whether they were reporters, moderators of academic disciplines regarding the structure of Thai
many items, or some representatives of parliament, most Thai Society. Whether it was concrete or abstract developed for
people all over the country believed that the actress' analysis, we could not deny that it was an important factor for
pre-marital pregnancy was serious because she was the first the country as well as a determiner of current and future
person who covered up the fact and told people a lie as a trends for the nation.
public person. There were many cases occurring in which Moreover, considering the problem of premarital sexual
Thai society should raise questions about as being major behavior which could lead to pregnancy before marriage, one
issues. For instance, the corrupt politicians, or the politicians might conclude that in the area of Thai culture using age,
who promised to solve the problems of poverty, traffic, etc., occupation, working position, responsibility and social status
all of which, of course, remain major problems to this day. as the indicators, it could be seen that Thai society did not use
But, it could not be viewed that Thai people all over the only one standard for judging the human’s value especially in
country or various publications were opposed to what the females. On the other hand, a double standard was used by

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 1, No. 2, July 2011

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