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Structural Holes

Chapter · January 2014

DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6170-8_263


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Rafael Wittek
University of Groningen


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Structural Holes 2075 S
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Declarative Analysis of noisy information networks. Alona Labun1 and Rafael Wittek2
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complex event processing over xml streams. In:
The Netherlands
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Muthukrishnan S (2005) Data streams: algorithms and Sociology, University of Groningen, Groningen,
applications. Now Publishers, Boston/Hanover The Netherlands
Newman MEJ (2003) The structure and function of com-
plex networks. SIAM Rev 45(2):167–256
Pujol J, Erramilli V, Siganos G, Yang X, Laoutaris N,
Chhabra P, Rodriguez P (2010) The little engine (s) Synonyms
that could: scaling online social networks. In: SIG-
COMM, New Delhi Brokerage; Middlemen; Network entrepreneurs;
Ramakrishnan R, Ullman JD (1995) A survey of deductive
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A first step towards stream reasoning. In: FIS, Vienna,
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estimation in graph streams. VLDB 5:193–204
tor’s primary contact can constrain exchange
opportunities with third parties
Aggregate Constraint The sum of dyadic con-
straints imposed on a focal actor by all his
Stress Model
Redundant Tie A tie to a cluster of contacts to
◃ Visualization of Large Networks
which a focal actor already has ties with other
Effective Size The number of non-redundant
contacts in a focal actor’s personal network
Structural and Locational Properties

◃ Path-Based and Whole-Network Measures S


A structural hole refers to an “empty space"

Structural Attribute between contacts in a person’s network. It means
that these contacts do not interact closely (though
◃ Collective Classification, Structural Features they may be aware of one another). Actors on
either side of the structural hole have access
to different flows of information (see Fig. 1).
Structural holes therefore reflect “an opportunity
Structural Autonomy to broker the flow of information between people,
and control the projects that bring together people
◃ Structural Holes from opposite sides of the hole” (Burt 2000).
S 2076 Structural Holes

Structural Holes, Fig. 1

Several measures are used to capture structural- RP D pi q mjq : (3)
hole networks. q
Effective network size is an elementary build-
ing block in all structural-hole measures. It is
composed of three elements: First, the proportion Effective size (ES) is obtained by aggregating
of an actor i ’s time and energy invested in a across all of i ’s primary contacts j :
relation with q:
" #
2 3 ES D 1! pi q mjq : (4)
X q
pi qD .´i q C ´qi /= 4 .´ij C ´j i /5 ; (1) i

The effective size of i ’s network ranges from

´i q , ´qi; ´ij , ´j i represent time or energy actor i 1 (network provides one single contact) to N
invests in q, i in j, and j in i, respectively. (all contacts are non-redundant), with N being
Second, the marginal strength of j ’s relation the number of all contacts in i ’s network. The
with q: efficiency of an actor’s network is computed as
the effective size divided by the number of actors
in the network.
mjqD .´jq C ´qj /= max.´jk C ´kj / j ¤ k: Dyadic constraint Cij measures the degree to
(2) which an actor j imposes structural constraint
mjq is the marginal strength of contact j ’s re- on the focal actor i . Dyadic constraint is highest
lation with actor q. Zjq is the network variable in a situation where the focal actor’s network is
measuring the strength of the relation from j to q inefficient (i.e., he or she invests time and energy
and max(´jq / is the largest of j ’s relations with in the relation to someone whose network lacks
anyone (Burt 1992:51). structural holes and is also tied to other contacts
Third, the redundant portion (RP) of i ’s net- in the focal person’s network). A low dyadic
work. The portion of i ’s relation with j that constraint originates from actors who do not have
is redundant to i ’s relations with other primary many ties to a focal person’s contacts. Dyadic
contacts is defined as the following: constraint is a function of effective size:
Structural Holes 2077 S
!2 turn, is the product of two conditions: (a) the lack
Cij D pij C pi q pqi : (5) of primary structural holes between the contact j
q and others in the player’s network and (b) the lack
of secondary structural holes between the contact
Cij = level of constraint that contact j poses on and others outside the network who could replace
focal actor i ; pij , pi q , pqj see Eq. (1). the contact. Burt refers to this second term as
Aggregate constraint indicates the extent to the oligopoly: “a measure of the organization of
which an actor is constrained by the structure of players within the cluster around contact j such
the network involving other members of his or that it would be difficult to replace j , or threaten
her group. High constraint values indicate low him with being replaced, by some other player in
autonomy: the actor has few structural holes, i.e., the cluster” (Burt 1992:62).
little entrepreneurial opportunities. Technically, Hole signatures of a focal actor’s network
aggregate constraint is the sum of all contact- describe “the distribution of opportunity and con-
specific dyadic constraints in an actor’s network. straint across the individual relationships in a
This indicator is also the most frequently used player’s network” (Burt 1992:62). Hole signa-
one in structural-hole research. tures can be graphically represented, with the
Hierarchy (H) indicates the extent to which time and energy devoted by a focal actor i to a
aggregate constraint on ego is concentrated in specific alter j (pij / delimiting the upper bound-
a single alter. If the total constraint on the per- ary and the dyadic constraint (cij / defining the
son is concentrated in a single other actor, the lower boundary. Hole signatures allow to as-
hierarchy measure will have a higher value. If sess structural features of a focal actor’s network
the constraint results more equally from multi- (clique, center-periphery, leader hierarchy, and
ple actors in a person’s network, hierarchy will leaderless hierarchy).
be less. The hierarchy measure, in itself, does Hole depth The depth of a structural hole
not assess the degree of constraint. Independent- reflects “the ease with which it can be devel-
ly of the constraint on a focal actor, it mea- oped for control and information benefits” (Burt
sures inequality in the distribution of constraints 1992:42–44). The depth of a hole between two
on a focal person across the other actors in its actors is a function of both the degree of cohesion
neighborhood. between two players and the degree of structural
! " equivalence of their ties to others: in the ideal-
Cij typical structural hole, both actors are neither
H D : (6)
C =N connected nor do they have equivalent relations
to others. A deep structural hole characterizes two
Cij = level of constraint that j poses on unrelated actors with equivalent ties to third par-
i ; C = sum of constraint (from an actor’s ties: they are “competitors in the same market.” S
network) across all N relationships of an In a shallow structural hole, two actors have a
actor; N = number of contacts in the actor’s tie, but do not share equivalent relations to third
network; C =N = mean level of constraint parties.
per contact; and the ratio is 1 for contact
j posing an average level of constrain-
Oligopoly Primary structural holes were de- Historical Background
fined as the aggregate of all dyadic constraint on
a focal actor. Contact j ’s constraint on a focal Structural-hole theory and the related measures
actor i was defined as the product of two terms can be seen as the confluence of three streams
(Burt 1992:62): (1) the network time and energy of work. First, during the late 1960s and
i invested to reach j multiplied by (2) the lack early 1970s, Harrison White and his group
of structural holes around j . The second term, in (now often referred to as the Harvard School),
S 2078 Structural Holes

formalized ideas focusing on the absence of ties stantive research, e.g., on job search, it also s-
between individuals (“gaps”). This resulted in parked the interest for social network indicators
the development of blockmodeling algorithms, reflecting an individual’s centrality in the net-
which grouped structurally equivalent nodes into work (Freeman 1979). Degree centrality captures
blocks, and identified “zero blocks” – nodes that communication activity and has been defined by
did not share similar relations with third parties. the number of ties an actor has with others in
These “zero blocks” have qualities similar to the network or the number of others who choose
structural holes. a focal actor. Betweenness centrality reflects the
Second, the article “The Strength of potential for control of communication and has
Weak Ties” by one of White’s graduate students been defined as the extent to which an actor
(Granovetter 1973) produced the counterintuitive has control over other actors’ access to vari-
empirical finding that in some situations – like ous regions of the network. Closeness centrality
job search, the topic of Granovetter’s study – captures either independence or efficiency and
individuals benefit more from weak ties (like has been conceptualized as an actor’s ability
acquaintances) rather than strong ties (like to access independently all other members of
friends or relatives), because one’s weak ties the network. Eigenvector centrality (Bonacich
can provide access to circles of information we 1987:1172) measures centrality as the summed
usually are not familiar with. The “strength” of connection to others, weighted by their centrali-
an interpersonal tie is a linear combination of ties. This measure allows to distinguish situations
the amount of time, the emotional intensity, in which being connected to others with many
the intimacy (or mutual confiding), and the contacts (powerful others) is advantageous for a
reciprocal services which characterize each focal actor (as is the case in communication net-
tie. Strong ties represent closer friendship and works), from situations in which being connected
greater frequency of interaction, whereas weak to powerful others is a liability (as is the case in
ties correspond to acquaintances (Granovetter bargaining situations). These centrality measures
1973). Members of closely knit groups connected only partly capture the essence of structural holes,
through strong ties tend to be exposed to similar mainly because they are less sensitive to the
sources of information. Truly novel, valuable gaps in the networks of a focal actor’s primary
information is often likely to come from more contacts.
distant acquaintances who may serve as a conduit Third, Burt was among the first who did a
to hard-to-reach parts of the network. A key serious effort to ground structuralist reasoning
proposition in Granovetter’s argument is that on a behavioral micro-foundation. Many of the
“all bridges are weak ties,” which rules out ideas presented in his 1992 book on structural
that strong ties can be bridges (also known as holes – including the core argument on struc-
the “forbidden triad” assumption). However, tural autonomy – had actually been elaborated
Burt (1992:27) argues that the main source of in detail about a decade earlier in his Toward
benefits in a network is not the weakness of the a Structural Theory of Action. Network Mod-
tie, but the hole it spans. From this perspective, els of Social Structure, Perception and Action
the focus on the weakness or strength of a tie (Burt 1982). Here, he exposes the rational choice
even obscures the importance of control benefits. framework underlying structural-hole theory. A
“Bridge strength is an aside in the structural key assumption is that individuals are purpose-
hole argument, since information benefits are ful actors, who strive for improving their well-
expected to travel over all bridges. Benefits vary being by evaluating the costs and benefits of
between redundant and non-redundant ties” (Burt different action alternatives, taking into consider-
1992:30). ation structural constraints. Individuals in similar
But Granovetter’s article by now is among network positions face similar constraints. As a
the most frequently cited papers in the social result, the network is simultaneously an indicator
sciences. In addition to stimulating much sub-
Structural Holes 2079 S
of entrepreneurial opportunity and of motivation Key Applications
(Burt 1992:35).
By combining an innovative structural ap- Structural-hole theory has stimulated consider-
proach with a theory of action, Burt’s structural- able empirical research on networks, mostly in
hole framework significantly advanced previous and between organizations, as well as on en-
network research, which clearly lacked a behav- trepreneurship. It was used to explain a wide
ioral micro-foundation. range of outcomes at the level of individuals and
Performance With information being a critical
Structural-Hole Theory resource in organizational settings (McCall 1979;
Mechanic 1962; Pettigrew 1972; Pfeffer 1981),
In social networks, access to advantageous struc- individuals rich in structural holes have a better
tural positions is not equally distributed across opportunity to manipulate information for their
all actors: some group members may be posi- purpose. According to a meta-analysis (Balkundi
tioned at the interface between multiple groups et al. 2009), and a recent review (Brass 2011),
with access to boundary-spanning links, while spanning structural holes increased performance
others are positioned in the middle of a single or innovation for the focal actor (Ahuja 2000;
tightly knit group. Structural holes offer two main Burt 1992, 2004; Mehra et al. 2001; Seibert
benefits. et al. 2001). Disconnected networks help brokers
Information benefits come in three forms: realize value by offering them the opportunity to
access, timing, and referrals. A network rich in transfer ideas from one isolated group to another,
structural holes provides one with access to non- a process that involves recognizing when solu-
redundant sources of information originating in tions current in one part of the network are likely
multiple, noninteracting parts of the network. to have applications elsewhere in the network
It also increases the likelihood of receiving (Hargadon and Sutton 1997).
information earlier than individuals in less Promotions Knowing whom to consult for in-
advantageous network positions (timing) and formation and aid becomes of crucial importance
that others talk positively about the focal actor in at times of competition for career opportuni-
their own networks (referrals). ties within organizations. In his work “Structural
Control benefits of structural holes result from Holes” (1992), Burt has systematically explored
the opportunity to either play two unrelated par- the network effects on career advancement within
ties out against each other (tertius gaudens) or the firm. According to his analysis, a configura-
to bring them together (tertius iungens). In both tion of network ties that creates opportunities for
cases, the third party can reap benefits. brokering and entrepreneurialism (i.e., a network
Structural-hole theory further assumes actors full of structural holes) enhances career opportu- S
to strategically and proactively creating and man- nities for actors competing for promotions within
ufacturing their social network. This means that organizations (Burt 1992, 2005). The findings of
actors will actively develop the information and another study on social networks and mobility at
control benefits of existing structural holes and the workplace further substantiated Burt’s claims
manage the constraint of absent structural holes that the network structures most conducive to
(Burt 1992:230). They have three strategies to maximizing access to information, resources, and
achieve this: they can withdraw from a contac- brokerage opportunities (i.e., large, sparse net-
t, they can expand their network by adding a works) are a meaningful determinant of intraor-
contact’s competitor to their network, or they ganizational advancement (Podolny and Baron
can “leave the constraint-generating network in 1997).
place but to manage the offending constraint by Creativity A network “rich in structural holes”
embedding it in a second relationship over which has also been found to facilitate the development
you have more control” (Burt 1992:233). of novel valuable ideas by increasing the actor’s
S 2080 Structural Holes

ability to merge the distinct sources of infor- information about them in the broader informal
mation in new ways, thus boosting individual network (Burt 2005).
creativity. The empirical findings suggest that The gender contingency effects The synthesis
between-group brokers are more likely to have a of the informal social network theories with re-
vision advantage, express ideas evaluated as valu- search related to career advancement of women
able, and are less likely to have ideas dismissed has generated interesting insights. Burt (1998) ar-
(Burt 2004). Moreover, brokerage appears to pro- gued that women often lack sufficient legitimacy
vide the opportunity for social “gatekeeping” – in their organizations and therefore need to “bor-
regulating the access of others to the tightly knit row” social capital (i.e., structural holes) from a
group one belongs to, while at the same time strategic partner (sponsor) in order to get promot-
controlling the ways in which one’s own group ed. Whereas senior male managers indeed benefit
members learn about information coming from more from a personal network rich in structural
other groups (Burt 2004). holes, women (as well as junior and non-White
Power Occupying a strong or weak structural managers) fare better with a hierarchical network,
position in the network has recently been found in which a tie to an influential “sponsor” provides
to affect the inferences organizational actors draw access to this person’s entrepreneurial network
about one another (Labun 2012). In particular, (Burt 1998).
the empirical evidence suggests that the more an The hierarchy contingency effects Actor’s
individual is constrained by the structure of his position in an organizational hierarchy may
network, the more likely he is to attribute power serve as one of the conditions under which
to others. Embeddedness in networks “poor in either structural-hole networks or cohesive
structural holes” implies a condition of depen- networks are likely to provide the focal actor
dence and limited autonomy (Burt 1992), po- with advantages. Burt (1997) showed that the
tentially triggering feelings of helplessness and benefits of structural holes flow mainly to
apprehension, and thereby contributing to in- members of senior management. Other research
creased number of power attributions to other has shown that the benefits of cohesion flow
group members (Labun 2012). mainly to people occupying lower hierarchical
Trust and gossip Trustworthy and confidential levels in organizations, for whom issues of
collegial environment may be advantageous organizational identity and belonging remain
when establishing informal cooperation and salient for potential career advancement (Podolny
forming alliances against powerful third parties. and Baron 1997).
According to Burt’s study on trust and gossip The cultural contingency effects Another con-
in social networks (2001), gossip can act as a tingent factor that has been found to moderate
strategic tool in this process, allowing the group the effect of structural holes includes the specific
members to control their fellow members’ actions cultural and organizational context in which the
and to weaken the reputation of competitors. mechanisms of social capital operate. In stark
The manipulation of information flow to one’s contrast to the results of studies using Western
own advantage becomes easier when employees samples, the empirical findings of Xiao and T-
occupy brokerage positions in the organizational sui (2007) show that in a collectivistic Chinese
network – connect to colleagues who are not culture, structural holes in an employee’s career
connected with one another. The more trust network tend to be detrimental to the employee’s
exists in an employee network, the further career development. Moreover, it has been sug-
negative gossip echoes, so that single incidents gested that the network consequences of social
of negative gossip can have far-reaching impacts capital may differ across organizations: whereas
(Burt 2001). Thus, people may ensure norms of in a market-like, low commitment organizational
cooperation and punish the uncooperative actors culture, structural holes bring positive returns
(i.e., the untrustworthy group members) through to individual actors, it is network closure that
gossiping – by spreading reputation-harming appears to bring advantages to the actors by
Structural Holes 2081 S
facilitating trust, reciprocity, and reputation in a Agency Social network research also moves
clan-like, cohesive, high-commitment organiza- forward by explicitly assuming that actors differ
tion with a strong cooperative culture (Lazega in their abilities, skills, and motivation to take ad-
2001; Xiao and Tsui 2007). vantage of advantageous network positions. The
earlier research has shown that some individuals
can choose not to reap the profits derived from
Future Directions their network (Burt 1992). Drawing on these
earlier findings, the more recent studies suggest
The existing work utilizing the insights from that the more strategically skilled group members
Burt’s structural-hole theory has recently been enjoy greater access to network resources and
extended in a number of interesting direction- appear to be more competent at utilizing and
s, namely, explicit inclusion of actor character- leveraging these resources to advance their career
istics, agency, and cognitions, as well as in- and performance (Ferris et al. 2007; Labun 2012;
creasing use of longitudinal (dynamic) research Wei et al. 2012). This work uncovers the compre-
designs. Drawing inspiration from the leading hensive role that individual strategic skills may
ideas of social network research, new theory play in the process of network resource building.
and innovative hypotheses are being proposed, Following this line of analysis, the incorpora-
providing additional valuable insights. tion of additional types of personal or social
Actor characteristics Researchers have influence skills that may affect network resource
increasingly started to incorporate personality development would be an interesting and fruitful
variables in their study designs (e.g., self- avenue for future research. Moreover, future work
monitoring) as potential predictors of variance might consider more closely the question of how
in network outcomes (Kilduff and Krackhardt much control actors have over the networks that
2008; Mehra et al. 2001). People with different constrain and enable their behaviors (Kilduff and
self-monitoring orientations have been suggested Brass 2010).
to occupy different structural positions. High self- Cognition Another research area drawing from
monitors, relative to low self-monitors, tend to in- the core concepts of social network program
gratiate themselves into distinctly different social puts a special emphasis on subjective meanings
circles of acquaintances with few links between (i.e., cognitions) inherent in networks rather than
these clusters and thereby occupy structural on “concrete” relations such as exchanges be-
holes. Burt’s (2005:34) “structural entrepreneur tween actors (Kilduff and Brass 2010). The cog-
personality index” quantifies the individual nitive social network research line has led to
inclination to exploit social resources. Structural the conceptualization of networks as “prisms”
entrepreneurs recognize the opportunities offered through which others’ reputations and potentials
by structurally advantageous positions and place are perceived, as well as “pipes” through which S
themselves in the “hole” by initiating ties with resources flow (Podolny 2001). Perceived status
actors from opposite sides of the hole who can of one’s exchange partners may indeed act as a
subsequently be played off against each other. distorting prism filtering attributions concerning
This recent work challenges the ideological the focal individual (Labun 2012): having a trust
refusal of the traditional social network research relationship with a superior had a significant pos-
to acknowledge ways in which individual actors itive effect on other’s perceptions of one’s power.
differ in their attributes and actively explore the The role of cognitions inherent in networks was
possibility of complementary synergies between further accentuated in a study demonstrating that
actors and network structure (Kilduff and Brass individuals tend to bias perceptions to highlight
2010). Future research on personality and social small world features of clustering and connec-
networks is likely to be generative of compelling tivity (Kilduff et al. 2008): across four different
insights on the link between individual attributes organizational friendship networks, people have
and structural outcomes. been found to perceive more “small worldedness”
S 2082 Structural Holes

than was actually the case, including the per- It would be interesting to perform further em-
ception of more network clustering than actually pirical studies in different types of organiza-
existed and the attribution of more popularity and tional settings to help elucidate the dynamics
brokerage to the perceived popular than to the of structural holes. The ongoing methodolog-
actually popular. ical advancements and the theoretical insights
Network dynamics Finally, longitudinal gained from the above-mentioned recent work are
research designs that allow considering and certainly beneficial for the future development
effectively addressing the dynamic nature of and possible extension of existing structural-hole
networks is likely to drive the social network research.
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analytical developments (Snijders et al. 2010)
allow unraveling and tackling the intriguing Cross-References
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