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Onda crescente de censura na Internet


Os êxitos
contra o
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O foco das atenções voltou-se para a censura da Internet esta semana, quando
artigos foram publicados simultaneamente no Time Magazine e no The New
York Times, defendendo a obrigatoriedade de licença para operar sítios na
Internet. Esses artigos foram devidamente criticados por Paul Joseph Watson
como uma tentativa coxa de apoiar o monopólio da mídia hoje em
desintegração em face de uma blogosfera que está rapidamente a substituí-lo.

Os artigos seguiram-se a apelos de Craig Mundie – chefe de pesquisas e

estratégias da Microsoft – por um sistema de licenças para a Internet.
Introduzindo a idéia ele disse "Precisamos de um tipo de Organização
Mundial da Saúde para a Internet". Evidentemente sem saber da investigação
em curso sobre o papel da OMS na fabricação do boato de pandemia da gripe
H1N1 para encher os bolsos da grande indústria farmacêutica, Mundie
acrescentou que uma autoridade internacional sobre a Internet poderia exercer
o mesmo tipo de autoridade que a OMS tem para lidar com uma pandemia. "
Quando existe uma pandemia, ela organiza os casos de quarentena. Não nos
é permitido organizar a quarentena sistemática de máquinas que estão
comprometidas ". Tais apelos são preocupantes porque representam
simplesmente o exemplo mais recente de personalidades influentes a
proporem com insistência controles tirânicos sobre a liberdade de expressão
na Internet.

A presidência Obama tem assistido um crescente alarde sobre ameaças à

cibersegurança, com o influente think tank do CSIS (Centro de Estudos
Estratégicos e Internacionais) tendo redigido livros brancos a proporem a
cibersegurança como questão-chave para a 44ª presidência. Como informamos
em Julho passado , o CSIS argumenta por "um mínimo de padrões para a
segurança do ciberespaço" porque "a ação voluntária não é suficiente".



Pouco depois de Obama assumir a presidência, no ano passado, o senador Jay

Rockefeller apresentou uma proposta de lei senatorial (S. 773) que daria ao
presidente o poder de " declarar um estado de emergência cibernético " e
encerrar a Internet. A lei também exigiria dos administradores de rede do setor
privado que obtivessem uma licença junto ao governo federal depois de se
inscreverem em um programa de certificação do governo. Durante as
audiências do Comitê, Rockefeller chegou ao ponto de afirmar que teria sido
melhor que a Internet nunca tivesse sido inventada .

Em Novembro do ano passado foi noticiado que um acordo estava sendo

negociado pelos líderes das economias mais poderosas do mundo
(aproveitando as reuniões de Davos sobre a economia mundial) no sentido de
forçar os provedores a cortar as assinaturas de quem fosse apanhado mais de
duas vezes copiando conteúdos protegidos por direitos autorais. Reportagens
recentes indicam que essa proposta não foi discutida na reunião de líderes das
economias mais poderosas mês passado, mas já foi aprovada na França com o
nome de lei das três faltas.

No início desse ano, foi revelado que o czar das informações de Obama, Cass
Sunstein, reclamou que a blogosfera espalha sentimentos anti-governamentais
e defendeu que o governo atual empregue pessoas para se infiltrarem em
comunidades na Internet e publicarem informações favoráveis ao governo
num esforço para desestabilizar essas comunidades. É notável como essa
proposta pode vir de um homem do alto escalão do governo, e é somente um
aspecto da estratégia do Pentágono para combater a net como se ela fosse uma
arma dos inimigos do sistema.

Todas essas propostas e numerosas outras histórias que temos noticiado no

passado (p.ex. aqui e aqui ) representam apenas as últimas tentativas de
sufocar a liberdade de expressão na Internet. Apesar de grupos como a
Fundação Fronteira Eletrônica ( Eletronic Frontier Foundation ) terem lutado
contra essa onda por muito tempo, o poder explosivo da comunidade on-line
em descarrilar a agenda carbônica-eugênica e desvendar o Federal Reserve
tem despertado muitos para o potencial desse meio nascente... e esse é seu
valor. O valor da Internet é diretamente ligado à liberdade de expressão, um
princípio que é negado pelo monopólio da mídia que prosperou por décadas
em uma era virtualmente de livre competição, antes do advento da Internet.
Como um comentário no Time Magazine disparou sobre o licenciamento para
Internet, "NÃO existe movimento popular em nenhum lugar reivindicando a
intervenção do governo na Internet. A Internet não está com problemas. Ela
funciona tão bem, que é um problema para os tiranos".

Assim como acontece com tudo relacionado com a Internet, os esforços de

colaboração de cidadãos preocupados em se opor à censura da Internet está
sendo pago com desenvolvimentos positivos. A nascente consciência do poder
e importância da Internet está sensibilizando as pessoas de que as liberdades
on-line são de fato direitos fundamentais que não podem ser negados. Mesmo
a China foi forçada a recuar de um regime de licenciamento da Internet
(exatamente o mesmo que foi proposto em Davos) devido à pressão pública.
Uma lei draconiana da Austrália que teria exigido em todos os comentários
políticos o nome completo e o endereço dos comentadores provavelmente será
revogada pelo Procurador Geral .

Se esses êxitos individuais na luta para impedir a tirania on-line vão ou não
finalmente descarrilar a agenda do establishment ainda veremos. Dependerá
em grande medida de o clamor público contra a perda das liberdades on-line
se transformar em um genuíno movimento popular de base.

O original encontra-se em e em The
Corbett Report.
Tradução de Alex Lombello Amaral.

Este artigo encontra-se em .

A censura prévia, ou auto-censura, existe desde há muito nas estações portuguesas de
televisão. Mas inédito foi o acontecido dia 30 de Outubro, cerca das 21h30, na TVI. Em meio a
um debate sobre os incêndios florestais, na sequência de uma reportagem da jornalista Ana
Leal , a emissão foi cortada subitamente e sem qualquer explicação. Isto aconteceu quando
intervinha o Comandante do Bombeiros de Leiria, o qual mal principiara a sua análise. Este
acto censóreo da direcção da TVI constitui uma afronta tanto ao público que assistia ao debate
como aos seus intervenientes e ao moderador do mesmo. Assim vai o jornalismo em Portugal.
Quanto ao jornalismo do país vizinho, vale a pena ver a reportagem El cártel del fuego (I) de
Daniel Toledo, cujo subtítulo é "Una investigación judicial revela que en España y Portugal
existe una mafia empresarial que ha conseguido 250 millones de euros públicos amañando
concursos de extinción".

Parece complicado relacionar los 64 muertos, 200 heridos y 53.000 hectáreas que
sucumbieron a causa del incendio de Pedrógão Grande, en junio de 2017, con una serie
de reuniones informales convocadas cada año, desde 2001, por un grupo de empresarios
españoles en el hotel de carretera El Cruce, en una salida de la Autovía de Andalucía, en
Manzanares (Ciudad Real). En realidad parece complicado relacionar las muertes de
Pedrógão, y la superficie calcinada por incendios en Portugal y España en lo que va de
año —118.000 hectáreas sólo en Portugal—, con otra causa que no sea la ineptitud
política, los intereses de empresas locales y de pequeños propietarios de tierras, la
plantación descontrolada de eucalipto o los pirómanos. Y sin embargo, los fuegos que
arrasan cada año la Península Ibérica se alimentan no sólo de oxígeno y madera, sino
sobre todo de corrupción. Los servicios de extinción se han privatizado en las últimas
dos décadas, y existe un cártel empresarial que acude a todos los concursos públicos y
los gana. El dinero público y los recursos que se debían dedicar a la prevención se
desvían casi exclusivamente a la extinción privada. Los bosques, abandonados, son una
pira en potencia. El Estado mira hacia otro lado, y permite que la mafia del fuego se
enriquezca cada vez más: la Audiencia Nacional cifra en 250 millones de euros la
cantidad defraudada durante casi 20 años de concursos amañados.

Esta es la conclusión a la que se llega si se estudian las investigaciones por corrupción

en la adjudicación de contratos públicos de extinción de incendios realizadas en
Valencia, Andalucía, Baleares, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Castilla-La Mancha,
Galicia, Canarias, Cataluña y Aragón. En Portugal comienza a haber denuncias de casos
similares, con los mismos empresarios que en España, interpuestas por particulares y
por trabajadores de empresas públicas y privadas anti incendios. Incluso hay un proceso
abierto desde 2015 que mantiene como imputado al exministro de Administración
Interna portugués Miguel Macedo. Es un modus operandi que se ha extendido a otros
países como Italia, Francia e incluso Chile, pero en todas existe un denominador común:
todas llevan la marca España.

En 2001 comenzaron una serie de reuniones periódicas entre los administradores de

cuatro grandes empresas españolas de extinción de incendios: Avialsa, Faasa, Trabajos
Aéreos Espejo y Trabajos Aéreos Martínez Ridao. Con el tiempo, a estas se les unirían
otras dos, Compañía de Extinción General de Incendios, S.A. —CEGISA—, que incluía
el conglomerado de Inaer y ambas, hoy, como filiales del gigante Grupo Babcock*, y
Transportes Aéreos Extremeños, S.L. Estas seis empresas forman lo que la Policía
Judicial denomina el “Grupo 6”, de cuyas primeras reuniones saldría un sistema
delictivo que atraería a un total de 14 empresas, agrupadas en la Asociación Española de
Compañías Aéreas —AECA—, según el sumario que llegó, desde el juzgado de
Instrucción Nº2 de Sagunto, en Valencia, a la Audiencia Nacional en enero de 2017.

Es un modus operandi que se ha extendido a otros países como Italia, Francia e incluso
Chile, pero en todas existe un denominador común: todas llevan la marca España

En el auto de las diligencias previas elaborado por el juzgado de Sagunto, al que CTXT
ha tenido acceso gracias a Armando Cáceres, de Ecologistas en Acción —organización
personada como acusación en la causa abierta en Andalucía—, queda “suficientemente
acreditada la existencia de una organización, englobada en el conjunto de catorce
empresas asociadas en AECA, que (…) alteraban el precio de los concursos públicos
tanto en relación a aviones de ala fija como de helicópteros, tanto a nivel nacional como
autonómico, para o bien dejar desiertos los concursos, a los efectos de incrementar el
precio de licitación, o acudiendo en la mayor parte de los concursos tan solo una
empresa, por el precio máximo de licitación y por ende, adjudicándoselo por dicho
importe, o presentando varias ofertas, de las que previamente eran conocedoras cuál iba
a ser la adjudicataria, (…) y causando por ello un importante perjuicio económico para
el erario público”.

Las catorce aeronáuticas llevan, presuntamente, casi veinte años vertebrando un sistema
de manipulación de un mercado del que no sólo dependen la supervivencia de bosques,
parques naturales o reservas, sino también de casas, fincas, propiedades y vidas
humanas. El auto del juez Héctor Ignacio Santamaría habla de un desembolso de más de
250 millones de euros en concursos manipulados en menos de 15 años, pagados por las
administraciones públicas. Voces dentro del sector hablan de sobrecostes que a veces
han incrementados los costes en un 30%, gracias a la colusión de varias empresas que
han logrado poner al Estado contra las cuerdas, obligándole a retirar fondos de un lado
para pagar los precios abultados de otro.

El Grupo 6 llegó a redactar y firmar un pacto de asociación en el que se acordaba

“respetar las zonas en las que cada compañía tiene su área de influencia, así como los
nuevos contratos que cada empresa consiga que salgan a concurso público”. Así reza en
el documento redactado por la “Asociación”, firmado en una primera reunión en Palma
del Río, localidad cordobesa donde se encuentra la sede de la mercantil Faasa, por
Miguel A. Tamarit Campuzano —Faasa—, Vicente Huerta Domínguez —Avialsa—,
Fernando Espejo Delgado —Trabajos Aéreos Espejo—, y Ángel Martínez Ridao —
Trabajos Aéreos Martínez Ridao—, todos ellos imputados.

Los firmantes especificaron las áreas de influencia de cada empresa que el resto debía
respetar: Avialsa en Valencia y Cataluña; Martínez Ridao en Mallorca, Castilla la
Mancha, Andalucía y Galicia; Espejo en Canarias y Andalucía; Faasa en Castilla y
León, y Cegisa —por medio de Inaer— en Portugal. El acuerdo firmado entre los
gerentes de las empresas, cuyo acto fue filmado para asegurar su cumplimiento en un
futuro, estipulaban el pago de una cuota para adquirir nuevas naves anti incendios, o
para compensar a una empresa que hubiera perdido un contrato en una de sus áreas de
influencia, ya fuera a manos de otra empresa fuera del cártel o de una perteneciente a
éste. Los representantes de las 14 empresas investigadas en la causa iniciada en
Valencia se enfrentan a acusaciones de pertenencia a organización criminal, alteración
de precios en concursos públicos y delito continuado de falsedad en documento

Diversos cargos públicos se enfrentan a su vez a penas por cohecho, delito de

malversación de caudales públicos, prevaricación, falsedad en documento público y
negociación prohibida a funcionario público. Entre ellos se encuentran: el exalcalde de
Quartell (Valencia), Francisco Huguet, del Partido Popular —al que la Unidad de
Delincuencia Económica y Fiscal le achaca un enriquecimiento ilícito de alrededor de
800.000€ como alcalde de un municipio de 1500 habitantes—; su mujer, María del
Carmen Peiró; el exconcejal del Partido Popular Emilio Máñez; el exsecretario del
Partido Popular Valenciano, exconsejero y ex delegado del Gobierno, Serafín
Castellano; el ex director general de Interior de Valencia, Pedro Hidalgo; un ex alto
cargo de la consejería de Interior de la Generalitat Catalana, Ramón Dinarés Bosque; el
ex jefe de contratación del Departamento de Interior de Cataluña, Xavier Palmés
Cosido, y el ex jefe de la Sala Central de Bomberos de la Generalitat, Manel Bosch

Andalucía: el funcionario que tiró de la manta

Los casos investigados en casi todas las autonomías españolas se están unificando en
una macrocausa en la Audiencia Nacional, pero para entender el fondo del problema
hay que conocer las diferentes fuentes de las que se alimentaba, y se alimenta, el cártel
del fuego. El primer caso que vio la luz en los medios de comunicación fue el
denunciado en Valencia, en 2014, por un exgerente de Avialsa, Francisco Alandí. La
trama se remontaba a 2012. Ese año, 9 meses antes de que Alandí dejara la empresa,
éste contrató los servicios de un técnico informático para introducirse en el ordenador
de otro gerente de Avialsa, el hoy investigado Vicente Huerta Domínguez. Sabía lo que
buscaba, y dos años más tarde Alandí acudiría a la policía con los documentos privados
que demostraban que Vicente Huerta había conseguido contratos por valor de 33
millones con el gobierno valenciano y la consejería de Sanidad de forma fraudulenta.

Los casos investigados en casi todas las autonomías españolas se están unificando en
una macrocausa en la Audiencia Nacional

Y si bien en Valencia la primera denuncia surgió del ámbito privado —probablemente

fruto de una venganza o de un intento de extorsión a Huerta por parte de Francisco
Alandí—, en Andalucía lo hizo desde el ámbito público. El 9 de noviembre de 2015,
Jaime González Díaz, funcionario del servicio de contratación de la consejería de Medio
Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucía, denunció una serie de irregularidades en los
contratos firmados para el Plan Infoca 2015-2018 —plan de la Junta andaluza para la
lucha contra los incendios en parajes naturales—, y ponía así la primera piedra para
entender que el cártel del fuego no se había atrincherado únicamente, ni mucho menos,
en territorio valenciano.

Después de 12 años trabajando para la Administración y de escuchar decenas de

historias sobre corruptelas, “lo más grosero y descarado que la gente se pueda
imaginar”, el funcionario público se decidió a acusar a algunos compañeros y, sobre
todo, jefes de su departamento. Jaime González accedió a hablar con CTXT de su
situación, de lo que significa enfrentarse a un gigante como la Junta de Andalucía, y sus
palabras, su historia, suenan escalofriantes.
Monte quemando en la inmediaciones del parque nacional de Doñana. V.J

González afirma que en Andalucía la corrupción llega hasta las entrañas mismas del
funcionariado, y en relación al llamado cártel del fuego asegura que “es la
Administración de la Junta de Andalucía la que hace los trucos para que no se detecte el
cártel. No es que no hagan nada en contra del cártel o le favorezcan incluso, sino que
realiza una serie de actuaciones y omisiones ilegales para ocultar que la colusión se
produce, como valorar criterios de solvencia como criterios de adjudicación para que las
empresas se lleven algún punto, o no publicar en el perfil del contratante qué empresas
se han presentado. En Andalucía no hace falta que se haga un cártel porque ya la Junta
les da un cheque en blanco que va contra la más elemental normativa de contratación”.

Cuando acudió al Juzgado de Instrucción Nº8 de Sevilla, González denunció

“irregularidades e indicios de posibles actuaciones delictivas”, lo que llevó a la Policía
Judicial a confirmar, en el atestado de noviembre de 2015, que: “Se vislumbra cómo
efectivamente las empresas que licitan en los distintos concursos del Plan Infoca —a la
sazón Inaer, Sociedad Aeronáutica Peninsular, Trabajos Espejo, Saeta y Faasa
Aviación— parecen responder a un patrón fijo de adjudicación, observándose por tanto
indicios de colusión ilícita de empresas, o el equivalente en Derecho Penal: acuerdos
para la alteración de concursos públicos”. La Policía Nacional pidió a la Junta la
relación de subvenciones e incentivos recibidos por Faasa entre 2003 y 2015, ya que las
sospechas apuntaban a que era esta empresa, con sede en Córdoba y al parecer
anfitriona de las reuniones celebradas por el Grupo 6, la que encabezaba la trama en

“Yo he intentado buscar”, declara Jaime González a CTXT, “en qué puede beneficiarse
la Administración dando 300 millones de euros a precios corrientes desde 2003 a Faasa
y al resto de empresas solo por los medios aéreos del Plan Infoca. Son redes
institucionales y formas de actuar, son modus operandi, ellos juegan con el grado de
tolerancia de la gente, ven hasta dónde pueden llegar sin que salte el negocio, y luego
tiran por ahí”. En efecto, el presupuesto de licitación de los cinco lotes del Infoca era de
casi 70 millones de euros, y Faasa acabó por llevarse el premio gordo, el lote número 5,
por valor de 43 millones.

González amplía el grado de corrupción a otros ramos de la administración, a todo lo

relacionado con los contratos públicos, las subvenciones e incluso los famosos cursos de
formación de la Junta. “Desde los sindicatos de bomberos al parecer no ha habido una
buena acogida —para presentarse en la causa—, y eso que denuncian habitualmente que
la Junta les escatima y les recorta en equipos, en material, en medios materiales y
personales. Creo que todo viene motivado porque Juan Espadas, el actual alcalde de
Sevilla (PSOE), cuando ejercía como alto cargo de la consejería de Medio Ambiente
facilitó a la cúpula de estos sindicatos unas prejubilaciones muy generosas, financiadas
por el fondo de reptiles que incumplían la legalidad, y que están siendo investigadas por
la Justicia”.

Muchas veces, el cártel llegaba a maniobrar para dejar los concursos desiertos,
obligando así a las administraciones a elaborar nuevos concursos con mejores
condiciones para las empresas

María de los Reyes Flores Canales, la juez de la Audiencia Nacional que aceptó el caso
por la “propia complejidad de la causa”, asegura en el auto que “se ha producido un
daño patrimonial contra una multiplicidad de sujetos pasivos de las acciones imputadas,
pues no sólo se daña el interés económico de cualesquiera otros competidores del sector,
sino el funcionamiento de diversas administraciones e instituciones”. Muchas veces, el
cártel llegaba a maniobrar para dejar los concursos desiertos, obligando así a las
administraciones a elaborar nuevos concursos con mejores condiciones para las
empresas. Esto implicaba dejar a los entes públicos sin medios para combatir los fuegos
hasta que se redactaban, aprobaban y sacaban a concursos los nuevos contratos.

En diciembre de 2015, declaraba como imputado el jefe de la Mesa de Contratación del

Plan Infoca, Antonio Martínez López. En enero de 2016 se enviaba copia de las
diligencias al Juzgado de Instrucción de Sagunto, informando de que se estaban
realizando investigaciones en Sevilla por un caso similar al investigado en Valencia, y
se iniciaba la cadena de imputaciones, detenciones, registros y declaraciones judiciales
en relación a la trama andaluza: Miguel Ángel Martínez Ridao y Miguel Ángel
Martínez Bonilla, por Saeta; Antonio Miguel Román Guillén, por Sap Aviación;
Manuel González Gabaldón, Héctor Tamarit Almagro, Miguel Ángel Tamarit
Campuzano y Javier Ortiz Marín, por Faasa, y Fernando Espejo Delgado por Trabajos
Aéreos Espejo. Más adelante las investigaciones se extenderían a las 14 empresas
incluidas en la trama por la Audiencia Nacional.

Jaime González se enfrenta cada día al acoso de jefes y compañeros en una batalla
judicial que se ha extendido a su vida laboral y personal. “Con el sistema que tenemos,
establecido, no por los gobiernos autonómicos como te quieren hacer ver, sino por el
Congreso de los Diputados y a pesar de la Constitución de 1978, la situación actual es
que es mucho más fácil echarme a mí la calle con cualquier falsa excusa, por vana que
sea, que echar a un corrupto, haga lo que haga”.

Como afirma Jaime González, a veces su peor enemigo es el pesimismo. “Cuando les
acusan a ellos de llevarse, imaginemos, 90 millones de euros que es el importe del
contrato de medios aéreos del plan Infoca para 2015-2018, el que está vigente y yo
denuncié…, primero, en el juzgado no hay medios para impulsar una clase de acusación
de ese tipo en el que hay involucrados tales cantidades y tales volúmenes de
documentación; segundo, un abogado de la Junta experto en esos temas les defenderá a
tiempo completo y de forma gratuita; tercero, los que se supone que están de tu parte
son el juez y el fiscal, Y si el que va a estar de mi parte es el fiscal Moix —Manuel
Moix— o De Llera —Emilio De Llera—, mejor que no te ayuden; cuarto, hay un límite
temporal a las causas de corrupción que lo puso hace poco el Partido Popular; quinto,
muchos están aforados y serán juzgados por jueces que ellos mismos han nombrado;
sexto, los delitos del título XIX del código penal, delitos contra la Administración
Pública, imponen unos tipos penales altamente inoperantes y poco sistemáticos. La
prevaricación es el único delito del código penal que no tiene cárcel, solo inhabilitación,
y séptimo, los pueden incluso indultar si todo lo de atrás no ha surtido efecto; de hecho
es lo más corriente, me remito al BOE, de donde se extrae que la mayor parte de los
indultos se producen por condenas de corrupción”.

Incluso existe otra causa paralela por las presiones y amenazas recibidas por González,
admitida por la juez Flores Canales por acoso laboral. “En cuanto a la gente que está de
mi lado”, asegura, “en mi causa se han personado tres entes: Ecologistas en Acción,
CGT y Podemos. Los que no me van a apoyar son los que hayan pillado algo de los 300
millones de euros desde 2003 —yo tengo pruebas de que el contrato del INFOCA se
realizaba desde 1994 al menos— a precios corrientes —sin actualizar— que estas
empresas consiguieron solo por los amaños de los medios aéreos del Plan Infoca —sin
añadir otro tipo de contratos ni otro tipo de ayudas como fondos de formación—. En
Sevilla los contratos siguientes —2018 en adelante— los están planificando para que
sigan igual”.

Investigados por la Audiencia Nacional

1.- AVIALSA, T-35, siendo el beneficiario el socio único, VICENTE HUERTA

DOMÍNGUEZ, si bien, siendo partícipe en el mismo, FRANCISCO ANTONIO

2.- FUMIGACIÓN AÉREA ANDALUZA, S.A., (FAASA), representando a la misma,



del mismo modo incluía a las siguientes; INAER AVIONES ANFIBIOS, S.A., INAER
AÉREOS DEL SUR, S.A., representando a la misma, RUBEN MARIANO GARCÍA

4.- MIGUEL ÁNGEL MARTÍNEZ RIDAO, no solo como empresario individual, sino
del mismo modo respecto de MARTÍNEZ RIDAO AVIACIÓN, S.L., y SERVICIOS
representadas por aquél, y por MIGUEL ÁNGEL MARTÍNEZ BONILLA;


6.- TRABAJOS AÉREOS EXTREMEÑOS, S.L., compareciendo en representación de
la misma, SANTIAGO EDUARDO GARCIA CID, en lo que se refiere a la llamada
“Asociación” o “Grupo 6”, si bien, también gira en torno de las siguientes empresas, en
cuanto a servicios de que le son accesorios;


por Dámaso Castejón Amenedo;

8.- HELICÓPTEROS SANITARIOS, S.A. representada por María José Cañete


9.- COYOTAIR, S.A. representada por Francisco Lucas Muelas;

10.- SKY HELICÓPTEROS, representada por Josep Teno Pujol;
11.- HELICÓPTEROS DEL MARE NOSTRUM, S.A., representada por José María
Montalt Saurí;
12.- TAF HELICOPTERS, S.L., representada por Josep Carol Quintán;
13.- HISPÁNICA DE AVIACIÓN, S.A. representada por Francisco Julián Ríos
representada por Antonio Miguel Román Guillén


Coreia do Norte, um agente da paz

por Peter Koenig [*]
O falso alarme de um ataque de mísseis balísticos vindo da
Coreia do Norte sobre o Havaí, em 13 de janeiro, não
ajudou as Conversações de Paz, as quais foram iniciadas
essencialmente por iniciativa do Presidente da RDPC, Kim
Jong-un. Eles espalharam enorme medo de uma
aniquilação nuclear de Honolulu, pulverizando casas e
pessoas – um Armagedão para a população havaiana. Terá
sido uma tentativa de Trump para boicotar as
negociações? Ou foi a facção belicista do Estado profundo
dos EUA, desejando mais ameaças de guerra, levando a
população havaiana a acreditar que isso se poderá tornar
realidade, empurrando-os através de um falso alarme a
querer a devastação de uma vez para sempre da península
coreana – porque um ataque ao Norte não pouparia o Sul?
Estará a indústria de guerra desesperada por mais guerras
e mais lucros? Eles podem estar ofegantes, porque o
mundo gira em direção à paz.

Outro sinal de que o Império, os desonestos controladores

do universo, estão rodando no vazio e estão com medo de
perder seu controle sobre o mundo, é que Canadá e os
Estados Unidos após uma reunião em Vancouver, Canadá,
decidiram apoiar uma reunião internacional sobre Coreia
do Norte patrocinada pelos Canadá e EUA nos dias 15 e
16 Janeiro de 2018. Além do Canadá e dos Estados
Unidos, incluiria mais 18 países do "grupo Vancouver",
como a Dinamarca, Grécia, Noruega, Nova Zelândia e
outros – mas não a Rússia, nem a China – e mais ridículo
de tudo – a Coreia do Norte estaria ela própria ausente.
Rússia e China seriam informadas no final da reunião, na
noite de 16 de janeiro. Isso foi a proposta. Terão estes
seguidores do poder hegemónico, além de perderem o
espírito perdido também a cabeça?

O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Rússia, Sergei

Lavrov, disse o óbvio: tal não era aceitável. Acrescentando
com o seu humor sempre positivo: "Com todo o respeito
para com aqueles que tomaram esta iniciativa, não espero
nada de produtivo. Com sorte, não acontecerá nada
contraproducente. Seria já um grande resultado, se bem
que dificilmente crível".

As conversações de paz foram iniciadas sob o pretexto de

que o Norte queria participar nos Jogos Olímpicos de
Inverno em Pyeong Chang no Sul, em fevereiro deste ano.
Uma jogada inteligente que lembra a diplomacia do
pingue-pongue entre os EUA e a China no início da
década de 1970 com Nixon. Curiosamente, este foi o
degelo das relações com a República Popular da China
(RPC), que estava a sofrer "sanções" – Infelizmente as
sanções não são novidade! – devido à "interferência" de
Beijing na totalmente ilegal, injustificada, criminosa e
devastadora guerra da Coreia liderada pelos EUA que, de
1950 a 1953 destruiu totalmente a Coreia do Norte, com
um número de mortes pelo menos 4 milhões de pessoas
(quase metade da população norte-coreana). As bombas
dos EUA não deixaram nem um tijolo intocado na agora
RPDC (República Popular Democrática da Coreia). O
objetivo desta desumana atrocidade era então, como as
atuais agressões de Washington para com Pyongyang,
mais de 60 anos depois, uma tentativa de posteriormente
invadir a China com o objetivo final da dominação

A equipe de ténis de mesa nos EUA estava em Nagoya, no

Japão, em 1971, para o 31º campeonato de ténis de mesa
mundial, quando em abril recebeu um convite para visitar
Beijing. Daí começou uma viagem diplomática, que mais
tarde abriu os portões para uma relação de comércio
intensa, por vezes controversa entre Washington e
Pequim. Para a RPDC o desporto desempenha um
importante papel diplomático, reflectido no lema "amizade
primeiro, competição depois".

Terá Pyongyang sido inspirada por aquele exemplo

desportivo para abrir caminho para um novo e melhorado
relacionamento entre irmãos? Possivelmente. Contudo,
não está claro: quem realmente tomou a iniciativa e quem
persuadiu Donald Trump a ficar quieto e deixar que isso
acontecesse? Estará ele realmente tranquilo e deixará estas
históricas conversações de paz terem lugar sem serem
perturbadas? O que está a acontecer atrás das cortinas na
equipa de Trump – além da reunião do grupo de
Vancouver – é um mistério. Que estas conversações de
paz tenham lugar é naquilo em que o mundo deve
concentrar-se daqui em diante – um passo em frente num
movimento de paz que não pode ser desfeito. É uma obra-
prima de duas nações soberanas para cimentar a relação
que os une, e também com partes da China e da Rússia,
numa história de 5000 anos.

É importante entender a história da Coreia para

compreender que tudo o que sai dos infectados porta-
vozes de Washington é incoerente e não se ajusta à
realidade, com os milhares de anos de uma Coreia
pacífica, cujas crenças ainda hoje são em grande medida
influenciadas por Confúcio. A história e a imagem de
milhares de anos de uma Coreia pacífica é uma revelação
(ver caixa).

Voltando à realidade de hoje – apenas há algumas

semanas, todos os quinze membros de Conselho de
Segurança das Nações Unidas (CSNU) condenaram a
RDPC como um agressor que tem de ser punido,
empilhando insultos depois de mentiras e mais insultos
sobre o presidente Kim Jon-un e sua estratégia apenas
defensiva. Hoje, o mesmo CSNU deveria reunir-se
novamente e louvar por unanimidade a RDPC por esta
tremenda façanha de, contra todas as probabilidades,
comprometer-se em conversações de paz com o seu irmão
natural durante milénios. Por que não acontece tal elogio
para com uma nação pacífica? Porque os Donalds e Nikki
Haleys deste mundo, os mestres agressores do universo, e
todos os vassalos do presidente, teriam que morder a

No entanto, sabemos que isto não está acabado.

Washington ainda tem mais de 28 mil militares
estacionados na Coreia do Sul e um arsenal mortal de
navios de guerra, aviões de combate e bombas nucleares
para atacar – preventivamente, se o poder hegemónico
julgar necessário. Não importa que 80% dos coreanos do
Sul queiram que esta ocupação assassina acabe. Do
mesmo modo em Okinawa no Japão a base dos EUA tem
mais de 40 mil militares – que a grande maioria dos
japoneses e especialmente os habitantes da ilha, desejam
que saiam. Eles trazem crime, drogas, prostituição e até o
assassinato para a ilha. As violações estão em ascensão.

Podem estas conversações coreanas colocar em

movimento algo maior que apenas conversações de paz
entre os países irmãos. Pode este primeiro encontro sério
em mais de sessenta anos (delegações dos dois países
reuniram-se em 2014 para uma troca de visitas familiares)
tornar-se uma grande surpresa para os 15 membros do
CSNU, que sem pensar cozinharam sanções assassinas à
Coreia do Norte há apenas algumas semanas?

Possam estas conversações ser um abrir de olhos para o

mundo, mostrando a falsidade de toda a operação do
CSNU e quão subservientes para com o pagador chefe os
seus membros se tornaram? Poderia ser um sinal para a
China e a Rússia, que o seu não-veto, a sua submissão
para ao agressor ( bully ), qualquer que fosse o motivo
estratégico que poderia ter tido – foi um erro? Ou irão eles
simplesmente reclamar crédito para o que está
acontecendo – considerando que ameaças e sanções
funcionam? Qualquer pessoa sensata que conhece a
história e missão de paz da grande e antiga Coreia, o
Reino de Gojoseon – e certamente China e Rússia
deveriam sabê-lo – verão como o mundo é ignorante, ou
então quanto sangue e ganância ameaçam a Humanidade
sob o reino do capitalismo.

As duas Coreias podem ter aproveitado a oportunidade

para cumprir seu objetivo maior: unirem-se de novo,
reunindo suas famílias de forma duradoura; Iniciar um
movimento de alegria e harmonia; uma nova era de
unificação que não possa ser quebrada. Isto está
totalmente em sintonia com a pregação budista do amor,
ainda profundamente enraizada nas duas Coreias.

O Presidente Kim Jong-un tem sempre e repetidamente

dito que não procura a guerra, não ameaça ninguém, mas
que as armas nucleares são uma arma defensiva, visando
apenas os agressores – o único agressor, Estados Unidos,
que há mais de 60 anos não permitiu que se convertesse
um acordo de armistício instável num acordo de paz. O
povo da Coreia do Norte não quer nada mais do que paz.

As guerras ao longo do último século e especialmente

durante os últimos 17 anos com o início da eterna "guerra
ao terror", terminologia de um negócio que impulsiona o
lucro do complexo industrial militar e de segurança, tem-
se tornado tão enraizado na mente das pessoas, que um
mundo de paz, harmonia e amor é quase inimaginável.

Sob que tipo de regime poderia funcionar uma Coreia

Norte-Sul unidas? Um socialismo puro e duro (hard-core),
ao estilo da RDPC, um capitalismo de tipo de Seul, com
um suave toque de Moon Jae-no, ou um socialismo de tipo
chinês com um revestimento capitalista, ainda que
controlado por um partido socialista centralizado? Difícil
prever neste momento, mas dada a ligação histórica da
Coreia à Manchúria, hoje ligada à China e Rússia,
provavelmente seria um modelo político de sensibilidade

A pressão regional, liderada pela China para retirar as

bases militares dos EUA da península coreana iria crescer
– e em paralelo o povo japonês encontraria um argumento
adicional para expulsar os ocupantes dos EUA da bela ilha
de Okinawa. Iriam os líderes fantoche – líderes, não as
pessoas – do Japão, Guam, Filipinas, Singapura,
Indonésia, Austrália – ceder à pressão dos povos e chutar
os cães de guerra para fora de seus territórios soberanos,
como deveriam, se quiserem merecer alguma porção do
significado da democracia?

Deixem-me sonhar por um momento: se este esforço

tremendo – paz e unificação – tivesse êxito, ele poderia
definir o avanço de um programa, em que o mundo em
geral ainda não pensou. A China e a Rússia sairiam mais
fortes no objectivo de um mundo multipolar.

O sr. Putin, que apoia o plano Moon-Kim sabe muito bem

qual é o papel político de participar nos Jogos Olímpicos –
e como o desporto age na política. Ele e a Rússia vivem
"desporto como política" quase numa base diária. Atletas
russos são banidos dos Jogos Olímpicos e outros eventos
desportivos; atletas russos são constantemente acusados de
doping, quando o número de atletas dos EUA apanhados
dopados é muito maior. Gente do desporto dos EUA
encontrada com doping enche páginas na internet, mas
ninguém se preocupa em ver ou se atreve a falar contra a
injustiça. O Comité Olímpico é um fantoche da mesma
laia que o CSNU, União Europeia e todos os tribunais
internacionais. Por que razões? Só posso pensar em
cobardia, aquilo em que o neoliberalismo globalizado os
tornou – medo das sanções, medo de se levantarem pela
justiça e em vez disso serem subservientes aos agressores.
Isto é: a ganância acima de integridade.

O presidente Putin juntamente com os presidentes Moon e

Kim, habilmente colocaram o desporto como uma
iniciativa de paz – quem poderia opor-se aos atletas da
RDPC de participarem nos Jogos Olímpicos da Coreia do
Sul? Mas por trás da cena está montada uma real iniciativa
de paz que poderá literalmente fazer mover as placas
tectónicas do poder mundial. A dinâmica de tais
desenvolvimentos, juntamente com uma mudança rápida
para maior equilíbrio económico, já está a ter lugar na
Organização de Cooperação de Shanghai (SCO) com
crescente força e com maior independência monetária em
relação ao Ocidente. Tais dinâmicas são imprevisíveis,
mas rapidamente poderiam fazer passar a nossa civilização
da escuridão para a luz.
[*] Economista e analista geopolítico. É também um
antigo quadro do Banco Mundial e trabalhou
extensivamente em todo o mundo nas áreas de meio
ambiente e recursos hídricos. Lecciona em
universidades nos EUA, Europa e América do Sul.
Escreve regularmente para a Global Research, ICH,
RT, Sputnik, PressTV, século XXI (China), TeleSUR, o
The Saker Blog e outros sites da internet. É co-autor de
Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War,
Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed , uma
obra de ficção com base em factos reais e em 30 anos
de experiência do Banco Mundial por todo o mundo. É
também co-autor de The World Order and Revolution! -
Essays from the Resistance.

O original encontra-se em
Houve um tempo em que a distinção enfre factos e opiniões era uma prática bem estabelecida
no jornalismo, assim como a distinção entre a mentira e a verdade. Hoje isso não é mais assim
e os próprios jornalistas que trabalham nos media corporativos são, em grande medida,
responsáveis por esta degradação. Consciente ou inconscientemente, a maior parte destes
profissionais perdeu qualquer capacidade de análise ou de juízo crítico. Aceitam como
verdadeiras as mentiras mais inverossímeis.
Basta ver, por exemplo, o semanário Expresso de 08/Abril/2017. Nunca, em momento alguns,
os vários jornalistas que ali escreveram sobre a agressão à Síria puseram em causa a versão
dos EUA de que o governo Assad teria utilizado armas químicas contra o seu próprio povo. Os
leitores desse semanário nem sequer tiveram o direito do contraditório, princípio básico do
jornalismo. A mentira passa assim por verdade pura e cristalina.
Nenhum destes escrevinhadores que se intitulam jornalistas aprendeu com a História. O
cinismo ou a ignorância imperam entre eles. As mentiras sucessivas do governo dos EUA para
lançar guerras são pura e simplesmente ignoradas. A mentira do incidente do Golfo de
Tonquim, tramada pelos EUA para lançar a guerra do Vietname, não existe para esta gente do
Expresso, dos comentaristas da TV ou das folhas de papel corporativas. A mentira de Collin
Powell na ONU e das suas "provas" de armas de destruição em massa no Iraque tão pouco.
Assim como a mentira da explosão do navio que serviu para os EUA intervirem militarmente
em Cuba, no princípio do século XX. Exemplos destes poderiam suceder-se numa longa série.
Verifica-se assim que Goebbels tem émulos à altura nos media portugueses. Como diz John
Pilger, tais jornalistas têm uma pesadíssima responsabilidade pelas mortes de milhões de
pessoas pois preparam o clima para as guerras de agressão do imperialismo. Eles têm as mãos
manchadas de sangue. Crimes monstruosos praticados na Jugoslávia, Iraque, Afeganistão,
Líbia, Somália, Iémen, Síria e tantos outros lugares são também da responsalidade dos que
escrevem nos media corporativos.



Os EUA estão divididos. De um lado estão os que querem preservar o Império mesmo à custa
do seu país – são os neocons. Do outro lado estão os querem salvar os EUA ainda que seja à
custa da perda da sua hegemonia imperial. A representante dos primeiros é a sanguinária e
corrupta Hillary Clinton, responsáveis por incontáveis mortes de civis no Iraque, na Líbia, na
Somália, no Iémen e na antiga Jugoslávia (em 1999 apoiou o seu marido na guerra de agressão
da NATO). Ela é a mulher que, tal como uma ave carniceira, deu uma gargalhada ao saber do
assassinato de Kadafi ("Viemos, vimos e matámos", berrou ela). A sua eventual vitória
significará uma alta probabilidade de guerra nuclear.
O outro candidato, Trump, é o que aceita o retorno a um mundo multipolar a fim de salvar da
derrocada o seu próprio país – uma derrocada económica, financeira, monetária, política e
moral. Apesar da sua vulgaridade, grosseria e algumas ideias tolas ele é certamente o
candidato que dá mais garantias à paz mundial e à maioria do povo estado-unidense. Se estas
eleições não forem mais roubadas do que de costume Trump poderá vencer.
Ter ou não um planeta coberto de cinzas radioactivas depende dos resultados de 8 de



Em 11 de Setembro de 2001 verificaram-se as demolições controladas de três edifícios
do World Trade Center de Nova York; o ataque ao Pentágono através de um objecto
voador sem asas e com capacidade perfurante e o desaparecimento de um avião nos
EUA. Foi o crime do século. Os que o planearam e o cometeram eram indivíduos
dentro do aparelho de Estado dos EUA – foi um inside job. Os seus executores
precisavam forjar uma operação de falsa bandeira – e disseram-no antecipadamente no
Project for A New American Century.
Ninguém de bom senso pode ser convencido pelas pseudo-explicações absurdas
propaladas pelo governo americano, como se dois edifícios com estrutura de aço
pudessem ruir com incêndios provocados por choques de aviões e um terceiro, o de
número 7, ruísse "por simpatia" com os outros dois; ou como se um avião que ninguém
viu e de que não há vestígios se houvesse chocado com Pentágono.
O segundo capítulo desta história é o encobrimento do crime. Durante 15 anos os media
corporativos fizeram e fazem silenciamento ou desinformação. Nenhum dos chamados
jornalistas "de investigação" debruçou-se sobre o caso. A censura é total. Para os media
corporativos, o 11/Set tornou-se assunto tabu. O seu servilismo face ao poder é
absoluto. Todo este caso do 11/Set, das guerras de agressão que se seguiram, da
fascistização do regime nos EUA (Patriot Act, novo Ministério da Segurança Interna,
leis de espionagem e devassa dos cidadãos, etc) é um "não assunto" para as corporações
dos mass media.
Só os media alternativos e investigadores sérios dos EUA – engenheiros, arquitectos,
físicos e muitos outros profissionais – analisam e denunciam as mentiras do governo
estado-unidense. O avanço do nazismo na Alemanha deveu-se também a uma operação
de falsa bandeira: o incêndio do Reichstag, em 1933, por apaniguados de Goering.


O jurisdicismo actua como uma nuvem de poeira que obscurece as questões reais. Trata-
se de uma prática corrente dos parlamentos corruptos, como se viu durante o
espectáculo encenado no senado brasileiro. Ali, um bando de serviçais da oligarquia
palrou horas sem fim sobre bizantinismos jurídicos. Tentavam ocultar a questão real,
subjacente ao impeachment da sra. Roussef: quais as classes e sectores de classe
beneficiados com a aprovação do impeachment? O grande beneficiário foi o sector
financeiro da burguesia – este é o sector hegemónico que está no comando do processo.
A posse de H. Meirelles no Ministério das Finanças e de I. Goldfajn como governador
do Banco Central, imediatamente após a suspensão do mandato de Dilma, indicam isso.
A oligarquia financeira (estreitamente ligada ao imperialismo) é hoje o sector que
comanda a burguesia brasileira. Nela se inclui a burguesia rentista, que se locupleta com
os altos níveis das taxas de juro brasileira e dos títulos da dívida pública. Mas a
burguesia industrial definha pois o país desindustrializa-se a olhos vistos (a indústria
transformadora que em 2004 representava 18% do PIB, em 2015 caiu para 9%). O outro
grande beneficiado é o sector da burguesia exportadora de produtos primários
(agrobusiness e minérios em bruto).
Os sectores prejudicados com a queda final do governo PT, fruto das suas conciliações e
política de apaziguamento, são as camadas médias, os trabalhadores assalariados e os
enormes segmentos marginalizados da população. Essa será a base social para a
construção de um verdadeiro movimento popular a fim de combater a ditadura do
capital financeiro.

O silenciamento quase total dos media portugueses acerca das eleições sírias só foi rompido
por calúnias bolsadas pela RTP2 (programa "Olhar o mundo"). Igualmente silenciado foi o
discurso do Presidente Assad perante o Parlamento sírio , hoje reproduzido por
Trata-se de uma peça impressionante e mesmo comovente. Este discurso reflecte a tragédia
de todo um povo sacrificado barbaramente pelo imperialismo, com a vergonhosa colaboração
de uma União Europeia em total degradação moral e política. Mas mesmo neste transe terrível
o povo sírio e as suas heróicas forças armadas resistem e lutam. Eles não querem ter o mesmo
destino de povos trucidados pelos imperialismo, como os da Líbia, Iraque, Afeganistão, Iémen
e tantos outros. Apesar das tragédias humanas provocadas pelo terrorismo patrocinado pelos
países da NATO, longe vão os tempos em que os governantes dos EUA e os seus serviçais da
UE diziam que o Presidente sírio não duravava mais de seis meses!


A câmara alta do Parlamento suíço acaba de cancelar o pedido de adesão do país à
União Europeia , que fora apresentado em 1992. Vinte e sete senadores votaram pelo
cancelamento, 13 foram contra e dois se abstiveram.
E no referendo do proximo dia 23 a Grã-Bretanha irá votar o Brexit, o abandono da UE.
Enquanto isso em França, centro da UE, todo o povo está em revolta aberta contra os
seus ditames relativos às leis do trabalho e o servilismo do governo Hollande. Qual dos
28 será o próximo a por em causa a pertença à UE?
Na verdade, Portugal tem muito mais razões que a Grã-Bretanha para romper com a UE
– esta pelo menos manteve a sua soberania monetária e um certo grau de autonomia em
relação a Bruxelas. Aqui, nem isso. Portugal está submetido e sufocado pela UE. O
seu presidente e os seus governantes, de modo humilhante, peregrinam pelas capitais
europeias a pedirem pelo amor dos deuses para não serem submetidos às sanções de
Bruxelas. Eles, e os media corporativos que os servem, instilam falsos medos quanto à
ruptura porque não têm dignidade para propô-la.


Assine a petição Pelo debate e decisão sobre a ratificação do CETA na Assembleia
da República . São precisas 4.000 assinaturas para que a petição seja discutida na AR.
O Acordo de comércio e investimento CETA (Comprehensive Economic and Trade
Agreement) entre a UE e o Canadá foi negociado sigilosamente entre a Comissão
Europeia e o Canadá, tendo a sua versão final sido tornada pública pela Comissão
Europeia em Fevereiro de 2016.
A notória falta de transparência perante os deputados eleitos pelos cidadãos e a
sociedade civil que caracterizou o processo de elaboração do texto do Acordo contrasta
fortemente com a enorme influência exercida, durante o mesmo, pelos lobistas
representantes da Indústria e Instituições Financeiras.
É preciso 1) que o texto do CETA e as suas consequências sejam debatidos
publicamente na Assembleia da República; e 2) que a decisão sobre a sua ratificação
ou não ratificação tenha lugar na Assembleia da República.


Ela prosternou-se diante do Capital, seguindo os passos do seu mentor Lula. Fez todas
as concessões possíveis e imagináveis à classe dominante, contra os trabalhadores e os
pobres que a elegeram. Nomeou um banqueiro neoliberal para o Ministério das
Finanças; aprovou em Abril uma lei dita "anti-terrorista" contra o movimentos sociais;
manteve congelada a Reforma Agrária; nomeou uma latifundiária para o Ministério da
Agricultura; aceitou submissamente que o Império espionasse as suas ligações
telefónicas; leiloou ministérios inteiros à reacção em troca do apoio político de um
parlamento corrupto — mas nada disso adiantou. Hoje, 17/Abril/2016, num espectáculo
pouco edificante um parlamento presidido por um indivíduo arqui-corrupto e dominado
por latifundiários, evangélicos, polícias e militares votou pelo impeachment da sra.
Dilma Roussef. As suas concessões de nada adiantaram, foi ejectada tal como se cospe
o bagaço de uma laranja depois de chupada. O PT é hoje um partido desmoralizado e a
democracia burguesa brasileira está podre. Faz falta e é urgente constituir um bloco de
forças revolucionário e anti-capitalista que dinamize as lutas que se seguirão. A social-
democracia lulista já deu o que tinha a dar.



Com o pretexto do "combate ao terrorismo", hoje 14/Abril o Parlamento Europeu aprovou a
diretiva "Passenger Name Record" . Esta lei obriga as companhias aéreas a registarem dados
pessoais dos seus passageiros, como nome, morada, número de telefone, número do cartão
de crédito e forma de pagamento, nome dos acompanhantes (se os houver), bagagem e
itinerário da viagem. Os dados serão retidos durante quatro anos. A deriva policialesca da
União Europeia segue pari passu a rota traçada pelo seu amo estado-unidense. Lá como cá,
estão em causa os direitos, liberdades e garantias dos cidadãos. Eles praticam terrorismo de
estado e depois valem-se disso para implantar estados policiais. É necessário abandonar a UE
para preservar a democracia.



North Korea – an Agent of

By Peter Koenig
January 18, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - The
false alarm on a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii last
Saturday from North Korea did not help the Peace Talks
which were essentially initiated by DPRK’s President,
Kim Jong-un. They spread enormous fear of a nuclear
annihilation of Honolulu, pulverization of homes and
people - of Armageddon for the Hawaiian population.
Was this a Trump attempt to boycott the talks? Or was it
the war-mongering faction of the deep state wanting more
threats of war, scaring the Hawaiian population into
believing that this might become reality; pushing them
with a false alarm into wanting the devastation once and
for all the Korean Peninsula – because an attack on the
North would not spare the South? Is the war industry
desperate for more wars, more profit? They may be
wheezing from exhaustion – as the world is turning
towards peace.
Another sign that the empire, the rogue controllers of the
universe, are running on empty, that they are in sheer fear
of losing their grip on the world, is that Canada and the
US have decided to hold an international meeting in
Vancouver, Canada, on North Korea on 15 and 16 January
2018. The Conference is hosted by Canada, sponsored by
the US. In addition to Canada and the US, there are 18
countries in the “Vancouver Group”, including Denmark,
Greece, Norway, New Zealand and others – but not
Russia, nor China --- and most ridiculously of all – North
Korea itself is absent. Russia and China will be briefed at
the end of the meetings, in the evening of 16 January; that
was the proposal. – Have these wannabe hegemons along
with their breath also lost their marbles?
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the
obvious: This is not acceptable. Adding with his always
positive humor, “With all due respect towards those who
came up with such an initiative, I don’t expect anything
productive. Hopefully, nothing counterproductive will
happen. It’ll be a great result already, while it’s hardly
The Peace talks were initiated under the pretext of the
North wanting to participate in the South’s winter
Olympics in PyeongChang in February this year. A clever
move. It reminds of the Ping-Pong diplomacy between
Nixon’s America and China of the early 1970’s.
Interestingly this was the thawing of relations between the
People’s Republic of China (PRC) which was being
‘sanctioned’ – alas! sanctions are not new! – because of
Beijing’s ‘interference’ in the totally illegal, unjustified,
criminal and devastating US-led Korean war which from
1950 – 1953 totally destroyed North Korea, with a death
toll of at least 4 million people, almost half of the then
North Korean population. The US bombs left not a brick
untouched in the now DPRK (Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea). The goal of this inhuman atrocity was
then, as are Washington’s 60 years-plus aggressions
towards Pyongyang today, an attempt of further
encroaching on China with the final goal of full
The US table tennis team was in Nagoya, Japan, in 1971
for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, when in
April 1971 the team received an invitation to visit
Beijing. Hence started a diplomatic journey which later
opened the (flood) gates for an immense, intense and at
times controversial trade relationship between
Washington and Beijing. For the PRC sports played an
important diplomatic role, reflected in the slogan
“Friendship First, Competition Second”.
Was Pyongyang inspired by this example of sports paving
the way for a new and improved relationship between
brothers? – Possibly. Yet. It is not clear, who really took
the initiative, and who persuaded the Donald to be quiet
and let it happen? – Will he indeed be quiet and let these
historic peace talks take place undisturbed? What is
happening behind the curtains in Trump’s camp – other
than the Vancouver Group gathering – is anybody’s guess.
That these Peace Talks are taking place is what the world
should concentrate on – a step forward in a peace
movement that cannot be undone. It is a master piece of
two sovereign nations to cement their relationship which
unites them, plus portions of China and today’s Russian
Federation with a 5000-year history.
It is important to understand Korea’s history to
comprehend that everything that comes out of the lie-
infected mouthpieces of Washington is incoherent and
does not fit reality, the thousands of years of a peaceful
Korea, whose believes are still today largely influenced
by Confucius. The history and image of thousands of
years of peaceful Korea is a revelation. See box – below.
Returning to today’s reality – only a few weeks ago, all
fifteen members of the UN Security Council (UNSC)
have condemned the DPRK as an aggressor that has to be
punished, piling insult after lies and more insults on
President Kim Jon-un and on his nothing-else-but-defense
strategy. Today, the same UNSC should get together again
and unanimously praise DPRK for this tremendous feat
of, against all odds, engaging in peace talks with its
natural brother for millennia. Why will such praise for a
peace-loving nation not happen? – Because the Donalds
and Nikki Haleys of this world, the master aggressors of
the universe, and all the President’s Men and Vassals,
would have to bite their tongue.
However, we know this is not the end of it. Washington
still has more than 28,000 servicemen and women
stationed in South Korea and a deadly arsenal of
warships, fighter planes and nuclear bombs to strike –
pre-emptively, if the hegemon deems it necessary. Never
mind that 80% of South Koreans want this murderous
occupation to end. Similar with Japan’s Okinawa US base
with more than 40,000 US servicemen and women – the
vast majority of Japanese, and especially Island
inhabitants, want them out. They bring crime, drugs,
prostitution and even murder to the island. Rapes are on
the rise.
May these Korean talks set in motion something bigger
than just peace talks between two brothers. Could this
first serious encounter in over sixty years (delegations of

the two countries have met in 2014 for an exchange of

family visits) become an eye-opener for the 15 UNSC
members who thoughtlessly dished out murder sanctions
to North Korea just a few weeks ago?
Could this be an eye-opener for the world, showing how
fake the entire UN-operation has become, how
subservient to the paymaster they have become? Could
this be a signal for China and Russia that their non-veto,
their submission to the bully, for whatever strategic
reason they may have had – was a mistake? – Or would
they simply claim credit for what is happening – that
threats and sactions do work? Any thinking person who
knows the history and Mission of Peace of Great and
Ancient Korea, the Gojoseon Kingdom – and surely China
and Russia ought to know it – will see either how ignorant
the world is, or else, how blood- and greed thirsty
humanity has become under the Kingdom of Capitalism.
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The two Koreans may have seized the opportunity to

fulfill their highest goal, to become one again, bringing
their families together in a lasting way; initiating a
movement of joy and harmony; a new era of unification
that cannot be broken. This is fully in line with the
Buddhist preachings of love, still deeply enshrined in the
two Koreas.
President Kim Jong-un has always and repeatedly said
that he is not seeking war, is not threatening anybody, but
that the nuclear arms are a defensive weapon aiming only
at the aggressors – the one and only aggressor, the United
States, which for over 60 years has not let go, not allowed
converting a shaky armistice agreement into a peace
agreement. The people of the DPRK want nothing more
than peace.
Wars over the last century and especially during the last
17 years – with the onset of the eternal “war on terror”,
the one business terminology that drives the profit of the
military-security industrial complex, has become so
engrained in people’s minds, that a world of peace,
harmony and love is almost unimaginable.
Under what type of regime would a united North-South
Korea function? A hard-core socialism, DPRK style, a
Seoul type capitalism, with a soft Moon Jae-in touch, or a
Chinese type socialism with a capitalist coating, yet
controlled by a centralized socialist party? – Difficult to
predict at tis point, but given Korea’s historic link to
Manchuria, to both today’s China and Russia, it would
likely be a political model of social sensitivity.
The regional pressure led by China to withdraw the US
military base from the Korean Peninsula would grow –
and in parallel the Japanese people would find an
additional argument for expulsing the US occupiers from
the bueatiful island of Okinawa. Would the US supported
puppet leaders – leaders, not people – Japan, Guam,
Singapour Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – cave in to
peoples’ pressure and kick the war hounds out of their
sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to
deserve even a shred of the meaning of democracy?

Let me dream for a moment: If this tremendous endeavor

– peace and unification – were to succeed, it might set an
agenda in motion, the world at large has not thought of
yet. China and Russia would come out stronger with their
objective of a multi-polar world.
Mr. Putin, who supports the Moon-Kim Plan knows very
well what political role the Olympics play – and how
sports act in politics. He and Russia are living “sports as
politics” alsmost on a daily basis. Russian athletes being
banned from Olympics, and other sports events; Russian
athletes consitantly being singled out for doping, when
the number of US athletes caught doping is much larger.
US sports people found doping fill pages on internet, but
nobody cares to look – and dares speaking up against
injustice. The Olympic committee is a puppet of the same
league as are the United Nations, the Europan Union and
all the international courts. For what reasons? – I can only
think of cowardice. That’s what globalized neoliberalism
has made us – afraid of sanctions, afraid to stand up for
justice and instead subservient to bullies. That’s greed
above integrity.
President Putin, along with the Presidents Moon and Kim,
cleverly turns sport around as a peace initiative – who
could oppose DPRK athletes from participating in South
Korea’s Olympics – and behind the scene is an actual
peace initiative being mounted that could literally turn the
world’s techtonic power plates around. Dynamics of such
developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards more
economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing
strength, and with increased monetary independence from
the west – such dynamics are unpredictable. But they
could rapidly move our civilization from darkness into

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He

is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively
around the world in the fields of environment and water
resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe
and South America. He writes regularly for Global
Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 21st Century
(China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and
other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An
Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction
and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30
years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is
also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! -
Essays from the Resistance.
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Comments (38)

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David Stone · 3 weeks ago

All brought about by Nth K's nukes.





bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago

"Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and cooperation

through love and service, is diametrically opposed to the neocon
PNAC agenda of global slavery to the Rothschild et al globalist plan.
My fervent hope is the policy of lending money to the governments
of the West to perpetuate this horror will result in bankruptcy for the
aggressors, the interest payments reaching a point as to make the
whole folly implode from it's own greed. Power to the Koreans. And
yes, the nukes were the facilitator of feasibility for reconciliation. The
phony Hawaii nuke threat was but a false flag psyop to rankle the
nerves of Americans, to whip up popular support for destroying
DPRK. Let's hope the world can see through this smoke and mirrors
propaganda fest and shame the US into capitulation. The US stands
on a threshold between the Koreas and Syria, the stakes are high.
Hoping Trump will cast off the influence of the deep state and make
America great, in a way that it has never been before.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Tom, why are you posting this article on your website, when you are
fully aware of the smears that your site is 'fake news'?
The picture of the placard holders IS NOT KOREA -- the language
is NOT HANGUL -- It is JAPANESE, South and North Korea's
greatest enemy. Perhaps the picture refers to the Okinawa
paragraph, but without a caption it is not clear.

Also, theoretically, the author's perspective is weak and anecdotal

to say the least -- all the references to 'the peaceful mission of
Gojoseon' mean nothing at all to modern day Koreans. Nothing at
all -- Gojoseon isn't even on modern day Korean territory for the
most part, and is simply a vague image in a dusty history book to
most Koreans, and they certainly don't connect it to the modern day
political world, nor do the connect it to 'peace missions'. Talking
about Gojoseon to Modern day Koreans is much like discussing
Viking and Danish and Saxon warriors or Druids with a modern day
British person who may remember vague details about these 2,000
year old events from a school lesson.

And the author mentions Confucius? To Koreans, Confucius

represents a rigid and austere CONSERVATIVISM, which the
Korean aristocrats used to OPPRESS Koreans for centuries in the
Yangban system. The North Koreans did everything they could to
undo Confucianist privilege and the South Koreans use the
remnants of Confucianism to bolster pro-American right-wing

Put simply, it is a very poorly researched article.



5 replies · active 3 weeks ago


tahautaua 97p · 3 weeks ago

Essentially, the Vancouver Summit on North Korea; is a gathering of

NATO and the ‘Five-Eyes’ Anglo War/Spy Rogue Alliance. Their
agenda is anything; but peaceful and benevolent.
The inclusion of my own country (New Zealand); should also come
with a warning, to other peoples of the Pacific and the World. Since
1987, NZ has passed itself off as a bastion of Anti-Nuclear sanity;
while partaking in every warmongering adventure, the West has
been able to dream up in the last 30 years. NZ’s famous
environmental ‘Clean Green Nuclear Free’ image; is no more than a
marketing ploy, for NZ agri-business and tourism.
If publicly, the ‘false’ missile False Alarm, that took place in Hawaii
last week, is anything to go by; it should be viewed as a deliberate
‘spanner in the works’ by the US-Dep State, to disrupt the current
rapprochement between the Korean cousins. The fact that the
compliant warmedia have gone silent on the ‘Hawaiian Incident’;
reflects the joint malevolent intent of the Deep-State/warmedia
toward a ‘Unified Korea.’ The resulting Vancouver conference on
Korea; is the follow up result, to muster Imperialist opposition to
Korean unification.
Whilst the discussions are taking place in Korea, it’s time for China
and Russia to get off their arses; and show some real Eurasian
leadership. So far, they’ve behaved treacherously toward North
Korea; as Imperialist stooges of their ‘Western Partners’ and the
UN. As capitalist restorationist’s, China and Russia, have great
difficulty; trying to reconcile global competition and Eurasian
solidarity. But they’re going to have to sort their shit out; because
they’re in danger of losing the plot.



2 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

" behind the scene is an actual peace initiative being mounted that
could literally turn the world’s techtonic power plates around.
Dynamics of such developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards
more economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing strength, and
with increased monetary independence from the west – such
dynamics are unpredictable. But they could rapidly move our
civilization from darkness into light"

Please -- Tom -- why are you even printing this poorly informed
stuff? South Korea is a hard-line pro-American very right-wing , ultra
conservative, violently anti leftist, anti progressive state, and **much
of that impetus comes from Koreans themselves** - it is not all an
American plot -- read about Kwangju massacres and the Cheju do
mass killings of leftists : leftists and progressives are despised in the
South and put in prison if they reach political power -- and the North
is a very hardline ultra nationalist, race worshipping, blood
fetishising ( a very big thing on both sides of the border ) Stalinist
state with strong overtones of aristocratic concepts of rule and
devotion to leaders from centuries old Korean dynasties -- they are
not in any way progressive or interested in World peace. And by the
way, the North Koreans do not trust or even like China. And neither
do the South Koreans, who regard the Chinese with distrust and
deep suspicion. Read Bruce Cumings on that.



2 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bukwheat wrote ""Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and

cooperation through love and service"

the problem is, mouthing these clichés means nothing as a concept

in the South or the North.

As I said, Gojoseon means about as much to the average Korean

as the deeds and ambitions of ancient Danish or Viking warriors
mean to the average British person of the 21st century.

Eg zilch. Nada. Nothing.



2 replies · active 3 weeks ago

bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago

And it's bunkwheat, with a lower case b.



1 reply · active 3 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bunkwheat, let's see your stats for those who want USA out and
unity with the North.

And no I DO NOT WANT ANY harm to come to North Koreans.

Not a hair on their heads harmed.

I am anti-American -- South Korea is not. It's not about me, it is

what they want. Not me.

Most sth Koreans have no interest in unity with the North. Sth Korea
is a rabidly right-wing conservative stare. North Korean refugees
find no sympathy here --



2 replies · active 3 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

"but the desire for peace is as fervent as ever. Among the general
population. Not among the CIA backed South Korean military, paid
off politicians, government hacks, and journalists who, a distinct
minority, continue to sow distrust and paranoia. But among the
average citizen on both sides, a vast majority, there is a desire to
turn this wicked tide around."

You are so wrong -- most South Koreans have no interest

whatsoever in North Koreans and unification and are , frankly, bored
of the debate. South Koreans are self-interested and ultra
competitive capitalists. If you knew South Korea at all, you'd know



1 reply · active 2 weeks ago


RBHoughton 85p · 3 weeks ago

The American historian Bruce Cummings' recent book on The

Korean War is a very helpful and straight forward account of what
happened. There is one aspect of that war that particularly caught
my attention as it was repeated in China's brief 3-day 'punch on the
nose' to Vietnam during the struggle there.

The Asian form of war has never been about total war. It has been
to re-kindle willingness for negotiations. You may read of Asian
armies marching up and down the frontier of some temporarily
hostile country, letting off fire-crackers and banging drums, until
discussions are resumed.

We westerners got into total war when George III, whom Americans
have good reason to evaluate correctly, decided to take Britain to
war against democracy in Republican France (and later USA). Its
difficult to form a proper view of history since those days because
state historians have misrepresented or concealed the facts from
subsequent generations in their attempts to justify the unjustifiable.

In the case of Korea, we see the North driving the Americans south
into the sea and then retiring in the usual Asian way without causing
any infrastructural damage on their retreat although retiring western
troops had earlier blown up bridges and power stations as they
went. We then see MacArthur landing at Inchon and laying waste to
the entire northern half of the country, making it uninhabitable by
man or beast as he inched towards China.

On the one hand we see a means of advancing diplomacy, on the

other a means of desolation. The west in its theory of total war
emulates the Romans, of whom it is said 'where-ever Roman
legions went they left a desert,' an approach that Europe as
successors to the Holy Roman Emperor emulate with care and
precision. We have learned nothing in two millennia.

I sincerely hope the Korean negotiators are able to exclude foreign

war-mongers from their counsels. I expect the South has to share
its knowledge with the west but that's no reason to share western
preferences or promote them in negotiations. This is a real chance
for eace to break-out in Korea. It would be a crime to allow it to fail.




guest01 · 3 weeks ago

Quote from article: “Would the US supported puppet leaders –

leaders, not people – Japan, Guam, Singapour Philippines,
Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and kick the war
hounds out of their sovefreign territories, as they should, if they
want to deserve even a shred of the meaning of democracy?”

Unlike Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia,

Guam is a territory of USA. The inhabitants of Guam are US
citizens; most have shown no desire for independence. There is
more chance of California seceding from the union than Guam or
any of the other US territories seeking independence.



3 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

The author says this is "the first serious encounter in over sixty
years" between the two Koreas.

Absolute rot -- has the author read nothing of history? Has the
author no knowledge of Roh Moo Hyun's sunshine policy, in which
he seriously tried to peacefully engage with North Korea?

And what of Kim Dae Jung's serious efforts to make peace with the

The author is not well informed and has done little research.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

And where does the author get the idea that the phrase 'Hongik
Ingan' has great value to most Koreans? Let's see his sources. It
may have relevance to small political think thanks with questionable
influence , obscure academics with books to sell, or those interested
in ancient myth connected to Dangun, but to the average Korean, it
means very little in terms of real political discourse.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bukweat wrote "80% of polled South Koreans want rapprochement

with the north, and above all, US bases out"

I repeat -- I really want you to show me reliable stats showing that

South Koreans want US bases out of Korea.

Really-- show me the stats.

80 percent want the US gone? If you are that sure of it, show us the
stats -- perhaps you saw the a THAAD demos? Those were a TINY
part of the South Korean population.

This is not about me and my opinions now -- I have **no interest in

US warmongering**. I am not even American and I don't support
USA -- but I take exception to those twisting the details. Most South
Koreans couldn't care less about the USA, **but they ARE pro US
alliance, not because they are subservient to the US, but simply
because South Koreans are hard line capitalists and self interested,
and they trust the US MORE than they would ever trust China.**

Anti Chinese sentiment is very strong in South Korea.

In a toss up between the two US is preferred to China any day of

the week.

Can't you get that **South Korea is about as hardline right wing
conservative capitalist as you are going to find anywhere in the

It's not about me and my views -- I am sceptical about the US and

deeply sceptical of capitalism -- the South Koreans are not.
See here --

See here -- THAAD support in Korea at over 70% ( from the

progressive press in Korea )



1 reply · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

By the way, I have a high opinion of the author -- I have followed his
work for years and admire his motivations and message -- see his
fine work here :




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

The author Peter Koening is excellent here, in discussion with the

equally important social critic, Ken Jebsen.



CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

In fact, I wish Ken Jebsen's and Peter Koenig's speech work was
more easily available to those of us who don't speak German --
fortunately the above links have English translation.



1 reply · active 3 weeks ago

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North Korea – an Agent of

By Peter Koenig
January 18, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - The
false alarm on a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii last
Saturday from North Korea did not help the Peace Talks
which were essentially initiated by DPRK’s President,
Kim Jong-un. They spread enormous fear of a nuclear
annihilation of Honolulu, pulverization of homes and
people - of Armageddon for the Hawaiian population.
Was this a Trump attempt to boycott the talks? Or was it
the war-mongering faction of the deep state wanting more
threats of war, scaring the Hawaiian population into
believing that this might become reality; pushing them
with a false alarm into wanting the devastation once and
for all the Korean Peninsula – because an attack on the
North would not spare the South? Is the war industry
desperate for more wars, more profit? They may be
wheezing from exhaustion – as the world is turning
towards peace.
Another sign that the empire, the rogue controllers of the
universe, are running on empty, that they are in sheer fear
of losing their grip on the world, is that Canada and the
US have decided to hold an international meeting in
Vancouver, Canada, on North Korea on 15 and 16 January
2018. The Conference is hosted by Canada, sponsored by
the US. In addition to Canada and the US, there are 18
countries in the “Vancouver Group”, including Denmark,
Greece, Norway, New Zealand and others – but not
Russia, nor China --- and most ridiculously of all – North
Korea itself is absent. Russia and China will be briefed at
the end of the meetings, in the evening of 16 January; that
was the proposal. – Have these wannabe hegemons along
with their breath also lost their marbles?
Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the
obvious: This is not acceptable. Adding with his always
positive humor, “With all due respect towards those who
came up with such an initiative, I don’t expect anything
productive. Hopefully, nothing counterproductive will
happen. It’ll be a great result already, while it’s hardly
The Peace talks were initiated under the pretext of the
North wanting to participate in the South’s winter
Olympics in PyeongChang in February this year. A clever
move. It reminds of the Ping-Pong diplomacy between
Nixon’s America and China of the early 1970’s.
Interestingly this was the thawing of relations between the
People’s Republic of China (PRC) which was being
‘sanctioned’ – alas! sanctions are not new! – because of
Beijing’s ‘interference’ in the totally illegal, unjustified,
criminal and devastating US-led Korean war which from
1950 – 1953 totally destroyed North Korea, with a death
toll of at least 4 million people, almost half of the then
North Korean population. The US bombs left not a brick
untouched in the now DPRK (Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea). The goal of this inhuman atrocity was
then, as are Washington’s 60 years-plus aggressions
towards Pyongyang today, an attempt of further
encroaching on China with the final goal of full
The US table tennis team was in Nagoya, Japan, in 1971
for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, when in
April 1971 the team received an invitation to visit
Beijing. Hence started a diplomatic journey which later
opened the (flood) gates for an immense, intense and at
times controversial trade relationship between
Washington and Beijing. For the PRC sports played an
important diplomatic role, reflected in the slogan
“Friendship First, Competition Second”.
Was Pyongyang inspired by this example of sports paving
the way for a new and improved relationship between
brothers? – Possibly. Yet. It is not clear, who really took
the initiative, and who persuaded the Donald to be quiet
and let it happen? – Will he indeed be quiet and let these
historic peace talks take place undisturbed? What is
happening behind the curtains in Trump’s camp – other
than the Vancouver Group gathering – is anybody’s guess.
That these Peace Talks are taking place is what the world
should concentrate on – a step forward in a peace
movement that cannot be undone. It is a master piece of
two sovereign nations to cement their relationship which
unites them, plus portions of China and today’s Russian
Federation with a 5000-year history.
It is important to understand Korea’s history to
comprehend that everything that comes out of the lie-
infected mouthpieces of Washington is incoherent and
does not fit reality, the thousands of years of a peaceful
Korea, whose believes are still today largely influenced
by Confucius. The history and image of thousands of
years of peaceful Korea is a revelation. See box – below.

Returning to today’s reality – only a few weeks ago, all

fifteen members of the UN Security Council (UNSC)
have condemned the DPRK as an aggressor that has to be
punished, piling insult after lies and more insults on
President Kim Jon-un and on his nothing-else-but-defense
strategy. Today, the same UNSC should get together again
and unanimously praise DPRK for this tremendous feat
of, against all odds, engaging in peace talks with its
natural brother for millennia. Why will such praise for a
peace-loving nation not happen? – Because the Donalds
and Nikki Haleys of this world, the master aggressors of
the universe, and all the President’s Men and Vassals,
would have to bite their tongue.
However, we know this is not the end of it. Washington
still has more than 28,000 servicemen and women
stationed in South Korea and a deadly arsenal of
warships, fighter planes and nuclear bombs to strike –
pre-emptively, if the hegemon deems it necessary. Never
mind that 80% of South Koreans want this murderous
occupation to end. Similar with Japan’s Okinawa US base
with more than 40,000 US servicemen and women – the
vast majority of Japanese, and especially Island
inhabitants, want them out. They bring crime, drugs,
prostitution and even murder to the island. Rapes are on
the rise.
May these Korean talks set in motion something bigger
than just peace talks between two brothers. Could this

first serious encounter in over sixty years (delegations of

the two countries have met in 2014 for an exchange of
family visits) become an eye-opener for the 15 UNSC
members who thoughtlessly dished out murder sanctions
to North Korea just a few weeks ago?
Could this be an eye-opener for the world, showing how
fake the entire UN-operation has become, how
subservient to the paymaster they have become? Could
this be a signal for China and Russia that their non-veto,
their submission to the bully, for whatever strategic
reason they may have had – was a mistake? – Or would
they simply claim credit for what is happening – that
threats and sactions do work? Any thinking person who
knows the history and Mission of Peace of Great and
Ancient Korea, the Gojoseon Kingdom – and surely China
and Russia ought to know it – will see either how ignorant
the world is, or else, how blood- and greed thirsty
humanity has become under the Kingdom of Capitalism.
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The two Koreans may have seized the opportunity to

fulfill their highest goal, to become one again, bringing
their families together in a lasting way; initiating a
movement of joy and harmony; a new era of unification
that cannot be broken. This is fully in line with the
Buddhist preachings of love, still deeply enshrined in the
two Koreas.
President Kim Jong-un has always and repeatedly said
that he is not seeking war, is not threatening anybody, but
that the nuclear arms are a defensive weapon aiming only
at the aggressors – the one and only aggressor, the United
States, which for over 60 years has not let go, not allowed
converting a shaky armistice agreement into a peace
agreement. The people of the DPRK want nothing more
than peace.

Wars over the last century and especially during the last
17 years – with the onset of the eternal “war on terror”,
the one business terminology that drives the profit of the
military-security industrial complex, has become so
engrained in people’s minds, that a world of peace,
harmony and love is almost unimaginable.
Under what type of regime would a united North-South
Korea function? A hard-core socialism, DPRK style, a
Seoul type capitalism, with a soft Moon Jae-in touch, or a
Chinese type socialism with a capitalist coating, yet
controlled by a centralized socialist party? – Difficult to
predict at tis point, but given Korea’s historic link to
Manchuria, to both today’s China and Russia, it would
likely be a political model of social sensitivity.
The regional pressure led by China to withdraw the US
military base from the Korean Peninsula would grow –
and in parallel the Japanese people would find an
additional argument for expulsing the US occupiers from
the bueatiful island of Okinawa. Would the US supported
puppet leaders – leaders, not people – Japan, Guam,
Singapour Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – cave in to
peoples’ pressure and kick the war hounds out of their
sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to
deserve even a shred of the meaning of democracy?
Let me dream for a moment: If this tremendous endeavor
– peace and unification – were to succeed, it might set an
agenda in motion, the world at large has not thought of
yet. China and Russia would come out stronger with their
objective of a multi-polar world.
Mr. Putin, who supports the Moon-Kim Plan knows very
well what political role the Olympics play – and how
sports act in politics. He and Russia are living “sports as
politics” alsmost on a daily basis. Russian athletes being
banned from Olympics, and other sports events; Russian
athletes consitantly being singled out for doping, when
the number of US athletes caught doping is much larger.
US sports people found doping fill pages on internet, but
nobody cares to look – and dares speaking up against
injustice. The Olympic committee is a puppet of the same
league as are the United Nations, the Europan Union and
all the international courts. For what reasons? – I can only
think of cowardice. That’s what globalized neoliberalism
has made us – afraid of sanctions, afraid to stand up for
justice and instead subservient to bullies. That’s greed
above integrity.
President Putin, along with the Presidents Moon and Kim,
cleverly turns sport around as a peace initiative – who
could oppose DPRK athletes from participating in South
Korea’s Olympics – and behind the scene is an actual
peace initiative being mounted that could literally turn the
world’s techtonic power plates around. Dynamics of such
developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards more
economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of
the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing
strength, and with increased monetary independence from
the west – such dynamics are unpredictable. But they
could rapidly move our civilization from darkness into

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He

is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively
around the world in the fields of environment and water
resources. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe
and South America. He writes regularly for Global
Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 21st Century
(China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and
other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An
Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction
and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30
years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is
also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! -
Essays from the Resistance.
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Comments (38)

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David Stone · 3 weeks ago

All brought about by Nth K's nukes.





bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago

"Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and cooperation

through love and service, is diametrically opposed to the neocon
PNAC agenda of global slavery to the Rothschild et al globalist plan.
My fervent hope is the policy of lending money to the governments
of the West to perpetuate this horror will result in bankruptcy for the
aggressors, the interest payments reaching a point as to make the
whole folly implode from it's own greed. Power to the Koreans. And
yes, the nukes were the facilitator of feasibility for reconciliation. The
phony Hawaii nuke threat was but a false flag psyop to rankle the
nerves of Americans, to whip up popular support for destroying
DPRK. Let's hope the world can see through this smoke and mirrors
propaganda fest and shame the US into capitulation. The US stands
on a threshold between the Koreas and Syria, the stakes are high.
Hoping Trump will cast off the influence of the deep state and make
America great, in a way that it has never been before.



CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Tom, why are you posting this article on your website, when you are
fully aware of the smears that your site is 'fake news'?

The picture of the placard holders IS NOT KOREA -- the language

is NOT HANGUL -- It is JAPANESE, South and North Korea's
greatest enemy. Perhaps the picture refers to the Okinawa
paragraph, but without a caption it is not clear.

Also, theoretically, the author's perspective is weak and anecdotal

to say the least -- all the references to 'the peaceful mission of
Gojoseon' mean nothing at all to modern day Koreans. Nothing at
all -- Gojoseon isn't even on modern day Korean territory for the
most part, and is simply a vague image in a dusty history book to
most Koreans, and they certainly don't connect it to the modern day
political world, nor do the connect it to 'peace missions'. Talking
about Gojoseon to Modern day Koreans is much like discussing
Viking and Danish and Saxon warriors or Druids with a modern day
British person who may remember vague details about these 2,000
year old events from a school lesson.

And the author mentions Confucius? To Koreans, Confucius

represents a rigid and austere CONSERVATIVISM, which the
Korean aristocrats used to OPPRESS Koreans for centuries in the
Yangban system. The North Koreans did everything they could to
undo Confucianist privilege and the South Koreans use the
remnants of Confucianism to bolster pro-American right-wing

Put simply, it is a very poorly researched article.



5 replies · active 3 weeks ago


tahautaua 97p · 3 weeks ago

Essentially, the Vancouver Summit on North Korea; is a gathering of

NATO and the ‘Five-Eyes’ Anglo War/Spy Rogue Alliance. Their
agenda is anything; but peaceful and benevolent.
The inclusion of my own country (New Zealand); should also come
with a warning, to other peoples of the Pacific and the World. Since
1987, NZ has passed itself off as a bastion of Anti-Nuclear sanity;
while partaking in every warmongering adventure, the West has
been able to dream up in the last 30 years. NZ’s famous
environmental ‘Clean Green Nuclear Free’ image; is no more than a
marketing ploy, for NZ agri-business and tourism.
If publicly, the ‘false’ missile False Alarm, that took place in Hawaii
last week, is anything to go by; it should be viewed as a deliberate
‘spanner in the works’ by the US-Dep State, to disrupt the current
rapprochement between the Korean cousins. The fact that the
compliant warmedia have gone silent on the ‘Hawaiian Incident’;
reflects the joint malevolent intent of the Deep-State/warmedia
toward a ‘Unified Korea.’ The resulting Vancouver conference on
Korea; is the follow up result, to muster Imperialist opposition to
Korean unification.
Whilst the discussions are taking place in Korea, it’s time for China
and Russia to get off their arses; and show some real Eurasian
leadership. So far, they’ve behaved treacherously toward North
Korea; as Imperialist stooges of their ‘Western Partners’ and the
UN. As capitalist restorationist’s, China and Russia, have great
difficulty; trying to reconcile global competition and Eurasian
solidarity. But they’re going to have to sort their shit out; because
they’re in danger of losing the plot.



2 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

" behind the scene is an actual peace initiative being mounted that
could literally turn the world’s techtonic power plates around.
Dynamics of such developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards
more economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing strength, and
with increased monetary independence from the west – such
dynamics are unpredictable. But they could rapidly move our
civilization from darkness into light"

Please -- Tom -- why are you even printing this poorly informed
stuff? South Korea is a hard-line pro-American very right-wing , ultra
conservative, violently anti leftist, anti progressive state, and **much
of that impetus comes from Koreans themselves** - it is not all an
American plot -- read about Kwangju massacres and the Cheju do
mass killings of leftists : leftists and progressives are despised in the
South and put in prison if they reach political power -- and the North
is a very hardline ultra nationalist, race worshipping, blood
fetishising ( a very big thing on both sides of the border ) Stalinist
state with strong overtones of aristocratic concepts of rule and
devotion to leaders from centuries old Korean dynasties -- they are
not in any way progressive or interested in World peace. And by the
way, the North Koreans do not trust or even like China. And neither
do the South Koreans, who regard the Chinese with distrust and
deep suspicion. Read Bruce Cumings on that.



2 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bukwheat wrote ""Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and

cooperation through love and service"

the problem is, mouthing these clichés means nothing as a concept

in the South or the North.

As I said, Gojoseon means about as much to the average Korean

as the deeds and ambitions of ancient Danish or Viking warriors
mean to the average British person of the 21st century.
Eg zilch. Nada. Nothing.



2 replies · active 3 weeks ago


bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago

And it's bunkwheat, with a lower case b.



1 reply · active 3 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bunkwheat, let's see your stats for those who want USA out and
unity with the North.

And no I DO NOT WANT ANY harm to come to North Koreans.

Not a hair on their heads harmed.

I am anti-American -- South Korea is not. It's not about me, it is

what they want. Not me.

Most sth Koreans have no interest in unity with the North. Sth Korea
is a rabidly right-wing conservative stare. North Korean refugees
find no sympathy here --


2 replies · active 3 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

"but the desire for peace is as fervent as ever. Among the general
population. Not among the CIA backed South Korean military, paid
off politicians, government hacks, and journalists who, a distinct
minority, continue to sow distrust and paranoia. But among the
average citizen on both sides, a vast majority, there is a desire to
turn this wicked tide around."

You are so wrong -- most South Koreans have no interest

whatsoever in North Koreans and unification and are , frankly, bored
of the debate. South Koreans are self-interested and ultra
competitive capitalists. If you knew South Korea at all, you'd know



1 reply · active 2 weeks ago

RBHoughton 85p · 3 weeks ago

The American historian Bruce Cummings' recent book on The

Korean War is a very helpful and straight forward account of what
happened. There is one aspect of that war that particularly caught
my attention as it was repeated in China's brief 3-day 'punch on the
nose' to Vietnam during the struggle there.

The Asian form of war has never been about total war. It has been
to re-kindle willingness for negotiations. You may read of Asian
armies marching up and down the frontier of some temporarily
hostile country, letting off fire-crackers and banging drums, until
discussions are resumed.

We westerners got into total war when George III, whom Americans
have good reason to evaluate correctly, decided to take Britain to
war against democracy in Republican France (and later USA). Its
difficult to form a proper view of history since those days because
state historians have misrepresented or concealed the facts from
subsequent generations in their attempts to justify the unjustifiable.

In the case of Korea, we see the North driving the Americans south
into the sea and then retiring in the usual Asian way without causing
any infrastructural damage on their retreat although retiring western
troops had earlier blown up bridges and power stations as they
went. We then see MacArthur landing at Inchon and laying waste to
the entire northern half of the country, making it uninhabitable by
man or beast as he inched towards China.

On the one hand we see a means of advancing diplomacy, on the

other a means of desolation. The west in its theory of total war
emulates the Romans, of whom it is said 'where-ever Roman
legions went they left a desert,' an approach that Europe as
successors to the Holy Roman Emperor emulate with care and
precision. We have learned nothing in two millennia.

I sincerely hope the Korean negotiators are able to exclude foreign

war-mongers from their counsels. I expect the South has to share
its knowledge with the west but that's no reason to share western
preferences or promote them in negotiations. This is a real chance
for eace to break-out in Korea. It would be a crime to allow it to fail.



guest01 · 3 weeks ago

Quote from article: “Would the US supported puppet leaders –

leaders, not people – Japan, Guam, Singapour Philippines,
Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and kick the war
hounds out of their sovefreign territories, as they should, if they
want to deserve even a shred of the meaning of democracy?”

Unlike Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia and Australia,

Guam is a territory of USA. The inhabitants of Guam are US
citizens; most have shown no desire for independence. There is
more chance of California seceding from the union than Guam or
any of the other US territories seeking independence.



3 replies · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

The author says this is "the first serious encounter in over sixty
years" between the two Koreas.

Absolute rot -- has the author read nothing of history? Has the
author no knowledge of Roh Moo Hyun's sunshine policy, in which
he seriously tried to peacefully engage with North Korea?

And what of Kim Dae Jung's serious efforts to make peace with the
The author is not well informed and has done little research.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

And where does the author get the idea that the phrase 'Hongik
Ingan' has great value to most Koreans? Let's see his sources. It
may have relevance to small political think thanks with questionable
influence , obscure academics with books to sell, or those interested
in ancient myth connected to Dangun, but to the average Korean, it
means very little in terms of real political discourse.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

Bukweat wrote "80% of polled South Koreans want rapprochement

with the north, and above all, US bases out"

I repeat -- I really want you to show me reliable stats showing that

South Koreans want US bases out of Korea.

Really-- show me the stats.

80 percent want the US gone? If you are that sure of it, show us the
stats -- perhaps you saw the a THAAD demos? Those were a TINY
part of the South Korean population.

This is not about me and my opinions now -- I have **no interest in

US warmongering**. I am not even American and I don't support
USA -- but I take exception to those twisting the details. Most South
Koreans couldn't care less about the USA, **but they ARE pro US
alliance, not because they are subservient to the US, but simply
because South Koreans are hard line capitalists and self interested,
and they trust the US MORE than they would ever trust China.**

Anti Chinese sentiment is very strong in South Korea.

In a toss up between the two US is preferred to China any day of

the week.

Can't you get that **South Korea is about as hardline right wing
conservative capitalist as you are going to find anywhere in the

It's not about me and my views -- I am sceptical about the US and

deeply sceptical of capitalism -- the South Koreans are not.

See here --

See here -- THAAD support in Korea at over 70% ( from the

progressive press in Korea )



1 reply · active 2 weeks ago


CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

By the way, I have a high opinion of the author -- I have followed his
work for years and admire his motivations and message -- see his
fine work here :



CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

The author Peter Koening is excellent here, in discussion with the

equally important social critic, Ken Jebsen.




CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago

In fact, I wish Ken Jebsen's and Peter Koenig's speech work was
more easily available to those of us who don't speak German --
fortunately the above links have English translation.



1 reply · active 3 weeks ago

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Home Bookmark and Share Print Friendly and PDF North Korea – an Agent of Peace? By Peter
Koenig January 18, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - The false alarm on a ballistic missile
attack on Hawaii last Saturday from North Korea did not help the Peace Talks which were
essentially initiated by DPRK’s President, Kim Jong-un. They spread enormous fear of a nuclear
annihilation of Honolulu, pulverization of homes and people - of Armageddon for the Hawaiian
population. Was this a Trump attempt to boycott the talks? Or was it the war-mongering
faction of the deep state wanting more threats of war, scaring the Hawaiian population into
believing that this might become reality; pushing them with a false alarm into wanting the
devastation once and for all the Korean Peninsula – because an attack on the North would not
spare the South? Is the war industry desperate for more wars, more profit? They may be
wheezing from exhaustion – as the world is turning towards peace. Another sign that the
empire, the rogue controllers of the universe, are running on empty, that they are in sheer fear
of losing their grip on the world, is that Canada and the US have decided to hold an
international meeting in Vancouver, Canada, on North Korea on 15 and 16 January 2018. The
Conference is hosted by Canada, sponsored by the US. In addition to Canada and the US, there
are 18 countries in the “Vancouver Group”, including Denmark, Greece, Norway, New Zealand
and others – but not Russia, nor China --- and most ridiculously of all – North Korea itself is
absent. Russia and China will be briefed at the end of the meetings, in the evening of 16
January; that was the proposal. – Have these wannabe hegemons along with their breath also
lost their marbles? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the obvious: This is not
acceptable. Adding with his always positive humor, “With all due respect towards those who
came up with such an initiative, I don’t expect anything productive. Hopefully, nothing
counterproductive will happen. It’ll be a great result already, while it’s hardly believable.” ----
The Peace talks were initiated under the pretext of the North wanting to participate in the
South’s winter Olympics in PyeongChang in February this year. A clever move. It reminds of the
Ping-Pong diplomacy between Nixon’s America and China of the early 1970’s. Interestingly this
was the thawing of relations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) which was being
‘sanctioned’ – alas! sanctions are not new! – because of Beijing’s ‘interference’ in the totally
illegal, unjustified, criminal and devastating US-led Korean war which from 1950 – 1953 totally
destroyed North Korea, with a death toll of at least 4 million people, almost half of the then
North Korean population. The US bombs left not a brick untouched in the now DPRK
(Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). The goal of this inhuman atrocity was then, as are
Washington’s 60 years-plus aggressions towards Pyongyang today, an attempt of further
encroaching on China with the final goal of full domination. The US table tennis team was in
Nagoya, Japan, in 1971 for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, when in April 1971 the
team received an invitation to visit Beijing. Hence started a diplomatic journey which later
opened the (flood) gates for an immense, intense and at times controversial trade relationship
between Washington and Beijing. For the PRC sports played an important diplomatic role,
reflected in the slogan “Friendship First, Competition Second”. Was Pyongyang inspired by this
example of sports paving the way for a new and improved relationship between brothers? –
Possibly. Yet. It is not clear, who really took the initiative, and who persuaded the Donald to be
quiet and let it happen? – Will he indeed be quiet and let these historic peace talks take place
undisturbed? What is happening behind the curtains in Trump’s camp – other than the
Vancouver Group gathering – is anybody’s guess. That these Peace Talks are taking place is
what the world should concentrate on – a step forward in a peace movement that cannot be
undone. It is a master piece of two sovereign nations to cement their relationship which unites
them, plus portions of China and today’s Russian Federation with a 5000-year history. It is
important to understand Korea’s history to comprehend that everything that comes out of the
lie-infected mouthpieces of Washington is incoherent and does not fit reality, the thousands of
years of a peaceful Korea, whose believes are still today largely influenced by Confucius. The
history and image of thousands of years of peaceful Korea is a revelation. See box – below.
Returning to today’s reality – only a few weeks ago, all fifteen members of the UN Security
Council (UNSC) have condemned the DPRK as an aggressor that has to be punished, piling
insult after lies and more insults on President Kim Jon-un and on his nothing-else-but-defense
strategy. Today, the same UNSC should get together again and unanimously praise DPRK for
this tremendous feat of, against all odds, engaging in peace talks with its natural brother for
millennia. Why will such praise for a peace-loving nation not happen? – Because the Donalds
and Nikki Haleys of this world, the master aggressors of the universe, and all the President’s
Men and Vassals, would have to bite their tongue. However, we know this is not the end of it.
Washington still has more than 28,000 servicemen and women stationed in South Korea and a
deadly arsenal of warships, fighter planes and nuclear bombs to strike – pre-emptively, if the
hegemon deems it necessary. Never mind that 80% of South Koreans want this murderous
occupation to end. Similar with Japan’s Okinawa US base with more than 40,000 US
servicemen and women – the vast majority of Japanese, and especially Island inhabitants,
want them out. They bring crime, drugs, prostitution and even murder to the island. Rapes are
on the rise. May these Korean talks set in motion something bigger than just peace talks
between two brothers. Could this first serious encounter in over sixty years (delegations of the
two countries have met in 2014 for an exchange of family visits) become an eye-opener for the
15 UNSC members who thoughtlessly dished out murder sanctions to North Korea just a few
weeks ago? Could this be an eye-opener for the world, showing how fake the entire UN-
operation has become, how subservient to the paymaster they have become? Could this be a
signal for China and Russia that their non-veto, their submission to the bully, for whatever
strategic reason they may have had – was a mistake? – Or would they simply claim credit for
what is happening – that threats and sactions do work? Any thinking person who knows the
history and Mission of Peace of Great and Ancient Korea, the Gojoseon Kingdom – and surely
China and Russia ought to know it – will see either how ignorant the world is, or else, how
blood- and greed thirsty humanity has become under the Kingdom of Capitalism. Never Miss
Another Story Get Your FREE Daily Newsletter No Advertising - No Government Grants - This Is
Independent Media The two Koreans may have seized the opportunity to fulfill their highest
goal, to become one again, bringing their families together in a lasting way; initiating a
movement of joy and harmony; a new era of unification that cannot be broken. This is fully in
line with the Buddhist preachings of love, still deeply enshrined in the two Koreas. President
Kim Jong-un has always and repeatedly said that he is not seeking war, is not threatening
anybody, but that the nuclear arms are a defensive weapon aiming only at the aggressors – the
one and only aggressor, the United States, which for over 60 years has not let go, not allowed
converting a shaky armistice agreement into a peace agreement. The people of the DPRK want
nothing more than peace. Wars over the last century and especially during the last 17 years –
with the onset of the eternal “war on terror”, the one business terminology that drives the
profit of the military-security industrial complex, has become so engrained in people’s minds,
that a world of peace, harmony and love is almost unimaginable. Under what type of regime
would a united North-South Korea function? A hard-core socialism, DPRK style, a Seoul type
capitalism, with a soft Moon Jae-in touch, or a Chinese type socialism with a capitalist coating,
yet controlled by a centralized socialist party? – Difficult to predict at tis point, but given
Korea’s historic link to Manchuria, to both today’s China and Russia, it would likely be a
political model of social sensitivity. The regional pressure led by China to withdraw the US
military base from the Korean Peninsula would grow – and in parallel the Japanese people
would find an additional argument for expulsing the US occupiers from the bueatiful island of
Okinawa. Would the US supported puppet leaders – leaders, not people – Japan, Guam,
Singapour Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and kick the war
hounds out of their sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to deserve even a shred
of the meaning of democracy? Let me dream for a moment: If this tremendous endeavor –
peace and unification – were to succeed, it might set an agenda in motion, the world at large
has not thought of yet. China and Russia would come out stronger with their objective of a
multi-polar world. Mr. Putin, who supports the Moon-Kim Plan knows very well what political
role the Olympics play – and how sports act in politics. He and Russia are living “sports as
politics” alsmost on a daily basis. Russian athletes being banned from Olympics, and other
sports events; Russian athletes consitantly being singled out for doping, when the number of
US athletes caught doping is much larger. US sports people found doping fill pages on internet,
but nobody cares to look – and dares speaking up against injustice. The Olympic committee is a
puppet of the same league as are the United Nations, the Europan Union and all the
international courts. For what reasons? – I can only think of cowardice. That’s what globalized
neoliberalism has made us – afraid of sanctions, afraid to stand up for justice and instead
subservient to bullies. That’s greed above integrity. President Putin, along with the Presidents
Moon and Kim, cleverly turns sport around as a peace initiative – who could oppose DPRK
athletes from participating in South Korea’s Olympics – and behind the scene is an actual
peace initiative being mounted that could literally turn the world’s techtonic power plates
around. Dynamics of such developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards more economic
equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO)
growing strength, and with increased monetary independence from the west – such dynamics
are unpredictable. But they could rapidly move our civilization from darkness into light. Peter
Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and
worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He
lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global
Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV, The 21st Century (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The
Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about
War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years
of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and
Revolution! - Essays from the Resistance. ==== Join the Discussion It is not necessary for ICH
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Comments (38) Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity 0 David Stone's avatar David Stone · 3 weeks
ago All brought about by Nth K's nukes. D J S Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply +10
bunkwheat's avatar bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago "Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace
and cooperation through love and service, is diametrically opposed to the neocon PNAC
agenda of global slavery to the Rothschild et al globalist plan. My fervent hope is the policy of
lending money to the governments of the West to perpetuate this horror will result in
bankruptcy for the aggressors, the interest payments reaching a point as to make the whole
folly implode from it's own greed. Power to the Koreans. And yes, the nukes were the
facilitator of feasibility for reconciliation. The phony Hawaii nuke threat was but a false flag
psyop to rankle the nerves of Americans, to whip up popular support for destroying DPRK.
Let's hope the world can see through this smoke and mirrors propaganda fest and shame the
US into capitulation. The US stands on a threshold between the Koreas and Syria, the stakes
are high. Hoping Trump will cast off the influence of the deep state and make America great, in
a way that it has never been before. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -3 CelticYouth's
avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Tom, why are you posting this article on your website, when
you are fully aware of the smears that your site is 'fake news'? The picture of the placard
holders IS NOT KOREA -- the language is NOT HANGUL -- It is JAPANESE, South and North
Korea's greatest enemy. Perhaps the picture refers to the Okinawa paragraph, but without a
caption it is not clear. Also, theoretically, the author's perspective is weak and anecdotal to say
the least -- all the references to 'the peaceful mission of Gojoseon' mean nothing at all to
modern day Koreans. Nothing at all -- Gojoseon isn't even on modern day Korean territory for
the most part, and is simply a vague image in a dusty history book to most Koreans, and they
certainly don't connect it to the modern day political world, nor do the connect it to 'peace
missions'. Talking about Gojoseon to Modern day Koreans is much like discussing Viking and
Danish and Saxon warriors or Druids with a modern day British person who may remember
vague details about these 2,000 year old events from a school lesson. And the author mentions
Confucius? To Koreans, Confucius represents a rigid and austere CONSERVATIVISM, which the
Korean aristocrats used to OPPRESS Koreans for centuries in the Yangban system. The North
Koreans did everything they could to undo Confucianist privilege and the South Koreans use
the remnants of Confucianism to bolster pro-American right-wing conservatism. Put simply, it
is a very poorly researched article. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 5 replies · active 3
weeks ago +10 tahautaua's avatar - Go to profile tahautaua 97p · 3 weeks ago Essentially, the
Vancouver Summit on North Korea; is a gathering of NATO and the ‘Five-Eyes’ Anglo War/Spy
Rogue Alliance. Their agenda is anything; but peaceful and benevolent. The inclusion of my
own country (New Zealand); should also come with a warning, to other peoples of the Pacific
and the World. Since 1987, NZ has passed itself off as a bastion of Anti-Nuclear sanity; while
partaking in every warmongering adventure, the West has been able to dream up in the last 30
years. NZ’s famous environmental ‘Clean Green Nuclear Free’ image; is no more than a
marketing ploy, for NZ agri-business and tourism. If publicly, the ‘false’ missile False Alarm,
that took place in Hawaii last week, is anything to go by; it should be viewed as a deliberate
‘spanner in the works’ by the US-Dep State, to disrupt the current rapprochement between
the Korean cousins. The fact that the compliant warmedia have gone silent on the ‘Hawaiian
Incident’; reflects the joint malevolent intent of the Deep-State/warmedia toward a ‘Unified
Korea.’ The resulting Vancouver conference on Korea; is the follow up result, to muster
Imperialist opposition to Korean unification. Whilst the discussions are taking place in Korea,
it’s time for China and Russia to get off their arses; and show some real Eurasian leadership. So
far, they’ve behaved treacherously toward North Korea; as Imperialist stooges of their
‘Western Partners’ and the UN. As capitalist restorationist’s, China and Russia, have great
difficulty; trying to reconcile global competition and Eurasian solidarity. But they’re going to
have to sort their shit out; because they’re in danger of losing the plot. Share/Save/Bookmark
Report Reply 2 replies · active 2 weeks ago -4 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago "
behind the scene is an actual peace initiative being mounted that could literally turn the
world’s techtonic power plates around. Dynamics of such developments, coupled with a rapid
shift towards more economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of the Shanghai
Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing strength, and with increased monetary
independence from the west – such dynamics are unpredictable. But they could rapidly move
our civilization from darkness into light" Please -- Tom -- why are you even printing this poorly
informed stuff? South Korea is a hard-line pro-American very right-wing , ultra conservative,
violently anti leftist, anti progressive state, and **much of that impetus comes from Koreans
themselves** - it is not all an American plot -- read about Kwangju massacres and the Cheju do
mass killings of leftists : leftists and progressives are despised in the South and put in prison if
they reach political power -- and the North is a very hardline ultra nationalist, race
worshipping, blood fetishising ( a very big thing on both sides of the border ) Stalinist state
with strong overtones of aristocratic concepts of rule and devotion to leaders from centuries
old Korean dynasties -- they are not in any way progressive or interested in World peace. And
by the way, the North Koreans do not trust or even like China. And neither do the South
Koreans, who regard the Chinese with distrust and deep suspicion. Read Bruce Cumings on
that. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 2 replies · active 2 weeks ago -3 CelticYouth's avatar
CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Bukwheat wrote ""Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and
cooperation through love and service" the problem is, mouthing these clichés means nothing
as a concept in the South or the North. As I said, Gojoseon means about as much to the
average Korean as the deeds and ambitions of ancient Danish or Viking warriors mean to the
average British person of the 21st century. Eg zilch. Nada. Nothing. Share/Save/Bookmark
Report Reply 2 replies · active 3 weeks ago +2 bunkwheat's avatar bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago
And it's bunkwheat, with a lower case b. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active 3
weeks ago -4 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Bunkwheat, let's see your stats for
those who want USA out and unity with the North. And no I DO NOT WANT ANY harm to come
to North Koreans. Not a hair on their heads harmed. I am anti-American -- South Korea is not.
It's not about me, it is what they want. Not me. Most sth Koreans have no interest in unity
with the North. Sth Korea is a rabidly right-wing conservative stare. North Korean refugees find
no sympathy here --
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 2 replies · active 3 weeks ago -5 CelticYouth's avatar
CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago "but the
desire for peace is as fervent as ever. Among the general population. Not among the CIA
backed South Korean military, paid off politicians, government hacks, and journalists who, a
distinct minority, continue to sow distrust and paranoia. But among the average citizen on
both sides, a vast majority, there is a desire to turn this wicked tide around." You are so wrong
-- most South Koreans have no interest whatsoever in North Koreans and unification and are ,
frankly, bored of the debate. South Koreans are self-interested and ultra competitive
capitalists. If you knew South Korea at all, you'd know that. Share/Save/Bookmark Report
Reply 1 reply · active 2 weeks ago +9 RBHoughton's avatar - Go to profile RBHoughton 85p · 3
weeks ago The American historian Bruce Cummings' recent book on The Korean War is a very
helpful and straight forward account of what happened. There is one aspect of that war that
particularly caught my attention as it was repeated in China's brief 3-day 'punch on the nose'
to Vietnam during the struggle there. The Asian form of war has never been about total war. It
has been to re-kindle willingness for negotiations. You may read of Asian armies marching up
and down the frontier of some temporarily hostile country, letting off fire-crackers and
banging drums, until discussions are resumed. We westerners got into total war when George
III, whom Americans have good reason to evaluate correctly, decided to take Britain to war
against democracy in Republican France (and later USA). Its difficult to form a proper view of
history since those days because state historians have misrepresented or concealed the facts
from subsequent generations in their attempts to justify the unjustifiable. In the case of Korea,
we see the North driving the Americans south into the sea and then retiring in the usual Asian
way without causing any infrastructural damage on their retreat although retiring western
troops had earlier blown up bridges and power stations as they went. We then see MacArthur
landing at Inchon and laying waste to the entire northern half of the country, making it
uninhabitable by man or beast as he inched towards China. On the one hand we see a means
of advancing diplomacy, on the other a means of desolation. The west in its theory of total war
emulates the Romans, of whom it is said 'where-ever Roman legions went they left a desert,'
an approach that Europe as successors to the Holy Roman Emperor emulate with care and
precision. We have learned nothing in two millennia. I sincerely hope the Korean negotiators
are able to exclude foreign war-mongers from their counsels. I expect the South has to share
its knowledge with the west but that's no reason to share western preferences or promote
them in negotiations. This is a real chance for eace to break-out in Korea. It would be a crime
to allow it to fail. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply +7 guest01's avatar guest01 · 3 weeks
ago Quote from article: “Would the US supported puppet leaders – leaders, not people –
Japan, Guam, Singapour Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and
kick the war hounds out of their sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to deserve
even a shred of the meaning of democracy?” Unlike Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia
and Australia, Guam is a territory of USA. The inhabitants of Guam are US citizens; most have
shown no desire for independence. There is more chance of California seceding from the union
than Guam or any of the other US territories seeking independence. Share/Save/Bookmark
Report Reply 3 replies · active 2 weeks ago -6 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago
The author says this is "the first serious encounter in over sixty years" between the two
Koreas. Absolute rot -- has the author read nothing of history? Has the author no knowledge of
Roh Moo Hyun's sunshine policy, in which he seriously tried to peacefully engage with North
Korea? And what of Kim Dae Jung's
serious efforts to make peace with the North? The author is not well informed and
has done little research. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -6 CelticYouth's avatar
CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago And where does the author get the idea that the phrase 'Hongik
Ingan' has great value to most Koreans? Let's see his sources. It may have relevance to small
political think thanks with questionable influence , obscure academics with books to sell, or
those interested in ancient myth connected to Dangun, but to the average Korean, it means
very little in terms of real political discourse. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -6
CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Bukweat wrote "80% of polled South Koreans
want rapprochement with the north, and above all, US bases out" I repeat -- I really want you
to show me reliable stats showing that South Koreans want US bases out of Korea. Really--
show me the stats. 80 percent want the US gone? If you are that sure of it, show us the stats --
perhaps you saw the a THAAD demos? Those were a TINY part of the South Korean population.
This is not about me and my opinions now -- I have **no interest in US warmongering**. I am
not even American and I don't support USA -- but I take exception to those twisting the details.
Most South Koreans couldn't care less about the USA, **but they ARE pro US alliance, not
because they are subservient to the US, but simply because South Koreans are hard line
capitalists and self interested, and they trust the US MORE than they would ever trust China.**
Anti Chinese sentiment is very strong in South Korea. In a toss up between the two US is
preferred to China any day of the week. Can't you get that **South Korea is about as hardline
right wing conservative capitalist as you are going to find anywhere in the world?** It's not
about me and my views -- I am sceptical about the US and deeply sceptical of capitalism -- the
South Koreans are not. See here -- See
here -- THAAD support in Korea at over 70% ( from the progressive press in Korea ) Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1
reply · active 2 weeks ago -2 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago By the way, I have a
high opinion of the author -- I have followed his work for years and admire his motivations and
message -- see his fine work here :
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago The
author Peter Koening is excellent here, in discussion with the equally important social critic,
Ken Jebsen. Share/Save/Bookmark Report
Reply -1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago In fact, I wish Ken Jebsen's and Peter
Koenig's speech work was more easily available to those of us who don't speak German --
fortunately the above links have English translation. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1
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originator.) Privacy Statement Home Bookmark and Share Print Friendly and PDF North Korea
– an Agent of Peace? By Peter Koenig January 18, 2018 "Information Clearing House" - The
false alarm on a ballistic missile attack on Hawaii last Saturday from North Korea did not help
the Peace Talks which were essentially initiated by DPRK’s President, Kim Jong-un. They spread
enormous fear of a nuclear annihilation of Honolulu, pulverization of homes and people - of
Armageddon for the Hawaiian population. Was this a Trump attempt to boycott the talks? Or
was it the war-mongering faction of the deep state wanting more threats of war, scaring the
Hawaiian population into believing that this might become reality; pushing them with a false
alarm into wanting the devastation once and for all the Korean Peninsula – because an attack
on the North would not spare the South? Is the war industry desperate for more wars, more
profit? They may be wheezing from exhaustion – as the world is turning towards peace.
Another sign that the empire, the rogue controllers of the universe, are running on empty, that
they are in sheer fear of losing their grip on the world, is that Canada and the US have decided
to hold an international meeting in Vancouver, Canada, on North Korea on 15 and 16 January
2018. The Conference is hosted by Canada, sponsored by the US. In addition to Canada and the
US, there are 18 countries in the “Vancouver Group”, including Denmark, Greece, Norway,
New Zealand and others – but not Russia, nor China --- and most ridiculously of all – North
Korea itself is absent. Russia and China will be briefed at the end of the meetings, in the
evening of 16 January; that was the proposal. – Have these wannabe hegemons along with
their breath also lost their marbles? Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said the
obvious: This is not acceptable. Adding with his always positive humor, “With all due respect
towards those who came up with such an initiative, I don’t expect anything productive.
Hopefully, nothing counterproductive will happen. It’ll be a great result already, while it’s
hardly believable.” ---- The Peace talks were initiated under the pretext of the North wanting
to participate in the South’s winter Olympics in PyeongChang in February this year. A clever
move. It reminds of the Ping-Pong diplomacy between Nixon’s America and China of the early
1970’s. Interestingly this was the thawing of relations between the People’s Republic of China
(PRC) which was being ‘sanctioned’ – alas! sanctions are not new! – because of Beijing’s
‘interference’ in the totally illegal, unjustified, criminal and devastating US-led Korean war
which from 1950 – 1953 totally destroyed North Korea, with a death toll of at least 4 million
people, almost half of the then North Korean population. The US bombs left not a brick
untouched in the now DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea). The goal of this inhuman
atrocity was then, as are Washington’s 60 years-plus aggressions towards Pyongyang today, an
attempt of further encroaching on China with the final goal of full domination. The US table
tennis team was in Nagoya, Japan, in 1971 for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship,
when in April 1971 the team received an invitation to visit Beijing. Hence started a diplomatic
journey which later opened the (flood) gates for an immense, intense and at times
controversial trade relationship between Washington and Beijing. For the PRC sports played an
important diplomatic role, reflected in the slogan “Friendship First, Competition Second”. Was
Pyongyang inspired by this example of sports paving the way for a new and improved
relationship between brothers? – Possibly. Yet. It is not clear, who really took the initiative,
and who persuaded the Donald to be quiet and let it happen? – Will he indeed be quiet and let
these historic peace talks take place undisturbed? What is happening behind the curtains in
Trump’s camp – other than the Vancouver Group gathering – is anybody’s guess. That these
Peace Talks are taking place is what the world should concentrate on – a step forward in a
peace movement that cannot be undone. It is a master piece of two sovereign nations to
cement their relationship which unites them, plus portions of China and today’s Russian
Federation with a 5000-year history. It is important to understand Korea’s history to
comprehend that everything that comes out of the lie-infected mouthpieces of Washington is
incoherent and does not fit reality, the thousands of years of a peaceful Korea, whose believes
are still today largely influenced by Confucius. The history and image of thousands of years of
peaceful Korea is a revelation. See box – below. Returning to today’s reality – only a few weeks
ago, all fifteen members of the UN Security Council (UNSC) have condemned the DPRK as an
aggressor that has to be punished, piling insult after lies and more insults on President Kim
Jon-un and on his nothing-else-but-defense strategy. Today, the same UNSC should get
together again and unanimously praise DPRK for this tremendous feat of, against all odds,
engaging in peace talks with its natural brother for millennia. Why will such praise for a peace-
loving nation not happen? – Because the Donalds and Nikki Haleys of this world, the master
aggressors of the universe, and all the President’s Men and Vassals, would have to bite their
tongue. However, we know this is not the end of it. Washington still has more than 28,000
servicemen and women stationed in South Korea and a deadly arsenal of warships, fighter
planes and nuclear bombs to strike – pre-emptively, if the hegemon deems it necessary. Never
mind that 80% of South Koreans want this murderous occupation to end. Similar with Japan’s
Okinawa US base with more than 40,000 US servicemen and women – the vast majority of
Japanese, and especially Island inhabitants, want them out. They bring crime, drugs,
prostitution and even murder to the island. Rapes are on the rise. May these Korean talks set
in motion something bigger than just peace talks between two brothers. Could this first serious
encounter in over sixty years (delegations of the two countries have met in 2014 for an
exchange of family visits) become an eye-opener for the 15 UNSC members who thoughtlessly
dished out murder sanctions to North Korea just a few weeks ago? Could this be an eye-
opener for the world, showing how fake the entire UN-operation has become, how
subservient to the paymaster they have become? Could this be a signal for China and Russia
that their non-veto, their submission to the bully, for whatever strategic reason they may have
had – was a mistake? – Or would they simply claim credit for what is happening – that threats
and sactions do work? Any thinking person who knows the history and Mission of Peace of
Great and Ancient Korea, the Gojoseon Kingdom – and surely China and Russia ought to know
it – will see either how ignorant the world is, or else, how blood- and greed thirsty humanity
has become under the Kingdom of Capitalism. Never Miss Another Story Get Your FREE Daily
Newsletter No Advertising - No Government Grants - This Is Independent Media The two
Koreans may have seized the opportunity to fulfill their highest goal, to become one again,
bringing their families together in a lasting way; initiating a movement of joy and harmony; a
new era of unification that cannot be broken. This is fully in line with the Buddhist preachings
of love, still deeply enshrined in the two Koreas. President Kim Jong-un has always and
repeatedly said that he is not seeking war, is not threatening anybody, but that the nuclear
arms are a defensive weapon aiming only at the aggressors – the one and only aggressor, the
United States, which for over 60 years has not let go, not allowed converting a shaky armistice
agreement into a peace agreement. The people of the DPRK want nothing more than peace.
Wars over the last century and especially during the last 17 years – with the onset of the
eternal “war on terror”, the one business terminology that drives the profit of the military-
security industrial complex, has become so engrained in people’s minds, that a world of peace,
harmony and love is almost unimaginable. Under what type of regime would a united North-
South Korea function? A hard-core socialism, DPRK style, a Seoul type capitalism, with a soft
Moon Jae-in touch, or a Chinese type socialism with a capitalist coating, yet controlled by a
centralized socialist party? – Difficult to predict at tis point, but given Korea’s historic link to
Manchuria, to both today’s China and Russia, it would likely be a political model of social
sensitivity. The regional pressure led by China to withdraw the US military base from the
Korean Peninsula would grow – and in parallel the Japanese people would find an additional
argument for expulsing the US occupiers from the bueatiful island of Okinawa. Would the US
supported puppet leaders – leaders, not people – Japan, Guam, Singapour Philippines,
Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and kick the war hounds out of their
sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to deserve even a shred of the meaning of
democracy? Let me dream for a moment: If this tremendous endeavor – peace and unification
– were to succeed, it might set an agenda in motion, the world at large has not thought of yet.
China and Russia would come out stronger with their objective of a multi-polar world. Mr.
Putin, who supports the Moon-Kim Plan knows very well what political role the Olympics play
– and how sports act in politics. He and Russia are living “sports as politics” alsmost on a daily
basis. Russian athletes being banned from Olympics, and other sports events; Russian athletes
consitantly being singled out for doping, when the number of US athletes caught doping is
much larger. US sports people found doping fill pages on internet, but nobody cares to look –
and dares speaking up against injustice. The Olympic committee is a puppet of the same
league as are the United Nations, the Europan Union and all the international courts. For what
reasons? – I can only think of cowardice. That’s what globalized neoliberalism has made us –
afraid of sanctions, afraid to stand up for justice and instead subservient to bullies. That’s
greed above integrity. President Putin, along with the Presidents Moon and Kim, cleverly turns
sport around as a peace initiative – who could oppose DPRK athletes from participating in
South Korea’s Olympics – and behind the scene is an actual peace initiative being mounted
that could literally turn the world’s techtonic power plates around. Dynamics of such
developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards more economic equilibrium, already taking
plae in the form of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s (SCO) growing strength, and with
increased monetary independence from the west – such dynamics are unpredictable. But they
could rapidly move our civilization from darkness into light. Peter Koenig is an economist and
geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the
world in the fields of environment and water resources. He lectures at universities in the US,
Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik, PressTV,
The 21st Century (China), TeleSUR, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He
is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and
Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the
globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! - Essays from the Resistance.
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way to allow open comments, where you the reader/supporter, can determine what is
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David Stone's avatar David Stone · 3 weeks ago All brought about by Nth K's nukes. D J S
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply +10 bunkwheat's avatar bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago "Hongik
Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and cooperation through love and service, is
diametrically opposed to the neocon PNAC agenda of global slavery to the Rothschild et al
globalist plan. My fervent hope is the policy of lending money to the governments of the West
to perpetuate this horror will result in bankruptcy for the aggressors, the interest payments
reaching a point as to make the whole folly implode from it's own greed. Power to the
Koreans. And yes, the nukes were the facilitator of feasibility for reconciliation. The phony
Hawaii nuke threat was but a false flag psyop to rankle the nerves of Americans, to whip up
popular support for destroying DPRK. Let's hope the world can see through this smoke and
mirrors propaganda fest and shame the US into capitulation. The US stands on a threshold
between the Koreas and Syria, the stakes are high. Hoping Trump will cast off the influence of
the deep state and make America great, in a way that it has never been before.
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -3 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Tom,
why are you posting this article on your website, when you are fully aware of the smears that
your site is 'fake news'? The picture of the placard holders IS NOT KOREA -- the language is
NOT HANGUL -- It is JAPANESE, South and North Korea's greatest enemy. Perhaps the picture
refers to the Okinawa paragraph, but without a caption it is not clear. Also, theoretically, the
author's perspective is weak and anecdotal to say the least -- all the references to 'the peaceful
mission of Gojoseon' mean nothing at all to modern day Koreans. Nothing at all -- Gojoseon
isn't even on modern day Korean territory for the most part, and is simply a vague image in a
dusty history book to most Koreans, and they certainly don't connect it to the modern day
political world, nor do the connect it to 'peace missions'. Talking about Gojoseon to Modern
day Koreans is much like discussing Viking and Danish and Saxon warriors or Druids with a
modern day British person who may remember vague details about these 2,000 year old
events from a school lesson. And the author mentions Confucius? To Koreans, Confucius
represents a rigid and austere CONSERVATIVISM, which the Korean aristocrats used to
OPPRESS Koreans for centuries in the Yangban system. The North Koreans did everything they
could to undo Confucianist privilege and the South Koreans use the remnants of Confucianism
to bolster pro-American right-wing conservatism. Put simply, it is a very poorly researched
article. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 5 replies · active 3 weeks ago +10 tahautaua's
avatar - Go to profile tahautaua 97p · 3 weeks ago Essentially, the Vancouver Summit on North
Korea; is a gathering of NATO and the ‘Five-Eyes’ Anglo War/Spy Rogue Alliance. Their agenda
is anything; but peaceful and benevolent. The inclusion of my own country (New Zealand);
should also come with a warning, to other peoples of the Pacific and the World. Since 1987, NZ
has passed itself off as a bastion of Anti-Nuclear sanity; while partaking in every warmongering
adventure, the West has been able to dream up in the last 30 years. NZ’s famous
environmental ‘Clean Green Nuclear Free’ image; is no more than a marketing ploy, for NZ
agri-business and tourism. If publicly, the ‘false’ missile False Alarm, that took place in Hawaii
last week, is anything to go by; it should be viewed as a deliberate ‘spanner in the works’ by
the US-Dep State, to disrupt the current rapprochement between the Korean cousins. The fact
that the compliant warmedia have gone silent on the ‘Hawaiian Incident’; reflects the joint
malevolent intent of the Deep-State/warmedia toward a ‘Unified Korea.’ The resulting
Vancouver conference on Korea; is the follow up result, to muster Imperialist opposition to
Korean unification. Whilst the discussions are taking place in Korea, it’s time for China and
Russia to get off their arses; and show some real Eurasian leadership. So far, they’ve behaved
treacherously toward North Korea; as Imperialist stooges of their ‘Western Partners’ and the
UN. As capitalist restorationist’s, China and Russia, have great difficulty; trying to reconcile
global competition and Eurasian solidarity. But they’re going to have to sort their shit out;
because they’re in danger of losing the plot. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 2 replies ·
active 2 weeks ago -4 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago " behind the scene is an
actual peace initiative being mounted that could literally turn the world’s techtonic power
plates around. Dynamics of such developments, coupled with a rapid shift towards more
economic equilibrium, already taking plae in the form of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization’s (SCO) growing strength, and with increased monetary independence from the
west – such dynamics are unpredictable. But they could rapidly move our civilization from
darkness into light" Please -- Tom -- why are you even printing this poorly informed stuff?
South Korea is a hard-line pro-American very right-wing , ultra conservative, violently anti
leftist, anti progressive state, and **much of that impetus comes from Koreans themselves** -
it is not all an American plot -- read about Kwangju massacres and the Cheju do mass killings of
leftists : leftists and progressives are despised in the South and put in prison if they reach
political power -- and the North is a very hardline ultra nationalist, race worshipping, blood
fetishising ( a very big thing on both sides of the border ) Stalinist state with strong overtones
of aristocratic concepts of rule and devotion to leaders from centuries old Korean dynasties --
they are not in any way progressive or interested in World peace. And by the way, the North
Koreans do not trust or even like China. And neither do the South Koreans, who regard the
Chinese with distrust and deep suspicion. Read Bruce Cumings on that. Share/Save/Bookmark
Report Reply 2 replies · active 2 weeks ago -3 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago
Bukwheat wrote ""Hongik Ingan", the idea of maintaining peace and cooperation through love
and service" the problem is, mouthing these clichés means nothing as a concept in the South
or the North. As I said, Gojoseon means about as much to the average Korean as the deeds
and ambitions of ancient Danish or Viking warriors mean to the average British person of the
21st century. Eg zilch. Nada. Nothing. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 2 replies · active 3
weeks ago +2 bunkwheat's avatar bunkwheat · 3 weeks ago And it's bunkwheat, with a lower
case b. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active 3 weeks ago -4 CelticYouth's avatar
CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Bunkwheat, let's see your stats for those who want USA out and
unity with the North. And no I DO NOT WANT ANY harm to come to North Koreans. Not a hair
on their heads harmed. I am anti-American -- South Korea is not. It's not about me, it is what
they want. Not me. Most sth Koreans have no interest in unity with the North. Sth Korea is a
rabidly right-wing conservative stare. North Korean refugees find no sympathy here -- Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 2
replies · active 3 weeks ago -5 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -
1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago "but the desire for peace is as fervent as ever.
Among the general population. Not among the CIA backed South Korean military, paid off
politicians, government hacks, and journalists who, a distinct minority, continue to sow
distrust and paranoia. But among the average citizen on both sides, a vast majority, there is a
desire to turn this wicked tide around." You are so wrong -- most South Koreans have no
interest whatsoever in North Koreans and unification and are , frankly, bored of the debate.
South Koreans are self-interested and ultra competitive capitalists. If you knew South Korea at
all, you'd know that. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1 reply · active 2 weeks ago +9
RBHoughton's avatar - Go to profile RBHoughton 85p · 3 weeks ago The American historian
Bruce Cummings' recent book on The Korean War is a very helpful and straight forward
account of what happened. There is one aspect of that war that particularly caught my
attention as it was repeated in China's brief 3-day 'punch on the nose' to Vietnam during the
struggle there. The Asian form of war has never been about total war. It has been to re-kindle
willingness for negotiations. You may read of Asian armies marching up and down the frontier
of some temporarily hostile country, letting off fire-crackers and banging drums, until
discussions are resumed. We westerners got into total war when George III, whom Americans
have good reason to evaluate correctly, decided to take Britain to war against democracy in
Republican France (and later USA). Its difficult to form a proper view of history since those
days because state historians have misrepresented or concealed the facts from subsequent
generations in their attempts to justify the unjustifiable. In the case of Korea, we see the North
driving the Americans south into the sea and then retiring in the usual Asian way without
causing any infrastructural damage on their retreat although retiring western troops had
earlier blown up bridges and power stations as they went. We then see MacArthur landing at
Inchon and laying waste to the entire northern half of the country, making it uninhabitable by
man or beast as he inched towards China. On the one hand we see a means of advancing
diplomacy, on the other a means of desolation. The west in its theory of total war emulates
the Romans, of whom it is said 'where-ever Roman legions went they left a desert,' an
approach that Europe as successors to the Holy Roman Emperor emulate with care and
precision. We have learned nothing in two millennia. I sincerely hope the Korean negotiators
are able to exclude foreign war-mongers from their counsels. I expect the South has to share
its knowledge with the west but that's no reason to share western preferences or promote
them in negotiations. This is a real chance for eace to break-out in Korea. It would be a crime
to allow it to fail. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply +7 guest01's avatar guest01 · 3 weeks
ago Quote from article: “Would the US supported puppet leaders – leaders, not people –
Japan, Guam, Singapour Philippines, Indonesia, Australia – cave in to peoples’ pressure and
kick the war hounds out of their sovefreign territories, as they should, if they want to deserve
even a shred of the meaning of democracy?” Unlike Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia
and Australia, Guam is a territory of USA. The inhabitants of Guam are US citizens; most have
shown no desire for independence. There is more chance of California seceding from the union
than Guam or any of the other US territories seeking independence. Share/Save/Bookmark
Report Reply 3 replies · active 2 weeks ago -6 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago
The author says this is "the first serious encounter in over sixty years" between the two
Koreas. Absolute rot -- has the author read nothing of history? Has the author no knowledge of
Roh Moo Hyun's sunshine policy, in which he seriously tried to peacefully engage with North
Korea? And what of Kim Dae Jung's
serious efforts to make peace with the North? The author is not well informed and
has done little research. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -6 CelticYouth's avatar
CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago And where does the author get the idea that the phrase 'Hongik
Ingan' has great value to most Koreans? Let's see his sources. It may have relevance to small
political think thanks with questionable influence , obscure academics with books to sell, or
those interested in ancient myth connected to Dangun, but to the average Korean, it means
very little in terms of real political discourse. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -6
CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago Bukweat wrote "80% of polled South Koreans
want rapprochement with the north, and above all, US bases out" I repeat -- I really want you
to show me reliable stats showing that South Koreans want US bases out of Korea. Really--
show me the stats. 80 percent want the US gone? If you are that sure of it, show us the stats --
perhaps you saw the a THAAD demos? Those were a TINY part of the South Korean population.
This is not about me and my opinions now -- I have **no interest in US warmongering**. I am
not even American and I don't support USA -- but I take exception to those twisting the details.
Most South Koreans couldn't care less about the USA, **but they ARE pro US alliance, not
because they are subservient to the US, but simply because South Koreans are hard line
capitalists and self interested, and they trust the US MORE than they would ever trust China.**
Anti Chinese sentiment is very strong in South Korea. In a toss up between the two US is
preferred to China any day of the week. Can't you get that **South Korea is about as hardline
right wing conservative capitalist as you are going to find anywhere in the world?** It's not
about me and my views -- I am sceptical about the US and deeply sceptical of capitalism -- the
South Koreans are not. See here -- See
here -- THAAD support in Korea at over 70% ( from the progressive press in Korea ) Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1
reply · active 2 weeks ago -2 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago By the way, I have a
high opinion of the author -- I have followed his work for years and admire his motivations and
message -- see his fine work here :
Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply -1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago The
author Peter Koening is excellent here, in discussion with the equally important social critic,
Ken Jebsen. Share/Save/Bookmark Report
Reply -1 CelticYouth's avatar CelticYouth · 3 weeks ago In fact, I wish Ken Jebsen's and Peter
Koenig's speech work was more easily available to those of us who don't speak German --
fortunately the above links have English translation. Share/Save/Bookmark Report Reply 1
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