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The Ultimate Guide to Meditation, Healing and Spirituality

Section 9 - Expanding Consciousness


Connecting to a Higher Power

Until now, we’ve primarily been focusing on meditation as a healing tool. We’ve
limited ourselves to the arena of our imagination and the subconscious mind. How-
ever, if you meditate long enough, eventually the doors will be open to an entirely
new level of experience. This is where you meet your higher power. Likely, your life
will never be the same again. This when meditation can become exciting, unexpect-
ed and miraculous.

There are a multitude of names for it, crossing the spectrum of all time and culture.
God, the Divine, the Universe, Your Higher Self, Chi, The Collective Consciousness,
etc., etc., etc. And once you experience it, your perception will go from the concep-
tual to the experiential. Another way to say it is, you now no longer believe in God,
but now you experience God.

Spiritual Awakening
When contemplating a spiritual awakening, it’s important to understand it’s beyond
your control. The when, where, and how of its occurrence lies in the hands of a
higher intelligence. It will happen when it happens, and it will be in alignment with
Divine timing.

However, there are things you can do to stack the cards in your favor. The main
component is desire. If you want it to happen, it will. Meditate regularly and pray
for it to happen. The Infinite listens and will respond. Also, get out of your bubble
and break up your routine. That allows for an opening where energy can pour
through. Take a class, go to a workshop, or go on a retreat. Then, forget about it and
let it go. Let divinity works its magic.

What a Spiritual Awakening Like?
There are as many types of spiritual awakenings as there are people experiencing
them. Each is unique, tailored specifically for the recipient. However, once you ex-
perience it, you’ll never forget it. And it can happen more that once in a lifetime.

Your higher power will come to you as you perceive it, born of your imagination.
You may have mystical visions, energetic sensations, unusual synchronisities, or a
combination of mental and sensory experiences. It will be up to you to interpret
your experiences.

Am I Going Crazy?
Sometimes spiritual awakenings can be disorienting and give you a feeling of being
deluded or psychotic. However, genuine spiritual experiences will prove themselves
to be valid in the 3D world and will enhance the higher aspects of life (i.e. virtues)

What are Common Results?
Connecting to a higher power is different for everyone. It’s personal. However there
are some parallels with most Divine interaction. In the beginning, here are a few
things that might happen.

❖ Frequent experiences of deep peace and calm.

❖ Unexpected feelings of happiness and joy.
❖ Relationships improve.
❖ Circumstances preventing you from experiencing the Divine are released.
❖ Creativity increases.
❖ Intuition and psychic abilities sharpen.
❖ Awareness increases, sensing of energy is activated.
❖ Life has more meaning and purpose.
❖ A desire to contribute emerges, you want to give.
❖ Well-being increases (physical, financial, emotional and spiritual).
❖ Healing can accelerate. Subconscious charges may come up quickly and intense-
❖ Life gets more interesting, exciting and fun.
❖ Synchronicities become common.
❖ Prayers get answered.
❖ Problems start to improve by themselves.

❖ Living is more effortless, things flow.
❖ Abundance radiates, there’s always enough, your needs are taken care of.
❖ Miracles happen.


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