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1. Under what Administrative Order is the Philippine Standard for Drinking Water 2007
a. No. 0012 b. No. 0010 c. No. 0010 d. No. 0018

2. Revised effluent regulation of 1990

a. DENR DAO 36 b. DENR DAO 38 c. DENR DAO 34 d. DENR DAO 35

3. Any of various chiefly aquatic, eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms, ranging in size from
single-celled forms to the giant kelp.
a. Protozoan b. algae c. plankton d. none

4. Physical or chemical quality of water that conforms to the appearance, taste and odor or
drinking water that satisfy the consumer.
a. Acceptability b. Conformity c. Adequacy d. None

5. The process of adding the element chlorine to water disinfection to make it fit for human
consumption as drinking water.
a. Sedimentation b. Chlorination c. Flocculation d. Agitation

6. Is a water treatment process that promotes aggregation of small particles into larger
particles that can be subsequently removed by sedimentation and/or filtration.
a. Coagulation b. Chlorination c. Flocculation d. Sedimentation

7. The length of time water supply is held in direct contact with a treating agent, e.g. chlorine
a. Detention time b. Contact time c. Timing d. Coagulation time

8. A general term referring to the introduction of materials not normally found in water that
make the water less desirable or unfit for its intended use.
a. Contamination b. Bitter c. Sour d. Disinfection

9. A substance used to enhance the cleansing action of water , which acts similarly to soap
but is made from chemical compounds rather than fats and lye.
a. Disinfection b. Detergent c.Chemical d. Allergy

10. Water treatment processes designed to destroy disease-causing microorganisms. The

efficacy of disinfection is often assessed by measuring the coliform group of indicator
a. Disinfection b. Contamination c.Infection d. Allergy

SPLBE 2016 Compiled by: O.T. AÑO

11. Water intended for direct human consumption or use in food preparation. Where high
quality waters are scarce, the quality of water used for other domestic purposes need not be
as high as that of drinking water.
a. Drinking water b. Waste water c. Spring water d. Sea water

12. An outflowing of water from a natural body of water or from a sewage treatment facility.
a. Effluent b. Inffluent c. waste water d. Potable water

13. Water that occurs below the surface of the Earth, where it occupies spaces in soils or
geologic strata
a. Surface water b. Ground water c. Fresh Water d. Sea water

14. Any machine, piping, or tubing part that can attach or connect two or more larger parts in
a plumbing system
a. Fitting b. Valve c. Appurtenance d. None of these

15. Minimum penalty for violating RA 9275.

a. P5,000.00/day b.P10,000.00/day c. P15,000/day d. P20,000.00

16. In accordance to IRR of Clean Water Act of 2004 how much be the permit fee if an
applicant have a discharge volume per day of more than 150 cu mts/day and waste has
heavy metals?
a. P3,300.00 b.P3,500.00 c. P3,900.00 d. P3,700.00

17. _______ - refers to any rod-shaped, non-spore-forming gram negative bacteria capable
of growth in the presence of bile sales, or other surface-active agents with similar growth-
inhibiting properties which are cytochrome-oxidase negative and able to ferment lactose at
either 35 or 37oC with the production of acid, gas and aldehyde within 24-48 hours.
a. Coliform Organisms b. Algae c. a& b d. None of the above

18. ________-– a general term referring to the introduction of materials not normally found
in water that make the water less desirable or unfit for its intended use.
a. Pollution b. saturation c. Contamination d. None of the Above.

19. Contact time – the length of time water supply is held in direct contact with a treating
agent, e.g. chlorine solution.
a. Period b. Saturation time c. Contact time d. None of the Above

20. A protected well or a developed spring with an outlet but without distribution system,
generally adaptable for rural areas where the houses are thinly scattered. A level I facility
normally serves 15 to 25 households and its outreach must not be more than 250 meters
from the farthest user. The yield or discharge is generally from 40 to 140 liters per minute.
a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. None of these

SPLBE 2016 Compiled by: O.T. AÑO

21. A system composed of source, a reservoir, piped distribution network and communal
faucets, located no more than 25 meters from the farthest house. The system is designed to
deliver 40 to 80 liters per capita per day to an average of 100 households, with one faucet
per 4 to 6 households. It is generally suitable for rural and urban areas where houses are
clustered densely to justify a simple pipe system.
a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. None of these

22. A system with a source, a reservoir, a piped distribution network and household taps. It
is generally suited for densely populated areas. This level of facility requires a minimum
treatment of disinfection.
a. Level I b. Level II c. Level III d. None of these

23. _______ – subgroup of coliform bacteria that has a high positive correlation with fecal
contamination associated with all warm blooded animals. These organisms can ferment
lactose at 44.5o C and produce gas in a multiple tube procedure (EC Confirmation) or acidity
with Membrane Filter procedure
a. sewage coliform b. Fecal coliforms c. Excreta Coliform d. None of the Above.

24. The common method of detection and estimation of coliform organism in a given saple
where in most probable number(MPN) of coliforms present is counted.
a. Membrane filter c.PHC test
b. multiple tube fermentation d. None of the above

25. Any physical or chemical process of reducing the concentration of divalent cations
(including calcium and magnesium) in water supply.
a. Water purification b. Water softening c. a & b d.None of the Above.

26. Limit of lead content in potable water.

a.15% b. 10% c. 8% d. None of the Above

27. What is the mercury limits(mg/L) in potable water according to PNSDW of 2007?
a. 0.01 b. 0.02 c. 0.07 d. 0.001

28. What is the benzene limits(mg/L) in potable water according to PNSDW of 2007?
a. 0.01 b. 0.02 c. 0.07 d. 0.001

29. What is the cynide limits(mg/L) in potable water according to PNSDW of 2007?
a.01 b. 0.02 c. 0.07 d. 0.001

30. Minimum volume of water sample for testing as per PNSDW of 2007
a. 120 ml b. 200 ml c. 100 ml d. 80 ml
SPLBE 2016 Compiled by: O.T. AÑO

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