Anda di halaman 1dari 5

Elastic Properties of Potatoes

E. E. Finney, Jr. and C. W. Hall


T H E i m p o r t a n c e of t h e properties of
agricultural p r o d u c t s a n d t h e n e e d
for s t u d y a n d research in this area w a s
y; Young's m o d u l u s , E, a n d t h e bulk
modulus, K

e m p h a s i z e d b y M o h s e n i n in 1 9 6 3 ( 6 ) *. K = tL [ 7 ]
Because of t h e increasing emphasis b e - 3(1 - 2y)
ing p l a c e d o n m e c h a n i z a t i o n of t h e
since only t w o of t h e m m a y b e inde-
h a r v e s t i n g a n d h a n d l i n g of fruits a n d
p e n d e n t l y specified for a h o m o g e n e o u s
vegetables, it is e v e n m o r e essential to
isotropic material.
d e t e r m i n e t h e e n g i n e e r i n g a n d physical
properties of these commodities if bruis- Irrespective of t h e m e c h a n i c a l p r o p -
erties of t h e material, t h e state of stress
ing a n d m e c h a n i c a l d a m a g e a r e to b e
in a n elastic b o d y m u s t satisfy, in addi-
tion to t h e constitutive equations, t h e
T h e p u r p o s e of this p a p e r is to ( a ) equilibrium conditions:
review t h e t h e o r y of elasticity as it is
r e l a t e d t o elastic constants of solids, *ik,k + X{ = 0 [8]
( b ) describe a m e t h o d u s e d to evalu- FIG. 1 Apparatus for removing cylindri- assuming t h a t t h e c o m p o n e n t s of a c -
ate t h e elastic properties of potatoes, cal sections of tissue (note inset at upper celeration m a y b e n e g l e c t e d (quasi-
a n d ( c ) p r e s e n t values for t h e m o d u - left) from a potato tuber.
static loading) a n d w h e r e Xt represents
lus of elasticity a n d Poisson's ratio of t h e b o d y force c o m p o n e n t s . Similarly,
the potato tuber. (sometimes referred to as t h e constitu- t h e strain c o m p o n e n t s m u s t satisfy t h e
tive e q u a t i o n of elasticity) conditions of compatibility
THEORY ^ij Cijrs € r s . . . [2]
€ik,lm "•" e lm,ik = e
il,km ' ^km,il
A b o d y is perfectly elastic if t h e d e - w h e r e cry a n d e r s (i,j,r,s = 1, 2, 3 ) d e -
note t h e c o m p o n e n t s of t h e tensors of
formation or strain occurs i n s t a n t a n e - w h i c h represents six compatibility e q u -
ously w i t h t h e application of stress, stress a n d strain w i t h respect to a sys-
ations. T h e solution of a n y given p r o b -
a n d this deformation is completely a n d t e m of r e c t a n g u l a r axes, xx ( 1 1 ) . T h e
lem in elasticity requires t h e d e t e r m i n a -
instantaneously r e c o v e r e d w h e n t h e r e p e a t e d subscript is u s e d to indicate
tion of t h e stress c o m p o n e n t s , or dis-
stress is r e m o v e d . I t is generally as- t h e s u m m a t i o n c o n v e n t i o n , t h a t is,
p l a c e m e n t s , w h i c h satisfy t h e differen-
s u m e d in addition t h a t t h e r e is a one- w h e n e v e r t h e same letter subscript oc-
tial equations [ 6 ] , [ 8 ] , [ 9 ] along
to-one relationship b e t w e e n t h e state curs twice in a term, t h a t subscript is
w i t h t h e a p p r o p r i a t e specified b o u n d a r y
of stress a n d t h e state of strain in a n to b e given all possible values a n d t h e
conditions. Special m a t h e m a t i c a l tech-
ideal linear elastic b o d y ; h e n c e , all results a d d e d together. If ut represents
n i q u e s h a v e b e e n u s e d to solve t h e
t i m e - d e p e n d e n t effects are excluded. t h e c o m p o n e n t s of t h e d i s p l a c e m e n t
above e q u a t i o n s for certain given b o u n -
vector, t h e n .
I n 1 6 7 6 R o b e r t H o o k e s h o w e d that, d a r y conditions a n d m a n y of these so-
for small strains, certain bodies u n d e r %(t/u + UU) [3] lutions h a v e b e e n p r e s e n t e d a n d dis-
uniaxial stress exhibited ideal elasticity w h e r e t h e index after t h e c o m m a d e - cussed b y T i m o s h e n k o a n d Goodier
a n d t h e stress a w a s directly propor- notes differentiation w i t h r e s p e c t to t h e ( 1 2 ) . Some of these solutions h a v e
tional t o strain e. T h e proportionality c o r r e s p o n d i n g x coordinate, i.e., u{j = b e e n useful in t h e interpretation a n d
constant h a s b e e n defined as Young's Siii/dXj. C i j r s a r e t h e elements of a evaluation of m e c h a n i c a l d a m a g e t o
m o d u l u s of e l a s t i c i t y , E. Hence, fourth order s y m m e t r i c coefficient m a t - potatoes (2, 3 ) .
Hooke's l a w h a s t a k e n t h e following rix w h i c h for a n isotropic, h o m o g e n e o u s
form material takes t h e following simplified EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES

= form I n t h e p r e c e d i n g section, it w a s
a Ee (uniaxial stress) . . . . [ 1 ]
Cijrs = ^Sij SY8 + ft stated t h a t w h e n e v e r t w o of t h e elastic
a n d a b o d y w h i c h obeys this e q u a t i o n [ 8 i r 8js + 8is 8 j r ] . . . . . . . . [4] constants of a h o m o g e n e o u s isotropic
is sometimes referred to as a " H o o k e a n " m a t e r i a l w e r e k n o w n , t h e n other elastic
body. w h e r e X a n d fju a r e arbitrary scalars,
constants could b e calculated directly
a n d 8 m n is t h e Kronecker delta. F o r a n
E q u a t i o n [ 1 ] is a special case of t h e from k n o w n algebraic relations. I n -
isotropic, h o m o g e n e o u s material, t h e r e -
m o r e generalized form of Hooke's law strumentation was developed, there-
fore, Hooke's l a w takes t h e general form
fore, for m e a s u r i n g Young's m o d u l u s ,
Paper prepared for publication in the TRANS- "JJ = Ae kk Sij + 2/xe.i . . . . [ 5 ] E, a n d t h e bulk m o d u l u s , K. Young's
ACTIONS of the ASAE. Approved as journal
article No. 3776 of the Michigan Agricultural Ex- or m o d u l u s w a s m e a s u r e d t h r o u g h uni-
periment Station. This paper is based on research
conducted by the senior author while serving as o-y = Xe0 By + 2fL&l} . . . . . [ 6 ] axial compression tests using cylindrical
a graduate research assistant at Michigan State sections of tissue r e m o v e d from t h e
University. v/here e0 = e k k = e 1 3 + e22 + e33
The authors—E. E. FINNEY, JR. and C. W. t u b e r a n d t h e bulk m o d u l u s , K, w a s
HALL—are respectively, agricultural engineer, d e t e r m i n e d t h r o u g h three-dimensional
Instrumentation Research Laboratory, MQRD, T h e p a r a m e t e r s X a n d ju, ( L a m e ' s con-
ARS, USD A, Beitsviiie, Md.; and head of agri- stants) are t w o elastic constants w h i c h compression of t h e w h o l e p o t a t o t u b e r
cultural engineering, Michigan State University. u n d e r hydrostatic pressure.
* Numbers in parentheses refer to the ap- completely d e t e r m i n e t h e elastic p r o p -
pended references. erties of t h e material, a n d algebraic T h e testing m a c h i n e u s e d for t h e
Acknowledgement: The authors acknowledge relations m a y b e d e r i v e d a m o n g t h e
the assistance of Dr. Norman Thompson, crop uniaxial compression tests h a s b e e n d e -
science department, and Dr. George Mase and m o s t c o m m o n l y u s e d elastic constants scribed previously ( 2 , 3 ) a n d is simi-
Dr. L. E. Malvern, mechanics department, of
Michigan State University. A, JUL; shear m o d u l u s , G; Poisson's ratio, lar t o t h e device described b y Mohsenin
(7). The machine used for these tests RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
was calibrated to provide a rate of de- Modulus of Elasticity
formation of one inch per minute (ipm)
within ± 1 0 percent up to a maximum Modulus of elasticity was defined
load of 200 lb. A 50-lb-capacity load earlier as the proportionality constant
cell with an accuracy of ± 0.25 per- relating stress to strain within an elastic
cent and a maximum nonlinearity of material. Strain is defined as the change
± 0.10 percent was used for force in length of a uniaxial specimen divided
measurements. Displacements could be by its current length, or in differential
determined within 1 percent accuracy. notation
For the uniaxial tests, a specimen of
tissue was removed from the potato de = — [10]
tuber using a cork-boring machine and L
cylindrically shaped cutting tools (Fig. where de is the differential element of
1) whose cutting edge was chamfered strain due to the change in length dL
to a 20-deg included angle. This cylin- of a specimen having a current length
drical specimen was then cut to a L. Integrating this expression,
length of 1 in. and loaded between d = In (L) + C [11]
parallel compression plates. The plates
were coated with a thin film of lubri- where C is an arbitrary constant de-
cating oil to reduce the effects of shear pending on the boundary conditions.
stresses due to contact between the When the specimen is in the unstrained
load plates and the flat ends of the state, for example, the strain is zero
specimen. Force-deformation (nominal and the length is the original length of
stress-strain) curves were plotted di- the specimen L 0 . Thus C is evaluated to
rectly, as reproduced in Fig. 3, using be — In (L 0 ) and the strain as ex-
an X-Y recorder. FIG. 2 Hydrostatic pressure device for pressed in equation [11] becomes
bulk modulus tests.
A second elastic property of the po- € l = ln(L/L0) [12]
tato tuber, the elastic bulk modulus, K, was very large and Poisson's ratio ap- The length L at any time is equal to
was determined by means of hydro- proached 0.50. On this basis, there- the original length L 0 plus the change
static pressure tests. The objective was fore, the bulk modulus apparatus was in the original length AL. Hence equa-
to measure the change in volume of the redesigned to operate with increased tion [12] may be given as
tuber (or volumetric strain) as a func- sensitivity within the pressure range
~L„ + AL"
tion of the applied hydrostatic stress from 0 to 60 psi. In In 1 +
(or volumetric stress). Hence, analo- The low-pressure, bulk-modulus ap-
gous to the uniaxial stress-strain curve, paratus is shown in Fig. 2. The potato AL
one obtains a three-dimensional or vol- tuber in this case was immersed in a
umetric stress-strain curve. cylinder of water. Extreme care was
The original volume of the tuber was exercised to drain air from pockets in Expanding equation [13] in terms of
measured to within 1 percent by weigh- the assembly through an air drain plug the appropriate series, it becomes
ing the water displaced by the sub- in the top of the cylinder and at the pAL" pA^I •2

merged tuber. For preliminary studies top of the glass gage assembly. Pressure €l = — Vi
of the behavior of the potato tuber un- was applied to the liquid from a 60-psi 3
AJ _!•» J
der hydrostatic stresses w i t h i n the air line through a filter, pressure regu-
-AL- [14]
range from 15 to 500 lb per square lating valve, and gage indicator. Pres-
inch (psi), the tuber was submerged sures above 10 psi could be regulated Assuming that the change in the orig-
in a steel cylinder containing 20-weight within ± 1 psi of the pressure-gage in- inal length of the specimen is small
oil. The cylinder was then closed, dication. The glass tube was used to compared to the original length, the
sealed, and a dead weight tester, de- measure changes in volume of the po- first term on the right hand side of
signed to calibrate pressure gages, was tato tuber under pressure. By measur- equation [14]
then connected to the cylinder con- ing the rise and fall of the liquid level
taining the tuber. Air was forced from in the glass tube, it was possible to de- « = ~ [15]
the system through an air-drain plug. tect volume changes of ± 0.048 cu L0
As weights, calibrated to give 50 psi cm. becomes a first-order approximation of
pressure increments, were added to the Potatoes used for these tests were the strain defined by equation [ 1 2 ] .
weight tester platform, the volume of grown in a sandy loam soil at the Mich- The strain defined by equation [12] is
the tuber changed by an amount equal igan Lake City Experiment Station. The usually referred to as logarithmic strain
to the volume of the fluid displaced by potatoes were planted May 22, 1962, and that in equation [15] is called
the piston of the weight platform minus harvested on September 25, placed in engineering or c o n v e n t i o n a l strain.
the expansion of the cylinder contain- a 55-60 F curing room until October Throughout this paper the term "strain"
ing the stressed-fluid. The effect of 19, after which they were removed to refers to conventional or engineering
cylinder expansion was first evaluated a 40 F storage room. Tubers were strain. For the case of uniaxial com-
by means of tests conducted without stored in bushel containers to avoid the pression, it can be shown that logarith-
the potato in the cylinder ( 2 ) . prestressing effects experienced under mic strain is related to conventional
Results of preliminary tests indicated bulk storage conditions. At least 24 strain by the expression
pressures within the 0 to 100 psi range hr prior to any tests, the tubers were 1
were of the greatest significance from removed from the 40 F storage room = In [16]
the standpoint of volume changes un- and placed in a neutral atmosphere at .l-e_
der hydrostatic stress. As stresses ap- a room temperature between 68 to where e± refers to logarithmic strain
proached 500 psi, the tuber became in- 78 F. All tests were conducted at room and e refers to conventional strain and
compressible; i.e., the bulk modulus temperature. both are positive in compression. Note
that as the length of the specimen ap- RUSSET RURAL POTATO TABLE 2. HYSTERESIS LOSS IN POTATO
proaches zero under compression, log- Rate of deformation: I in./min THE RUPTURE POINT
arithmic strain approaches infinity and Variety, Russet Rural; test date: October 17, 1962
conventional strain approaches unity.
S n g d Dissipated Hysteresis,
In addition to using the conventional energy, in -lb ener
Sy- l n ' " l b percent
strain definition, modulus of elasticity
5.80 4.20 72
values were computed based on nomi- 11.45 9.42 82
nal stress observations. That is, the 14.35 10.90 76
18.42 15.68 85
stress was based on the original cross- 8.35 7.05 84
sectional area A 0 of the compression 5.12 3.80 74
7.12 6.35 89
specimen. The increase in cross-sec- 7.35 6.65 90
tional area due to lateral expansion un- Mean.. 81.5
Coefficient of variation.. 8.4 percent
der axial compression was neglected 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50

in comparison with the original area. STRAIN (in./in.)

The use of both conventional strain FIG. 3 Conventional stress-strain curves where a is the generalized equivalent
and nominal stress approximations is for potato tissue loaded both below (A, B) stress and dev is the generalized plas-
satisfactory for small strains such as and beyond (C) the point of rupture. tic strain-increment. Again, however,
those encountered for these modulus it would be necessary to limit the use
of elasticity investigations. POTATO TISSUE UNDER UNIAXIAL of the strain-hardening coefficient Hf
COMPRESSION BELOW RUPTURE POINT to the initial loading condition with no
The stress-strain curve for cylindri- Variety, Russet Rural; test date, 10/17/62
cal sections of tissue removed from unloading; and, if no unloading is con-
Total strain, Recovered Degree of sidered, the distinction between linear
potato tubers gave an approximately € strain, c elasticity,
linear relationship such as that shown (in./in.) (in./in.) (ee/e) strain-hardening plasticity with no elas-
in Fig. 3. The potato, however, falls tic range and linear elasticity is not
0.10 0.06 0.60
short of meeting the other criteria of 0.12 0.06 0.50 very meaningful.
0.21 0.10 0.48
an elastic material. For example, as 0.23 0.09 0.39 The stress-strain behavior of potato
0.25 0.12 0.48 tissue was further influenced by its
shown in Fig. 3, during the unloading 0.25 0.10 0.40
cycle of the stress-strain curve, the re- 0.28 0.09 0.32 previous loading history (Fig. 4 ) . Tis-
0.28 0.13 0.46
lationship between stress and strain was sue which was loaded, unloaded, and
Mean. 0.46
noticeably nonlinear and deviated con- Coefficient oJ variation. 16.5 percent then reloaded, displayed a noticeable
siderably from the loading stress-strain change in the slope of the subsequent
relationship. In addition, the unre- loading coincide and there is no hys- loading stress-strain curve. This indi-
covered deformation and loading en- teresis loop. For steel, the loop is cated that the modulus of elasticity
ergy were by no means negligible in small; for high polymers, the hysteresis (ratio of stress to strain) was influ-
comparison with the total deformation effect is much more pronounced. The enced by previous loading of the tissue.
and the total energy expended during hysteresis loss for potato tissue is also For example, during the initial loading
the loading process. There are two very pronounced (Fig. 3 ) . As shown along O-A (Fig. 4 ) , the elastic modu-
terms which are very useful in explain- in Table 2, the energy dissipated within lus was approximately 500 psi. Sub-
ing this anelastic behavior of materials, potato tissue varied from 72 to 90 per- sequent loading from zero stress to 100
namely, "degree of elasticity" and "elas- cent of the total energy expended dur- psi resulted in modulus of elasticity
tic hysteresis." ing the loading process. Therefore, po- values which varied from approximately
Frey-Wyssling (4) defined degree of tato tissue exhibited a very satisfactory 100 to 1,000 p s i . U p o n r e a c h i n g
elasticity as being the ratio of elastic stress-strain relationship during load- point "B" during the subsequent load-
(recovered) deformation to total de- ing, but had a pronounced anelastic ing, the stress-strain curve reassumed
formation when a material is loaded to behavior during the unloading phase. the slope exhibited during the maiden
a certain stress and then unloaded to The stress-strain relationship in Fig. loading cycle with an apparently un-
zero stress. A perfectly elastic material 3 also approximates the behavior of a changed elastic modulus for stresses
has a degree of elasticity of unity, and linear strain-hardening incompressible above that attained during the initial
a viscous or perfectly plastic material plastic material having a negligible ini- loading. On the basis of the preced-
has a degree of elasticity of zero. Table tial elastic range. Under uniaxial load- ing discussion, therefore, the values
1 shows some values for the degree of ing the slope of the stress-strain curve, reported for modulus of elasticity as-
elasticity of mature potato tissue under instead of representing the elastic mod- sume that the tissue taken from the
uniaxial compression. On the average, ulus E, is related to the strain-harden- central p o r t i o n of the potato tuber
only 46 percent of the total deforma- ing coefficient H' as defined by Hill had no previous loading history. In
tion of the product was recovered dur- (5) in the expression addition, the reported modulus of elas-
ing the unloading cycle. Hence, potato ticity values do not account for the
tissue is considerably anelastic during - ^ - = H> [17] changes in the ratio of stress to strain
the unloading of stressed tissue. during the unloading process.
The elastic hysteresis of a material
sipated internally within the specimen Variety, Russet Rural; test date, October 17, 1962; rate of! deformation, 1 ipm
during a cycle of loading and unload-
Replication Cross-sectional area, square inches
ing. This was measured by recording number Q.20 0.50 1.00 2.00
the stress-strain curve through a cycle Pounds per square inch
of loading and unloading as shown in 1 467 570 550 500
Fig. 3. The larger the area enclosed 2 450 510 550 480
by the stress-strain loading and unload- 3 560 620 540 560
ing loop, the greater the energy dissi- 4 490 650 590 510
5 560 620 530 550
pated internally within the loaded ma- Mean 505 594 552 520
terial. For an ideally elastic body, the Grand mean — ..543 psi
paths followed during loading and un- Coefficient of variation 9.7 percent


(10/17/62 )
Rate of deformation: I in./min Hydrostatic Volumetric strain (in. 3 /in 3) X 10-*
" A " & " B " : loading before rupture Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9
psi Test 1
" R": loading beyond rupture
-_-subsequent loading of previously 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200 loaded tissue 5 1.10 1.26 1.63 1.55 2.29 1.22 1.88 1.23 1.71
R 10 1.30 1.83 2.52 2.21 2.71 1.62 2.10 1.44 2.35
15 2.00 2.40 3.11 3.10 3.54 2.43 2.85 1.85 2.99
20 2.40 2.86 3.56 3.65 4.16 3.04 3.28 2.05 3.42
30 3.59 3.88 5.04 4.76 5.41 3.85 4.16 2.88 4.28
40 4.39 4.80 5.93 5.53 6.04 4.66 5.03 3.70 4.91
50 5.29 5.37 6.67 6.31 6.45 5.27 5.48 4.11 5.56
60 5.99 5.83 7.41 6.76 7.07 5.88 5.91 4.52 5.77
50 5.79 5.71 7.12 6.64 6.87 5.47 5.69 4.11 5.56
40 5.49 5.48 6.52 6.42 6.54 5.07 5.48 3.99 5.35
0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 30 5.09 5.26 6.08 5.98 6.51 4.66 5.25 3.97 5.13
STRAIN (in./in.) 20 4.19 4.80 5.19 5.53 6.04 3.85 4.38 3.70 4.91
10 3.29 4.00 4.15 4.43 5.20 3.04 3.72 3.29 4.49
0 0.50 1.14 1.48 1.88 3.33 1.62 2.25 2.05 3.20
FIG. 4 Influence of previous loading on
stress-strain response of potato tissue. Summarized data
Values for the modulus of elasticity gravity 1.079 1.075 1.072 1.064 1.078 1.080 1.060 1.068 1.074
Weight (gm) 513.6 446.9 343.6 456.7 246.0 253.0 229.8 247.0 238.6
of potato tissue are presented in Table Volume (cc) 476 416 320 429 228 234 217 231 222
3. Individual indications varied from Elastic bulk
450 to 650 psi with an average value modulus*
(psi) 10,000 11,300 9,650 9,750 10,700 11,000 11,800 15,000 12,500
of 543 psi and a coefficient of varia-
tion of 9.7 percent. The effects of tem- * Elastic bulk modulus values were calculated based on the change in volumetric strain corre-
sponding to a change in hydrostatic pressure from 10 to 50 psi.
perature, turgor pressure of the cells,
geometrical configuration of the cells, equation also related stress to strain, to 15,000 psi (Table 4 ) . These values
and cross-sectional area of loading as but in this case a specialized three- were calculated based on the change
related to changes in the modulus of dimensional state of stress is consid- in volumetric strain of the tuber within
elasticity of potato tissue are discussed ered. The volumetric strain (some- the finite difference range of applied
in references 1, 2, 8, 9, and 13. times referred to as cubical dilatation) pressure from 10 to 50 psi. A statistical
term in equation [18] is an approxi- analysis indicated that the average bulk
Elastic Bulk Modulus mation similar to that made for con- modulus for the series of nine tests
If a hydrostatic pressure is applied ventional uniaxial strain equation [15] . was 11,300 psi with a coefficient of
to the exterior surface of a compressi- Again t h e c o n v e n t i o n a l volumetric variation of 15 percent.
ble body, its volume V will be reduced strain notation is a good first-order ap-
and its density increased. Let V0 be proximation of the logarithmic volu- Poisson's Ratio
the volume of a body under a corre- metric strain since the change in vol-
ume is small compared to the original Values have been presented for the
sponding hydrostatic pressure p = 0. uniaxial elastic modulus E and the elas-
Now if AV is the change in volume of volume. During these studies, the vol-
umetric strains were always less than tic bulk modulus K of potatoes. Most
the body produced by a compressive of the theoretical relations in elasticity,
isotropic (hydrostatic) pressure, p, then 0.01.
however, are presented in terms of the
the elastic bulk modulus K is usually Results of the hydrostatic elastic bulk uniaxial elastic modulus and Poisson's
defined (10) by the relationship modulus tests are presented in Table 4 ratio y. Equation [ 7 ] gives the rela-
along with certain other physical prop- tionship between the uniaxial elastic
p = K . [18] erties of the tubers tested. The typical modulus, the elastic bulk modulus, and
shape of the volumetric stress-strain Poisson's ratio, i.e.,
Note the analogy between the above curve is illustrated in Fig. 5. During
equation and the uniaxial or one-dimen- the tests, a small amount of creep and K [7]
sional form of Hooke's law. The above retarded elasticity was exhibited by 3 ( 1 - 2y)
the tubers. Hence, a certain percentage
of the deviations in the recorded val- Solving equation [ 7 ] explicitedly for
ues of volumetric strain was due to Poisson's ratio, one obtains
these time-effects and the judgment of
the observer. The volumetric stress-
strain curve (Fig, 5) was convex to- 6K 6K
ward the stress axis. Thus, for equal [19]
increments of increasing stress, the cor- On the basis of previously established
responding increments of strain de- values of £ = 543 ± 52 psif and K =
creased. This indicated that the po- 11,300 ± 1,680 psif, the average value
tato tuber becomes relatively incom- of Poisson's ratio was calculated to be
pressible under large hydrostatic pres- 0.492. Considering the deviation speci-
sure and confirmed preliminary obser- fied for the uniaxial and bulk elastic
vations obtained using the high-pres- modulus values, what deviations might
sure, bulk modulus apparatus as de- be expected for the calculated Pois-
scribed earlier in this paper. This type son's ratio? The absolute value of the
of behavior might be expected since a standard deviation in Poisson's ratio
very large portion of the potato tuber Ay corresponding to the above specified
; (85 percent by weight) is composed standard deviations in the measured
1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0xl0"
VOLUMETRIC STRAIN (in. 3 /in?) of water which has an elastic bulk parameters was calculated from the
modulus of 300,000 psi. following expression:
FIG. 5 A representative volumetric stress-
strain curve for a potato tuber under hy- The elastic bulk modulus for the
t Plus or minus values in this case refer to
drostatic pressure. mature potato tuber varied from 9,650 standard deviations.
variation of 15 percent. From the uni-
+ AK [20] axial elastic modulus and the bulk elas-
dE dK
tic modulus, Poisson's ratio was calcu-
The probable standard deviation in the value given for Poisson's ratio is given lated to be 0.492 with a probable
by the expression standard deviation of 0.0014 (Table 5 ) .
AE AK [21]
+ dK 1 Falk, S., Hertz, C. H., and Virgin, H. I.
On the relation between turgor pressure and tis-
sue rigidity. Part I. Experiments on resonance
Substituting the appropriate values in tion was recovered during the unload- frequency and tissue rigidity. Physiologia Plan-
tarum 11:802-817, 1958.
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