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Study Smarter, Not Harder

concepts of the benefits of preparation outlined in chapter 4 areas

true for classroom study as they are for private study at your desk.

1. Prepare your mind

You will get the most out of your time in classes, lectures,
and seminars if you take time to prepare your mind in advance,
Work on the information and your approach to it by doing the
. Read all the assigned material.
. Review lecture notes from previous classes.
Anticipate what is coming up in this class.
. Mentally prepare your attitu d e. You're there to work,

be prepared to take in everything that is worth learning,

Visualize yourself taking in the information easily, under.
standing it, and making notes that expand your compre-
. Use the re I axati 0 n and focusing techniques in chapter
2.4,Prepare your body

Engaging in some physical exercise before the intense but seden.1

tary class work enhances focus and concentration. Mild to inter.
mediate exercise is best. You want to be active enough to stimulate the
release of endorphins and increase circulation of blood (and
therefore oxygen) that is so vital to superior brain function.
The kind of exercise you do depends on your starting
point as an active person. For someone who does not get
'much exercise, a brisk walk is as intense as it should get. For
the more athletic student, a longer run, swim, or aerobics class
produce the desired effect. Do not push yourself to exhaustion;
that creates results that are counterproductive to sustained
Elite athletes should avoid having their intense training ses. i
3. What
sions you shouldbefore
immediately not doacademic
before class lectures
In addition to intense, exhausting exercise, there are several
other activities that can have a dramatically damaging effect on
your ability to learn in the classroom:


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