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MATERI, SOAL & PEMBAHASAN UN SMP  CONTOH PERTANYAAN  The graphic shows that ______.

Part 1 BERDASARKAN RUANG LINGKUP  Where does the conversation take

By Tommy Kawani MATERI place?
1. Menemukan gambaran umum.  Menafsirkan kata, frase atau kalimat dalam
A. STANDAR KOMPETENSI Pertanyaan biasanya berupa judul dan topic teks.
Siswa mampu memahami makna teks tulis bacaan. Pertanyaan biasanya berupa:
interpersonal maupun transaksional dalam Contoh:  Persamaan arti ( synonym)
bentuk Teks  What does paragraph 2 talk about?  Lawan kata ( antonym/opposite)
1. Recount/Narrative, Report/Descriptive dan  The text tells us about ______.  Definisi / pengertian (definition)
Procedure. 2. Menemukan Pikiran utama.  Rujukan / Acuan (reference)
a. Recount / Narrative: Pertanyaan berkaitan dengan penjelasan Contoh:
Teks yang isinya menceritakan kembali atau pendapat penulis tentang topic bacaan.  What is the synonym of the
(retell) kejadian di masa lampau. Teks ini Pikiran utama bisa didapat dari kalimat underlined word?
biasanya menggunakan tenses ‘past’. utama. Kalimat utama ada di awal,  What does ‘it’ (in paragraph 1)
2. Report / Descriptive: ditengah atau di akhir paragraph / teks. refer to?
Teks yang menjelaskan atau mendiskripsikan Pikiran utama juga bisa berupa kesimpulan TEXT 1.
tentang sesuatu, biasanya menggunakan tenses dari kalimat-kalimat dalam paragraf / teks.
‘present’. Contoh: Bicycles are very popular today. Many
3. Procedure:  What is the main idea of the text? people use bicycles for exercise. But
Teks yang isinya berupa prosedur atau proses  Based on the text, we may conclude exercise is only one of the reasons why
dan urutan terjadinya sesuatu. Biasanya that ______. bicycles are popular. Another reason
menggunakan tenses ‘present’. 3. Menemukan informasi rinci. is money. Bicycles are not expensive to
 RUANG LINGKUP MATERI Informasi yang tidak tertera secara jelas
Siswa mampu memahami teks fungsional buy. They do not need gas to make them
pada teks bacaan. Untuk menemukan
pendek yang berbentuk Recount/Narrative, informasi ini, harus membaca teks secara go. They are also easy and cheap to fix.
Report/Descriptive dan Procedure, meliputi: rinci atau intensif (intensive reading). In cities, many people like bicycles
 Menemukan gambaran umum (general Contoh: better than cars. By bicycles, they never
idea)  Which statement is NOT TRUE have to wait in traffic. They
 Menemukan pikiran utama (main idea) according to the text?
 Menemukan informasi rinci tertentu also do not have to find a place to park.
 How many children does she have?
(specific information) 4. Menemukan informasi tersurat dan Finally, bicycles do not cause any
 Menemukan informasi tersurat tersirat. pollution.
(reference) dan tersirat (inference) Informasi tersurat: Informasi yang tertera
 Menfsirkan kata, frase atau kalimat jelas atau langsung dalam teks bacaan 1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
dalam teks. Informasi tersirat: Informasi yang tidak A. Bicycles are very popular today
Catatan : Teks Fungsional adalah teks bentuk tertera jelas, tetapi bisa didapat dari B. Bicycles are not expensive
khusus dengan fungsi tertentu. menyimpulkan bagian-bagian tertentu C. Many people like bicycles
Misalnya : pengumuman, iklan, label, surat dan dalam teks bacaan (reading between the D. Bicycles do not cause any pollution
grafik/tabel. lines). PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menemukan
Contoh: Pikiran Utama (main Idea). Yang menjadi
pikiran utama adalah pilihan A (bicycles 4. “He was a widower…” (line 3) PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menemukan
are very popular today). Pikiran Utama What does “he” in the sentence refer to? Topik (intisari) bacaan. Berdasarkan pada
tersebut terdapat di kalimat utama yang A. The writer paragraf 2, maka bisa diambil kesimpulan
berada di awal paragraph. Pilihan yang B. The only boy bahwa surat tersebut topiknya adalah Bruce
lain, merupakan kalimat-kalimat penjelas C. The writer’s father meminta informasi tentang tempat-tempat
atau pendukung kalimat utama. JAWAB: D. Mr. Daud wisata atau persinggahan turis (tourist
A PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menentukan destinations) di Indonesia. JAWAB: C
Rujukan Kata. Kata “he” merujuk atau
2. “Bicycles are very popular today” (line 1). menggantikan Mr. Daud. JAWAB: D 6. “I was pleased to get your latest letter
The closest meaning of the underlined word is TEXT 3. (paragraph 1).
______. 17 Derriford Road What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Interesting Beverly Hills A. Glad
B. Comfortable May 21, 2004 B. Sad
C. Famous C. Disappointed
D. Wonderful Dear Dony, D. Unhappy
PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menafsirkan I was pleased to get your latest letter. I enjoyed PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan menafsirkan
makna kata. Arti yang paling dekat reading it. Thanks a lot. Hope to get makna kata, berupa ’synonym’ (persamaan
(synonym) dengan “popular” adalah another one soon. arti). ‘Synonym’ dari “pleased” adalah
“famous” (terkenal). JAWAB: C “glad” (gembira). JAWAB: A
TEXT 2. My parents and I are planning to spend this
My father died of cancer five years ago when I was summer holiday in Malaysia and Indonesia.
three years old. He left my mother and me, their We have heard a lot about Malaysia, but not much
only boy. Last year my mother married Mr. Daud. about Indonesia. So could you tell us more about
He was a widower and he had got two children, Indonesia? We particularly want information
Andi and Siska. Mr. Daud now becomes my step about the main tourist destinations with their
father. Andi and Siska become my step brother and places of interest. That’s all for now. I’m looking
step sister. Both of them are older than me. We live forward to hearing from you soon. My best
happily in my step father’s house. Now, we are regards to your parents. Bye.
waiting for the birth of my mother’s baby.
Best wishes,
3. What is the relationship between the writer, Bruce
Andi and Siska?
A. The writer is Andi and Siska’s children 5. What does the letter mostly talk about?
B. The writer is Andi and Siska’s step brother A. A planning to spend the summer holiday in
C. Andi and Siska are the writer’s brother and Malaysia
sister B. Dony wanted some information about
D. Andi and Siska are the writer’s cousins Malaysia and Indonesia
PEMBAHASAN: Pertanyaan Informasi C. A request for some information about
Rinci. Informasi tersebut tidak tertera jelas tourist destinations in Indonesia
dalam teks. Untuk menemukannya, baca D. Bruce informed some places of interest for
secara rinci (baris 4 & 5). JAWAB: B tourist destinations in Indonesia

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