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ITI Midterm 1 – Study Guide

However make sure you know range function. It is on of the keys to

the loops in python.

Import random

Arithmetic expressions in python (including +,-,*, /,

exponentiation **, integer division //, mod %, ..) :
+, -, *, /, %, **, // (2.5 – 2)

order of operations matters – BEDMAS – use brackets

Strings (including + operator being concatenation on strings):

string (“djfsdkf”)

quote = “live, love, laugh”

quote2 = quote + quote

print(“I don’t like”, end= “”)

print (“newlines”)

>>> I don’t like newlines

new lines = print(“\n” * 7)

string.capitalize() -- will capitalize string

string.find() – will return the len where the insert is in the string

string.isaplha() – string is all letter

.replace—will replace letter

.strip – take away white space

Grocery_list = [‘Juice’, ‘Tomates’, ‘Potatoes’, ‘Bananas’]

Print(‘First Item’, grocery_list[0])

>>> First Item Juice


>>>[‘Tomatoes’, ‘Potatoes’]

grocery_list.append(‘Onions’) --adds onions to the list

grocery_list.insert(1, “pickle”) - will add pickle in 1 position

grocery_list.remove(“pickle”) - will remove pickle

gorcery_list.sort() -- sorts list

grocery_list.reverse() --- will reverse the sort

print(len(list)) - gives the length of the items in the list

print(max(grocery_list)) --- last in terms of alphabetically order bc strings

print(min(grocery_list)) --- first in alphabetically order

Similar to list, but will not be able to change tuple about making it

Pi_tuple = (3,1,4,1,5,9) - round bracket instead of [] for lists

New_tuple = list(pi_tuple) - converts tuple into a list

New_list = tuple(new_tuple) - coverts list into tuple

Len(tuple) – find length the tuple

Min and max will used in same as lists

Print vs return:
print(“Hello World”)

print() doesn’t return anything

return doesn’t print anything

def f_r(x):

return x + 3 **interactive

def f_p(x):

print(x+3) **

Boolean expressions:

Data types in python:




Type conversion:
Int(x) --- makes number into integer

Float(36) -- 36.0 - makes it a float

Str(x) --- makes it a string



Function design:
Def addNumber(fNum, lNum):

sumNum = fNum = lNum

return Num

‘’’ ‘’’

If statements:
If elif else  ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= --- will execute code when the statements apply

Age = 21

If age > 16:

Print(“You are old enough to drive”)


Print(“You are not old enough to drive”)

If ((age =1) and (age<=18)): ** they both have to be true

If …. Or …. ** only one or the conditions has not apply

If … not …. : ***does the opposite of what is before it

Once a condition is made, the function will stop there, and will not continue on
For loops:
I want to perform something 10 times:

For x in range(0,10):

Print(x, ‘ ‘. End = “”)

For x in range(0,3):

For y in range(0,3):

While loops:
Use when you don’t know how many times you will need to use I t

__ random.randrange(0,100)

while random_sum != 15:


random_num = random.randrange(0,100)

I = 100

While (1 <=20):

If (i%2==0):


Elif( I ==9):

Break – if we want to go out of the loop completely, not check anymore, break doesit


I += 1 ( same thing as I = i+1 )

Continue -- while go back to while loop

Test_file = open(“text.txt, “wb”)


including slicing, looping over elements of the list, looping over indices
in the list

Mutable vs immutable objects (i.e. variables that refer to

immutable objects like strings, numbers and tuples vs variables
that refer to mutable objects like lists:
Mutable : Lists - can be changes after created

Immutable: strings. Numbers, tuples - cannot be changes after created

Copy vs aliasing (what is happening in the memory):

Copying: when you copy a list, you create a clone of the list. The lists have the same items, but
the lists themselves are different objects at different memory addresses.

Alias: something is a alias when they have the same memory address. U make the list == the
other list

Aliasing is one of th reasons why the notion of mutability is important. Ex) id u make changes to
list x, the same changes should be seen in list y --- this can create lots of hard to find errors ,
however this cant happen to immutable objects like strings , because a string can have be
changes after it is created.


(understanding what a program/function does, writing programs etc)
including solving problems on all of the above data types: lists, strings,
... then solving problems with accumulator variables etc ...
- counting how many times something is printed
you cant join them together like you can with lists

Uses {} instead of []

The following functions (operators) appear in many of questions. Make

sure you know everything we have seen about these functions.

'in' operator

The following functions appear in at least one function. More sure you
know what these functions do.
sorted - returns a copy of the list where the items are in order from smallest
to largest – doesn’t mutate L
math.floor - math.floor(x) – returns the floor of x as an Integral – this is the
largest integer <= x
math.log – returns the log of x to the given base log(x,base)
.isupper (from str module) -- returns true if all characters in the string are

Finally here some type of questions that appear frequently in the

What does the following code fragment print

Which of the options solves the problem correctly?
Which of the following algorithm(s) can be used to implement/solve
this problem?
What does the following function do?
Which of the following functions correctly computes ...


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