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Irradiation Synthesis of

Superabsorbent Hydrogel:
Optimization Using the Taguchi
Method and Investigation of Its
Swelling Behavior
Department of Chemistry, Payame Noor University, Qazvin Branch, P.O. Box 878, Qazvin, Iran;
Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology,
P.O. Box 11365-9516, Tehran, Iran

Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology,
P.O. Box 11365-9516, Tehran, Iran

Polymer Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Sharif University of Technology,
P.O. Box 11365-9516, Tehran, Iran
Received: October 27, 2008
Accepted: August 10, 2009

ABSTRACT: In this report, the synthesis of a novel superabsorbent hydrogel

via γ-irradiation graft copolymerization of acrylamide onto sodium alginate and
kappa-carrageenan hybrid backbones in a homogeneous solution is described.

Correspondence to: Ali Pourjavadi; e-mail: purjavad@

Advances in Polymer Technology, Vol. 28, No. 2, 131–140 (2009)

C 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

The Taguchi method was used as a powerful experimental design tool for
synthesis optimization. A series of superabsorbent hydrogels was synthesized by
proposed conditions of Qualitek-4 software. Considering the results of nine trials
according to analysis of variance, optimum conditions were proposed. The
swelling behavior of optimum superabsorbent hydrogels was studied in various
solutions, with pH values ranging from 1 to 13. In addition, swelling kinetics,
swelling in various organic solvents, the absorbency under load, and on–off
switching behavior were investigated. Also, hydrogel formation was confirmed
by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Surface morphology of the
synthesized hydrogels was assessed by scanning electron microscopy.  C 2009

Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Adv Polym Techn 28: 131–140, 2009; Published online in
Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/adv.20154

KEY WORDS: Biodegradable, Hydrogels, Irradiation, Swelling

red seaweeds by extraction with hot water under

Introduction alkaline conditions. The three commercially avail-
able types of carrageenans are designated—lambda,

S uperabsorbent hydrogels are slightly cross-

linked networks that are able to absorb
a large amount of water and aqueous fluids
kappa, and iota. Because of their exceptional proper-
ties, they are broadly used as ingredients in a variety
of applications.24
in a short time and keep them when external Alginates are linear anionic polysaccharides of
pressure is applied. They are widely used in (1–4) linked α-L-guluronate (G units) and β-D-
many fields, such as medicine for drug delivery mannuronic acid (M units) residues. One important
systems,1−3 agriculture and horticulture,4,5 sealing and useful property of alginates is their ability to
composites,6 biosensors,7,8 artificial snow,9 drilling form gels by ionic cross-linking with calcium cations.
fluid additives,10 and so on. The hydrogels based However, ionic cross-linked alginate gels show low
on synthetic polymers such as polyacrylamide absorbency due to their high cross-linking density.
[poly(AAm)] and poly(sodium acrylate) have large So, in this study, we attempted to synthesize chemi-
swelling capacity, but natural hydrogels have a cally cross-linked hydrogels using γ-rays as a cross-
greater demand in industry due to their low cost, linker and an initiator.25,26
low toxicity, biodegradability, and biocompatibility The radiation technique seems to be an excel-
of the large amount of natural polymers incorpo- lent method for the preparation of hydrogels be-
rated in their networks. Many works have been re- cause a polymer in an aqueous solution and a
ported for the preparation of hydrogels based on monomer dissolved in it undergo cross-linking and
polysaccharides such as chitosan,11−13 starch,14,15 graft copolymerization on irradiation to yield a
carboxymethylcellulose,16,17 sodium alginate,18,19 gel-like material. Simple procedure control, no ini-
and carrageenan.20−22 In our previous works, tiators or cross-linkers, no waste products, and rel-
we have reported the graft copolymerization of atively low operating costs make the irradiation
poly(AAm) onto the mixture of sodium alginate (Na- technique a suitable choice for the synthesis of
Alg) and kappa-carrageenan (κC) via thermal clas- hydrogels.27
sic initiation system.23 In the current work, we syn- The Taguchi method is a powerful experimental
thesized the same hydrogel via γ-irradiation as a design tool. It provides a simple, efficient, and sys-
clean energy source instead of using toxic reagents tematic approach to optimize the designs for perfor-
such as methylenebisacrylamide (MBA) and KPS. In mance, quality, and cost. Parameter design is the key
comparison with previous work, our results indicate step in the Taguchi method to achieve high quality
that water absorbency properties improved in this without increasing cost, and the same is adopted in
method. this article. The evaluation of results has been stan-
Carrageenans are a group of linear, sulfate- dardized by this method, which can easily be applied
containing polysaccharides obtained from certain by researchers.28−32

132 Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv


Experimental Experimental Layouts of an L9 Orthogonal Array
According to Taguchi’s Suggestion

MATERIALS Control Factor

The polysaccharides, sodium alginate (Na-Alg; Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Merck Co., Darmstadt, Germany) and kappa-
Radiation dose (kGy) 1.5 6 11
carrageenan (κC; Condinson Co., Copenhagen, Sodium alginate (g) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Denmark) were used without further purification. κ-Carrageenan (g) 0.4 0.6 0.8
Acrylamide (AAm; Fluka, Saint Louis, MO) was Acrylamide (g) 1 2 3
used as received. All other chemicals were also an-
alytical grade. Double-distilled water was used for
hydrogel preparation and swelling measurements. Selection of Orthogonal Array and
Assignment of Factors
An orthogonal array (OA) with three levels
INSTRUMENTAL ANALYSIS and four factors is shown in Table II. This OA is
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra (on particularly designed with the symbol of L9 . The
KBr pellets) were recorded on an ABB Bomem results have been standardized by this method,
MB-100 FT-IR spectrophotometer. Irradiation was which can be easily applied by other researchers.
carried out using γ-rays from a Co-60 source Software package Qualitek-4 (Nutek, Detroit, MI)
from a Gammacell-220 irradiator (Nordion, Ottawa, (Version 6.3) was used for the selection of orthogo-
Canada), with 1.5 kGy/h dose rate. The morphol- nal array, optimum conditions, and contribution of
ogy of the dried samples was examined with a scan- each factor.27
ning electron microscope (Philips, XL30) operated at
20 kV after coating the samples with gold.
In general, specific amounts of κC (0.4–0.8 g) and
Na-Alg (0.4–0.8 g) were added to a 30-mL three-
necked reactor, equipped with a mechanical stirrer,
Selection of Factors and Their Levels with stirring (200 rpm). The reactor was immersed
in a thermostated water bath preset at 80◦ C. After
The important factors in the synthesis of super-
homogenizing the mixture, AAm (1–3 g in 10 mL of
absorbent hydrogels include γ-irradiation time and
H2 O) was added to the reaction mixture and was
AAm, κC, and Na-Alg concentrations. As well, three
stirred for further 20 min. The cold mixture was
levels for each factor were chosen, as shown in
transferred into a 250-mL tube, the inner wall of
Table I.
which was covered with an aluminum foil. The tube
was closed tightly with the foil and paraffin film and
then irradiated with γ-rays according to the desired
total doses. The reaction product was kept in ethanol
(200 mL) for 24 h to dewater. The completely hard-
Experimental Control Factors and Their Levels ened gel particles were filtered, washed with fresh
ethanol (2 × 50 mL), and dried in an oven at 50◦ C for
Trial A B C D 10 h. The final powdered superabsorbent hydrogel
1 1 1 1 1 was stored away from moisture, heat, and light for
2 1 2 2 2 further experiments.
3 1 3 3 3
4 2 1 2 3
6 2 3 1 2 The degree of swelling was determined by gravi-
7 3 1 3 2
metric method. The “tea bag” (i.e., a 100-mesh ny-
8 3 2 1 3
lon screen) containing the powdered sample (0.5 ±
9 3 3 2 1
0.01 g) with average particle sizes between 40 and

Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv 133


60 mesh (250–350 μm) was immersed entirely in MEASUREMENT OF ABSORBENCY

distilled water (400 mL) and allowed to soak for UNDER LOAD
60 min at room temperature. The equilibrium
A macroporous sintered glass filter plate (porosity
swelling (ES) capacity was measured twice at room
=0, d = 80 mm, h = 7 mm) was placed in a Petri dish
temperature by the following formula:
(d = 118 mm, h = 12 mm), and weighted, dried hy-
drogel sample (0.9 ± 0.01 g) was uniformly placed
W2 − W1 on the surface of a polyester gauze located on the
ES(g/g) = (1)
W1 sintered glass. A cylindrical solid load (Teflon, d =
60 mm, variable height) is put on the dry hydrogel
where W1 and W2 are the weights of dry and swollen particles while it can be freely slipped in a glass cylin-
gels, respectively. der (d = 60 mm, h = 50 mm). Desired load (applied
pressure =0.3–0.9 psi) was placed on the hydrogel
sample. Then, 0.9% saline solution was added so
SWELLING KINETICS that the liquid level was equal to the height of the
sintered glass filter. The entire set was covered to pre-
To investigate the rate of hydrogel absorbency, a
vent surface evaporation and probable change in the
certain amount of sample (0.5 ± 0.01 g) with average
saline concentration. After desired time, the swollen
particle sizes between 40 and 60 mesh (250–350 μm)
particles were weighed again and absorbency under
was poured into a weighed tea bag and immersed in
load (AUL) was calculated by Eq. (1).
400 mL of distilled water. At consecutive time inter-
vals, the water absorbency of the hydrogel was mea-
sured according to the above-mentioned method.

Results and Discussion

The procedures for these experiments are the Cross-linking and graft copolymerization of
same as given in the “Water Absorbency Measure- poly(AAm) onto backbones of κC and Na-Alg sub-
ment” section. pH dependency of swelling was mea- strates were carried out in aqueous medium us-
sured by the interaction of certain amounts of the hy- ing γ-rays as a free radical initiator and cross-
drogel samples (0.5 ± 0.01 g) in solutions (400 mL) linking agent.25,26 When monomers of AAm and
with solutions of different pH. The swelling behav- (Na-Alg/κC) polysaccharides are irradiated with
ior in each pH was determined at different times. ionization rays such as γ-rays, one double bond of
The various solutions were adjusted to the desired −C C− on AAm and one of C H or O H bonds
pH value by the addition of dilute HCl or NaOH. of (Na-Alg/κC) were broken by ionization irradi-
ation and free radicals are generated. These free
radicals react with each other and (Na-Alg/κC)-
Salinity g-polyacrylamide superabsorbent hydrogel is pro-
duced. A possible simple polymerization of enti-
Hydrogel absorbency was evaluated in 0.1 M tled system by γ-ray irradiation is suggested in
solutions of NaCl, CaCl2 , and AlCl3 according Scheme 1. When AAm, polysaccharides, and wa-
to the above-mentioned method described for ter ternary mixtures were irradiated, polymerization
swelling measurements in distilled water. In addi- and cross-linking occur simultaneously.
tion, swelling capacity of the hydrogel was mea-
sured in NaCl solutions of different concentrations.
Infrared spectroscopy was used to confirm the
Solvent-Induced Phase Transition
chemical structure of the grafted products. Figure 1
The procedures for these experiments are the shows the FT-IR spectra of pure Na-Alg (Fig. 1a)
same as given in “Water Absorbency Measurement” and κC (Fig. 1b) substrates and the Na-Alg/κC-
section, except that, instead of distilled water, a mix- based hydrogel (Fig. 1c). In the spectrum of Na-
ture of solvents was used. Alg, two strong peaks were observed at 1616 and

134 Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv


SCHEME 1. Proposed mechanism for irradiation synthesis of the (Na-Alg/κC)-g-poly(AAm) superabsorbent hydrogel.

1418 cm−1 because of the asymmetrical and symmet- cm−1 can be attributed to D-galactose-4-sulfate, 3,6-
rical stretching vibrations of −COO− groups. Char- anhydro-D-galactose, glycosidic linkage, and ester
acteristic absorption peak of alginate appeared at sulfate stretching of κC, respectively. A new broad
3429 cm−1 for the hydroxyl group. In the spectrum peak in the spectrum of the hydrogel appeared at
of κC, the bands observed at 845, 916, 1025, and 1225 1662 cm−1 , which may be attributed to the C O

FIGURE 1. FT-IR spectra of (a) Na-Alg, (b) κC, and (c) (Na-Alg/κC)-g-poly(AAm) superabsorbent hydrogels.

Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv 135



A Three-Level Orthogonal Array (L9 ) Optimum Conditions Proposed by the Taguchi Method
Radiation Sodium κ-Carrageenan Acrylamide Level Optimum
Trial Dose (kGy) Alginate (g) (g) (g) Factor Description Conditions

1 1.5 0.4 0.4 1 Radiation dose (kGy) 2 6

2 1.5 0.6 0.6 2 Sodium alginate (g) 1 0.4
3 1.5 0.8 0.8 3 κ-Carrageenan (g) 1 0.4
4 6 0.4 0.6 3 Acrylamide (g) 3 3
5 6 0.6 0.8 1
6 6 0.8 0.4 2
7 11 0.4 0.8 2
8 11 0.6 0.4 3
9 11 0.8 0.6 1
Figures 2a and 2b represent the swelling capaci-
ties of the hydrogel in distilled water and salt solu-
stretching mode of amide groups. Although the tions at consecutive time intervals, respectively. Ini-
stretching band of NH group in the amide function tially, the rate of water uptake sharply increases and
overlapped with the OH stretching band of the Na- then begins to level off. The equilibrium swelling
Alg/κC portion, the shape of the OH groups around was approximately achieved after 30 min. A power
3200–3400 cm−1 and its transformation to a broad law behavior is obvious from Fig. 2. The data may
doublet (in Fig. 1c) can be explained by the presence be well fitted with a Voigt-based equation, Eq. (2)33 :
of an amide function in the biopolymer network.
St = Se (1 − e−t/τ ) (2)
According to our previous works,20−23,27 the fac-
tors and corresponding levels affecting the ultimate
swelling capacity of the entitled hydrogel were se-
lected (Tables I and II). After the selection of factors
and their levels, an orthogonal array appropriate
for four factors and three levels for each factor was
applied. Software Qualitek-4 proposes the L9 OA
(Table I). Methods of performing experiments are
given in Table III. The results for the synthesis of nine
hydrogels with conditions proposed by the Taguchi
statistical method are given in Table IV (each mea-
surement was repeated twice). The optimum condi-
tions and contribution of each factor were analyzed
by ANOVA, neglecting the interaction between fac-
tors. According to the analysis performed by soft-
ware Qualitek-4, optimum conditions are shown in
Table V (AAm: 3 g; γ-irradiation dose: 6 kGy; κC: 0.4
g; and Na-Alg: 0.4 g).

Water Absorbency Results for Nine Trials

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FIGURE 2. The swelling kinetic of optimized sample (a)

in distilled water and (b) in 0.1 M solutions of NaCl,
ES (g/g) 8 14 15 190 5 142 171 125 8
CaCl2 , and AlCl3 .

136 Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv


where St (g/g) is swelling at time t; Se the equilib-

rium swelling (power parameter, g/g); t the time
(min) of swelling; and τ (min) the rate parameter.
To calculate the rate parameter using this formula
and a little rearrangement, one can obtain a plot
ln(1 − St /Se ) versus time (t). The slope of the fitted
straight line (slope = −1/τ ) gives the rate parameter.
According to Fig. 2 and using Eq. (2), the rate parame-
ters for swelling of the hydrogel in NaCl, CaCl2 , and
AlCl3 solutions and water are 9.1, 9.8, 10.2, and 1.6
min, respectively. Since the τ value is a measure of
swelling rate (i.e., the lower the τ value, the higher
the rate of swelling), it can be used for the evalu- FIGURE 4. Swelling dependency of (Na-Alg/κC)-
ation of the rate of water absorbency of hydrogels g-poly(AAm) on pH.
on the condition that the particle size of the samples
compared are the same or, at least, in the same range. 0.3 and 0.9 psi, respectively. According to Fig. 3 and
using Eq. (2), the rate parameters for the applied pres-
ABSORBENCY UNDER LOAD sure 0.3 and 0.9 psi are 10.2 and 12.5 min, respec-
tively. The hydrogel swollen under load comprises
When the superabsorbents are under load, the the higher rate parameter; which means the swelling
swelling capacity is considerably decreased. So, rate under load is smaller.
AUL is often defined and reported especially in tech-
nical data. Since AUL values are logically changed
with mechanical strength of the swollen gel pro- THE ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY
portionally, AUL can be considered as a measure pH Sensitivity
of gel strength of superabsorbent hydrogels. So,
several efforts have been made to achieve super- The swelling behavior of the superabsorbent hy-
absorbents having higher AUL or higher strength drogel was studied at room temperature at various
of the swollen gel. To determine the swollen gel pH values between 1 and 13 (Fig. 4). To prepare
strength, we used superabsorbent hydrogel sample the pH media, standard HCl (pH 1) and NaOH (pH
under different loads in saline solution. As shown 13) solutions were diluted with distilled water to
in Fig. 3, the minimum time needed for the high- reach the desired acidic and basic pH values, re-
est AUL in the case of each load is estimated to be spectively. The swelling of the hydrogel increased
60 min. After this time, the AUL values remained with rising pH from 1 to 7, but it decreased in the
almost unchanged. In addition, AUL decreases with pH range between 7 and 14. The maximum water
the increase in the amount of loading. Maximum absorbency of the hydrogel was achieved at pH 7.
swelling was 42 and 39 g/g for the applied pressure At this point, all the −COOH or −SO3 H groups were
converted to −COO− or −SO− 3 , resulting in high
anion–anion repulsion and high swelling capacity.
In acidic solution, ionic strength of the medium in-
creases and the charge of the −COO− or −SO− 3 an-
ions is shielded by the counter ions so that repulsion
is effectively prevented. At the pH values greater
than 7, the sodium cations from NaOH shield the
−COO− or −SO− 3 groups and prevent the perfect
anion–anion repulsion. Also, at higher pH values,
the ionic strength of the medium increases and con-
sequently the swelling decreases.

The ionic strength of the environment affects
FIGURE 3. The kinetics of absorbency under load. the swelling capacity of superabsorbents. Figure 5

Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv 137


FIGURE 5. The swelling capacity variation of FIGURE 6. Effect of organic solvents (ethanol and
(Na-Alg/κC)-g-poly(AAm) in various concentrations of 2-propanol) on the water absorbency of superabsorbent
NaCl solution. hydrogel.

shows the effect of various concentrations of NaCl

on the water absorbency of the superabsorbent hy- molecules. However, it is widely restricted in organic
drogel. Decreasing swelling capacity of the hydro- solvent–water systems because the organic solvents,
gel is attributed to the osmotic pressure difference such as ethanol and (CH3 )2 CHOH, cannot solvate
between the hydrogels and the aqueous phase. An- the anionic groups. As a consequence, the swelling
other factor that influences the swelling capacity in capacity is considerably decreased.
salt solutions is the charge screening effect or shield- As one can see in Fig. 6, for a fixed ratio of solvent–
ing effect in which perfect anion–anion repulsion is water (e.g., a 30:70 w/w solvent–water mixture),
prevented by cations.34 In addition, the swelling of swelling increases in the following order: ethanol >
the superabsorbents depends on the type and va- 2-propanol. This can be explained by the Hildebrand
lency of the cations. As shown in the Fig. 5, multiva- equation, Eq. (4)36 :
lent cations decrease the swelling capacity consid-
erably. The dramatic decrease of water absorbency Hm
= (δ1 − δ2 )2 (4)
in multivalent cationic solutions could be due to V1 2
the complexing ability of the ionic groups induc-
ing the formation of intramolecular and intermolec- where Hm is the enthalpy change on mixing of
ular complexes, which result in an increase in the a polymer and a solvent, 1 and 2 are the vol-
cross-linking density of network.15 The well-known ume fractions for the solvent and the polymer; V the
relationship between swelling and salt solution con- whole volume of the solution; and δ1 and δ2 the sol-
centration is stated in Eq. (3)35 : ubility parameters for the solvent and the polymer,
respectively. This equation clearly indicates that to
Swelling = k[salt]−n (3) dissolve a polymer in a solvent, the δ values must
be close to each other. As a consequence, to pre-
where k and n are constants for an individual super- dict the solubility of a polymer, δ values should be
absorbent. The k value denotes swelling at a high calculated. As the swelling capacity of the synthe-
concentration of salt and the value of n is a measure sized hydrogel in water is maximum, the δ value
of the swelling dependency on salt concentration. of water [23.4 (cal/cm3 )1/2 ] can be regarded as its
solubility parameter. The solubility parameter for
solvent–water mixtures (δmix ) can be calculated by
Solvent-Induced Phase Transition the following equation37 :
In the present study, the swelling changes of
the optimized hydrogel were examined in various δmix = δ1 1 + δ2 2 (5)
water–solvent systems (Fig. 6). The swelling loss in
these mixtures can be explained by the change of where 1 and 2 are the volume fraction and δ1
the solubility parameter of the solvent–water mix- and δ2 the solubility parameters of the two sol-
ture. Anionic groups are easily solvated by water vents. According to data summarized in Table VI, by

138 Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv


Solubility Parameters for Solvents34 and Their
Direct Relationship with Swelling Equilibrium (SE) of
Solvent δ (or δmix )a ES (g/g)

Water 23.4 210

Ethanol/water (30:70) 20.2 116
Ethanol 12.7 –
2-Propanol/water (30:70) 19.8 90
2-Propanol 11.5 –
Symbols δ and δmix [(cal/cm3 )1/2 ] are the solubility parameters for
the solvent and the solvent–water mixture, respectively. FIGURE 7. On–off switching behavior of the optimized
hydrogel: swelling in distilled water and deswelling in
NaCl (0.1 M).

increasing the δmix values to 23.4, the hydrogel can

become highly swollen, as in pure water. In other
words, the swelling capacity of the hydrogel in the
solvent–water mixture is close to that in pure water
if δmix is close to δwater .

The swelling of the superabsorbent hydrogel
hybrids in saline solutions appreciably decreases
compared with the values measured in deionized
water.37,38 This phenomenon, commonly observed
in swelling of all ionic hydrogels, is often attributed
to a screening effect of the additional cations causing
a nonefficient anion–anion electrostatic repulsion,
leading to a decreased osmotic pressure (ionic pres-
sure) difference between the hydrogel network and
the external solution.38 Optimum sample was tested
to be swollen and deswollen alternatively in dis-
tilled water and 0.10 M of NaCl solution. As shown FIGURE 8. SEM micrographs of (a) (Na-Alg/κC) and
in Fig. 7, the sorption–desorption behavior is quite (b) (Na-Alg/κC)-g-poly(AAm) synthesized under
repeatable. optimized conditions.


The surface structure of the hydrogels was ob-
served by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The
SEM photograph of the optimized hydrogel sample The (Na-Alg/κC)-g-poly(AAm) hydrogel
is compared with (Na-Alg/κC) as starting material was synthesized in an aqueous medium using
in this synthesis (Fig. 8). In spite of (Na-Alg/κC)-g- γ-irradiation as both an initiator and a cross-linking
poly(AAm) sample (Fig. 8b), the SEM micrograph of agent at the same time. The synthesis of superab-
(Na-Alg/κC) sample (Fig. 8a) does not show any sur- sorbent hydrogel was optimized by the Taguchi
face shrinkage. The SEM micrographs also indicate method and its swelling behavior in different media
a homogeneous surface structure for these samples. was investigated. The maximum water absorbency

Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv 139


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140 Advances in Polymer Technology DOI 10.1002/adv

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