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11, NOVEMBER 2010

Modeling and Simulation of Charge-Pumping

Characteristics for LDD-MOSFET
Devices With LOCOS Isolation
Hakim Tahi, Boualem Djezzar, and Bacharia Nadji

Abstract—We propose a model for the so-called constant- and bias temperature instability (BTI) [10], [11]. These in-
amplitude charge-pumping (CP) characteristics, giving the Elliot vestigations generally assume that the trap densities, which
Gaussian-like CP current curve (ICP –VL ) of lightly doped drain are given by CP and its variants from maximum CP current
(LDD) MOSFET with local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS). This
method is based on modulation of the contributing active-channel (ICPmax ), are uniform in the whole active channel area of the
area (AG ) to the ICP –VL curve, depending on the position of transistor. Unfortunately, this assumption is not experimentally
the high and low levels of the gate signal voltage. In addition, it valid, particularly for a small lightly doped drain (LDD) device
allows to separate and clarify the contribution of all MOSFET with field oxide isolation, where edge effects become signif-
regions (such as the effective channel, LDD, LOCOS, and LDD
subdiffusion under the LOCOS) to the amount of ICP –VL curves.
icant [12]–[14]. Recently, it has been shown that LDD and
We have simulated this model and compared with experimental local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) regions pollute the ICPmax
CP data. The model shows a very good correlation with exper- of the main effective channel [15]–[17]. These papers clearly
imental ICP –VL curves, particularly for transistors with short demonstrate the contribution of different active channel regions
channel gate lengths (LG ≤ 1 µm). However, as the channel gate in the ICP –VL characteristics. They propose an experimental
length increases, the model matches only for rising and falling
ICP –VL curve edges, corresponding to the contribution of LDD methodology to separate the main effective channel CP current
and LOCOS regions, respectively. Moreover, we have demon- from the remainder CP current region for radiation-induced
strated that the deviation, which was observed between the CP traps in MOSFET. However, these methods need at least three
model and experimental data at the maximum plateau of ICP –VL transistors and do not give CP components of LDD and LOCOS
characteristics, depends on the gate pulse fall time and vanishes regions, separately. In addition, the unknown contribution of
for large fall time. This difference has been found to behave like a
geometric component, since it depends on gate length and fall time each region leads to unambiguous understanding of radiation
and disappears for both short gate lengths and long fall times. and BTI effects and subsequently conducts to unreliable mod-
els. Therefore, care has to be taken to distinguish between
Index Terms—Charge pumping (CP), lightly doped drain
(LDD), local oxidation of silicon (LOCOS). the LDD-CP, LOCOS-CP, and geometric-CP components to
develop a reliable model for radiation and BTI effects. There-
fore, it is important to determine the amount of CP curve by
modeling the individual contribution of each MOSFET part.
In this paper, we deeply investigate the different regions of
D UE TO its accuracy and sensitivity, the charge-pumping
(CP) technique [1] is extensively used to characterize
the MOSFET Si/SiO2 interface. Different CP variants have
LDD-MOSFET with LOCOS isolation. An empirical model
for LOCOS-CP, LDD-CP, and effective channel CP is devel-
been proposed in the literature to extract interface-, oxide-, oped and simulated to obtain the whole experimental ICP –VL
and border-trap densities and their energy distributions [2]–[5]. characteristic. Basically, the model employs the modulation
In fact, the CP technique has been used to study many MOSFET of the contributing active-channel area, which depends on the
reliability issues, such as radiation [6], [7], hot carrier [8], [9], position of the high and low level of the gate signal. The
approach used for this model is explicit and accurate, giving
a good correlation between simulated model and experimental
Manuscript received April 18, 2010; revised June 28, 2010; accepted results mostly for short channel length. However, as the channel
August 2, 2010. Date of publication September 20, 2010; date of current version
November 5, 2010. This work was supported by the High School Educational
increases, the geometric component starts to play an important
and Scientific Research Ministry of Algeria under the National Funding of role. Because of limitation on the paper’s length, this point will
Research. The review of this paper was arranged by Editor H. S. Momose. be investigated in another paper.
H. Tahi and B. Djezzar are with the Microelectronics and Nanotech-
nology Division, Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées This paper is outlined as follows. Section II describes sim-
(CDTA), Algiers 16303, Algeria (e-mail:;; ulation and experiment tools. Model derivation is the subject; of Section III. In Section IV, we analyze the simulation results
B. Nadji is with the Microelectroncs et microsystems Laboratory, Dé-
partement d’Automatisation et Electrification Laboratoire d’Electrification of the Elliot Gaussian-like ICP –VL curve of LDD MOSFET
des Entreprises Industrielles, Université M’hamed Bougara de Boumerdès, with LOCOS isolation and the individual CP curve associated
Boumerdès 35000, Algeria (e-mail: with different regions. The simulated results are compared
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at and discussed regarding the experimental data in Section V.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TED.2010.2068300 Conclusions are drawn in Section VI.

0018-9383/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE



This work has been carried out using both simulation and
experiment tools. We simulated MOS transistors using 1-μm
LDD-CMOS process flow with LOCOS isolation developed
at the Institute for Silicon Technology, Fraunhofer, Germany,
by means of Athena of SILVACO TCAD software [18]. The
process is a dual-layer metal LDD-CMOS twin-well technol-
ogy on a P-type 12-μm epilayer on silicon-100-substrate with
a 20-nm-thick gate-oxide layer grown in dry O2 . The gate
capacitance per unit area Cox is about 2.23 × 10−7 F cm−2 . The
devices are isolated by LOCOS with a field oxide of 850 nm.
To extract threshold voltage (Vth ) and flatband voltage (Vfb )
distributions of the different MOSFET regions, we performed
electrical simulation of the MOSFET structure using Atlas
software [19]. The CP curve of the different channel regions
is modeled using Vth and Vfb distributions along the X- and
Y -directions. Altogether, the transistor CP current is the in-
tegral of all participating channel areas. These regions are
subdivided using 3D-TONYPLOT software [20].
The experiment CP data are obtained from LDD NMOSFET.
The transistors used in our experiments are nonpackaged and
have different gate lengths and widths. The standard Elliot
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the different channel regions. Channel-
ICP –VL curves were extracted using a trapezoidal signal with Eff is the effective channel area region. LDD-Sub is the LDD subdiffusion
an amplitude ΔVG of 4 V, varied rise (tr ) and fall (tf ) times beneath the polysilicon gate region. LOCOS-Eff is the LOCOS located near
from 4 to 500 ns, and frequency of 1 MHz. The low voltage the effective channel area region. LOCOS-LDD is the LDD subdiffusion under
the LOCOS region.
of the gate pulse VL was varied from −6 to 2 V. The measure-
ments were performed at 25 ◦ C using a fully automated bench
including a sensitive Keithley 617 electrometer, Keithley 3940 additional regions for CP, the rising VL ejects area from CP.
multifunction synthesizer, and Karl Suss PA300 micromanipu- Consequently, the constant-amplitude CP technique probes a
lator probe station. fraction of the channel area AG , which depends on the position
of the high and low level of the gate signal. For a given gate
amplitude ΔVG , the total area that contributes to CP current
III. M ODEL D ERIVATION can be expressed as
First, let us analyze the threshold voltage in MOSFET. The
classical Vth is defined as the necessary gate voltage that AG (VL , VH ) = W (VL , VH ) • L(VL , VH ) (2)
guarantees the inversion of the whole channel area of the
device. However, Vth in CP measurement is solely dependent where AG is the gate area, W (VL , VH ) is the active-CP gate
on the local carrier concentration. The latter can change along width, and L(VL , VH ) is the active-CP gate length. It is obvi-
the channel due to nonuniform doping in the transistor, which ously clear that the CP area is dependent on the position of VL
creates local variations of Vth and Vfb . In fact, the CP − Vth in and VH .
n-channel devices is defined as the gate–source and gate–drain Using SILVACO TCAD simulation, Tahi et al. [16] have
voltage that induces sufficient surface minority carrier concen- demonstrated that there are four regions in the channel that
tration (Cs ) to fill traps during tH . An analogous definition can contribute to CP current. Fig. 1 schematically shows the
can be introduced for CP − Vfb . Therefore, the surface carrier different channel regions of the simulated structure. Region one
concentration is given by is the effective channel area (Channel-Eff), region two is the
LDD subdiffusion beneath the poly-silicon gate (LDD-Sub), re-
 −1 gion three is the LOCOS located near the effective channel area
Cs = vth σn(p) tH(L) (1) (LOCOS-Eff), and region four is the LDD subdiffusion under
LOCOS (LOCOS-LDD). The latter is estimated by simulation
where σn(p) is the capture cross section for electrons (holes), of about 0.1 × 0.1 μm2 .
and vth is the thermal carrier velocity. (tH(L) ) is the gate In addition, the proposed CP model is limited to the traps
top (bottom) level. More details on Vth and Vfb distributions located at the interface. We assume that traps located in the
along the LDD-MOSFET channel length regions, obtained by silicon dioxide do not participate in CP because the frequency
SILVACO TCAD simulation, are given in [16] and [17]. signal measurement is 1 MHz. Therefore, there is no CP process
In a constant-amplitude CP technique, both Vth and Vfb in the Z-direction. According to the preceding analysis, the
voltages are probed at the same measurement; consequently, general CP current equation can be written as (3) shown at the
the contributing area changes. While the rising VH opens up bottom of the next page.

Considering that the interface traps and the filling factor of

the traps ΔF are distributed uniformly in energy and nonuni-
formly in space, we can write
Nit (x, y) = Dit (x, y, E)dE. (4)

Thus, (3), shown at the bottom of the page, becomes

ICP = q.f ΔF (x, y)Nit (x, y, )dxdy (5)
W (VL ,VH ) L(VL ,VH )

where q(C) is the electron charge, and Dit (in per square
centimeters per electronvolt) and Nit (in per square centime-
ters) are the trap densities. The Ep and Ee are the lower Fig. 2. Illustration of the Vth and Vfb CP distribution in the X- and
and upper boundaries of the active-CP energy interval. They Y -directions in the channel.
are equal to the nonsteady-state emission levels for holes and
According to the simulated LDD-NMOSFET structure given
electrons, respectively [2]. ΔF gives the probability that the
in [16] and illustrated in Fig. 1, (5) can be expressed as
trap at (x, y, E) contributes to CP current [21], [22]. From the  
Shockley–Read–Hall statistics and by neglecting the emission ICP = qf ΔF C (x, y)NitC dxdy
of carriers, the evolution with time and space of the filling factor
ΔF of an interface trap situated at an energy E in the silicon  
bandgap during one cycle can be expressed as a function of + 2qf ΔF LDD (x, y)NitLDD dxdy
channel position by WG ΔL(VL ,VH )
ΔF (x, y) + 2qf ΔF LOCOS (x, y)
(1−exp(−cp (x, y)Tacc (x, y))(1−exp(−cn (x, y)Tinv (x, y)) ΔW (VL ,VH ) LEFF (VL ,VH )
1−exp−cn (x, y)Tinv (x, y)−(cp (x, y)Tacc (x, y) × LOCOS
Nit dxdy 
(6) + 4qf ΔF LOCOS−LDD (x, y)
ΔW (VL ,VH ) ΔL(VL ,VH )
where cp (x, y) and cn (x, y) are the capture rate of hole and
electron as a function of channel position (x, y). Tinv (x, y) and × NitLOCOS−LDD dxdy (9)
Tacc (x, y) are the inversion and accumulation times, respec- where LEFF (VL , VH ) is the effective channel length, WG is
tively. Contrary to ΔF given by Bouza et al. [21], in our model, the gate width, ΔL(VL , VH ) is the LDD subdiffusion length
both cp(n) (x, y) and Tacc(inv) (x, y) are varied as a function of under the poly-silicon gate, and ΔW (VL , VH ) is the width of
position (x, y) in the channel due to the nonuniform doping the LOCOS edge. NitC , NitLDD , NitLOCOS , and NitLDD−LOCOS
in the channel. Consequently, we can express Tinv (x, y) and are the interface trap densities in the Channel-Eff, LDD-sub,
Tacc (x, y) as a function of the local Vth and Vfb , respectively, LOCOS-Eff, and LOCOS-LDD regions, respectively.
as (see Fig. 2) In the constant-amplitude CP technique, the CP current is
[(VL + ΔVG − Vth (x, y)] probed from different regions at the same time, depending
Tinv (VL , x, y) = TH + (tr + tf ) on Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) distributions. Therefore, (9) can be
(7) expressed as
[(Vfb (x, y) − VL ] ICP = qf NitC WG LEFF (VL , VH )ΔF C (VL , VH )
Tacc (VL , x, y) = TL + (tr + tf ) (8)
ΔVG + 2qf NitLDD WG ΔL(VL , VH )ΔF LDD (VL , VH )
where TH , TL , tr , and tf are the time high level, time low level, + 2qf NitLOCOS ΔW (VL , VH )LEFF (VL , VH )
rise time, and fall time gate pulse, respectively. Vth (x, y) and × ΔF LOCOS (VL , VH )
Vfb (x, y) are the threshold and flatband voltage distributions in + 4qf NitLOCOS−LDD ΔW (VL , VH )ΔL(VL , VH )
the channel. × ΔF LOCOS−LDD (VL , VH ). (10)

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
ICP = q.f ⎣ ΔF (x, y, E)Dit (x, y, E)dE ⎦ dxdy (3)
active width active length Ep

it is less than the experimental leakage current (10−12 A). Its

area ΔW (VL , VH )ΔL(VL , VH ), is very small and found by
simulation to be equal to 0.01 μm2 [16]. We can consider
the trap density of this region NitLDD−LOCOS to be the same
as that of the LOCOS region NitLOCOS . Then, we can write
(11), shown at the bottom of the page. Solving (11) gives
1010 (cm−2 ), 1.02 × 1010 (cm−2 ), and 1.03 × 1011 (cm−2 )
for NitC , NitLDD , and NitLOCOS , respectively. The relatively
high density of the LOCOS region, as compared with the
other regions, is due to the LOCOS oxidation process that
generates a large number of point defects in the interfacial
area, which produces a Si/SiO2 interface of poor quality
[12], [23].
1) ICP –VL Curve Simulation in LOCOS-Eff Region: We
C , N LDD , and N LOCOS .
Fig. 3. Illustration of interface trap densities Nit remind that Vth , which satisfies (1), is defined as the gate
it it
Extraction from experimental CP curve. voltage that accumulates electrons at the surface. The same
definition holds for Vfb . In our case, we have found a density
of 5.5 1014 (cm−3 ) for both electrons and holes.
To compute the CP current versus VL , first, we extracted To obtain Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) spatial distribution in
Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) distributions by SILVACO simulation the LOCOS edge region, we have divided this region (1 ×
to define the CP active area for each region and to calculate 0.1 μm2 ) into small area transistors of 1 × 0.01 μm2 (to result
the trap filling factor ΔF . Then, we estimated the interface in ten transistors, T1 to T10 ). All those transistors have the
trap densities for each region from experimental CP curves. same gate length and width but different oxide thickness Tox .
After that, we calculated the CP current for each region. Finally, In the LOCOS region, the oxide thickness varies from 25 to
the total CP current of LDD-MOSFET with LOCOS isolation 200 nm. Fig. 4 depicts the determination of Vth (x, y) and
is computed by adding all region CP currents. We note here Vfb (x, y) spatial distribution in the LOCOS region. Fig. 4(a)
that the SILVACO tool has not been used to directly simulate shows an example of a polarized 3-D N-MOSFET structure,
the ICP –VL curve, but it is only used to extract the Vth (x, y) simulated using Atlas; the dash dot line in the LOCOS re-
and Vfb (x, y) distributions along the gate area to identify the gion shows the position of the cut plan used to divide this
CP active area and calculate ΔF . ICP –VL can be calculated region using TONYPLOT 3-D software [20]. Fig. 4(b) and
using any other programming tool (for example, in our case, (c) shows the electron spatial distribution of two transistors
MATLAB tool). T1 and T10 having gate oxide Tox of 25 and 200 nm, re-
spectively. The Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) of these two transistors
IV. S IMULATION OF LDD-NMOSFET W ITH LOCOS are given in Fig. 4(d). Vth (x, y) is shifted downwards by
I SOLATION ICP –VL C HARACTERISTICS ΔVG = 4 V. Consequently, for a specified VL , the interface
area between Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) curves determines the
In the first step of this paper, we have simulated the ICP –VL region of the total capture of both electrons and holes. In
characteristics of LDD N-MOSFET with WG /LG = 10/1 us- this region, the local variations of Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y)
ing the model described in Section III. Both detailed process are caused by nonuniform doping and nonuniform oxide
and experimental CP measurements are given in previous pa- thickness.
pers [15]–[17]. The numerical computed CP characteristics of all LOCOS
region transistors (from T1 to T10 ) are given in logarithmic
scale in Fig. 5. The sum of these ICP –VL curves gives us the
A. NitC , NitLDD , NitLOCOS , and NitLDD−LOCOS Extraction
LOCOS region ICP –VL curve. The tails observed on the rising
To compute the CP characteristics of each region, we have edge ICP –VL characteristics are due to the nonuniformity of
extracted NitC , NitLDD , and NitLOCOS densities from experi- Vth and Vfb in the proximity of the LOCOS-LDD region, where
mental CP using three CP current values taken from regions the doping profile changes dramatically at the vicinity of LDD
(A), (C), and (E), as shown in Fig. 3. More details on these metallurgic junction in the LOCOS region. Fig. 6 gives the
regions are given in earlier papers [16], [17]. The CP current simulated CP characteristic at LOCOS-Eff and in the LOCOS-
component of the LDD-LOCOS region is negligible because LDD regions.

⎪ Region(A) → ICP
= 2qf NitLDD WG ΔL(VL , VH )ΔF LDD (VL , VH )

Region(C) → ICP = qf NitC WG LEFF (VL , VH )ΔF c (VL , VH ) + 2qf NitLDD WG ΔL(VL , VH )ΔF LDD (VL , VH )

⎪ +2qf NitLOCOS ΔW (VL , VH )LEFF (VL , VH )ΔF LOCOS (VL , VH )

Region(E) → ICP
= 2qf NitLOCOS LEFF (VL , VH )ΔW (VL , VH )ΔF LOCOS (VL , VH )

Fig. 4. Determination of Vth (x, y) and Vfb (x, y) spatial distribution. (a) Cut plan in the LOCOS region. (b) and (c) Electron spatial distribution contour at cut
plan position. (d) Vth (x, y) and Vth (x, y) spatial distribution for two transistors. In (a), (b), and (c), the polarization conditions are gate voltage Vg = 0.4 V,
drain bulk, and source bulk voltage Vr = 0.1 V.

Fig. 6. Simulated ICP –VL characteristic of LOCOS edge and LDD-

Fig. 5. Calculated ICP –VL characteristic of the LOCOS region in logarith- subdiffusion under the LOCOS region. ΔVG = 4 V, and f = 1 MHz.
mic scale. T1 to T10 present the transistors in the divided LOCOS region.

on CP of LDD devices and explained by the LDD-Source and

B. ICP –VL Curve Simulation in LDD-Sub Region
LDD-Drain boundary regions and the LDD subdiffusion [24].
Fig. 7(a) shows the simulated LDD-Sub region ICP –VL The CP in the LDD-Sub region shapes the rising side of the
curves, and Fig. 7(b) illustrates the doping spatial distribution in total ICP –VL characteristic. The LOCOS region contribution
this region. The LDD-Sub ICP –VL characteristic presents two determines the falling side shape. This point is highlighted in
shape tails on the rising edge. Similar tails have been observed Section V.


In this section, we compare the calculated ICP –VL curve
of LDD-MOSFET with LOCOS isolation to the measured
ICP –VL curve data. Experimental CP curve extraction details
can be found in [16] and [17]. We assume that LDD and
LOCOS structures are the same in all transistors, since they are
produced simultaneously by the same process on the same chip
in the same production line. As a consequence, ΔL(VL , VH )
and ΔW (VL , VH ) are also similar for all transistors. The
same assumption can also be made concerning NitC , NitLDD ,
Before comparison between the calculated and measured
ICP –VL curves using the SILVACO software TCAD tool, we
verified and calibrated the electrical parameters (such as Vth ,
Cox , Idsat , etc.) as well as for the device and process parameters
(such as junction depth, lateral diffusion, etc.) to match sim-
ulation and measurement within tolerated standard deviation
process specifications given by the founder.
For all transistors, the simulated ICP –VL curves based on
the above-discussed model exhibit a good correlation in the
rising and falling edges of the experimental ICP –VL curve.
This is due to the fact that the LDD and LOCOS structures
are the same in all transistors. On the other hand, perfect
matching is found between measurements and model for tran-
sistor with WG /LG = 10/1. Fig. 9 gives the total simulated
ICP –VL with its model-based components and experimental CP
curve performed on LDD-NMOSFET with WG /LG = 10/1.
The curves are plotted in linear and logarithmic scale to indicate
Fig. 7. (a) Simulated ICP –VL characteristic of LDD subdiffusion. (b) LDD
subdiffusion region doping contour. ΔVG = 4 V, and f = 1 MHz. the correlation. There is obviously a great similarity between
the simulated total CP curve and the experiment data for all
shaped parts. In addition, the contribution of different regions to
the total ICP –VL characteristic is illustrated on the same figure.
We can easily distinguish the participation of each region as

(A) −6 V < VL < −5.1 V Only the LDD-Sub region is

activated in the CP current.
(B) −5.1 V < VL < −4.55 V The LDD-Sub and LOCOS-
LDD regions contribute to the CP current.
(C) −4.55 V < VL < −4.15 V The Channel-Eff, LDD-
Sub, and LOCOS-LDD regions participate with the CP
(D) −4.15 V < VL < −1.82 V The Channel-Eff, LDD-Sub,
LDD-LOCOS, and LOCOS-Eff regions are activated in
the CP current.
(E) −1.82 V < VL < −0.38 V The Channel-Eff and
LOCOS-Eff regions participate with the CP current.
Fig. 8. Simulated ICP –VL characteristic of the effective channel. ΔVG =
4 V, and f = 1 MHz.
(F) −0.38 V < VL < 0.6 V Only the LOCOS-Eff region
contributes to the CP current.
(G) VL > 0.6 V Leakage current.
C. ICP –VL Curve Simulation in Channel-Eff Region
The simulated ICP –VL curve of the Channel-Eff region It is worth to mention that this model allows us to compute
is shown in Fig. 8. The shape of the rising side seems to ICP –VL of the LOCOS-LDD region, where ICPmax is about
correspond to the LDD-Sub region. It is due to the Vth (x, y) 3 × 10−13 A. However, experimental measurement could not
and Vfb (x, y) variations nearby the LDD-Sub region, as shown capture this region in the ICP –VL amount because of the
in Fig. 2. leakage current (∼10-12 A).

Fig. 9. Comparison between experimental and calculated ICP –VL characteristics of LDD-NMOSFET with WG /LG = 10/1. (a) Current in logarithmic scale.
(b) Current in linear scale. The CP conditions are: Vr = 0.1 V, ΔVG = 4 V, f = 1 MHz, tr = tf = 10 ns.

The rising edge of both experimental and total simulated higher the difference. This divergence for gate length greater
ICP –VL characteristics presents two tails. The first tail is just than 1 μm is mainly caused by the CP of the Channel-Eff
under Vth of the effective channel and located in regions (B) region, since only this region varies with channel length. The
and (C) [see Fig. 9(a)]. The second tail is located in region other regions are still unchanged since all transistors are fab-
(A) and extends from the end of the first tail deeply toward the ricated by the same process on the same chip in the same
negative bias. The same behavior has been reported by Habas production line.
[24]. They are mainly caused by nonuniformity of doping To deeply investigate the origin of this discrepancy, we have
distribution across Channel-Eff/LDD-Sub and LDD regions, calculated and measured ICP –VL curves for transistors with
respectively. The first tail only occurs in ICP –VL of the LDD different gate sizes at different tf and tr . All ICP –VL curves
devices and has no equivalent in ICP –VL of the conventional exhibit the same behavior with WG /LG and tf (tr ). In addition,
devices, and the second tail looks like the tail of the con- the ICP –VL curve edges are also the same for transistors with
ventional devices [24]. Indeed, Heremans et al. [25] reported 10/0.75, 10/0.65, 10/0.55, 1/10, 5/10, and 2/10 (ICP –VL curves
that the conventional device ICP –VL presents one current tail not shown here). We plot in Fig. 11 the differences between
for VL smaller than Vth − ΔVG . This tail was theoretically experimental and simulated ICPmax normalized with respect
calculated and compared with experiments [24], [25]. They to the gate area as a function of gate length and width. This
obviously found a very good correlation between calculated difference is equal to the leakage current for LG ≤ 1 μm but
and measured data. However, they did not include the LOCOS exhibits a linear behavior in logarithmic scale for LG > 1 μm.
edge effect in their calculations to evaluate the slope of the Moreover, Fig. 11 plainly shows that this difference does not
falling side of the ICP –VL curves. Some authors [21], [22] have depend on the gate width. To better understand the origin of
found a similar ICP –VL calculation and experiment agreement this deviation, a thorough analysis on its time dependence has
regarding the ICPmax at the interface and inside the oxide but been carried out. Fig. 12 shows the current differences as a
different ICP –VL rising and falling edges. function of pulse fall time for different gate lengths and widths.
In this paper, not only the rising edge of the ICP –VL curve is All time-dependent deviations reveal the same feature and are
calculated, but also the falling edge by including the LOCOS identical with gate width but different with gate length. In
effect. This last part of ICP –VL presents a good correlation addition, this difference is independent of the pulse fall time for
with the experimental ICP –VL characteristics for all transistors. 1-μm gate-length transistor and equal to the leakage current.
It is influenced by doping nonuniformity and the variation In other terms, the calculated and simulated CP curves are
of oxide thickness in the LOCOS region (bird-beak oxide). the same. All transistor curves tend to converge to the same
Nevertheless, our calculation model does not take into account value as tf increases. They coincide at 500 ns, where the
the CP at low frequencies to probe traps in the oxide. It would deviation is about leakage current (∼10−12 A). This means
be valuable to consider this point in a future work. that the difference disappears and the calculated model matches
In contrast, Fig. 10 shows that ICPmax of the calculated well the experiment for all transistors. According to the above
ICP –VL curves diverges from experiment data when the gate analysis, the deviation seems to have the same characteristics
length is increased. Fig. 10(a)–(d) shows plots for transistors as the geometric component regarding gate length and fall time
with WG /LG = 10/5 and WG /LG = 10/10 in log scale to dependences [1], [2]. This is why we believe that the geometric
show that the tails (LOCOS side and LDD side) remain un- current is the origin of the model and measurement mismatch.
changed and in linear scale to illustrate the vertical deviation Care has to be taken for this component not to pollute the CP
dependence on the gate length. The longer the gate length, the current and cause overestimation when it is used to evaluate

Fig. 10. Comparison between experimental and calculated ICP –VL characteristics of LDD-NMOSFET. (a) and (b) LDD-NMOSFET with WG /LG = 10/5.
(c) and (d) LDD-NMOSFET with WG /LG = 10/10. The CP conditions are the same as in Fig. 9.

Fig. 12. Difference between experimental and calculated ICPmax as a func-

tion of fall time for different gate lengths (empty symbols) and widths (filled
Fig. 11. Difference between experimental and calculated ICPmax as a func- symbols).
tion of gate length (triangular symbol) and gate width (square symbol).

device reliability such as BTI and radiation effect. Because provide more correct evaluation of BTI and radiation stresses,
of paper length, this issue will be separately analyzed and subconsequently enabling to develop accurate models for de-
addressed in next paper. vice life time prediction.
By computing each region CP current separately, the method In the future work, it would be beneficial to carry out analysis
presented in this paper can help to deeply analyze the transistor on geometric current. We will complete this model by adding
reliability, particularly the radiation- or BTI-induced traps in this component and also show how it should be integrated with
different regions of the channel. This approach could be able to different CP current regions.

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In this paper, a modeling approach has been proposed to the charge-pumping technique,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 39,
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and LOCOS regions, respectively. The ICPmax is a result of the interface-trap generation in MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices,
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[11] P. Hehenberger, T. Aichinger, T. Grasser, W. Gos, O. Triebl, B. Kaczer,
subdiffusion, and LOCOS regions. and M. Nelhiebel, “Do NBTI-induced interface states show fast recov-
This model has been implemented and compared against ery? A study using a corrected on-the-fly charge-pumping measurement
experimental CP data. It is in perfect agreement with measure- technique,” in Proc. IRPS, Montreal, QC, Canada, Apr. 26–30, 2009,
ments for transistors having short gate length (LG ≤ 1 μm). pp. 1033–1038.
[12] O. Flament, J. L. Autran, P. Paillet, P. Roche, O. Faynot, and R. Truche,
For gate length greater than 1 μm, it only fits the rising and “Charge pumping analysis of radiation in LOCOS parasitic transistors,”
falling CP curve edges but does not match data at maximum IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1930–1938, Dec. 1997.
plateau of the CP curve. Moreover, we have shown that this [13] B. Djezzar, A. Smatti, A. Amrouche, and M. Kechouane, “Channel length
impact on radiation-induced threshold voltage shift in MOSFETs devices
deviation is strongly dependent on gate length and voltage at low gamma rays radiation doses,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 47, no. 6,
signal fall time. Indeed, the present model does not account pp. 1872–1878, Dec. 2000.
for the geometric current. This is why there are discrepancies [14] B. Djezzar, “On the correlation between radiation-induced oxide- and
border-trap effects in the gate-oxide nMOSFETs,” Microelectron. Reliab.,
between the calculated model and measurements for transistors vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1865–1874, Dec. 2002.
with long gate length. [15] B. Djezzar, H. Tahi, and A. Mokrani, “Why is oxide-trap charge-pumping
It should be noticed that this model presents a diagnostic tool method appropriate for radiation-induced trap depiction in MOSFET?”
IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Rel., vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 222–230, Jun. 2009.
offering detailed information about interface trap distributions [16] H. Tahi, B. Djezzar, and B. Nadji, “Radiation effect evaluation in effective
with more comprehension of experimental CP data. For this short and narrow channel of LDD-transistor with LOCOS-isolation using
reason, this modeling approach has a significant application OTCP method,” IEEE Trans. Device Mater. Rel., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 108–
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and is appropriate for radiation and BTI estimation, where
[17] B. Djezzar and H. Tahi, “Using oxide-trap charge-pumping method in
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT and slow oxide traps to the charge pumping current in MOS structures,”
Solid State Electron., vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 563–570, Apr. 1996.
The authors would like to thank R. Serhane and F. H. Larbi [22] D. Bauza and Y. Maneglia, “In-depth exploration of Si-SiO2 interface
traps in MOS transistors using the charge pumping technique,” IEEE
from DMN Division, CDTA, for their assistance with SILVACO Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 44, no. 12, pp. 2262–2266, Dec. 1997.
simulation. [23] N. S. Saks and M. G. Ancona, “Spatial uniformity of interface trap dis-
tribution in MOSFETs,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 37, no. 4,
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[5] G. Van den bosch, G. Groeseneken, P. Heremans, and H. E. Maes, “Spec- on February 02, 1977. He received the Engineer
troscopic charge pumping: A new procedure for measuring interface trap degree in electronics and the Master’s degree in
distributions on MOS transistors,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 38, microelectronics from the University of Mouloud
no. 8, pp. 1820–1831, Aug. 1991. Mammeri Tizi ouzou, Tizi Ouzou, in 2001 and 2005,
[6] B. Djezzar, S. Oussalah, and A. Smatti, “A new oxide-trap based on charge respectively.
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[7] B. Djezzar, A. Smatti, and S. Oussalah, “Oxide-trap based on charge where he is currently a Researcher on the charac-
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Part II (low frequencies),” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1732– radiation on the MOS devices using C–Vg , C-P, I–V , DTCP, DTBT, and OTCP
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Boualem Djezzar was born in Algiers, Algeria, on Bacharia Nadji was born in Béchar, Algeria, in
December 3, 1965. He received the Diplôme des 1961. She received the “Ingénieur” degree in elec-
Etudes Supérieures (DES) degree in solid-state phys- tronics from the University of Sidi Bel Abbes, Sidi
ics from the University of Constantine, Constantine, Bel Abbes, Algeria, in 1985 and the Ph.D. degree for
Algeria, the Diplome des Etudes Approfondies her work on anodic silicon oxide thin films from the
(DEA) degree in microelectronics from the Univer- University Joseph Fourier de Grenoble, Grenoble,
sity of Grenoble, Grenoble, France, in 1991, and the France, in 1990.
Master’s degree in thin film from the University of From 1990 to 1992, she was a physics Teacher
Algiers, Algiers, in 2000. with the University of Savoie Chambéry, Chambéry,
From 1990 to 1992, he worked on thin-film depo- France. Since 1992, she has been teaching with
sition under ultrahigh vacuum of rare earth (Erbium) the University of M’Hamad Bougara, Boumerdes,
Silicide on Si (111) with the LEPES Laboratory, CNRS, Grenoble. Since Algeria. In 2007, she became “maitre de conférences A” and has been the Head
1992, he has been with the Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Division, of the Microelectronic and Microsystems Laboratory. She is also responsible
Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées, Algiers. He worked on for the infotronic postgraduate. Her current research focuses on material and
the technological process simulation and modeling of CMOS, BiCMOS, and device reliability.
CBiCMOS. In 1997, he started working with the Caracterisation des Dispositifs
à Semiconducteurs (CDS) Group on MOS device reliability and electrical
characterization of radiation-induced traps in silicon dioxide SiO2 and interface
Si/SiO2 in MOS devices. He is the author or coauthor of more than 40
papers published in refereed journal and refereed conference proceedings on
modeling/simulation devices and radiation effect on MOS devices. His current
research interests include CMOS technology reliability, particularly electrical
characterization and modeling of radiation and NBTI effects.

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