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Test plan:

1- Cascading select list search


The restaurant select list search is based on the parent LOV of cuisine and location.

Excepted outcome:

The restaurant select list should update when the user select item from cuisine or locations list.
Actual outcome:

The restaurant list is not updating until we make the change in both lists ( Cuisine and location), what
we were aiming to is selecting any of these two select list in order to update the restaurants list.


We set optimize refresh setting for all the select lists to No.
2- Minimum price check.


This should check the total order amount is greater than the minimum order.

Excepted outcome:

The application should return error when the minimum price not met.

Actual outcome:

User can click submit the order button without checking the minimum price.


Create a dynamic action that will check 2 items. The first one contain order amount updated every time
the user add item to the cart. The second one is contain the minimum price amount of the chosen
3- Remove item.


The user can remove items and the system checks the minimum order.

Excepted outcome:

When the user remove the item from the cart, the total amount should be change and it doesn’t meet
the minimum amount the user cant submit the order.

Actual outcome:

When the user remove item the total order amount wont update and the user can submit.


We added a loop in the remove item procedure that checks the items in the collection after removeing
an item and passing the total amount in an item in order to check the minimum price, if it doesn’t the
submit button will be hidden using the dynamic action.
4- Quantity issue.


User chose the item and select the quantity at the same time.

Excepted outcome:

The user will be able to add the quantity without refreshing the page.

Actual outcome:

When adding the item to the collection we can’t adding the quantity without submitting the order.


We add an item to store the selected menu item after clicking the add icon. We add quantity item field
and extra notes field so that the user can chose the wanted quantity and add extra notes. By clicking the
add button it will add the items to the cart.
5- Restaurant menu (Modify order).


The menu should always appear after the user insert his order number.

Actual outcome:

The menu disappear after the user add new item to his modified order and he have to open the menu


We select the show and hide region type to overcome the issue and make it easier for the user.
6- Adding same item in modify order


The user is able to increase the quantity of the same item

Excepted outcome:

When the user add the same item the quantity is updated or adding new item with same id with
different notes and quantity

Actual outcome:

Error when submitting the order that it is not accepted


No solution found due to lack of time.

201400257-fadhulalla Ismaeel

201501553-sayed hasan mahfoodh

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