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ATI Comprehensive Predictor 2016 type A

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1. Xerostomia, what is it & how feeling of oral dryness - treat 19. Expected finding during Patient will feel warmth and
do you treat it?: with sugarless candy or gum cardiac catheterization flushed when dye is inserted
2. Labs to check for pernicious B12 20. What action should you Administer a bronchodilator or
anemia instruct the patient to do nebulizer prior to treatment,
prior to postural drainage postural drainage should be
3. Sign of mild anxiety Extreme focus
done 1 hour before meals or two
4. What is remote memory Inability to remember things hours after meals (perform twice
loss? from YEARS ago daily)
5. Heart failure dietary Low sodium & fluid restriction 21. IV phlebitis has occurred, Discontinue IV & apply a
teaching what should the nurse do warm/moist compress
6. Diverticulitis dietary Low fiber 22. When a patient is Hypovolemia
teaching receiving mannitol, what
7. Diverticulosis dietary High fiber should the nurse monitor
teaching for

8. IBS dietary teaching High fiber 23. Co-worker is impaired, Report it to the charge nurse
what do you do
9. Parents nervous about how Provide gift from the infant to
their 3-year-old will act the sibling 24. How do you draw blood Draw 10mL of blood and discard
when newborn arrives. What out of a PICC line it, then draw another 10mL of
can they do blood for sample, and then flush
with 10mL of 0.9% sodium
10. Methylprednisolone sodium Serum glucose (because
succinate lab to watch for? glucocorticoids cause
hyperglycemia) 25. IV is infiltrated, what Discontinue and apply a cool
should the nurse do compress
11. At 14 weeks' gestation, what Swelling of the face (sign of
should the patient report to preeclampsia) 26. A patient may have a Bananas
the MD latex allergy if they have
a sensitivity to what food
12. Change of shift report The blood lost
should include 27. Parent teaching for a Child will wear a molded helmet
child with positional for 23 hours a day
13. Patient teaching for The patient doesn't need to
colostomy care change the bag every day
(only needs to be changed 28. During pregnancy, Folate/folic acid
every 4-7 days) women should eat more
of what to prevent neural
14. Scoliosis manifestation Lateral curvature of the spin &
asymmetrical hips/ribs
29. A caregiver states they Respite care (care to give
15. Lab values that are elevated Cortisol, sodium & glucose
are becoming tired when caregivers a break)
for Cushing's disease
caring for their parent
16. Administering medications Administer meds separately with Alzheimer's disease,
through an NG tube DO NOT mix with enteral what can the nurse
feedings suggest
Dissolve crushed tablets in
30. Cleft palate teaching for Don't use a spoon
15-30mL of water
feeding Position infant upright while
Flush tubing before & after
cradling head & burp them
each medication with 10-
30mL of water
31. A wound that would heal A surgical incision
17. Tobramycin adverse reaction Ototoxicity (hearing damage
by primary intention
& loss of balance)
Cloudy/bloody urine 32. Sign of glaucoma is loss Peripheral vision loss
(nephrotoxicity of

18. Amniocentesis patient Have them empty bladder

teaching before the procedure
33. Radiation implant Private room with radiation sign 47. Newborn genetic screening Heel-stick test done 24
precautions Wear dosimeter film badge hours after birth and the
Limit visitors to 30 min and to infant must be fed within
remain 6ft away from the patient those 24 hours for accurate
Keep lead container in room and results
48. What medication is given for Methotrexate
No pregnant ladies or anyone
an ectopic pregnancy
under the age of 16 should come
into contact with the patient 49. Betamethasone is used for Promote fetal lung maturity
34. Discharge teaching for a Good hygiene & frequent hand
patient who is going washing 50. Betamethasone causes _____ Hyperglycemia;
home with HIV/AIDS Avoid crowds in the mom & ______ in the hypoglycemia
Avoid cleaning litter boxes neonate
Avoid raw foods such as veggies 51. Cleansing a radiation area Clean with mild soap or
or meats water
35. Adolescent nutrition 1300mg of calcium Avoid use of
36. Priority nursing care for Assess their anxiety
a patient who has been 52. Furosemide & gentamicin Kidney problems &
sexually assaulted drug interaction causes dehydration

37. Identifying a need for Absence of talking by 7 months 53. What can you expect after Temporary short term
hearing evaluation Uses gestures rather than talking ECT treatments memory loss
by 15 months 54. When a group strep B culture Administer penicillin every 4
Speaks in monotone is obtained during the 35-36 hours during labor
Speaks loudly for the situation week of gestation and is
38. How should you confirm Aspirate gastric contents (pH less positive, what do you do
the placement of an NG than 4) 55. List some ways to prevent or Left-lateral side lying
tube treat supine hypotension Semi-fowlers
39. Methylphenidate patient It's Ritalin, so take once daily in syndrome Wedge under one hip while
teaching the morning supine

40. Simvastatin reaction that Muscle aches/pain 56. Magnesium Sulfate Is an anticonvulsant
you report to the MD (rhabdomyolysis) Reduces the seizure
41. Diabetic foot care Cut toe nails straight across
Secondary effect - lowers
patient teaching No lotion between toes
Wear clean socks made of cotton
or wool 57. Administering Magnesium Restrict fluids to 100-
Sulfate 125mL/hour
42. Where should you insert Distal veins in the non-dominant
Maintain urine output of
a peripheral catheter hand
43. Losartan adverse effect Angioedema
58. S/S of Magnesium Sulfate C - Cardiac dysrhythmias
44. Patient teaching for Report bleeding (it's an Toxicity: O - Output less than
dabigatran anticoagulant) 30mL/hour
R - Respirations less than
45. Pacemaker teaching Take pulse at same time each day
& report if HR is less than 5bpm
A - Absent deep tendon
below the pacemaker rate
Report dizzy, fatigue, hiccups or
L - LOC is decreased
59. Prednisone adverse reaction Infection
46. EKG that has no P wave, Atrial fibrillation
Fluid retention
has a wavy baseline and
increased HR
60. SIDS Prevention Place babies on their backs 78. Clozapine lab contraindication WBC 2900
to sleep
79. Acupuncture contraindication Herpes zoster
Pacifier when sleeping
Breastfeeding 80. Chronic kidney disease 1g/kg of protein a day
hemodialysis patient teaching
61. Sumatriptan is used for Migraines
81. Metoprolol report to MD bradycardia
62. Absence Seizure Brief sudden lapse in
attention, patient may appear 82. Pregnant lady exercising drink lots of water
to be day dreaming or teaching
staring into space 83. Patient experiencing mania what encourage time in the
63. Valporic Acid levels to watch This med can cause hepatic should you encourage day room
for toxicity - monitor serum liver 84. Gentamicin adverse effect creatinine 2.7
85. Sertraline adverse effect dry cough
64. Kidney donor Diabetes
86. Biofeedback is.... a technique used to
learn to control you
65. Situational Crisis example Lost a grandparent in a MVC body's functions
(unexpected event)
87. Antisocial personality disorder Lack of remorse
66. Coarctation of the aorta Diminished pulses in can be characterized by
symptoms extremities
88. Methadone withdrawal in hypertonicity
67. Patient teaching for parents Petroleum jelly with diaper newborn symptoms
taking child home after changes
89. Patient in ventricular tachycardia defibrillate
is found to be pulseless, what do
68. Screening test done at 16 alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) you do
weeks' gestation
90. Small pox expected finding rash in mouth
69. Parents bring in the 3-year- ride a tricycle
91. Preventing uric acid stones YOGURT!
old child; nurse should ask if
child can do what? 92. Organizing workload (time goals for the day
management question)
70. Stimulant withdrawal fatigue
symptom 93. Sign/Symptom of preeclampsia proteinuria

71. Patient experiencing mania give a PB&J for a portable 94. Advanced directives do not need a lawyer
snack 95. Sickle cell priority HYDRATION/FLUIDS
72. Patient has diarrhea with Administer it at room 96. Pregnant woman has hepatitis C, yes, as long as she
enteral feeding, what should temperature can she breastfeed doesn't have cracked
you do Consider a change in nipples
Decrease the infusion flow 97. Albumin is an indicator of being well nourished
rate 98. Needles disposal at home coffee container on top
73. When a patient is taking Caffeinated beverages shelf
phenelzine what foods Chocolate 99. Dehydration improving in baby flat fontanelle
should be removed from Fava beans sign
their meal tray Ginseng
100. Methotrexate adverse effect high blood pressure
101. NG tube nutrition increase vitamin K
74. Lab test for pernicious Schilling test
anemia 102. 24-month old should be able to walk up steps

75. Sign of hypervolemia Bounding pulses 103. Pregnant woman should get flu shot
what vaccine
76. Tidaling in water chamber of Normal
a chest tube is 104. To increase iron absorption, take vitamin C (orange juice)
77. Narcissistic personality Separate anxiety
disorder expected behavior 105. When scheduling when to take take the level 30 minutes
trough levels before the next dose is
106. Burn patient fluid/electrolyte imbalance metabolic 124. Thrombocytopenia, you should blowing nose (wipe
Acidosis avoid nose, not blow)
107. EEG patient teaching clean hair, no 125. Prior to liver biopsy, patient prothrombin time
conditioner should have labs for
126. Test for PKU Guthrie test
in it 127. When should you take with each meal
pancreatic enzymes
108. When taking levodopa report dark urine
128. Contraindication of MMR blood transfusion
109. Prostate cancer radiation therapy wash
irradiated 129. Gastric surgery, patient should 3 meals
area with eat
mild soap & 130. What is true of lice it can live for 48 hours
water on surfaces
110. Hepatitis A cleaning solution 1:100 chloride 131. What do you hear when you resonance
solution palpate the abdomen
111. Pregnant woman having late decelerations, position the 132. Dying patient wants to be alone, depression/dysfunctional
what do you do patient in what type of grieving
133. Accessing a PICC line you need noncoring needle
what type of needle
112. STD that must reported to the CDC chlamydia
134. This should be included in the perineal care after
113. High pressure alarm sounds on the vent, kinks, patient care plan for a patient who has defecation
what do you assume is the cause biting tubing an indwelling urinary catheter
114. Low pressure alarm sound on the vent, what air leaks, 135. Hyperparathyroidism fall precaution (due to
do you assume is the cause displacement precaution muscle weakness)
115. Patient arrives to ED after MVC, they are 5% dextrose 136. Patient is experiencing diarrhea administer at a slower
hypotensive & unresponsive. What solution in LR while receiving intermittent rate
will prescribed to increase intravascular feeding, what nursing
volume & replace blood loss & increase intervention should be done
137. PICC line understanding of informed consent is
116. Patient's family asks you to pray with them, refer them to teaching for a newly licensed needed
what is your response spiritual nurse
138. Amitriptyline adverse reaction urinary retention
117. IUD puts women at risk for having an to monitor for
139. Group therapy for families determine roles
adapting to loss of family
118. Adverse reaction of giving a patient a SHIVERING members is do
cooling blanket
140. First step to perform when a clarify the source
119. Increase in PAWP means left-sided patient says they want to have a
heart failure family home visit
120. Valproic acid adverse effects LIVER failure, 141. Referral that should be made dietitian referral
jaundice for a patient who has a non-
121. Frequent variable decelerations in FHR, turn patient healing ulcer
what do you do on left side 142. Home safety for an older adult install grab bars in the
122. Patient is in v. tach and pulseless, what do defibrillate tub
you do 143. Patient has a potassium level of spironolactone (because
123. Threatening to insert an NG tube for a assault 5.2, what med should be held it is potassium-sparing)
patient who refuses to eat is a sign of 144. Patient states they wish they "you seem to be feeling
were dead, nurse should hopeless"
respond by saying
145. Acute MI w/alteplase acute cardiac failure 6 168. Female is to undergo a NST Doppler transducer
contraindication months ago placed around
146. To promote sleep eat a small bedtime snack
169. A pregnant woman comes in with Do you have any active
147. Home tracheostomy care, have suction set to 60 mm
herpes, what question should lesions
correct statement by family HG
nurse ask
170. Home teaching for a client on keep the oxygen tank
148. Complication of immobility swollen area in calf
oxygen away from curtains &
149. Phenelzine smoked fish drapes
150. Patient understands it takes a few weeks for take 171. What is a complication of contractions
teaching of sertraline when effect amniocentesis
they state
172. A patient is 14 weeks pregnant, below the pubs
151. Correct statement for use a soft bristle toothbrush where should you check to find symphysis area
patient with stomatitis the FHR
152. IBS diet high fiber 173. Patient is taking levodopa, what hypotension
153. Acute diverticulitis diet low fiber should monitor for

154. To decrease the cardiac feed the infant when awake & 174. When does the posterior 2-3 months
demand in an infant you crying fontanelle close by
should 175. Safety for a patient with Clear the area
155. Cocaine patient increased temperature Parkinson's disease
sign/symptoms 176. When should you intervene on a When he is pacing
156. Instruction for the removal take a deep breath & hold it patient and his wife around his wife
of a NG tube 177. When should acarbuse be taken Take with the first bite
157. With a continuous NG suction gas residuals every 4 of each meal (diabetes
feeding you should hours med)

158. A patient who is most at risk who has a history of GERD 178. Long term use of protein pump Osteoporosis
for aspirating is a patient inhibitors can cause

159. Contraindication for the use HYPERTENSION 179. The purpose of hypnosis is to Alter perception of
of combination oral pain
contraceptives 180. Anorexia expected finding Prealbumin 10
160. Expected finding for white eye reflex 181. Food label Greatest weight is
retinoblastoma listed first
161. Teaching for the parents of limit potassium in the diet 182. Indication of a patient Memory loss
a child who is taking Digoxin experiencing increased
162. Patient who is at risk for 7-year-old recovering from intracranial pressure
developing streptococcus impetigo 183. With thoracentesis, the nurse Avoid deep breathing
163. Procedure the requires tracheostomy care should instruct the client to do during the procedure
sterile gloves what during the procedure

164. Patient asks his nurse to see you have the right to see 184. Appropriate action the nurse Include the patient in
his medical records, nurse's your record, let me should take with a patient who is the selection of the
response should be implement the necessary in need physical therapy patient's PT provider
protocols 185. Patient teaching for peripheral Apply lotion to feet to
165. What to wash hands with for chloroxylenol???? artery disease prevent cracking of the
a client who is skin
immunosuppressed 186. Crohn's dietary teaching Decrease fiber
166. 3-year-old child should be ride a tricycle 187. Who should receive Rhogam An O- woman
able to following a
167. Pregnant adolescent patient refer to case manager spontaneous abortion
who has no financial help
188. Fine hair is the result of what disease Hyperthyroidism
189. When does the anterior fontanelle close by 12-18 months
190. Adverse side effect of estradiol Headache
191. Moon face is a sign of Cushing's disease
192. Following an EGD what would be a priority finding to report to the MD Cool & clammy skin
193. A baby who has failure to thrive, what can you do to help have a positive feeding Develop a structured routine
194. Possible side effect of epinephrine Chest pain
195. With a patient who has a history of domestic abuse, what is the priority action when D/C Discuss an escape plan
196. Chlorpromazine may cause ________ so the patient should __________: Dry mouth; sip water throughout the
197. During the first trimester, where can the fetal heart rate be heard Above the symphysis pubis
198. When the patient is scheduled for an IV pyelogram, what should you do Administer a laxative

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