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Commonly Confused or Misused Words


1. Accept - to take or receive (something offered); receive with approval or favor

2. Except - with the exclusion of; excluding; save
3. Advice - an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct; a
communication, especially from a distance, containing information, etc.
4. Advise - to give counsel to; offer an opinion or suggestion as worth following.
5. Affect - to act on; produce an effect or change in.
6. Effect - (noun) something that is produced by an agency or cause; (verb) to cause
to happen, bring about, or produce results
7. All ready - means that one or more items are set to go. Ready in every particular;
wholly equipped or prepared.
8. Already - by this or that time; before or previously; prior to or at some specified
or implied time.
9. Bad - not good in any manner or degree; of poor or inferior quality; defective.
10. Badly - in a defective, incorrect, or undesirable way; or in an unsatisfactory,
inadequate, or unskilled manner.
11. Beside - by or at the side of; near
12. Besides - moreover; furthermore; also
13. Bring - to carry, convey, conduct, or cause (someone or something) to come with,
to, or toward the speaker
14. Take - to get into one's hold or possession by voluntary action.
15. Borrow - to take or obtain with the promise to return the same or an equivalent.
16. Lend - to grant the use of (something) on condition that it or its equivalent will be
returned. To give or contribute obligingly or helpfully.
17. Loan - the act of lending; a grant of the temporary use of something; something
lent or furnished on condition of being returned.
18. Choose - to select from a number of possibilities; pick by preference.
19. Chose – past tense of choose
20. Desert - a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and
widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all; to abandon (verb)
21. Dessert - cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, etc., served as the final course of a
22. Farther - more distant in space
23. Further - extending beyond a point of time, quantity, or degree; to promote or
24. Fewer - not as great in number
25. Less - not as great in amount or quantity
26. Good - having positive desirable qualities
27. Well - in a good or proper manner
28. Hear - to perceive with the ears; to learn, find out
29. Here - this place
30. Its - belonging to something
31. It’s - it is (contraction)
32. Lay - to set down or place something
33. Lie - to tell a falsehood
34. Lead - to go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort
35. Led - guided, conducted (past tense of lead)
36. Learn - to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery
37. Teach - to give someone knowledge, comprehension, or mastery (teach people)
38. Leave - to go away from; to let remain
39. Let - to allow or permit; to rent
40. Loose - free or released from fastening or attachment, not tight; free from
41. Lose - to not win; to misplace
42. Like - to find pleasant, similar to; of the same form, appearance, kind, character,
amount, etc.
43. As - in the manner of (conjunction); in the same way; at the same time
44. As is - the same way, just as it is, in its present condition.
45. Passed - moved by or through
46. Past - the time gone by (noun); bygone (adjective); beyond (adverb or
47. Peace - the normal, no warring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the
world. A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, esp. in personal
48. Piece - a portion of a whole
49. Principal - (adjective) most important; (noun) person with highest rank or main
50. Principle - a standard or rule that often pertains to morality or nature.
51. Raise - to bring up; to elevate; to increase; to collect; put forward (verbs); an
increase, usually of salary (noun)
52. Rise - to increase in size, volume, or level; to move to a higher position; to get out
of bed.
53. Real – genuine (adjective)
54. Really - truly, genuinely; indeed (adverb)
55. Regardless - unmindful or in spite of everything
56. Irregardless – Probably blend of irrespective and regardless. Is a term meaning in
spite of or anyway, that has caused controversy since it first appeared in the early
twentieth century. It is generally listed in dictionaries as "incorrect" or
57. Sit - to take a seat.
58. Set - to place
59. Stationary - fixed in one place
60. Stationery - writing paper
61. Than - used in comparison (conjunction)
62. Then – at that time; next in order of time (adverb)
63. Their - belonging to them
64. There – that place, in that place
65. They’re - contraction of they are

66. Theirs – a form of the possessive case of “they” used as a predicate adjective,
after a noun or without a noun
67. There’s – contraction of there is
68. To – in the direction of; in contact with; for the purpose of
69. Two – a cardinal number, the whole number (2)
70. Too – also; very; to an excessive extent or degree; beyond what is desirable,
fitting, or right
71. Weather – atmospheric conditions at a given time (noun); showing the effects of
exposure to atmospheric conditions (adjective); to survive (verb)
72. Whether – if; whatever the case; either
73. Who – a relative pronoun used to introduce a nonrestrictive clause about people;
interrogative pronoun; refers to the subject of the main verb or a predicate
74. Whom – refers to the object of a verb or preposition; the objective case of “who”
75. Whose – possessive pronoun; the one or ones belonging to what person or persons
76. Who’s – contraction of who is
77. Your – belonging to you (possessive pronoun); a form of the possessive case of
“you” used as an attributive adjective
78. You’re - contraction of you are
79. Life – the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead
organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and
the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
80. Live - to have life, as an organism; be alive; be capable of vital functions


1. I accept your present because I love you.

2. They were all in the English class, except me.
3. They advice that the traced plan has failed.
4. The teacher advises to be cautious.
5. The bad weather affects our home.
6. The exposure to the sun has a bad effect on your skin.
The conduct of the group had a positively effect on others.
7. The tire is all ready to be installed on the rim.
8. We went to the store, but the sale has already finished.
9. The backpack that you have has a bad quality.
10. The neighbor paints badly.
11. Place your car beside mine.
12. Besides, I told you that you can’t go with me.
13. Bring your notebook to my house.
14. I’ll take the piece of cake from the table.
15. John borrowed Mary her pencil.
16. Your lend help to our cause.
17. My aunt has loan to the bank $5,000 at 14% of interest.
18. I will choose whatever pleases me.
19. I chose the red pencil.
20. The camels walk long distances in the desert.
21. The chocolate-chip ice cream is my favorite dessert.
22. The car will go farther if you fill the gas tank.
23. The donations of the books further the learning of the children.
24. We are fewer than them.
25. They prefer to study less.
26. The meal is good.
27. I hope you are very well.
28. I can’t hear you because of the loud music.
29. I’ve been here before.
30. The dog bites its tail.
31. It’s fun when the dog bites its tail.
32. Please, lay your books on the table.
33. The boy lies to his girlfriend.
34. Lead the group to Plaza Las Americas.
35. The teacher led the group to Plaza.
36. I will learn my guitar lesson for the test.
37. You teach me a great lesson.
38. You can’t leave the school.
39. Don’t let him escape.
40. Your hair has a loose style.
41. You lose your place on the race.
42. I like apple more than pear.
43. I am as my lovely mother.

44. We sell the article as is.
45. Jose passed his College Board test very well.
46. No one can change the past.
47. Try to live in peace with the others.
48. Carol wants a piece of cake.
49. This is the principal rule.
The principal call the teachers to the office.
50. The family justifies their principles.
51. The flag is raised every morning.
52. We see when the sun rises very early.
53. This car is a real bargain.
54. Did you really trust in him?
55. Regardless of the weather, we can go fishing on Tuesday.
56. We are going to do this job, irregardless of this misspelled word.
57. Please, sit down near me.
58. She set the table for the dinner.
59. They maneuvered around the stationary barrier in the road.
60. The secretary wrote the letter on company stationery.
61. Sophia is more intelligent than Xiomara.
62. I’m going to do my assessment, and then I’ll go out.
63. Jose’s parents let their dog free.
64. There is a cat eating some food.
65. They’re taking the test.
66. I do my job. Does anyone do theirs?
67. There’s the book I’m looking for.
68. The whole group went to Plaza on Saturday.
69. Only two of them were absent.
70. I was absent too.
71. These days the weather was bad.
72. We’ll go to school, whether rain or not.
73. The one who is sleeping is Jose.
Who said that?
74. To whom the prize belongs?
75. Maria, whose mother paid the cake, gets the largest piece.
76. Who’s the boy with the jean?
77. I have your notebook.
78. You’re my best friend.
79. The life of small dogs can reach up to 20 years.
80. You never live at the top of your expectatives.

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