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roadway remote control bulletin

lishtins of outdoor circuits
oil switches . reloys lor multiple

o o.nd series circuits page I

type SPR
oil switch
lru type MR-XD
rnultiple relay
I bc"d lor rernote control


type MR-YG
multiple relay
with receptacle
for photo control

RCOC switches ond reloys include o complele line of speciolly designed equip-
ment to meet qll outdoor Lighting circuit control requiremenls. Designs ore
o{{ered lor either primqry or secondory switching opplicotions. They moy be
specilied Ior use with o unit photo control, for remote control {rorn o pilot wire
or lor cqscqde control {rom o convenient circuit.

eornplete line: RCOC primory oil switches, sedes circuit reloys, ond low
voltoge multiple reloys ore ovoJloble to sotis{y oll switching requirements ond
oll control circuit requiremenfs Jor outdoor lighting qpplicotions. They olso
of{er q choice of mounting melhods needed Ior crossqrm mounting, pole mount-
ing or woll mounting opplicotions of this type equipment.
easier installation: Mounting orrqngemenls ond connections ore desigmed
{or outdoor lighting opplicotions.
highest quality lor better perforrnance: Complete tests, Ior mole sevele
thon ony service conditions, thoroughly prove oll designs ond mqteriols.
longer life: Assured through simplilied designs which hove high thermol
cqpqcity, low contcrct resistonce ond minimum contqct bounce.
easier rnaintenance: Accessibility, eosy component ossembly, qnd qvoil-
obility of ports ossure eqsier mointenonce, if required.

IuIy 1962
I0 doted Jcnuory, 1953
supersedes descriptive bulietin 60-I
moiled to: E/i167/DB; D/833/DB; C/471/RL
page 2
type SPR single pole oil switch (

The Type SPR-I'120 recommended lor single pole primary

oil swilch is
switching applications lor mulliple and series circuits. This switch is recom-
mended lor remole control but includes an auxiliary manual lever on the
switch tank lor emergency hook stick operation. The switch tank cover can
be roiated in relation to lhe mounling oI the svritch lank to posilion the manual
Iever for convenieni hook stick operalion. The manual lever must be located
in the AUTO position for normal remote control.
The switch load contacts are Normally Open when the 120 voli 60 cycie
coil is de-energized. The control circuit is conlinuously energized to hold the
load contacts closed during the ON schedule lor the lighting load The chart
on page 5 includes operaling characleristics Ior the Type SPR switch.
The Type SPRt-120 Specification 6210 designation identilies the single
pole oi1 swiich \&'ith 120 volt 60 cycle conlrol rating complete with required
oil in the weatherprool tank as shown in lhe pholo Fig. l. Ordering insiruc-
tions must specily this switch with the crossarm brackel as shown Fig.3 cr
with ihe bracket Ior dileci pole or wall mounting as shown Fig.4.
The Type SPR switch has l5 KV insulation Irom line lo tank and control
The switch load contacls are capable o{ carrying and inlerrupting the trans_
lormer load culrent at the voltages shown in the ordering chart on paqe 5.

Fict. I Type sPR-1-I20 Spec. 6210 oil

swiich wtthout sepo,ote mouniing brackei.
Fiq. 2 Typical conneciions lor use ol Type PC'120'2.5/6 6 prctective rcLay with Type
SPR l-120 swjrch with 12A valt 6A cycle cantral cltcuit tcttinq-

Fjg. 3-Djmensions al Type SPA-LI2A Spec.6210 oil sw;lcl wiltr FirJ. 4 Dimensions of Type SP,q I 120 Spec. 621A or'l switch wiih (
brdckei Nbr. 6222 lot crossotm maunting. brocker Nbr. 6221 tar djrect pale at wall mauntinq.
roadway remote control bulletin
liqhtinq of outdoor circuits
type AN single pole ond
two pole oi1 switch page 3


Type AN
Oil Switch
Fig. 8 Djmenstons a! Type AN 2 pole oil
swirci iD weoiherproal tank with hdngerc
fjg. 5. fronl view a{ tank -Fig. 6 Pole side of tonk Fiq. 7 M echanism lot Ior crossorm mauntinq and wilh aDtiliaty
wilh crossorm h.Ingers. wr'ih crossozm iongers. Type AN two pole swiicfi. hord ierer on poie side ol ihe ionk.

Type AN oil switches are recommended {or remote control switching

of the primary supply to translormers Ior multiple and series circuits.
Type AN switches have 15KV insulation from line to tank and control,
but the interupting capacity or continuous current musl not exceed the
ratings at the voliages shown in the ordering table on page 5.
Type AN switches are available single or two pole in weatherproof
tanks, compleie with oil and with hangers {or crossarm mounting (Fig. B),
with brackets lor wall mouniing (Fig. 10). or with support lugs Ior direct
pole mounting (Fiq. S). A modified T hanger with an exiension bai is
available for applications requiring crossarm mounting o{ ihe tank wilh
Fiq.9 Type AN.2 pale oil switcl r'n weathetprcal support lugs.
rdnk w;th suppori lugs lat dircct pole mounitng. Type AN switch load contacts are Normally Open when ihe operating
coil is de energized. The control circuit is conlinuously eneigized to hold
B! ihe load contacts closed during the ON schedule. Although Type AN oil
switches are recommended for remoie control, a11 auxiliary hand lever is
provided on the switch tank lor manual operation in emergency.
These switches are of{ered wiih operating coils for control from a mul-
tiple circuit as shown in Fig. ll or from a convenient sedes control circuit
as shown in Fig. 12. Operating characteristics are shown at the boiiom
of page 5.
The conlacis are actuated by a double coil solenoid which al{ords
excellent force power characieristics lor the swiich with either the mulliple
Fig. l0 Type AN-2 pole oil swjlch ir we.rti1er- or series solenoid design. The contacts are locaied under the switch
proof ionk with brockets lor wall moDnting. mechanism and more than 10 inches below the recommended oil level.


rNE 2 L____=:_t LOAD 2

fjq. li Conneclions for Type AN 2 12A two pole swjich wilh lood Fig. 12 Cannections lor Type AN'2 6.6 two pole switch vrith load
contacis Normolly Open with t20 volt 60 cycle cail de enetqized. coniacis Normaily Open wilh 6.6 onpere serjes cojl de e'erqized.
types CP and CPM
page 4 two pole and three pole oil switches


Fig. l3-Type CP ord Type CPM three pole oi.l switc-hes i.

we.Ilhetprool tank with hdngers Jor crossorrn mouDting. Ile
Iype CPM inc.ludes dn anxiliary hand lever on the pole side
oI tle tdnk os slowrl at the riqht. The phota ot tle lelt sllows
the oil tal1k dropped lor inspection oI tlle meclonism.

Type CP and Type CPM oil switches are both recom- Type CPM tank is located in the AUTO position for nor-
mended lor remote control primary switching applica- mal remote control operation.
tions. Both are available in two or three pole designs. The switch load contacts are Normally Open when the
Type CP oil switches are for remote control only, but 120 volt 60 cycle operating coil is de-energized. The
lhe Type CPM also includes an auxiliary hand lever for multiple coil is continuously energized to hold the load
emergency manual operation. Both types are supplied in contacls closed during the ON schedule for the counected
weatherprool tank complete with oil, and with hangers Ior load. Operating charactedstics are shown at the bottom
clossarm mounting or with bGcket Ior wall mounting. oI page 5.
The Type CPM switches specilied lor crossarm mounting The Type CP and the Type CPM two pole oil switches
are standald with the auxiliary hand Iever on the pole side have l5 KV insulation lrom line to tank and control while
of the tanl< (Fiq. l3). Type CPM switches lor wall moun! Type CP and CPM three pole oil switches have 8.66 KV
ing are supplied with the auxiliary hand lever on the insulation lrom line to lank and control. The switch load
lront ol the tallk (Fig. l5). The manual lever on the contacts are capable ol cafiying and interrupting the
translormer load curent at the voltages shown in ihe
ordering chart on page 5.

[ '- -

"; li

Fiq. l4-Type CP 2 120 two Ilole switch in westhetpraol tank lot
crossorn mou,linq. The Type CPM.2-120 switcl is supplied \aith
'an auxihary hdnd lever on lle
pole side oI lie rcnl.
Fig. ls-Type CPM3-120 Spec. 8075-A |tuee poie oil swilch in
weatheryraol t.Jnk with bktcket lar wall mountiDg and {'ith the
cuxi.lidry lond lever on lhe lront oI t.he tank.
roadway renrote control bulletin
lightins of outdoor circuits
types CP ond CPM
two pole ond three pole oil switches page 5

how to order order by R-C-O-C type ond spec. nurnber

volts I iasulo-
qrnperes qt hne lo line switch I net wt.
n-c-o-c tonk@ nbr.
' lti"" oil I with oil:
tvpe nbr. ouiline poles l5000vl ?500v I 50oov 2soovlclds,
rtl sorrons

contacts nortnally open with 120 wolt 60 cycle coil de-energized

sPn-1-120 6210-B Fiq. 3-4 Q I NO 20 75 15 KV 50
AN-l-120 6120-B Fis. I 1 NO 35 50 15 KV 6.0 150
AN,l-120 6t22-B Fiq. t0 I NO 15 35 50 i5 KV 6.0 I45
AN-I-120 6244 Fiq. 9 @ I NO l5 35 50 15 KV 6.0 140

AN-2-120 6I21-B Fis. B 2 NO I5 50 I5 KV

AN-2-I20 6I23-B Iiq. I0 2 NO 15 35 50 15 KV 6.0 150
AN-2-120 6217 Fiq. 9 @ 2 NO t5 35 50 1s KV 6.0 145

contacts norrnally operr with 6.6 ampere series coil de-energized

AN-r-6.6 6124-B Fiq.8 i NO l5 35 50 15 KV 6.0 I50
AN-I-6.6 6203 Fis. 9 @ I NO I5 50 t5 KV 140

AN"2-6.6 612s-B Fiq.8 2 NO i5 35 50 15 KV 6.0 I50

AN-2-6.6 6219 Fis. 9 @ 2 NO 15 50 I5 KV 6.O 140

contacts normally closed with 120 wolt 60 cycle coil de-energized

ANR-l-120 6130-B Fis.8 1 NO NO 35 50 8.66 KVI 6.0 150

ANR-2-120 6131"B Iiq. B 2 NO NO 50 8.66 Kv] 6.0 I55

contacts normally open with 120 wolt 60 cycle coil de-energized

cP-2-120 6091-A Fiq. 14 2 l0 20 30 60 t5 KV 7.0 t80
cP-3-120 6059-D Iiq. 13 3 NO 20 30 60 8.66 KV 7.O I85
cPM-2-r20 6092,A Iiq. 14 2 l0 20 30 60 l5 KV 7.O 180
cPM-3-I20 6069-A Fiq. 13 3 NO 2A 30 60 8.66 KV 7.0 t85
cPM-3-120 6075-A Fis. 15 3 NO 30 60 8.66 KV 7.O I80

O Type SPR'i-120 Spec.6210-3 identilies swilch withoul mounting tank design is required for crossorm mounting, informotion will
brccket. Specily os separote item Brocket Spec. 6222 lor cross- be supplied on request lor the required modified T honger ond
arm mounting oi brocket Spec. 6221 lor pole or woll mounting. extension bor.
(, Type AN switches Specilicoiion 6203, 6204, 6217 ond 6219 ore Ct Type AN single pole ond iwo pole swilches ore cvdildble in d
supplied wilh support lugs lor direct pole mounting. Il this welded sleel subwoy tonk. Informotion on requesl.

operating characteristics oI R-C-O-C oil switches *

R-C-O-C coil inrush coil terminal pull-in ond drop-out

tvpe !otinq volts
operating chcrrqcteristics
SPR I20 Volt 60 Cycle 6.0 .50 t20 The solenoid switch sholl pick up ond seal ihe
AN 120 Volt 60 Cycle 5.0 l 5 t20 lood contacts with the solenoid coil suddenly
energized ot 80% of roted coil volioqe (multiple)
AN 6.6 Anpere 6.6 6.6 80
or 85% oI rated coil current (series)
ANR 120 Volt 60 Cycle 7.3 120 The solenoid switch shall noi drop out {ron
120 Volt 60 Cycle r2.o t.4 t2a the energized posilion ot 60% oI rcted coil voltoge
(muhiple) or 60% of roted coil curreni (series)
CPM 120 Voli 60 Cycle t2.o 1.4 120
*Volues Shown ore Approximote ond Should be Confirmed lor Applicotions Requirinq Exoct Doto.
open circuil protective relays
page 6 sedes-mulliple telays

type PC series open circuit protective relays

Type PC protective relays provide a necessary protection against the high voltage
hazard which develops when an oPen circuit Iaull occurs in a series lighting
circuit. The relays are insulated lor connection in consiani cufient series circuits
on which the open circuit does not exceed 8660 volts.
The Type PC relays are designed for use with a primary oil switch with Nohally
Open load contacts. An opeq circuit Iault in the series protecled circuit causes the
Type PC relay to de-enetgize the control circuit to the Primaiy oil switch The
sedes protected circuit is de-energized when the primary switch contacts open
A typical application lor use of the Type PC protective relay with the Type SPR
oil switch is shown Fig. 2 page 2. The control circuil rating for the Type PC relay
must be the same as the control circuit rating lor the primary switch

order asr spec. nlr. in redtherpro j

Ii,q. I7 fiq. 1A liq. tg
PC-120-1.3/3.3 t20v 60c 1.3/3.3 Arnp 6190 D 6276 6277
PC-l2a.2.s/6.6 I20V 60C 2.5/6.6 Amp 6016-E 6252 6227
PC-\2A.B.O/20 l20v 60c 8.0/20 Anp 60r B,E 6275 6254
PC-6.6-2.5/6.6 6.6 Amp 2.5 /6.6 Amp 4647 -F 6263 6272
PC.6.6-8.O/2O 6.6 Amp 8.0/20 Anp 4929-E 6274 6273
PC-2O-a.O/20 20 Amp 8.0/20 Amp 4993,E 627 r 627 4

Fiq. l6-Type PC-120-2.5/6.6 Spec. 60i6-E

relay in wedlhervoai cose 1i.r'1lout cover.


Fig.l7 Type PC rclay in weathetprcal Fig. 18 Type PC rcIay in weqthetproal Fiq. 19 Type PC reldy in wedthetqaol cdse
cose wjth convenlionol crossorm ndngers. cose witi brockei Ior crossarm mouDiing. with brdcket lar pole o! wo.U nountinq.

type SR series-rnultiple relays

The Type SR relay coil is energized lrom a series circuit and
lhe load contacts are connected lo switch a multiple liqhting
load. The series coil is insulated Ior connection in a sedes
Iighting cilcuit on which the open circuit does not exceed
8660 volts. The relay load contacts are Normally Open when
the series coil is de-enerqized.
order as:

sR-l -6.6 4063 I 6.6 Amp 30 125 None

sR-1-20 4065 l 20 Amp 30 t25 None
sRF-i-6.6 6207 I 6.6 Amp 30 r25 30 Amp
sB-2-6.6 406'.7 2 6.6 Amp 20 250 None
Fiq. 2j-Type SR rclay s8,2,20 4069 2 20 Amp 20 250 None
jn weotherproof cose. sRF-2-6.6 6151 2 6.6 Amp 2A 254 20 A'.r,p
toadway remote control
lighiing of outdoor circuits bulletin

rnultiple relcrys for !ernote control
of outdoor lighting circuits page 7

R-C-O C relays are used to obiain lemote control oI the ON and OFF operating
schedule for multiple roadway Iighting circuits. They are supplied in weaiherptool
enclosures. They are available in single and two pole designs, with the wide choice
ol current and voltage ralings shown in the ordering chart o4 page 9.
The operaiing coils are rated 120 volts 60 cycles, and may be energized by a
photoelectdc control, time switch, or cascade lrom a convenient circuit. Operating
characteristics are included in the chart on page 9.
Type MH reiays have Normally Open load contacts. The control citcuit must be
continuously energized to hold the load contacts closed. Type MRR relays have
normally closed load contacls. The conttol circuit musl be continuously energized
to hold the load coniacts open.
Al1 R-C-O-C multiple relays are designed and tested wilh lull consideration to the
requirements lor switching multipie citcuits to incandescent lamps or to ballasts
operating mercury or Iluorescent lamps. These relays include the operating and
construction Ieatures described on page ll. Petiodic mainlenance is noi required.
The impulse charactedsiics ol the built-in lightning arrester are coordinaled with the
insulation level oI the operating coil. The relays should be specilied l,vith builtin
alrester Ior all installations which have load, Iine or control conneclions to an over
head cilcuit.


Fig. 2l Consttuctian delcus oI expulsion gap

termino] orresler lor molded pnenojjc cose.


Fiq. 22lannections lat Type MR-XD rclay

with drresler lerminols ond lood circuit Iuse.
F ig. 23
Type MR XD Spec. 6283 sinqle
30 ampete multiple rcLtr.

Fiq. 24 Westhet$oal cdse wilir mo]ded phenoitc

bose, oluminum cover cnd aluminvm honqet Ior Fig. 25 Type MR-TD Spec. 6245 single Fig. 26--Type MR-SD Spec. 6242 sinqie
singie pole 15 ompere ond 30 ompere relays. pole 30 dmpere mercury tube reldy. pole 15 ampere multiple relay.
multiple relays lor retnote conttol
poqe I oI outdoor lighting citcuits

Fig. 28 Type MR-KD Spec.6350 sinqle pole 60 ompere multiple

reldy in weathetptaol cose wiii bracket lat pale maunting

Fiq.27 Type MR YD Spec.6312 two pole rcloy rdied I00 cmperes
240 valts Ac ir wedthetqoal cose wiln pole mauDting btocket.

t s

Fjq. 3o-Cost oluminum wealherprool cose with bracket lor pale

ar wdll mountiAq lar mnltiple reldys slown in the chdrt poge 9.

f/ 6" DrA
Fig.29 Two pole 'eloy cdsl aluminum weatherqoof cose wr'll
qaleonized sreei biocftet lar pole ot wull mauntinq
,31 2 M',t'6 tloLES

Fig. 3I
DiDensions lor stngle pole 30 ompere mullrpie Fig.32 Cast alumin'm weqtireiproof case wiih olumjnuD lrackel
meler socket cdse complete will gloss cover. Iat pale maDntin al siDqle pole 60 ompere multiple re16y.
roadway rernote control bulletin
liqhiins of outdoor circuits
rnultiple reloys for outdoor liqhtinq circuits
@ page I
how to order order by R-C-O-C type ond spec. number
N/O coniocts(l N/C contacts@ weoiherprool cose@ operoiinq doto O
R-C'O'C spec. built-in R-C-O-C I spec. dinension I net wt. omps. ot l20v 60c
type nbr. protective devices lvDe
"I nbr. i
relerence I n.'"as inrush coniinuous
single pole rated 15 anrperes 125 wolts ac with 120 volt 60 cycle operatinq coit
Molded Phenolic Cose With Alurninum Cover and Alurninurn Honqer
MR-SC I 6241 Arrester I MBR-SC
Liqhtninq 6243 Fiq.24 I z.s .100 .0?5
I 6242 Its. Arr.
& Lood tuses
MBR-SD 6244 Fiq.24 I t, .too .0?5
single pole rated 30 anrperes 125/250 wolts ac with 120 wolt 60 cycle operating coil
Silver AIIoy Contocts-Molded Phenolic Case With Alurninurn Cover & Hcrnqer
MN.XC 6282 LishtniDq Arrester I ltnn-XC 62A4 | Iis.24 3.0 .055
MR.XD 6283 Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuse
i MRn-xD 62as I FLq.24 3.0 .220 .05s
Mercury Tube Contcct-Molded Phenolic Cose With Atumin urn Cover & Honser
Its. Arr. & Loqd ruse
MR-TD 6245
I MBR.TD I az+a rie. z+ 3.0
I .r20 .0?5
Silver .4,lloy Contocts-Meter Socket Cdse
MR.XK Lood luse Only I vnn-xr 6328 | Fiq.3l 6.5 .0s5
MR.XE Lrq. Arr. & Load ruse I MRR-xn 6316 I Fis. 3r 6.5 .220 .0s5
Mercury Tube Contoct-Meter Socket Cose
MR-TE 6255 Lrq. Arr. & Load Fuse
I ozso
I riv. er I uu .t2a .075
single pole rated 60 amperes 125/250 volts ac with 120 volt 60 cycle operating coil
MN-KA 6347 None MRN-KA 6351 Frq.32 l.l0 .155
MR-KB 6348 Lood Fuse OnIy MBN-KB 6352 Fi .32 9.0 1.10 .155
MR-KC 6349 lightning Arreste! MRR-KC 6353 Fiq.32 1.10 .155
MR-KD Ltg. Arr. & Iood luse MRR-KD 6354 Fi .32 9.0 1.10 .I55
single pole rated 100 anrperes 125/250 wolts ac with 120 volt 50 cycle operating coil
MR-TA None ON REQUXST Fiq.30 t2 1.10
MR-IB 6373 Lood Fuse Only ON BEOUEST .!q. JU I2 I.t0 .155
MR-FC 6374 Liqhtninq Arreste! ON REQUXST Iiq.30 t2 1.10 .I55
MR-FD Itg. Arr. & lood Fuse oN nxQUxsT Iiq.30 12 1.10
two pole rated 40 arnperes 125 /250 volts ac with 120 volt cycle operating coil
MR.OB 62t). I-ood tr'uses Only MBR.OB 6247 Fiq.30 12 l.l0 . r55
MR.OD 62t2 l-tq. Arr. & Loqd luses MBN-OD 6244 Iis. 30 T2 1.l o
two pole rated 60 amperes 125/250 volts ac with lZ0 wolt 60 cycle operating coil
6339 None
Load Fuses OnIy
6343 Iis.30 t2 Lt0
B# .rss
MRR-UB Fiq.30 L2 1.10 .I55
MR-UC 634I Liqhining Anester MRR.UC 6345 Fis.30 12 1.10 .155
MR-UD 6342 Itq. Arr. & Lood Fuses MBR,UD 6346 Fiq.30 I2 .155
two pole rated 100 amperes 240 volts ac with 120 volt 60 cycle operating coil
MR.YB 63I0 Lood Fuses Only ON RXQUEST Fis. 29 1 .10 .I55
MR.YD 6312 I-tg. Arr. & Lood Fuses ON REQUEST Fiq. 29 22 1.I0 _ 155
two pole rated 30 arnperes tl80 volts ac with 120 wolt 60 cycle operating coil
MR-PB 6213 Lood luses Only MRR.PB 6249 Iiq. 30 l.I0 .155
MR-PD 6214 Ltq. Arr. & Lood I'uses MRR.PD 6250 Iiq.30 12 t.I0 .I55
two pole rated 60 arnperes 480 volts ac with 120 volt 60 cycle operating coil
Lood Fuses Onty Fj.q.2e zz
riq.29 II zz II
MR.ZB I 6306 I Ou nrqursr .155
MR-ZD I 6308 Ltg. Arr. & Load Fuses I ON REQUEST .155
(! Type MR Beloy lood contocts ore Normc]Iy Open when the O Informotion wilt be supplied on requesi lor the similc weother-
operoting coil is de,energized. The conlrol circuit 10 the Type prool coses except with brocket for crossorm mourting.
MR reldys should be energized durinq the ON schedule.
Q) The relcy moqnet is tested to close the ormoture when the coil
O Type MRR reloy lood contccts ore Normotly Closed when rhe is suddenly energized ot 8070 oI the roled coil voltoqe. The
operciing coil is de-energized. The conirol circuit to the Type enerqized coii l\'ili hold the ormdtule closed untess the vo}lage
MRR reloys should be energized durirg the OFF schedule. at the coil terminols drops below 6070 oi the roted volue.
multiple relays lot outdoot lightinq cixcuits
page l0 with receptacle lor photo control

Fig.33 Type MRXG Spec. 6356 sjngle FlJ. )t Typ- Mq KC Sp-. a-7' snq ^ pab aA I

aipere t20 vox 6D cycle rctdy jn weatheryrcat

J -
pole 30 ampere 120 volt 6A cycle relay
jn weotierprool cose wifh lecepiocle for csse wtilr receptocle tot phala cantrol

R C-O-C Type MR multiple relays are available with a

receptacle {or a Phoioelectdc control to oblain automatic
switching of the ON OFF schedule jor multiple roadway
lighting circuits. These relays are supplied in weather-
proof enclosures with a ]ocking type receptacle in the top
case wall which meels ihe requilements oJ EEI Slandard
TD'148 for the unit conlrol. The photoelectric control is
not included with the relay.
These relays are available in single pole and two pole
designs wiih load coniact ralings as shown in the order'
inq charl on page I2. The Type MR relay load contacts are
Normally Open when the 120 voll 60 cycle oPeraiing coil
is de-energized. The photoelectric control used with ihese
relays musl continuously energize the operating coil
during the ON schedule.
The usual insiallation oI the multiPle relay with a recep-
tacle lor a photo contlol will have connections io over
head circuits. Since the load and line connections have
exposure to lightning surges, the relays io the ordering
charl on page 12 are specilied to include the buillin light-
ning arester. The buiil_in alrestel provides alternate
breakdown paths with multiple gaps in series. The im
pulse charactetistics of the arrestel are coordinated with
the insulation level o{ the operating coil.
The relay mechanism is designed with special consid'
eralion to the requirements for switching outdoor lightinq
loads as described on Paqe ll.
fiq. 35 Type MR IG Spec. 6379 sjngle pole 1A0 amperc 120 valt
60 cycle multtple relay in cosi alumtnum weolne.prool cose wjlir
receptocle /or phatoelecttic cantrol.
!oadway retnote control bulletin
liqhtins oI outdoor circuits
rnultiple reloys lor outdoor lighting circuits
with receptocle lor photo control. pagg ll





fig. 36 Type ME-YG Spec. 6314 two pale muitiple re.ldys roled Fig.37 Type MR.UG Spec. 6338 two pole reldy rdted 6, omperes
100 amperes l2A/240 volts 60 rycles tn cost o.lumr'num weourer- t20/24A valB 6A cycles ir cost olumr'num weoltrerprooi cose wiih
prcal case with rcceptacle lor photaelectic conttol. receptocle lor phatoelectic control.

R-C-O-C multiple relays are desiqned with atteniion to the Lighting loads are energized ior long periods. Atieniion
requirements for switching the power supply to outdoor to these deiails in the design, manufacture, and testing o{
multiple iighting loads. Positive interruplion ol the high R-C-O-C multiple relays assures good servrce reliability.
power factor streei lighting load requires only a moderate Pedodic maintenance is noi required.
contaci break. This factor plus carelully engineered
mechanical designs assure minimum coniact bounce upon
closule to minimize contact wear and prevenl sticking. 60 cYcLE Pt-toTo
This is accomplished on single pole 30 ampere relays CONTFOL !YITH LOCK]NG
by using the moving armature to apply pressure to the
overhanging end 01 the moving contact arm. On larger RELAY COIL
20 \ cLT 6c' CYCLE
relays a sliding aciion is used which also prevents con-
tact welding. This carelul consideralion to contact action RELAY LOAD
plus the use oI high silver alloy matedals assures a low OPEN WHEN COLL
contact resistance throughout a long lile.
Belays specilied with load circuit fuses are now supplied LOAD FUSES
with dual elemeni fuses. They have a lower operating
lemperature and a lag characteristic to assure exceilent
service reliability. A iransieni during a normal siari need
not cause concern il oveicuqent does not exceed 500%
ol rated current for ten seconds or less. Additional
reliabiliiy is obtained lrom silver plated, copper Iuse clips
with spdng reinlorcement io assure minimum resistance
beiween {use and qrip.
Fig. 38 Internai conneclions to line, load ond teutrol termjnais
lot Type MR UC Spec. 6338 two pole rclqy rated 60 onperes lor
vse on a 120/240 volts 60 cycles supply.
page 12
retnote control oI outdoor circuils

multiple relays with receptacle lor photo control



Fig. 4a Dimensions aI weatherpraol case for Type MR-(G Spec.

6377 single pole 60 ompere 120 volt 60 cycle relsy.
Iig. 39 DjmeDsions oI weourerprool cose lat Type MR'XG Spec
6356 and lype MR-TG Spec. 6355 single pole 30 cmpere reioys.




5/t6 MAx. CABLE -O.0.
Fiq. 41 Westhetqoal cose with receplocle Iat phota canlral lot Fig. 42--Wec'thetproal case with receptdcle Jor ploioelecrrjc
single pole 100 ampere and two pole 4a s'd 60 ampere telays. conftol lar Type MR YG Spec. 6314 twa pale rc|ay.

how to order order by R-C-O-C type ond spec. nurnber

weotherproo{ cose(r) operotinq dotoO
B,C-O-C nbr. oc locd rqting buillin onps. oi 120v 6Oc
tvpe nbr. poles volts p!oiective devices pounds inrush

MR-XG@) 6356 30 t2a Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuse liq.39 3 .055
MB-TGO 6355 30 t2a Ltq. Arr. & Load luse Fiq.39 3 .r2 .075
MR.KG 6377 60 120 Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuse Fis.40 I 1.10 .155
MR-FG 6379 t00 120 Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuse Fiq.4I t2 l i0
MN"OG 6260 40 12O /24O Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuses Fiq.4I T2 1.I0 .155
MR-UG 6338 t2o /244 Lts. Arr. & Locd Fuses Iis. 41 12 1.10 .155
MR"YG 63r4 100 t2o /24O Ltq. Arr. & Lood Fuses Fis. 42 22 .I55
at InlormoiioD will be supplied ON REQUEST lor lhe weqlhe!- the roted coil volidqe. The enerqized coil will hold the contocts
prool csses similcr to Fiq. 4A, 4I at 42 excepl wilh brocket lor closed unless the voliaqe ot the coil lerminsls drops below
cross(Irm mouniing. 60o/i, ol the rqted volue.

@ Eoch relay is tesled to close the contqcts with designed con- O The Type MR'XG relsy uses silver olloy contocis while ihe
toct pressure when the coii is suddenly energized ot 80% of Type MR'TG relqy hos Mercury Plunger lube contocis

Il9estinghouse Electric Corporation Wostinchouse reserws the tiqht to chcnqo speilicatiod and
desi6-w hout norice, Md assumos no '"spotu,b,l'ty to'
Lighting Division; Edgewater Park . Gleveland, Ohio makms thos€ modilicaLons on anv appar.tus pr€viouslysold

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