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NAME: Katherine G. Estrada C.

DATE: 2018, March 10
LEVEL: Sixth Level “A”


Along the time, medicine has been progressing, but It isn’t enough to easy problems people
present which require more than conventional treatments, however the advance of technology
has been one of the best options to complement treatments or to help to improve the life
quality of people with any disability. According researching new technology like robots and
devices have been the best option to contribute to solve with health problems around the
There are many cases that show the interaction among human and robots result beneficial for
certain patients. In United Kingdom there are studies that have explored the possibility to use
Social robots with children that suffer autism and communication deficiency with other
people while in Japan, Paro robot with a seal shape, white hair and dark eyes has been used
succefully to improve the mood of the aged or decrease the stress in patients and their
caregivers also researchers of the Charles III University of Madrid (UC3M) participating in
a project which pretend develop robots for interact with hospitalized children.
That initiative is called "Monarch" (Multi-Robot Cognitive Systems Operating in Hospitals),
and is provided to put in test in the Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Lisboa whose goal
consist in advance more for this way, giving an important jump because instead of use only
one robot, can be employed several robots at same time, for this reason instead of attend to
only one patient, the robots team will socialize with all sick on the floor with the end of
collaborate with the personal.
Although currently in Ecuador, is a little the attention it had given at the treatment for people
with different problems through technology tools but exist any like:
Willow, a robot that was invented by a group of students of Polytechnic Higher School of
Chimborazo how a new therapeutic method to facilitate communication with children who
suffer autism and Asperger syndrome. That robot has metal and acrylic pieces, and a
Smartphone that makes it work while children play with Willow, It help them to take their
Another excellent Ecuadorian project is Hand Eyes. It is small gadget which is able to install
on the walking stick of a blind person so It use echolocation system based on ultrasonic wave
emission that are captured by the same device and emit sounds or vibrate movements that

help the user to create mental maps about his environment. It is fundamental to not sighted
person might locate of the best form in any place.
Technology represents a tool that helps to solve different problems, however it is important
to take advantage of the easiness that it offer in the develop of different fields, especially
through technology tools for medicine that can be applied every day to improve the life of
people that need it, like people with disabilities, people who require therapy or simply people
who need to feel better in their mood. Fortunately projects with robots or devices are being
built around the world and is important continue researching and discovering new ways to
support the conventional therapy.

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