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19730 ‘Special Requirements: None Calculators may be used in this examination but must not be used to store text. Calculators with the ably to store text should have their memories deleted prior {othe start of the examination. UNIVERSITYOF BIRMINGHAM School of Civil Engineering Level M ROAD ASSET MANAGEMENT 04 17835 CESRAMD ‘Summer Examinations 2012 ‘Time allowed: 2 hours ‘Angwer THREE questions. ‘The allocation of marks within each question is stated in the righthand margin. TURN OVER 19730 CO) © © © © o @ } o w 0 Oy ) © o @ © Cc} o ” Give brief answers tothe folowing questions: ‘Any caleuator Which are considered the building blocks for oad sector restructuring? To what does eicieney’ eats? What the funtion ofa network manager? What oher term can be used for ‘supple’ ‘meres road ownership define? \What may change on roads of eiferent classes in tems of maintenance? Who are customers of @ road administration? How can customers be involved in road network management? ‘Where would you expect to see @ statoment by government relating to its roads policy? ‘Wat instruments are avalable to government to encourage implementation of roads policy? A policy statement provides a decaration of intent about what? ‘What ie contained in @ mission statement? Strategy is a collection of what? ‘The mission statement of @ road administration should relate to tte needs of wine? “To whom are road management objectives often targeted? ‘What diferentes pefornianes indicators (Pls) fom operational statistics? Why does functional-separation’ tend to inresse effectiveness and efficiency? What sectoral role has. an organization responsible for commissioning, Supenvsing, controling and mantonng road works? Wat is typical ime horizon considered by the programming function? |Which management funtion i kel tobe undertaken by technicians? \What normally distinguishes an asset management approach from raintenance management? Which ae considered as basic asset management techniques? TURN OVER 0) 013) 119) 19) 0.8) 5) 13) ns) 118) 11) ns} (18) 05) 13) 1181 09) 08) 13) 119) 13) 19) 19) baat 19730 © ) © © © 0 @ o o o Co) o Oo) ) o co) @ © ° ‘Any calculator Give briotanewers tothe following questions: What is needed totum data int information? \Which is» common characteristic of road network or route data? ‘What wil often be the most expensive tem wien implementing and operating 8 read management system? ‘Which erterion in addition to relevance, appropriateness and reliably shoul be considered when collecting data tems? ‘Over which part of the network should data be collected for use n strategic planning? ‘Wat is the term used to define the ably of the same survey team to recor the same measured value on diferent occasions? Which fs the most dated ofthe four information quay levels? What ype ofaventory itm is @ road sign? ‘What wil result from ineresing the accuracy of data collection? ‘What ype of trate may accu in response tothe improvement of ara? \What isthe typical power factor used in the relationship used to determine the equivalence factor ofa vehicle in terms of pavement demege? ‘What i the most widely used piece of equipment used in a mechanized method {or determining roughness? What does 2 decision-support system contain that is missing in an information system? ‘With what is strategic planning or decision-making closely linked? who is normaly the target audience for strategic analysis systems? What should be the basis for determining decision support system requirements? Which type of decision support system is likely to include @ performance standard as an output? What level of decision-making Is the pavement design process? \Which management function ig @ pavement management system unikely £9 support? ‘TURN OVER no) to) 05) 115) 141 03) 19) 15) 115) 18) 5) (18) 05) 13) 118) 81 13) ns) 1.8) 19730 © i) » @ © o ‘Any caleulator What data type is that relating to the designed use ofthe asset? What type of test is cariad out with a Fling Weight Deflectometer? ‘What should be undertaken to determine which data collection strategy Is most appropriate? Define the concept of the management cycle; craw a schematic and explain ‘what each step ofthe oyete do, Define the details ofthe management cycles for a conventional maintenance management system for both the network and project level funtiens using & {able a8 folows: Stops inthe Management function management cycle | {as defined in @3¢a)) Newark Project 18) i) 08) 133.3) fo) 19) ‘What isthe rol of data Inthe above cycle and when considering alfunctions of [10:3] management, what is data used for? “Table 1 gives inventory data for § sections of e road in a tropical ccuntry which experiences heavy seasonal rina Table 1 [Seaien] Traffic | Length | Width No_| (evo) | tm_| im) i 48 [17578 ass 180 [75 3{47—| 200 [75 ‘a|—50—|~200| “75 3{50_| 200 [75 ‘TURN OVER a) 19730 @ © © © © o ‘Any caloulator ‘Table 2 gives measures of condition forthe 5 sections for the petod 2007 - 2008, Table 2 [Section] Cracking | Ruting (mm) | Defoction | ~ Roughness, No (06) (mmicrons)__} __(mkm Rt) "2007 2008 [2008)2007 2008]2008}2007]2008) 2008|2007 2008/2003 pas | 20 fae [ar |e [a8 [a0 zoo ses |S 2 [eet ses | ie] 27 |-1 |re0 [sao] 20 e110 [25 3 [ite tie] 4| 5 | 7 [seo [seo lsat 5 15.11 58 4 [25 |-40_[0-| 6 | 11 15 [560 [625 750/36 [5.4 {7.1 Ss Tutistisfs | 7 | 8 [aso [470 rool 4 [5262 ‘Assumption: wit regard to any ofthe above types of defect a road is considered te have reached its serviceabity when: + Cracking is 100% + Ruting is 20 mm Deflection is 1000 mierons Roughness is 12 mk, |All detects have the same weighting on servceabily For this data set Develop condition indices to represent each defect. m Develop a single equation which can be used to priotiise the sections for [1] treatment. The equation should make Use of the condilon Indioes you have

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