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Guided Notes For Lesson 1: Teacher Lecture

E, F, G, H are points.
EF, FG, GH, HE are line segments.
FG is parallel to EH.
EF is parallel to HG.
The markings after the points are
angle markings.

A point is
A line segment is
An angle is
A quadrilateral is

A parallelogram is a ________________ with _________________ ____________________


A parallel line is


1. Name two more examples of parallelograms that you see daily.

2. Determine whether the following quadrilaterals are a parallelogram and provide an




Question: How do we know that lines are parallel if you don’t have a graph? (Write your answer
in the lines below)
3. Determine whether the following quadrilaterals are a parallelogram and provide an


A mathematical _________ is an _____________, a ___________, a reason that something is

___________. In other words, a proof answers _____ something is mathematically true or false.
Not everything requires a proof. For example, if one asks, “What is the sum of the interiors of a
triangle,” you will say, “____ degrees”, and show them by using definitions, postulates and
theorems of why it’s why this is true. However, if someone asks you, “how does the sun create
energy for plants” and you say, “by photosynthesis” you would be correct, but you couldn’t be
able to prove it…. at least not mathematically.

In the table below, list 3 things that could be solved by proof and three things that cannot.
Solved by a proof Can’t be solved by a proof
Structure of a proof

A proof has 3 components to it: __________________statement, __________ and __________

(reason and just), and ________________ statement. The ______________ statement is the
statement you ____start________ off with. For example, the ___________ statement for “prove
that the angle of a square is 90 degrees” is _______________________________ because it is
what we start off with. The _____________________ statement is what we want to
____show______. In the previous example, the _________________ statement is
___________________________ because that is what we need to show (ie prove). The
______________________ and __________________ are just that. For every _____________
that you give me, you must give me a valid explanation of why the ______________ is true

Different type of proving methods

1. Direct method:

2. Indirect (or contradiction) method


3. Contrapositive method

How we will approach a proof

1. Two- column proofs


Statements Reasons

2. Flow chart proof

3. Paragraph form


Example of a Proof
Here is one example of each method used and each approach used in one of the following
algebra problems:

(1). The sum of two odds numbers results in an even number.

(2). For any integer q, if q2 is even then q is also even.

*Note: A couple things that we need to know before we prove the statements is the definition of
even and odd.*

Odd - an integer p is odd if p = 2c + 1 where c is an integer

Even: an integer f is even if f = 2b where b is an integer

**Note: For these definitions, you can put in any letter where the variables are. Just make sure
the letters mean different things. For example, if you say, “p = 2p + 1 where p is an integer” does
not make sense because you are saying that an odd number equals an even number (ie if p = 1,
then if we substitute p into p = 2p + 1, we have that 1 = 3, which we know is not true)**

Now, I will prove the statement. For the first proof, I will prove Statement (1) and for the other
proofs, I will prove Statement (2).
1. Proof by contrapositive using the two-column method

Statements Reasons
q is not even. Given
q is odd. Numbers in the set of integers is either odd or
q = 2k +1, k is an integer. Definition of odd
q2= (2k+1)2 Multiplication Rule
q2 = 2p + 1 where p =2k+1
q2 is not even Definition of odd

2. Proof by contradiction using the paragraph method

Suppose by contradiction that m + n = o where m, n and o are odd integers. Then by definition of
odd, m = 2c +1 and n = 2d +1 where c and d are both integers. Now,

m + n = 2c + 1 + 2d +1

= 2c + 2d + 2

= 2(c+d+1)

= 2r, where r = c + d +1

Thus, m + n is an even number. This is a contradiction because we assumed that o (ie the sum of
m + n) is an odd number. Therefore, the sum of two odds numbers results in an even number.

3. Direct proof using the flow chart method.

Let a and b both be odd integers


a= 2r + 1
b = 2s +1

Definition of odd

a + b = 2r +2s + 2
a + b = 2c where c = r + s + 1
Integers are closed under addition

a + b is even Definition of even

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