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J. Am. Ceram. Soc.

, 91 [12] 3864–3869 (2008)

DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02787.x
r 2008 The American Ceramic Society

Designing Precursors for Geopolymer Cements
Peter Duxson and John L. Provisw
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia

This paper presents a discussion of the ability to design raw optimal properties that can be derived by manipulation and
materials for use in geopolymers. To provide a ‘‘green’’ material combination of raw material feedstocks is conducted.
to complement existing cement binders, as well as in the interests
of waste beneficiation, various potential means of tailoring geo-
polymer precursor chemistry and particle behavior are outlined. II. Raw Materials for Two-Part Geopolymers
The opportunities presented by the development of one-part
‘‘just add water’’ geopolymer formulations are identified as The three most common raw material classes used in geopoly-
exceeding the potential of the traditional two-part (solid plus merization are slags, calcined clays, and coal fly ashes. Each of
alkaline activator solution) mix design. The key roles played these has been widely studied as a supplementary cementitious
by network-modifying (alkali and alkaline earth) cations and material in Portland cement-based systems, and the reader is
alumina in rendering glassy phases ‘‘ideal’’ for geopolymeriza- referred to the cement literature for a detailed discussion of their
tion are discussed, and the potential value of ASTM Class C performance and properties in that context. Calcined clays (pre-
ashes in synthesis of high-performance geopolymers becomes dominantly metakaolin) have been relatively widely used in geo-
evident. This provides a significant step toward the development polymer synthesis, but due to their plate-like particle shape tend
of international standards for the application of geopolymer to lead to an unfeasibly high water demand and high porosity in
binders in the construction industry worldwide, and raises a concrete applications. While valuable for scientific investigation
number of important challenges for researchers in the field of purposes, this high water demand means that calcined clays will
geopolymer and cement technology. not be considered in detail in this paper. Other types of raw
materials have been used for two-part geopolymer synthesis, in-
cluding in particular synthetic powder precursors6,7; however,
their use is not yet widespread.
I. Introduction

I T is well known that the cement manufacturing industry is one

of the most energy intensive of man’s activities.1 However,
cement is also the basis of most modern construction through its
(1) Metallurgical Slags
While there are many types of slag that may be activated by
use in concrete. Thus, the cement and concrete industries are alkaline solutions,8,9 this article focuses on ground granulated
under increasing pressure not only to improve energy efficiency, blast furnace slag (GGBFS), a by-product of iron manufacture,
but also to find acceptable quantities of raw materials for the as it is the most common and widely known to the cement and
manufacture of cement clinker. Improvements in energy effi- concrete industry. As slag is generated in the blast furnace and
ciency have done much to reduce the impact of cement on the subsequently quenched, its composition is essentially that of an
environment, but the massive increase in cement demand from over-charge-balanced calcium aluminosilicate framework (i.e.,
the developing world is fast outpacing efficiency gains. Supplies there is more than sufficient calcium available to charge-balance
of lime, sand, and aggregates are limited, and there is a need for aluminum, with the remainder contributing to depolymerizing
new cement products, compatible with ordinary Portland ce- the glass network).10 In geopolymers, the key network forming
ment (OPC), to create new solutions to upcoming problems. cations are Al31 and Si41. The divalent cations Ca21 and Mg21
Therefore, raw materials which can be readily found in all areas act as network modifiers, providing the charge balance required
of the Earth’s crust, or in widely available waste streams, must by tetrahedral aluminum as well as any depolymerized frame-
be investigated. work sites.
‘‘Geopolymer’’ is the generic name given to alkali-activated Critically in the context of geopolymer manufacture, as well
products derived from aluminosilicate-bearing raw materials.2 as in its wider use as a supplementary cementitious material for
Davidovits3 coined the term several decades ago, but the initial Portland cement concrete production, GGBFS from a particu-
detailed research into these materials was conducted in Ukraine lar blast furnace is reasonably consistent in chemical and phys-
during the 1950’s.4,5 This paper explores different raw materials ical properties. This is mainly due to two factors: (1) monitoring
used in geopolymer manufacture. The primary aim of the dis- of slag composition and properties is often used for quality
cussion is to understand what makes a ‘‘good’’ raw material for control in iron production,11 meaning that a well-run blast fur-
generic two-part (solid source plus alkaline activator) geopoly- nace will produce a very consistent slag; and (2) GGBFS par-
mer synthesis, and with that in mind move toward the design of ticles are generally homogeneous, being formed by comminution
a successful one-part ‘‘just add water’’ geopolymer formulation of larger glass particles. However, despite this quality control
capable of competing on an equal footing with Portland cement within individual locations, slag compositions do vary between
technology. In order to do this, an analysis of the traditional specific furnaces and ores. The reactivity of different slags in
two-part geopolymer processes, raw materials and paths to alkali-activated materials in terms of composition, glass struc-
ture, origin, water demand, workability, shrinkage, and particle
size is relatively well understood as a result of the work of Shi
L. Klein—contributing editor
et al.5 and others. Figure 1 shows a typical SEM image of a slag.
There are a variety of different formulae used worldwide for
calculating slag reactivity,5 and a new equation incorporating
Manuscript No. 24714. Received May 22, 2008; approved September 15, 2008. the importance of phase separation in glasses in determining
This work has been financially supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC), reactivity is presented here. In terms of the strength development
including partial funding via the Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, a Special Research
Centre of the ARC. characteristics of alkali-activated materials, the precursor oxide
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail: composition can be used to calculate the expected reactivity.
December 2008 Precursors for Geopolymer Cements 3865

100 µm
5 µm
Fig. 1. SEM image of a typical ground granulated blast furnace slag,
showing the irregular morphology but relative chemical homogeneity of
Fig. 2. SEM image of a Class F fly ash, obtained from Gladstone
the slag glass particles. Reprinted from reference Wan et al.12 with per-
power station, Australia, showing polydisperse and predominantly
mission from Elsevier.
spherical particles.17

GGBFS is broadly described as a mixture of phases with

crystalline phases are also present, and heterogeneity is observed
compositions resembling gehlenite (2CaO  Al2O3  SiO2) and
on both interparticle and intraparticle levels.14–16 Therefore, fly
akermanite (2CaO  MgO  2SiO2), as well as a depolymerized
ash is a highly variable material that is dependent not only on
calcium silicate glass. The degree of depolymerization (DP)
the impurities present in the coal before combustion, but also on
largely controls reactivity. Gehlenite and akermanite are as-
the particulars of the combustion and the quenching process.
sumed here to form stoichiometrically—although potentially in
The fly ashes that are most widely used in geopolymer synthesis
glassy rather than crystalline form, depending on cooling rate—
are low in Ca, i.e., Class F according to ASTM C618. Published
and the remaining elements form a highly reactive depolymer-
work on higher Ca (Class C) ashes is scarcer, possibly due to the
ized glass. There is also some sulfur present, which is assumed to
rapidity with which setting may occur in systems of ‘‘standard’’
bind 1 mole of Ca per mole of S. The degree of DP of the glass
geopolymer design. As such, these two classes of fly ash will be
network is then defined as the molar ratio of free Ca to free Si
dealt with separately here.
(A) Class F ash: The reactivities of fly ashes, and the
Total Ca  Ca in gehlenite  Ca in akermanite
nature of the geopolymeric products produced from them, vary
Free Ca Ca associated with S
¼ widely. However, there are trends that can be identified by com-
Free Si Total Si  Si in gehlenite  Si in akermanite parison of the ash composition and geopolymer strength data,
(1) as shown in Fig. 3. This plot shows the overall oxide composi-
tions of a number of ashes, as well as an indication of the
strength achievable by activation of those ashes. Given that the
Assuming that all the Mg present is in akermanite and all the data are sourced from a number of publications where samples
Al in gehlenite, the quantities of Ca and Si in these phases can be were formulated and cured very differently, the exact strength
calculated, with the Mg and Al concentrations substituted into data are not directly comparable; however, categorization as
Eq. (1) to give Eq. (2) ‘‘high,’’ ‘‘medium,’’ or ‘‘low’’ provides some useful insight. The
multicomponent compositional data are converted to pseudo-
nðCaOÞ  2nðMgOÞ  nðAl2 O3 Þ  nðSO3 Þ ternary data by combining the alkaline earth (M21O) and alkali
DP ¼ (2) metal (M1
nðSiO2 Þ  2nðMgOÞ  0:5nðAl2 O3 Þ 2 O) oxides, representing these components by the sum

This ratio is typically in the range of 1.3–1.5 for GGBFS, with
Mol %
higher values indicating a more depolymerized and therefore,
High strength
more reactive silicate network. While this expression does not Medium strength
account for differences in reactivity due to different slag glass 20 80 Low strength
quenching procedures, it provides at least an estimate of intrin- GGBFS
sic potential for reactivity. 40 60
It is also observed in the literature that the reactions of slag
are dominated by small particles. Particles 420 mm in size react
slowly, while particles o2 mm react completely within ap- 60 40
proximately 24 h in blended cements and in alkali-activated
systems.12,13 Clearly, when using slag in geopolymerization, care- 80 20
ful control of particle size distribution can be utilized to control Mol %
the strength development profile, as is done in OPC blends.12
1/ Al O
2 2 3 2 M2+ O+1/2M+2O
20 40 60 80
(2) Fly Ash Mol %
The spherical particle shape of fly ash, seen in Fig. 2, is beneficial
for reducing water demand and for maximizing particle packing Fig. 3. Pseudo-ternary composition diagram for fly ashes, showing
ashes leading to alkali activation products in approximate strength
to reduce porosity. Fly ash consists of the remnants of clays, ranges as shown. Alkali and alkali earth oxides are summed, and rep-
sand, and organic matter present in coal, which leave via the resented as the total number of charges on the respective cations. Com-
chimney of the furnace during combustion. These compounds position and strength data compiled from references van Jaarsveld and
are melted in the furnace, but are then quenched rapidly in air to colleagues18–20 as well as previously unpublished data. For comparison,
produce small, generally spherical glass particles. However, compositions of a selection of blast furnace slags5 are also shown.
3866 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Duxson and Provis Vol. 91, No. 12

of the charges on all network-modifying cations—so an alkali necessitates the development of a database of the chemistry, re-
metal cation counts as one charge unit, and an alkaline earth activity, leaching rates, and dissolution mechanisms of all the
cation as two. Iron, titanium, unburnt carbon, and other ele- different glasses observed in fly ashes, and then a detailed min-
ments present are not included in this analysis, and the compo- eralogical and crystallographic analysis of every batch of ash to
sitions are normalized to account for this. be processed. Some preliminary work has been completed
From Fig. 3, it is clear that ashes with low network modifier involving linking the concepts and techniques developed by
content tend to produce poor alkali activation products, with Hemmings and Berry14 with geopolymer chemistry19 and in
strength generally increasing as a function of network modifier modeling of ash dissolution.26 However, the laborious nature of
content for Class F ashes. The only ash depicted that is not this work necessitates a more technologically and intellectually
Class F is the rightmost of the black points shown; this is a accessible approach, as will be outlined below.
Class C ash, and its alkali activation gives products of high
strength.19 Figure 3 also shows the compositions of some rep-
resentative blast furnace slags, which are very high in Ca and
III. Availability of Aluminum
low in Al compared with fly ashes.5 The distinction in Fig. 3
between the ‘‘medium’’ and ‘‘high’’ categories is not completely It is well known that the availability of aluminum controls to a
clear-cut on purely compositional grounds; however, it is ob- large degree the properties of geopolymers.2,27,30 The absolute
served that high-strength geopolymers are in general derived amount of available aluminum and the rate of its release
from ashes in the higher alumina part of the compositional re- throughout reaction not only affect final strength, but other
gion shared by these two categories. Another (related) point of properties in the wet and hardened states including setting char-
note is that the only ‘‘low-strength’’ ash with a significant net- acteristics, flexural strength, acid resistance, microstructure, and
work modifier content (sourced from Mount Piper, Australia) is strength development profile. The availability of silicon is also
also close to the lowest in Al2O3 of all the ashes depicted. important, but ultimately less critical as any deficiencies in the
It is also notable that Hemmings and Berry14 developed a solid source can be accounted for by direct addition via the ac-
correlation between total network modifier content and the tivating solution. Therefore, by understanding the nature and
2ymax value of the broad X-ray diffraction (XRD) peak as- rates of the dissolution of aluminum from a precursor, it
signed to the glassy phases present. While a similar analysis has becomes possible to predict and control the properties of the
not been carried out for the compilation of ashes presented in resultant geopolymer.
Fig. 3, this may be of value in the analysis of ash reactivity for Only a small change in aluminum incorporation rates is ob-
geopolymerization. served when activating metakaolin with alkaline solutions con-
(B) Class C Fly Ash: The observation that network taining different alkali metals, indicating that the aluminum in
modifier content is an indicator of the potential utility of a metakaolin is readily available.31 In contrast, the release of alu-
given fly ash in geopolymerization will obviously bring attention minum from fly ash is considerably slower, and is greatly
to the use of Class C fly ashes. This class of ashes has not been affected by alkali concentration and type.17,20,32 This indicates
subjected to the same level of analysis in the literature as have that the availability of aluminum from the glassy phases in fly
Class F ashes, with only a handful of publications to date.19,21–24 ash is limited by the nature of those phases, regardless of the
Roy et al.24 and Lukey et al.25 have shown that not only is it crystallinity of the remainder of the ash.
possible to utilize Class C fly ash in geopolymers, but in fact it Thermodynamic calculations33,34 and sorption/speciation
can be largely preferable if the rheology of the mix can be ad- arguments34,35 show that most Al(IV)–O–Si bonds are more
equately controlled. From a compositional viewpoint, the only readily broken than Si–O–Si bonds, and bonds between net-
significant difference between Classes C and F ashes is the cal- work-forming and network-modifying species are weaker yet.36
cium content, as the division between the two classes is largely Once network-modifying cations are introduced into alumino-
arbitrary. Indeed, Class C fly ash could be viewed (within rea- silicate glasses above the level required for charge-balancing of
son) as compositionally in between Class F fly ash and GGBFS. tetrahedral aluminum, these associate predominantly with sili-
The fact that GGBFS-Class F ash mixes are often preferred in con due to the greater tendency of tetrahedral silicate sites to
the production of geopolymers also provides an indication of host nonbridging oxygen (NBO) atoms.37 The glassy phases
the potential of Class C ashes. However, if there exists an op- most likely to provide aluminum during geopolymerization are
timal precursor composition for geopolymer formation, then it these depolymerized glasses. Conversely, if there is insufficient
is clear that a better understanding of the role of glass chemistry network-modifying charge available to fully coordinate with
in fly ash is required, not least because Class C fly ash is less aluminum, then the solubility of the aluminum from that phase
abundant than Class F ash. is greatly reduced as it tends to take on 6-coordination. Divalent
(C) Fly Ashes and Glass Chemistry: Unlike the more alkaline earth cations enhance dissolution compared with
homogeneous glassy phases in GGBFS, fly ash contains a myr- monovalent alkali cations, enabling glasses to show different
iad of different phases, with both interparticle and intraparticle dissolution rates according to composition.
inhomogeneity observed widely.14 Despite this complexity, Figure 4 provides an illustration of the dissolution mecha-
much information is available in the literature detailing the na- nism of a glass containing both monovalent and divalent net-
ture and reactivity of the phases present in fly ashes in terms of work-modifying cations. The illustration follows in a general
both their chemical and physical availability.17,26,27 Analysis of sense from the arguments of Oelkers et al.38 and of Hamilton
the kinetics of fly ash geopolymerization is complicated some- et al.34 although does not reproduce in detail the mechanisms
what by the heterogeneity of the system. However, major outlined by those authors. The primary distinction between the
advances have recently been made by the use of infrared spec- Na1 and Ca21 sites shown is the much greater extent of ‘‘dam-
troscopy, which enables in situ analysis of the reaction age’’ caused to the glass structure by the removal of a divalent
process.28,29 cation than a monovalent one. It has been proposed that the first
It is clear that the exact details of the geopolymerization pro- step of the mechanism of glass dissolution at moderately high
cess depend on the individual ash source selected, and that no pH resembles that observed under acidic conditions, being ini-
two ashes will follow exactly the same mechanism. Detailed tiated by ion exchange of H1 for Na1 or Ca21.39 While it is
analysis must therefore be based on an understanding of how difficult to conceive that such a mechanism is significant at a pH
each phase observed in fly ashes reacts under geopolymerization approaching 14, as is the case in the initial stage of two-part
conditions. Knowledge of which phases are present—and, (alkali-activated) geopolymer syntheses, it will definitely be pos-
critically, which are accessible during geopolymerization as op- sible early in the reaction of a one-part geopolymer mix.
posed to being encapsulated by a shell of unreactive material26— While it is well known that the network breakdown process
will then enable the correct mechanistic analysis to be applied to during glass dissolution is largely controlled by surface-charging
each specific ash source. This is by no means a trivial task, as it behavior,40 the exact mechanistic details of this process (even for
December 2008 Precursors for Geopolymer Cements 3867

(a) H O (b) polymerization by utilizing quantitative XRD in combination

H O H O with compositional analysis and devitrification to determine the
H O H O Ca chemistry and compositions of the reactive phases. However, in
O Si O Si H O practical terms, the supply of ‘‘good’’ ashes is often both limited
O H+ O
O O H O in gross volume and geographically isolated from major con-
Si Si
H+ H O crete markets. The only way to run a concrete batching oper-
Si O– O Si O– O– ation cost effectively is to utilize as far as possible locally
H+ available bulk materials. Based on experience, there is a high
Al Al H O
Ca H O
O– O– likelihood that of the local materials at a given location, few if
O O any will have highly favorable glass chemistry, and even if one
Si Si does, it is likely to be in high demand (either by OPC concrete or
Si H O Si
O O OH – rival geopolymer manufacturers). Therefore, it is critical that
O– O– alternative ashes need to be used if a true geopolymer industry is
Al H+ Al H O to be created, and possibly that poor ashes may be somehow
Na+ H+ Na+
upgraded to a higher quality at extremely low cost. GGBFS
pH ~ 7–10 pH ~ 11–12
provides an obvious source of highly reactive glass, but is priced
similarly to OPC in many markets and so drives up cost.
(c) (d)
Clearly, the key is to optimize reactive glass content while keep-
OH – Ca OH Ca ing price and performance within commercial parameters.
H O O Si H O This real-world trade-off introduces the concept of a product
O Si O
O ‘‘sweet spot,’’ where price, reactivity, water demand, and
Si strength characteristics are optimized. This will be different for
H O Si
Si O–
O– H O every geographic location, taking into account the properties
OH Al(OH) – and costs of the available raw materials. So, in terms of a real-
Al H O world geopolymer industry, there is no such thing as an optimal
O– O–
geopolymer composition, but rather a collection of possible mix
Si designs utilizing a broad variety of raw materials that achieve
Si(OH) O –
Si O a balance of commercial and technical goals. As raw material
O···Na OH Na+ availability, quality or price change, a producer must be able to
Al H O react quickly to compensate in a timely and cost-competitive
manner. The intellectual complexity of this process is clear from
pH ~ 11–12 pH ~ 11–12 the discussion above, and is not conducive to large-scale com-
mercial implementation. For a true geopolymer industry to
Fig. 4. Dissolution mechanism of an aluminosilicate glass during the develop, a simple and effective method must be formulated.
early stages of reaction of a one-part geopolymer mix. (a) Exchange of
H1 for Ca21 and Na1, (b) hydrolysis of Al–O–Si bonds, (c) breakdown
of the depolymerized glass network, and (d) release of Si and Al.
Charged framework oxygen sites are marked in bold; note the charge V. Designing One-Part Geopolymer Cements
transfer reaction occurring between panels (b) and (c), and proton trans-
fer throughout. All framework Si and Al sites are tetrahedrally coordi- OPC is formed by the very deliberate manufacture of a reactive,
nated to oxygen, but additional bonds are not shown for clarity. predominantly calcium silicate material, containing the correct
constituents and phases to provide nutrients for reactions at a
more straightforward situations such as crystalline quartz dis- given rate in the presence of water. The dissolution behavior of
solution) remain the subject of much discussion.41 It is not the OPC is determined predominantly by chemical composition and
purpose of this paper to investigate these issues on an atomistic particle fineness, and has been refined over a long period of time.
level, although that will clearly be required if the mechanism of Calcium is present in sufficient quantities to depolymerize the
geopolymerization is to be fully understood. Hence, Fig. 4(b) silicon, giving rapid initial dissolution when compared with a
shows attack by both water and hydroxide on the particle,42 but slag or a fly ash under the same conditions of near-neutral initial
the exact locations at which each process will occur are not pH. As the pH increases during OPC hydration, any slag and/or
specified. Similarly, some glasses show synchronous release of Si ash present will begin to react. This is why these components are
and Al while others leach one component preferentially—this is known to be beneficial primarily in development of later-term
strongly dependent on the specific glass used and also the leach- properties of a blended cement; they simply do not react rapidly
ing environment, and the specific details are well beyond the enough at a pH of 10–11 to contribute significantly to the initial
scope of this paper. period of cement hydration. In terms of the discussion in the
The presence of alkaline earth cations in a glass also gives an preceding section, OPC presents itself as the ‘‘sweet spot’’ com-
increased tendency toward framework disorder, including the position for calcium silicate chemistry, and perhaps a similar
formation of a small concentration of (weak, reactive) Al–O–Al approach can be used for manufacturing a one-part ‘‘just add
bonds, as well as an NBO content higher than is strictly required water’’ aluminosilicate-based geopolymer cement.
by stoichiometry.37,43 For these reasons, it is easy to understand Existing one-part geopolymer mixes generally involve the use
how slag, rich in Ca21 and Mg21 as modifiers, provides an ex- of very finely ground solid precursors, which give a high extent
cellent raw material for alkali activation. This fundamental glass of reaction very rapidly but with as yet limited control over
theory is supported by the observed differing reactivity of kinetics, a relatively high water demand and problematic
GGBFS and a variety of different Class C and Class F fly rheology.44 There are many conceivable routes for manufactur-
ashes. An optimal glassy phase, or combination of glassy phases, ing highly favorable glasses for geopolymerization. Three pos-
would allow the tailored control of geopolymerization, includ- sibilities, each based around the concept of providing the right
ing workability, setting time, strength development profile, and balance of components at each stage of the geopolymer cement
durability. production process, are presented here:
Route (1): Addition of components into pulverized coal be-
fore combustion to artificially manufacture an ash of pre-
dominantly known and desired glass composition. Potential
IV. An Optimal Two-Part Geopolymer?
additives can be identified by analysis of the reactive phases
Following the work of Hemmings and Berry14 as well as the in existing ashes by devitrification techniques. For example,
discussion above, it is possible to identify a ‘‘good’’ ash for geo- glass phases including calcium-containing feldspars such as
3868 Journal of the American Ceramic Society—Duxson and Provis Vol. 91, No. 12

labradorite and anorthite may be targeted. It is necessary that mer precursor should take this into account also, meaning that
enough calcium finds its way into the glass phase of the resultant fine spherical particles are preferred over larger particles milled
ash to make it highly reactive, as well as the need to add enough to a smaller size but irregular shapes. This may be possible uti-
alkali-containing phases to balance the aluminum present. How- lizing new fluidized bed reactors, but would not take advantage
ever, this method requires altering the finely balanced conditions of the opportunity to utilize existing cement kilns.
used for coal combustion, which is hard to achieve on a com-
mercial level at this time.
Route (2): Manufacture the favorable glasses that are respon- VI. Geopolymers and the Future Cement Industry
sible for the good qualities of fly ashes by melting the above- Geopolymers are not necessarily a product competing with
mentioned materials separately, to create a clinker similar to OPC, but rather a technology, which may be utilized by cement
cement, but based on alkali aluminosilicate chemistry as op- producers to offer a broader range of cementitious products to
posed to calcium silicate chemistry and hence giving lower CO2 the market. Clearly a one-part process is the ideal mechanism
emissions.45 This clinker must then be ground to a particular for large-scale deployment of geopolymer cements, as most of
fineness. This has a disadvantage compared with Route (1) in the quality control processes can be dealt with centrally. This is
that the particles have an irregular shape, which will increase not to say that this proposition is currently feasible or close to
water demand compared with fly ash, but does not interfere with market readiness. In contrast, two-part geopolymer concrete
the coal combustion process. Additionally, as this process is in- production is ready for commercialization, subject to sufficient
dependent of the initial ash generation, a production facility quality control and access to appropriate technology to either
could manufacture the highly reactive phases and blend them to cope with or remove the need for regular mix-design adjust-
add value to otherwise poor-quality ashes. ments. Such an operation has commenced medium-scale
Route (3): Preparation of an ideal glass by utilizing geopoly- production in Australia early in 2008.52
mer as a reaction intermediate. Routes (1) and (2) have the To achieve broad-based market penetration, a geopolymer
drawbacks of not producing a glass that can react with water to concrete needs to be low cost, environmentally beneficial
produce a one-part geopolymer mix. By combining different raw (‘‘green’’), should make use of existing concrete infrastructure,
materials, as described above, to generate a two-part geopoly- and not cause notable Occupational Health and Safety con-
mer mix with optimal properties, one can generate a glass pre- cerns. On a practical and operational level, this translates into
cursor of ideal composition. This material may be clinkered in a high ash/slag ratio systems, low (or no) free alkali, a one-part
rotary kiln to produce a genuine one-part geopolymer precur- mix, and the ability to utilize as much current cement processing
sor, which can be utilized directly or blended with ash and/or practice as possible. Each of these aspects can be covered by
slag. the introduction of appropriate geopolymer technology, as
Routes (1) and (2) provide a means for production of value- discussed above.
added raw materials most predominantly for conventional
two-part geopolymer processes, while route (3) provides for
the production of a one-part geopolymer glass. The addition VII. Conclusions
of sufficient alkali to the glass in a safe and cost-efficient manner If it were possible to have a choice of ideal raw materials for
is the main barrier to the success of this process. The idea of geopolymerization, it would be important to be able to control
intimately combining of two or more components to manufac- the dissolution rates of the glassy phases present. This can be
ture a highly reactive glass is not necessarily new, but its im- achieved by optimization of the addition of readily available
portance has not been widely recognized in the field of network-breaking cations (Ca21, Mg21, Na1, K1) during pre-
geopolymer chemistry. Kriven et al.46 have utilized the geopoly- cursor synthesis. By the use of standard glass synthesis meth-
mer process to manufacture highly compositionally controlled odology, it should be entirely possible to generate a glass of the
precursors for further processing at high temperature, while necessary composition (including network-breakers and net-
Duxson et al.47,48 noted the ability of geopolymers to form work-modifiers) to enable synthesis of geopolymers by ‘‘just
glasses at relatively low temperatures over wide compositional adding water.’’
windows. Route (3) takes this process in a slightly different di- By synthesizing the precursor as spherical glass particles, it
rection to enable low-cost glass manufacture, and utilizes widely will be possible to retain the benefits of spherical particle shape
available cement production equipment such as rotary kilns and observed in fly ash. The need for addition of alkali may be either
grinding circuits. A technology called ‘‘Sialite’’ is based on sim- greatly reduced or even eliminated if the correct glass, or a com-
ilar principles, and has recently been commercialized in China.49 bination of glasses, can be selectively synthesized. It is possible
The fineness of cement is routinely used to control reactivity, that this may be achieved by addition of components in to pul-
by means of milling. However, this has the deleterious effect of verized coal, or by the selective manufacture of a highly reactive
increasing water demand due to the irregular shapes of particles raw material that can be blended with less-reactive raw materials
subjected to intense comminution.12 Water demand depends to provide a geopolymer cement to a given specification.
strongly on the surface area of the solid precursor, meaning that This paper, therefore, poses the challenge to workers in the
fine, irregular particles require the addition of much more water field: There is a clear need for a workable one-part mix design if
to the mix for a workable binder to be obtained. Spherical fly geopolymeric cements and concretes are to achieve widespread
ash glass particles will in general have a low water demand as market penetration. A methodology for designing the necessary
spheres have the lowest surface area per unit volume. Low en- precursors has been proposed, but its successful large-scale
ergy, short-duration milling of fly ashes for use in blended ce- implementation has not yet been demonstrated.
ments does in fact decrease the water demand of the ash, by
breaking down irregular particle agglomerates and plerospheres
(hollow particles filled with smaller spheres), without affecting Acknowledgment
the morphology of the majority of the other particles.50,51 How- We thank Professor Jannie van Deventer for his unstinting support and guid-
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