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➽Medical Discoveries

Discovery Discovered by

Antibiotic (Penicillin) Alexander Fleming

Aspirin Felix Hoffmann

Blood circulation William Harvey

Blood group K. Landsteiner

TB germs Robert Koch

Electro cardiogram (ECG) Williem Einthoven

Heart transplant surgery Christian Barnard

Malaria germs A. Laveran

Ultrasound Ian Donald

➽Important Scientific Inventions

Invention Inventor

Aeroplane Wright Brothers

Bicycle K. Macmillan

Centigrade scale A. Celsius

Computer Charles Babbage

Diesel engine Rudolf Diesel

Dynamite Alfred Nobel

Dynamo Michael Faraday

Electric lamp Thomas Alva Edison

Fountain Pen L.E. Waterman

Jet engine Sir Frank Whittle

Microscope Z. Janssen

Radium Marie and Pierre Curie

Safety lamp Sir Humphry Davy

Safety pin Walter Hunt

Sewing machine B. Thimmonnier

Shorthand (modem) Sir Isaac Pitman

Steam engine (piston) Thomas Newcome

Steam engine (condenser) James Watt

Telegraph code Samuel F.B. Morse

Telephone Alexander Graham Bell

Telescope Hans Lippershey

Television John Logie Baird

Thermometer Galileo Galilei

X-ray Wilhelm Roentgen

Cardiology Heart related diseases
Ceramics Making clay objects
Cetology Aquatic mammals, especially
Cosmology Universe
Cryogenics Studying effects of low
Cytology Structure and function of cells
Dactylography Study of fingerprints
Dermatology Skin
Dietetics Diet and nutrition
Ecology Organisms and environment
Entomology Insects
Endocrinology Endocrine glands
Etymology Origin and history of words
Genetics, Variation Heredity and its laws
Geology Earth’s (chemical and physical)
Gerontology Ageing process, problems and
Gynaecology Female diseases of reproductive
Hematology Blood and related disorders
Histology Tissues
Immunology Body’s immune system
Morphology Study of forms and the
development of structures
Mycology Fungi and fungal diseases
Nephrology Kidney
Obstetrics Pregnancy, child birth and their
follow up
Ornithology Birds
Orthopaedics Human skeletal system
Osteology Study of bones
Paediatrics Child diseases
Palaeontology Fossils and ancient life-forms
Pathology Mechanisms and manifestation of
Pharmacology Drugs and their effects on the body
Physiology Life processes of various organs of
living beings
Psychiatry Mental disorders
Semiology Sign language and signs
Seismology Earthquakes
Theology Religions
Toxicology Toxic substances and poisons
Zoology Animal life
Zymology Fermentation process

The temperature at which all -273 degree Celsius

substances have zero
thermal energy?
Any substance which when Catalyst
added to a reaction, alters
the rate of the reaction but
remains chemically
unchanged at the end of the
process is called?
The study of the inter- Ecology
relations of animals and
plants with their
environment is called?
Study of insects is called? Entomology
A unit used to express the Dioptre
focal power of optical
The velocity that a body with Escape Velocity
less mass must achieve in
order to escape from the
gravitational attraction of a
more massive body is
Laughing gas is chemically Nitrous Oxide
known as?
The blood vessels carrying Artery
blood from the heart to
various parts of the body is
The distance travelled by Light year
light in one year is called?
The rate of change of Velocity
position of a body with
respect to time in a
particular direction and is a
vector quantity is called?
An organism which derives Parasite
its nourishment from
another living organism is
Newton's which law states Newton's second law of
that the rate of change of motion
momentum of a body is
directly proportional to the
force applied and takes
place in the direction in
which the force acts?
Which is the world's first Sputnik-I
man-made satellite?
Which planet is the brightest Venus
of all the planets?
Small pieces of solid matter Meteoroids
which are found scattered in
the inter-planetary space of
the solar system are known
The largest gland in the Liver
Inadequate secretion of Diabetes
Insulin hormone causes
which disease?
Common cold, Influenza, Virus
Chickenpox and Measles are
caused due to the attack of
Virus or Bacteria?
In which atmospheric layer Ionosphere
is the communication
satellite located?
The scientific principle Total internal reflection of
behind 'Fiber Optics' is? light
Sound travels as successive compressions and rarefactions in the medium. In
sound propagation, it is the energy of the sound that travels and not the
particles of the medium.


The distance between two consecutive compressions or two consecutive

rarefaction is called the wavelength.

To and fro motion of an object is known as vibration. This motion is also

called oscillatory motion.

Two important properties of any sound:

1. Amplitude
2. frequency


The loudness or softness of a sound is determined basically by its amplitude.

The amplitude of the sound wave depends upon the force with which an object
is made to
The amplitude is expressed in metre(m).
The number of complete oscillations per unit time is called the frequency.
F =(1/T)
The frequency is expressed in hertz (Hz).

 Larger the amplitude of vibration, louder is the sound.

 Higher the frequency of vibration, the higher is the pitch, and shriller is
the sound.

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