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Synthesis Summative: The U.

S Opiate Epidemic

Directions:​ From the perspective of your assigned persona, work as a team to create a synthesized argument
in which you defend a position on the given prompt.

Opioids are a class of strong, pain relieving narcotic drugs that are typically prescribed by doctors for
patients in extreme pain. In recent years, the prescribing of such drugs has resulted in an addiction
epidemic; Drug overdose is currently the leading cause of death in Americans under the age of 50.

Carefully read the following sources, including the introductory information for each source. Then, synthesize
information from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed essay in
which you identify the most significant contributors to the US opioid epidemic and analyze their impact on our
society as a whole.

Source A (“Naked Truth”)

Source B (Seeyle)
Source C (Dapena)
Source D (Wall Street Journal)
Source E (​team choice​)
Source F (​team choice​)

Presentation Requirements:
1. Summary of Persona​: demonstrate your understanding of the issue presented in the prompt and your
ability to make logical inferences by explaining who your persona is and their priorities.
2. Thesis Statement​: take a clear but nuanced position on the issue presented in the prompt as dictated
by the values and priorities of your persona, as well as the information provided in the source
3. Reasons and Supporting Evidence​: justify the position of your persona with clearly stated reasons that
are supported by evidence and examples from either/both the source material and your experience,
reading, and knowledge. You should also demonstrate your ability to anticipate and refute the reasons
and evidence likely to be proffered from those who oppose your position.
4. Conclusion/Call to Action:​ compel your audience/reader to real-world action in the conclusion of your
argument by provoking them into necessary and impactful thought and/or “doable” action-make your
argument extend beyond the confines of the page.
5. References:​ ​IN APA STYLE​ cite all source material used in your argument ​ON A CORRECTLY
FORMATTED DOCUMENT​. Take a screenshot of your reference document and insert the image file
on the final slide of your presentation ​IN ADDITION TO​ submitting the document as a separate file.
Failure to submit a reference slide and page will result in a ZERO.

Tentative Due Dates and Point Values

● Wednesday, Feb. 21 *half day*- Additional Source Material DUE- ​15 formative points

● Friday, Feb. 23 - Rough Draft DUE for Peer Review - ​25 formative points

● Sunday, Feb. 25 - Final Draft DUE by midnight

● Monday, Feb. 26 - Presentations - ​50 summative points

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