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Assalamu’alaikum… FIRST EDITION

Adik-adik, Alhamdulillah kita dapat berjumpa, berkenalan dan kelak kita insya Alloh akan berkomunikasi
melalui rubric “Let’s Communicate In English” asuhan Kang Iim di Koran Garoet Pos kesayangan keluarga
kita ini. Surely, Kang Iim berharap adik-adik dapat memperoleh tambahan informasi dan pengetahuan
(knowledge) dalam berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Consequently, adik-adik pun dapat
bertanya, merespon, menyampaikan pengalaman berbahasa Inggris, dan hopefully adik-adik dapat
berkomunikasi melalui surat atau e-mail to Kang Iim, c.o. :Koran Garoet Pos Jl.Pasundan No. Garut. E-mail:
Adik-adik, berapa lama kita telah belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah? Ternyata cukup lama juga yah, ada yang
sudah dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, bahkan tujuh tahun, jika adik-adik sekarang kelas 3 SMA dan mulai
belajar bahasa Inggris sejak kelas 4 SD. Persoalannya, seberapa sering dan seberapa banyak kita berbahasa
Inggris dalam berkomunikasi tulis ( memo, surat, SMS, e-mail, chatting, karyatulis, dsb.) maupun lisan
(pidato, dialog, obrolan, interview, voice chatting, dsb.).
Adik-adik pasti tahu bahwa bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa komunikasi “the language of communication”.
Why? Because it seems all the people in the world have agreed to use English to talk to each other. Adik-
adik tertarik dengan science, music, computers, health, business, sports, atau politics? Tentu saja, adik-adik
harus banyak berkomunikasi karena today’s media – such as the internet, television, and the press – give you
almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favourite subjects. After all, we live in the information age,
don’t we? Adik-adik yang baru mulai belajar bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Dasar, SLTP/Tsanawiyah, atau
bahkan pelajar SMA/Aliyah dan bagi kita semua, Kang Iim expects kita harus belajar banyak untuk
memperoleh more vocabularies. Let’s keep in mind what Mr. Wilfred Funk says: The more words you
know, the more clearly and powerfully you will think and the more ideas you will invite into your mind. Jika
kita sudah memiliki vocabulary, gunakanlah dalam berkomunikasi baik tulis maupun lisan. Jangan hawatir
dan takut salah karena adalah lazim bagi siapapun yang belajar berbahasa Inggris apabila telah memperoleh
banyak “passive vocabulary” (kosakata yang sudah diketahui tapi jarang atau tidak digunakan), dia hanya
mampu menggunakan sebagiannya saja dalam berkomunikasi, dan itulah active vocabulary yang dimilikinya.
In all, If you can say or write anything you want with your active vocabulary, you should be happy with your
Sekian dulu, semoga bermanfaat….Awaiting for your comments, learning experience and opinion.

Assalamu’alaikum… Second Edition

(Peace be unto you)
Alhamdulillahi Robbil’Aalamiin – All praises are to Alloh, “Rabb” of universe - kita dapat berjumpa
kembali melalui our beloved rubric “Let’s Communicate In English”. Saya, kang iim, invite you to join by
sending letters, comment, suggestion, correction, learning experience and opinion to kang Iim, c.o. :Koran
Garoet Pos Jl.Pasundan No. 197 Garut E-mail: .
Adik-adik…Alloh al-‘Alim (The Only One Most Knowledgeable) telah mencipta beragam warna kulit dan
bahasa manusia. Hingga kini, menurut para ahli bahasa (linguist) ada sekira 6000-an bahasa di dunia. Suatu
bahasa tidak hanya dapat dikuasai dan dipakai oleh penguna/penutur aslinya (native speaker) saja, tapi juga
bisa dipelajari dan dikuasai oleh non-native speaker. Selaras dengan The Saying of Alloh SWT in the Holy
Qurân Surah Ar-Ruum (The Rome) ayat (verse) 22:”And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and
the earth, and the differences of your languages and colours, verily in that are Signs for those who know”.
Sebagaimana telah dikemukakan pada first edition bahwa today’s media – such as the internet, television,
and the press – give you almost unlimited access to knowledge about your favourite subjects. Maka kita dapat
memperoleh informasi ilmu pengetahuan tidak hanya dari buku-buku pelajaran tapi juga melalui berbagai
media tersebut. Persoalannya adalah bahwa banyak media-media tadi memuat informasinya dalam bahasa
Ketika adik-adik menemukan kata-kata dalam suatu kalimat bahasa Inggris yang belum diketahui maknanya,
syukurlah adik-adik dapat menebak nya berdasarkan konteks kalimat tersebut. Namun bila kita ingin
mengetahui makna kata-kata tersebut secara detailed, tentunya we may look them up in the dictionary. Nah,
tentu adik-adik pun memiliki pengalaman sendiri dalam proses menguasai kosakata (vocabulary), silahkan
kirimkan ke kang iim untuk dimuat di rubric ini. Ada sedikit kendala ketika kita menemukan suatu kata pada
sebuah kalimat, lalu kita peroleh maknanya dari dictionary, namun makna tersebut kurang sesuai untuk
konteks kalimat tadi. Misalnya kata smile pada kalimat A smile will bring you near to me. Apakah kata smile
itu bermakna tersenyum atau senyum(an)? Nah, untuk itu kita harus mengenal jenis kata sesuai fungsinya
dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris yang lazim disebut parts of speech.
Adik-adik pelajar SMA/Aliyah pasti ada yang sudah tahu ada berapa jenis-jenis kata (parts of speech) itu,
bukan? Cobalah temukan dan pelajari kembali di buku-buku pelajaran bahasa Inggris, atau adik-adik dapat
memperoleh informasinya melalui situs internet di search engine ketik saja parts of
speech, kita dapat mengaksesnya dan langsung menemukannya.
Oleh karena itu, insya Alloh pada third edition nanti kita akan mencoba membahas jenis-jenis kata sesuai
fungsi dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris (parts of speech).
Tentusaja, kang Iim pun akan memuat your comment, suggestion, questions, learning experience and
opinion. So, keep reading this rubric and let’s communicate in English as well. See you….
Happy 60th independence anniversary of our beloved Republic of Indonesia… May Alloh SWT bless us,
aamiin. or

…..‫السـ ــلما عليكم‬ Third Edition

(Peace be unto you)

‫ الحمدل رب العـلمين‬, is the proper and simplest way to say thanks to our God, Allah SWT, “Robb” of universe. There’s
no proper equivalent for the word “Robb” in English language. It means the One and the Only Lord, Creator, Owner,
Organizer, Provider, Master, Planner, Sustainer, Cherisher, and Giver of security.
Adik-adik yang rajin dan para pembaca yang budiman…Dalam tatabahasa Inggris,”kata” menurut fungsinya dibagi
menjadi delapan jenis, yang selanjutnya disebut Parts of Speech. Mengenal parts of speech merupakan step awal kita
menulis dan berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris secara lebih mudah dan akurat.
1. NOUNS. Adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan orang (person), tempat (place), benda (thing), atau
gagasan (idea). Examples;
 Person: Mustafa, uncle, president, girl, etc.
 Place: laboratory, school, Bandung, earth, etc.
 Thing: bag, car, pencil, tomato, sand, etc.
 Idea: reform, courage, education, strength, etc.
Note: Noun yang terdiri lebih dari satu kata seperti Tarogong kidul, west java, high school, father-in-law, etc. disebut
compound nouns.
2. PRONOUNS. “pro” bermakna “untuk” atau “alih-alih”, oleh karena itu pronouns menggantikan nouns. Ada 8
jenis pronouns, sebagai berikut:
 Personal Pronouns:
Number Person Nominative Case Possessive Case Objective Case
1st I mine me
Singular 2nd you yours you
3 he, she, it his, hers, its him, her, it
1st we ours us
Plural 2nd you yours you
3 they theirs them
 Interrogative Pronouns: dapat menjadi kata tanya.
Examples: Who came? Which is your bag? What did you say? Whom did you see?
 Indefinite Pronouns: menunjukkan person secara khusus.
Examples: someone, everybody, nobody, several, each, all, neither, either, both, some, few, many, etc.
 Relative Pronouns: menjadi subjek pada suatu klausa
Examples: who, which, whom, whose, that. The man who knocked the door last night is Irfan.
 Demonstrative Pronouns: menjadi kata tunjuk.
Examples: this, that, these, those. This is my book.
 Reciprocal Pronouns: seperti each other, one another, The two boys helped each other.
 Reflexive Pronouns: menunjukkan perbuatan sendiri, ditempatkan sebagai objek dalam kalimat. – self ,
He hurt himself. I made a promise to myself. Etc.
 Intensive Pronoun: menunjukkan perbuatan sendiri, digunakan sebagai penegas. – self , I myself am
responsible. They themselves read the Garoet Pos.
3. ADJECTIVES. Menerangkan atau membatasi makna nouns atau pronouns. Ada 2 jenis adjectives;
 Descriptive Adjectives menerangkan jenis apa; small car, green rug, fast train.
 Limiting Adjectives menunjukkan berapa banyak atau yang mana. Ada beberapa jenis limiting adjectives:
 Possessive:my car, his book, their house.
 Demonstrative:this chair, that one.
 Interrogative: whose dog? which street?what time?
 Articles: a sailor, an apple, the building.
 Numerals:one week, second edition.
4. VERBS. Adalah katakerja terdiri dari satu kata atau kumpulan kata untuk menyatakan sesuatu tentang subjek.
Pernyataan tersebut merupakan tindakan atau menunjukan keadaan si subjek.
 Action: The audience laughed.
 State of Being: Her father is a professor.
Ada beberapa verbs diawali satu atau lebih katabantu :
The ship had sailed earlier.
We have been studying.
By Monday, I shall have been dieting for a whole week.
5. ADVERBS. Adalah kata yang menerangkan atau membatasi makna katakerja(verb). Namun, adverb juga dapat
memodifikasi adjective atau adverb lainnya:
He drives carefully.
He is very careful.
He drives very carefully.
Adverb menurut maknanya diklasifikasikan sebagai berikut:
 TIME: She will come soon.
 PLACE:You may sit here.
 MANNER: He studies diligently.
 DEGREE: I was quite angry.
6.PREPOSITIONS. Preposisi (kata depan) menunjukkan hubungan noun atau pronoun dengan kata lainnya dalam
kalimat. Preposisi dengan noun atau pronoun (sebagai frase ber-preposisi) merupakan objek kalimat.
prep. obj.
We walked to the store.
Lazimnya, preposition itu sebagai berikut: in, at, by, on, for, from, with, over, between, under, concerning, regarding,
dan yang lebih dari satu kata;because of, in spite of, instead of, on account of, out of.
Dua parts of speech lagi , conjunctions dan interjections -insya Alloh- will be discussed later. *)Adapted from “ENGLISH
SIMPLIFIED”-4th edition,1981,Blanche Ellsworth
‫ آمـ ــين‬- ‫جزاكم ال خي ار كثي ار‬
May Alloh SWT bless you enormous reward – amen. or

...‫السـ ــلما عليكم‬ (Peace be unto you) 4thEdition ‫ – الررحّمن الررحّيم‬The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Para pembaca yang budiman…
Pada edisi yang lalu kita telah mengenal 6 parts of speech, yaitu: 1)NOUNS 2)PRONOUNS 3)ADJECTIVES 4)VERBS
5)ADVERBS dan 6)PREPOSITIONS. Berikut dua parts of speech tersisa, yakni:
7. CONJUNCTIONS. Adalah kata yang menghubungkan satu kata dengan kata lainnya, begitupun frase dengan frase atau klausa
dengan klausa lainnya. Con = bersama-sama, dan junction = gabungan. Ada dua jenis conjunctions:
a. Coordinate Conjunctions, yakni but, and, or, for, dan nor.
 Words: You and I are learning English.
 Phrases: Submarines can travel on the surface or under water.
 Clauses: America, the greatest terrorist country in the world, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq brutally, but neither UNO nor OIC could
handle or stop it.
NOTE: pasangan kata-kata yang berfungsi sama dengan coordinate conjunction; not only…but also, neither…nor, either…or,
both…and disebut correlative conjunctions.
b. Subordinate Conjunctions, yaitu after, before, if, because dsb. digunakan untuk mengawali dependent clause (sebut saja, anak
kalimat). Examples:
 They got to the airport after the plane had left.
 Because the roads were flooded, traffic moved slowly.
8. INTERJECTIONS, adalah kata yang mengungkapkan perasaan. Tidak seperti tujuh parts of speech lainnya, hubungan
interjections secara gramatika dengan kata-kata lainnya dalam kalimat tidak begitu kuat. Ada dua jenis interjections:
 Mild Interjections:Well, what shall we do now? (ditandai koma)
 Strong Interjections:No! I don’t believe it! (dengan tanda seru)
Nah, sekarang silahkan anda analisa kata demi kata dalam kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini menurut parts of speech, dan kirimkan ke
redaksi Garoet Pos Jl.Pasundan 109 Garut atau via The winner will get four issues of Garoet Pos
for free. (Analyze and name each word of the following sentences according to the parts of speech. Number one has been done for
1. Muhammad was born to the clan of Banu Hashim.
Muhammad = noun of person; was = state of being verb; born = action verb; to = preposition; the = adjective, limiting, articles; clan = noun of
idea; of = preposition; Banu Hashim = compound noun
2. For the next ten years Muhammad ruled in this city as a Prince Prophet.
3. The Mediniese (the people of Medina) were more interested in a political leader than a religious figure and they found in him besides an inspired prophet, a
brilliant political genius.
4. He would go to the gatherings of the polytheists during the days of pilgrimage and other festivals, meet them in the bazaars, recite the Holy Quran before them
and summon them towards Alloh SWT.
5. And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the differences of your languages and colours. Verily in that are Signs for those who
Para pembaca yang budiman…kita telah memasuki bulan Sya’ban , bulan ke delapan menurut calendar Hijriyah 1426.
Dipenghujung bulan Rajab kemarin, kang iim menerima e-mail dari Berikut merupakan souvenir
bulan Rajab dalam tulisannya tentang ISRA MI’RAJ:
What is Isra Miraj? What significance does it have for Moslems who commemorate that day every year? Isra Miraj is an account of Muhammad’s
night journey to Jerusalem and his ascension through the spheres of the heavens to Sidratul Muntaha, the highest place in heaven. Isra Miraj
was undertaken by the prophet Muhammad SAW on 27th Rajab, in the year 621 A.D.(Anno Domini =after the birth of ‘Isa/Jesus). It was about one
year before Hijrah. Jerusalem was chosen as the destination, because it was the first scene of the night journey which explicitly suggested that the
leadership of Islam, or spiritual authority, from Mecca(Mekah) to the farthest mosque in Jerusalem, would be in the prophet’s hands. El-Masjidil
Harram and El-Masjidil Aqsha were both considered a secure shelter for the prophet to communicate Allah’s message to all the world at large.
Why was Muhammad SAW(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) eligible for the divine privilege of hearing Allah’s command personally
and seeing the archangel Gabriel in his original shape? In his efforts to get people believe in Islam, the prophet SAW had proven his endurance
to bear burdens too heavy for other ordinary people to carry, and his firmness to regard all worldly ordeals and agonies too small to worry about.
It was at Sidratul Muntaha that Allah commanded Muhammad SAW directly that he and his followers are to perform the obligatory prayers
(SHALAT) five times a day. A prayer(Shalat) embraces praise, gratitude, appeal and confession to Allah. The “shalat” is a means to have a close
spiritual communication between the believers and their Creator. Being spiritually in touch with Allah more closely means knowing oneself
better. “Shalat” is a continuous process of introspection and self-correction.
Thanks to Kang Jundy or adik Jundy, or whoever you are and whatever your name is. Keep in touch with “Let’s communicate in
English”, and never need you feel exhausted sending us such articles, comment, suggestions, etc. ‫ آمــين‬- ‫جزاكم ال خي ار كثي ار‬

May Alloh SWT bless you enormous reward – amen.

Kang Iim menanti kiriman surat atau e-mail dari para pembaca yang lainnya berupa artikel, saran, koreksi, pengalaman belajar
bahasa Inggris, etc., syukur bila dilengkapi data diri. Untuk Kang Farid at Rengganis Garut, Kang Aay di PDAM, SMP1
Tarogongkaler, thanks for your appreciation on this. Awaiting for your articles, I pray for your happiness.
Sekian dulu - see you on the next issue. Wallohu-a’lamu bil-showwab. or

...‫السـ ــلما عليكم‬ (Peace be unto you) 5thEdition

‫ – ملك يوما الردين‬The Only Owner (and the Only Ruling Judge) of the Day of Recompense (i.e. the Day of Resurrection).
‫ – ارياّك نعبد وارياّك نستعين‬You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help ( for everything).
Dear readers…
Kang iim menerima surat dari Deayu Yudiarti di Jl.Patriot Tarogong, berisi pertanyaan tentang cara menggunakan articles (a/an
dan the) dalam kalimat. Articles (a/an dan the) adalah kata-kata terpendek dalam bahasa Inggris, namun kadangkala kita kurang
yakin bagaimana menggunakannya dalam kalimat karena articles tersebut tidak sama penggunaannya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kita
gunakan a dan an (indefinite articles) untuk singular count nouns (kata benda terbilang tunggal) karena kita membicarakan
seseorang / sesuatu untuk pertamakalinya. Look at the difference between a and an.
Usage (cara penggunaan) Examples
 Sebelum benda a pen, a house, a small ball
terbilang tunggal yg berawalan
huruf konsonan a university, a one-hour drive,
 Sebelum benda a European country
terbilang tunggal yg berawalan
huruf vocal tapi dilafalkan
Usage (cara penggunaan) Examples
 Sebelum benda an ant, an egg, an umbrella
terbilang tunggal yg berawalan
huruf vokal an honor, an eight-letter word, an
 Sebelum benda honest man
terbilang tunggal yg berawalan
huruf konsonan tapi dilafalkan
Sedangkan the digunakan baik sebelum singular dan plural count nouns maupun uncount nouns. The disebut definite article
karena merujuk kepada orang/sesuatu yang disebutkan sebelumnya, atau kepada seseorang/sesuatu yang spesifik. Example: Jajang
has borrowed a book from the school library. The book is about the history of prophet’s companions.
Berikut ini kegunaan the secara umum:
Usage (cara penggunaan) Examples
 Sebelum benda the book on the table
terbilang tunggal the seats in the classroom
 Sebelum benda the milk in the bottle
terbilang jamak
 Sebelum benda tak
dan kegunaan the secara spesifik:
Usage (cara penggunaan) Examples
 Merujuk kepada I know the captain of that team.
seseorang/sesuatu dalam suatu SBY is the president of Indonesia.
kelompok The sun is very hot today.
The Mustafas (the family of
 Sebelum proper nouns Mustafa) is coming to visit us.
merujuk kpd sekelompok orang the rich, the young, the Sundanese
 Sebelum adjectives
merujuk kpd sekelompok satu jenis
 Sebelum proper nouns
merujuk kpd tempat, for examples: the Cimanuk, the Thames
1. Rivers the Suez Canal, the Panama Canal
2. Canals the strait of Sunda Kalapa
3. Straits the Atlantic Ocean
4. Oceans the Java Sea, the Red Sea
5. Seas the Persian Gulf
6. Gulfs the Thousand Islands
7. Group of the Bukit Barisan, the Himalayas
islands the Republic of Indonesia,
8. Mountain the United Kingdom
ranges the Netherlands, the Philippines
9. Countries the North Pole, the Middle East,
mencakup kata- republic/kingdom the Far East, the South Garut
10. Countries yg
berbentuk jamak
11. Regions of the Western Australia, Northern
world mencakup kata-kata England, Southern Garut
north,south,east,west Mount Guntur, Cikuray mountain,
Lake Bagendit, Cangkuang Lake
Note: the tdk digunakan untuk
 Sebelum tempat yang
diawali southern, western, eastern,
 Sebelum proper nouns of
mountains or lakes

Setelah anda mengenal sekilas tentang kegunaan articles tersebut, cobalah kerjakan latihan berikut ini:
Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.
1. It is not easy to learn ….foreign language, especially if…language construction is quite different from our own.
2. This is … story of … seeker of Truth, …story of Salman …Persian, who was stuffed with knowledge and wisdom - …
ocean that does not dry up.
3. Salman had … knowledge of both …Christian scriptures and … Quran in addition to his earlier knowledge of
….Zoroastrian religion.
Para pembaca yang budiman, berikut sebuah e-mail dan sepucuk surat dari dua kawan Let’s Communicate In English readers
(“LUCIE Readers”) kita.
How To Master Spoken English
Assalamu’alaikum Kang Iim. I am a student of senior high school at Garut. Actually I come from Pameungpeuk. I now live in Garut in order to
continue my study. Among the lessons I have at school, I like English language very much. My problem is although I can understand every
questions in English given to me, but I cannot answer orally. My ability in writing is much better than my speaking ability. Now I want to be able
to communicate orally. It is quite difficult for me to speak. What can I do to improve my speaking? Thank you very much.
Wa’alaikum salaam wa Rahmatulloh…
Dear ,
If you want to be able to write well, you must train yourself to write, and read a lot as well. In the same way, if you want to be
capable of speaking English well, you must train yourself to do it again and again. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Remember
that to err is human, nobody is perfect, and those who never make mistakes never do anything. Reading ”Let’s Communicate in
English” regularly might also improve your knowledge in English - insya Alloh. Again, remember that practice makes perfect.
May Alloh bless you, amen. Wassalam.
Frustration Because Of Academic Failure
Dear Kang Iim,
I finished my studies at a Senior High School (an SMA Negeri in Garut), majoring in Language Program (Japanese and English) about two
months ago. I lost my motivation to study because I was not accepted when I enrolled at English Department of UPI Bandung. In fact, I studied
English hard at the SMAN. Now I cannot sleep at night, thinking about my failure. I’m frustrated. I really want to continue my study. What should
I do to achieve my goal?
TIA, Karangpawitan.
Dear TIA,
I understand that failing a test can be frustrating. But it’s also a challenge to do better in the future. And surrendering yourself
unresistingly to sleepless nights is certainly not a solution. What you have to do is to realize that your English is quite excellent,
then keep working harder to improve it. Learning English to achieve your goal doesn’t absolutely depend on where you study, but
how deep your interest is. You can continue your study at other university where you live now. Your success is greatly influenced
by your “NIAT”(intention). May Alloh-al’Aalim bless you, amen.
Kang Iim berharap para pembaca dapat membantu dua kawan kita tersebut, yaitu, khususnya berupa
strategi belajar atau pengalaman belajar berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris, begitu pula your suggestion untuk TIA di Karangpawitan.
Kirimkan ke redaksi Garoet Pos Jl.Pasundan 109 atau via
“O you who believe! Do your duty to Alloh and fear Him. And seek the means of approach to Him, and strive hard in His Cause
(as much as you can), so that you may be successful.” The Holy Quran, Al-Maidah:35.
Wallohu A’lamu bil-Showwab.

...‫( السـ ــلما عليكم‬Peace be unto you) th

6 Edition
Asuhan:Kang Iim, cc
‫صراط المستقيم‬ ‫ – اهدناّال ر‬Guide us to the Straight Way.(Guidance is of two kinds: A. Guidance of al- Taufiq and it is totally from Alloh SWT, i.e. Alloh SWT opens one’s heart to
receive the truth- from disbelief to Belief in Islam. B. Guidance of al-Irsyad through preaching by Alloh SWT’s Messengers and pious preachers who preach the truth of Islam)
‫ – صراط الرذين انعمت عليهم غيرالمغضوب عليهم ولال ر‬The way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace¹, not the way of those
who earned Your Anger², nor of those who went astray³. ¹) i.e. the way of the Prophets, the Shiddiqun, the Martyrs, and the Righteous. (see Q.S.An-Nisaa:69) ²+³) al-
Maghdlub is the Jews, and al-Dloollin is the Christians. (for further reference, see The Hadits quoted by At-Tirmidzi and Musnad Abu Dawud)

Dear “LUCIE” readers…

Pada hari Jum’at 5 Sya’ban 1426 H (09/09/05), At-Tamam Foundation (Islamic Propagation Center) phone: 238917 Cipanas
Tarogongkaler dikunjungi Mr. Hassan Bin Mahmood Odeh beserta rombongan dalam acara Sillaturrahim. He is an English man.
Anda dapat ber-correspondence, melalui : P.O. Box 1213, Slough SL2 5LS, England, Fax:+00 44 1753 692866, E-Mail: Kang Iim bersyukur dapat berjumpa dengan beliau meskipun sebentar namun bisa berkomunikasi dalam
bahasa Inggris.
“LUCIE” readers merasa cukup terkejut mengetahui an Englishman namely Hassan? Certainly not. Because we also know Mr.
Yusuf Islam (his former name was CAT STEVEN, an outstanding rock singer in 1970s).
Berikut adalah artikel Mr.Hassan dalam buletin AT-TAQWA, Issue 42, Year 15, 1/6/1425(18.7.04), yang Kang Iim terima dari Kang
Haryadi at Rancamaya Tarogongkidul. Dan kitapun dapat memperoleh buletin tersebut melalui akses website:
“O People! I have become your Guardian but I am not better than you. If you find that I am in the right, then support me. And if
This is the youmost important
find that I amspeech delivered
in the wrong, by in
put me thethe
first Muslim
right. Obey meCaliph (Khalifah),
as long as I upholdSayyid AbuofBakr
the Rule AllohAl-Shiddique
over you. But ifRA (May Alloh
I disobey
be pleased Alloh,
with him)
then Ion his the
forfeit election asrule.
right to a successor
Indeed toto me,the
is the weakestSAW(peace andamongst
(the aggrieved) blessingyou
upon him) to
I return onhim
01/03/11 H(28/05/632) to lead
his rights. And the weakesttheisMuslim Ummah
the strongest (Nation). Inamongst
(the transgressor) it he has laid Idown,
you until for from
take away the him
guidance of ofthe
the rights theMuslim
others. I Ruler
(Guardian)say andthis
seek thebasic rules from
forgiveness of conduct and
Alloh for areas
myself andoffor
you. in such an effective and concise way that even the
Western Democracies now have much to learn from it.
There are certain characteristics required of a Muslim ruler; they are the ones of the Prophet as stated in the Quran, Sura At-Taubah,
verse no.128:
“Verily, a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) has come unto you amongst yourselves who grieves over your hardships and cares that no
harm is done to you and is empathetic and kind to the believers”
Hence, the ruler, according to the above verse, is and has to be one of the believers and has within him the soft touch for the
ummah and extreme care for the indivisible unity of the ummah, its resources, safety and dignity. No one may be elected to be a
Ruler if he has no such characteristics. If one is elected as Abu Bakr RA was, he is still no better than the rest of the believers.
However, he has come to implement the Rule of Alloh SWT for the benefit of Muslims. It has been explained further by the Hadits
of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that believers are brothers supporting and strengthening each other.
The Prophet SAW said: “A Believer is linked to another believer like a building, each supporting and strengthening the other .”(The Prophet
then intertwined the fingers of both hands.)
The Prophet SAW also said: ”A Believer in his relationship of kindness and support with another Believer is like one body; if one part of it is
ill, the other parts also suffer in sleeplessness and fever. ”
Islam shows to mankind the best of human rights, so people will learn better by Guidance of Islam than by blindly following the
West, which has so far resulted in nothing but unending misery for many people in the world.
Demikian, semoga artikel Mr.Hassan bin Mahmood Odeh tersebut dapat menggugah dan men”tajdid” keimanan kita dan bisa
teraplikasikan dalam aktifitas kehidupan sehari-hari, Aamiin.
“LUCIE” readers….
Seperti biasa, Kang Iim menantikan your respond, opinion, comment, and so forth. Kirim ke redaksi Garoet Pos
Jl.Pasundan 109 Garut atau via e-mail: cc :
Berikut sedikit tanggapan tapi sarat makna dari Kang M. Rakhmat di Cimanganten Tarogongkaler; “ Garut people –particularly
bureaucracy- should come back to ethics so as to get thousands or even millions of Abu Bakr brought about thorough going-changes and real
reform in our life. We are leaders at least at our home, aren’t we.”
Untuk, Adik2 di SMAN 2 Tarogongkidul, Kang Idham di Warungpeuteuy Banyuresmi,,, Adik Deayu cs (Latin=cum suis / and associates), Kang Budiman di
Sanding, Kang Suherman di HUMAS Pemkab Garut, Kang Farid di Rengganis, Kang Aay di PDAM, Kang Diar di Jl.Proklamasi,
Kang May di Cisewu, Kang Uus di Pameungpeuk, Kang Kusna di Otista, Kang Maqbul di Margamulya, Kang Teddy di
Malangbong (Don’t be suspicious, buddy.), Adik Dadang di Sukawening, dan seluruh “LUCIE” readers …Thanks for your
supports, and keep joining our beloved forum.
Pada edisi kali ini muqodimah “LUCIE” merupakan ayat-ayat terakhir Surat ke-1:Al-Fatihah (The Opening), dan -insya Alloh kita
akan teruskan dengan ayat-ayat permulaan Surat ke-2:Al-Baqarah (The Cow) for the following issues. Tidak lupa dipertengahan
bulan Sya’ban 1426 H (Nishfu Sya’ban) ini kita berdo’a:
‫ آمــي‬- ّ‫الملهّمم سملمّنا لرمضان وسملم رمضان لنا وسملمّه ممنا متقمبل‬
“O, our Lord. Save us for the coming Ramadlan, and save the Ramdlan for us, and save it of us as our best reward, Aameen”
Due to our happiness, we welcome the coming Ramadlan 1426H. May Alloh SWT at all times confine us within the folds of His
Grace, Bounty, Love and Mercy, and keep us within the boundaries of Truth, Wisdom, Reasoning, Understanding and Faith,
“O you who believe! Observing as-Shaum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you
may become al-Muttaquun (the pious).” The Noble Quran Surah Al-Baqarat (The Cow):183.
“LUCIE” readers…
‫ آمــي‬-‫امنال وامنااليه راجعون – امللهّمم اغفرله وارحه وعفه وعف عنه‬
pada tgl 8 Agustus 2005 lalu, telah wafat pada usia 87 tahun, seorang Ulama besar, seorang Da’i Islam global, Syeikh Ahmed
Deedat, pendiri organisasi da’wah Islam terbesar di dunia, Islamic Propagation Center International (IPCI), 4th floor, 124 Queen
Street, Ph:027-34 3060026/7 Durban 4001 Republic of South Africa, (short biography-nya insya Alloh pada edisi berikutnya
Wallohu-a’lamu bil-Showwab.

...‫السـ ــلما عليكم‬ (Peace be unto you) 7

“I seek refuge with Alloh from Satan, the cursed one.” i-
“In the Name of Alloh, The Beneficent, The Merciful.” ii-
(1)“ALIF-LAAM-MIIM” [These letters are one of the miracles of the QUR’AN and none but Alloh(alone) knows their meanings] iii-
(2)“This is the Book(the QUR’AN), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Al-Muttaquun. iv-
[the pious and righteous persons who fear Alloh much, and love Alloh much as well.]

“LUCIE” readers… Seperti yang telah Kang Iim janjikan pada edisi lalu, berikut adalah biografi singkat Al-Marhum
Ustadz AHMED HOOSEN DEEDAT yang wafat pada tgl 8 Agustus 2005 lalu diusia ke-87 tahun. Beliau seorang
Ulama besar, Da’i Islam global, pendiri organisasi da’wah Islam terbesar di dunia, Islamic Propagation Center
International (IPCI). Sepuluh tahun lalu, tepatnya 9 Rajab 1416 H(02-12-1995) Kang Iim menerima kiriman dari beliau
berupa 2 buah buku hardcover “THE CHOICE, vol. I and II” dan 2 buah THE HOLY QUR’AN-English translation and
commentary. Semoga Alloh SWT melimpahkan pahala besar atas ‘amal sholeh dan perjuangan beliau semasa
In Memorial : al-Ustadz AHMED DEEDAT, passed away in August,8,2005, at the age of 87s.
Born in the Surat district of India in 1918, Ahmed Hoosen Deedat had no recollection of of his father until 1926. His father, a tailor, by profession
had emigrated to South Africa shortly after the birth of Ahmed Deedat. With no formal education and fighting off the extreme pangs of poverty, he
went to South Africa in 1927 to be with his father. His farewell to his mother in India in 1972 was the last time he saw her alive for she passed
away a few months later. In a foreign land, a boy of nine with no formal schooling and command of English language began preparing for the
role he was to play decades later without realizing it.
In 1936, he worked at a Muslim owned store near Christian seminary on the Natal South Coast. The incessant insults of the trainee missionaries
hurled against Islam during their brief visits to the store infused a stubborn flame of desire within the young man to counteract their false
propaganda. As fate would have it, Ahmed Deedat discovered by pure chance a book entitled IZHARUL-HAQ (“The Truth Revealed”). The book-
particularly- the idea of holding debates had a profound effect on him. Armed with this new found zeal, Ahmed Deedat purchased his first Bible
and began holding debates and discussions with the trainee missionaries. The successes spurred Ahmed Deedat in the direction of Islamic
Da’wah. He immersed himself into a host of activities over the next three decades. He conducted classes on Bible studies and gave numerous
lectures all over the world and successfully engaged Christian Evangelists in public debates so that several thousand people have come into the
fold of Islam as a result of the efforts, established the As-Salaam (an institute to train propagators of Islam). He was a founder member of Islamic
Propagation center International (IPCI) and became its president. He published hundreds of books and distributed millions of copies free of
charge. In a fitting tribute to this monumental achievement, he was awarded the King Faisal International award in 1986, a prestigious
recognition of enormous value in the world of Islam. May Alloh SWT bless him and the ones to follow and all his efforts for the glory of Islam.
excerpted from “THE CHOICE”

“LUCIE” readers…
Kembali mengirim e-mail, ia menyarankan agar Kang Iim memuat short history of the
Prophet Muhammad SAW and His companions (Shahabat) di rubrik ini. Thanks to ibn_jundy86 for his suggestion will
be our consideration for the next issues-insyaAlloh.
Untuk Adik2 di SMAN 2 Tarogongkidul, Kang Wowo di Bale Endah, Kang Idham di Warungpeuteuy Banyuresmi,,, Adik Deayu cs (Latin, cum suis=and associates), Kang
Budiman di Sanding, Kang Suherman di HUMAS Pemkab Garut, Kang Farid di Rengganis, Kang Aay di PDAM, Kang
Diar di Jl.Proklamasi, Kang May di Cisewu, Kang Uus di Pameungpeuk, Kang Maqbul di Margamulya, Kang Teddy di
Malangbong (Don’t be suspicious, buddy.), Adik Dadang di Sukawening, dan seluruh “LUCIE” readers …Thanks for
your supports, and keep joining our beloved forum.
“LUCIE” readers…tinggal beberapa hari lagi bulan Ramadlan yang penuh Berkah dan Rahmat Alloh SWT akan
menemui kita, dan semoga kita dipertemukan Alloh SWT untuk meraih kemenangan sejati dibulan Ramadlan nanti,
“O, our Lord. Save us for the coming Ramadlan, and save the Ramdlan for us, and save it of us as our best rewards, Aameen”.
“O you who believe! Observing as-Shaum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you
may become al-Muttaquun (the pious).” The Noble Quran Surah Al-Baqarat (The Cow):183.

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