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DA ao a CCARTALDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ISLAMABAD thegreencity New Era of Development in CDA Capital Development Authority 3 al SALIENT oullay af the budge ‘ious finanetal 1] The to than pe al year (2012-13] ancial year (2011-12), in] Toral Receipe: fo be RS 29.861 2 1M) during which is 23% higher than the estimated receipts of previous 2 antici However. Estimated Receipts (2012-13) are based om the assumption ef relevant formations such as Planning, Es ement-l & I, Revenue, DMA, PMO ete pated specified time frame that shall b available t Chairman CDA & Member Pinance sumated Lo be Rs 113% Ingher tha Budget (2012-13) 21 (2012-13) tui] The Develom outlay of Bud 57% of to budyet estimates (2011-12) 5.05 MI which] 12-13) and 26% higher than the last financial] 10) The Non-Development Budy is 43% of total eutlay of Buds year's estimates, [BO 12-13y is estimared to be Rs (2 mn pay & miment in the National] VA sum of Rs $140 (MY has been alloc allowanees” ancl “pension” as : Budget (2012-131 by the Fede VII] Temp cam provision amountin mv + Rov dv | hal Rs 781 484M} | ity charges mcity lari stag been made for expected rise in “u telephone ete VinfTT Nos new development projects hi we amount of Rs 2,245 (Mp is reserved u 98.20 ) DS << Fi 425.90 Municipal Bond. . Total BY: MM Total Receipt 1,690.63 1798,29 3488.91 3A 1.497.397 283181 20 Total Fj 1 Bevelapment 16,025.07 2_ Non Development 12,295.68 COMPARISON OF ALLOCATION FOR FINANCIAL VEAR 2011-12 AND 2012-13 Doxa ae 2011-12 Budget 2013-13 1 i) PSDP 1,690.63 ; SRT > TT iy Self Financing Ale 13,250.10) 21,423.90 ii} Revenue Ale. 4,066.67 AAS Municipal ond Total Expendi S000. 20,316.07 23,996, 16 169,39 " otal 1,690.63 1,798.29) a 1433444 1097, 2483181 28,320.72, Develupment Non Develapment TAT70.75 9,766.20 16.02 12,295,685 ESTIMATED SOURCES OF REVENUES 2012-15 cin tM si DESCREPTION Estimates [GOVERNMENT GRANTS: T[ Gran in Aue PSDP curry Bm a 2 [Grant in Aid iatenance A aT [B_ [CDA SOURCES /RECEIPI a) [Revere Ai T[Propeny Tay vr 2] Waster Chames s Has s}Munic Sion f Sanitaion x T]MPO (Oper, Da Hire Charges of Machinery Too 3) MicceTlancons Receipts sfinterest on Deposits mn TW] Transfer Fee of Plotsand Olher Allicd Receipes zoo Tot 468 lier Self Financing Wie. ol resilewtial & commecal plobsThrougl oo prepuce san Taal he Total "B": DEVELOPMEN’ UNDER EXPENDITUR 2012 - 2013 Rs. in WD Allocation si Description T_|Addition of irdand ah lane Kashmir Highway from Peshawar Mor te Golra Mor, ed 2 |Rehab: * Replacement of 32 at Pak Seett: Buildings, Ibd 3 [installation of Professional COTV System in th Talat 5 505] Parliamem House Building, tbd 1 [I AVG theilities by provid stallation For som Vist type uns PeLof Fire Alain system 3) PIL of COTW system procurement af spares for Lifls at Parliament House Building, hd 3” [Up-gradation * renovation of Pabhe Address, Simultaneous Te079} Lntenpretation and Automatic Vote Costing (PAY SIS | AWCY ISystem installed in the Senate Hall at Parliament House Building, thd © [Security nent at Parliament House, Ibd a a88) Construction of residential & non-residential accommodation 2a 102 for Police at Aiwan-e-Sadr. Id 8 [Construction of official restdence for Honourable Speaker T1650} National Assembly: in F-5/2, Ibe 9 [Construction of 16 Nos, Cat IV Wats for AGPR in G92, Ted Ta [Construction of adkhtional 104 Family suits, Ibe TT [Construction of 2nd Hanger (Pre-Engineering Stecl Structure} TO (Heliport, Ihe Tz [Construction of Charah Di Son On 1.6901.629) DEVELOPMENT DITL UNDER SELF FINANCE ACCOUNT 2012.13 Rs in (MI Budget Se Wing Estimates 223 TA MOM sre am NGINEER NWIKONE ADMINISTRATION Y PLANNING & DESIGN SUT UNFORESEEN Tif sew PRIGKIE Y PROJECTS Ba1kIn c Toul TSH Prange FA Membe Meer (nee) = \ aamin Lamp Sum Ponsa ‘TS UNDER SELF FINANC 2012-13 NEW PRIORITY PROJE CHEM Rs in (My ption Allocation Dualization of SRW} PIT 2 [Consiruction of Khaya Targallah Grom GT Road i D-lZ 7 [Construction of over head pedestrian bridges at various locations im Islamabad 4 [Construction of 1th Avenue from Kashmir Highway to Khayabanee Iqbal (Pra 5_ [Construction of pedestrian under passes in Ivamabad 6 [Construction of 2nd earriaeway of SRES). H 7_[Extension of 1-9 Railway Track up t Faisal Avenue 8_[Develoy Marka De12 )_ [Development of Sector E12 T [Const of 6000 fats including infrastructure Development of Sector -15 S00 00 Islamabad Miro Bus Services i 0 Total: 2245.00) NON-DEVELOPMENT iM) SH jocation Salary HS 35 2 [Allowances of gazetted Employ 3809] 3__|Salaries of Non gazetted Emplo L125 90] [Allowances of n Ex L810 d5| § [Other Salaries amd W Ta Admin & General Expel 3221 2a Repair & Maintenance 5024 Advances Ton Foramitied wn-fore ems. 1000-90] Ine 1 Pay & Pensiom 300 Work don: M 1000 T0497, 4 Government Grant DP 1,690.63 Se Particulars Estimates 2012-13 i) PSDP 1,690.63 143444 10,497.37 Total: 2483181 28,3207 1 Development Expendi 2 Non Development Exp

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